




1 Наконецъ было сказано Моисею: взойди къ Іеговј, ты и Ааронъ, Надавъ и Авіудъ и семьдесятъ изъ старјйшинъ Израилевыхъ, и поклонитесь издали.

2 Моисей одинъ пусть приближится къ Іеговј: а они чтобъ не приближались, и народъ чтобъ не восходилъ съ нимъ.

3 И пришелъ Моисей, и пересказалъ народу всј слова Іеговы, и всј законы: и отвјчалъ весь народъ въ одинъ голосъ, и сказали: все, что сказалъ Іегова, сдјлаемъ.

4 И написалъ Моисей всј слова Іеговы, и вставъ поутру рано, поставилъ подъ горою жертвенникъ, и двјнадцать камней, по числу двјнадцати колјнъ Израилевыхъ.

5 И послалъ юношей изъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ, и принесли всесожженія, и заклали тельцевъ въ благодарственную жертву Іеговј.

6 Моисей, взявъ половину крови, влилъ въ чаши, а другую половину крови вылилъ на жертвенникъ.

7 И взялъ книгу завјта, и прочиталъ вслухъ народу, и сказали: все, что сказалъ Іегова, сдјлаемъ, и будемъ послушны.

8 И взялъ Моисей крови, и окропилъ народъ, говоря: вотъ кровь завјта, который Іегова заключилъ съ вами о всјхъ словахъ сихъ.

9 Потомъ Моисей и Ааронъ, Надавъ и Авіудъ, и семьдесятъ изъ старјйшинъ Израилевыхъ взошли,

10 и увидјли Бога Израилева; подъ ногами Его нјчто подобное работј изъ чистаго сапфира, подобное самому ясному небу.

11 И Онъ не простеръ руки Своей на избранныхъ изъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ: они видјли Бога, и јли, и пили.

12 Іегова сказалъ Моисею: взойди ко Мнј на гору и будь тамъ: и дамъ тебј скрижали каменныя, и законъ, и заповјди, которыя Я написалъ для наученія ихъ.

13 И всталъ Моисей съ Іисусомъ, служителемъ своимъ, и пошелъ Моисей на гору Божію.

14 А старјйшинамъ сказалъ: оставайтесь здјсь, пока мы не возвратимся къ вамъ; вотъ Ааронъ и Оръ съ вами; кто будетъ имјть дјло, пусть приходитъ къ нимъ.

15 И взошелъ Моисей на гору; и покрыло облако гору.

16 И слава Іеговы почивала на горј Синај, и покрывало ее облако шесть дней: а въ седьмый день Онъ воззвалъ къ Моисею изъ среды облака.

17 Видъ же славы Іеговы на вершинј горы въ очахъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ былъ подобенъ огню поядающему.

18 Моисей вступилъ въ средину облака, и взошелъ на гору; и былъ Моисей на горј сорокъ дней и сорокъ ночей.




Arcana Coelestia#9411



9411. 'And they saw God' means faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'seeing God' as being endowed with intelligence and faith. 'Seeing' in the internal sense means seeing in a spiritual manner, and seeing in a spiritual manner implies seeing with the gift of faith; this is why 'seeing' in the Word means having faith, 2325, 3863, 3869, 4403-4421, 5400, 6805, 9128. The reason why they saw the God of Israel, that is, the Lord, is that in a broad sense the laws declared from Mount Sinai mean the Word in its entirety, and the Word is Divine Truth from the Lord, which deals in its highest sense with the Lord alone. All this being so, those who receive enlightenment when they read the Word see the Lord; they do so because of the faith and the love they have. They see Him solely in the Word and in no other writing whatever. From this it is evident why Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders saw Him. The fact that these saw Him and not the children of Israel who had been set apart is evident from the preceding verses 9 and 10, which say, 'Moses and Aaron went up, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel. And they saw the God of Israel', and the present verse says, 'And on the children of Israel who had been set apart He did not lay a hand'. The reason why the former saw God and not the latter was that 'Moses and Aaron' represented the Word in respect of its inward and outward senses, 9374, 'Nadab and Abihu' teachings derived from both senses, 9375, and 'the seventy elders' all who are governed by good which results from truths received from there, 9376, 9404, whereas 'the children of Israel who had been set apart' represented those who are restricted to the outward sense of the Word, separated from the inward.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.