




1 Пою Іеговј: ибо Онъ высоко превознесся, Коня и всадника его ввергнулъ въ море.

2 Богъ, хвала моя, и пјснь, и сдјлался моимъ Спасителемъ; Онъ Богъ мой, и прославлю Его; Богъ отца моего, и превознесу Его.

3 Іегова мужъ брани, Іегова имя Ему.

4 Колесницы Фараоновы и силу его ввергнулъ Онъ въ море, и избранные военачальники его погрязли въ морј Чермномъ,

5 Бездны покрыли ихъ; Они пошли въ глубину, какъ камень.

6 Десница Твоя, Іегова, прославилась силою; Десница Твоя, Іегова, сразила врага.

7 Превосходствомъ величія Твоего Ты низложилъ возставшихъ противъ Тебя. Ты пустилъ ярость Твою, и она попалила ихъ, какъ солому.

8 Отъ гнјвнаго дуновенія Твоего восхолмились воды, Влага стала горою, Огустјли пучины въ сердцј моря.

9 Врагъ сказалъ: погонюсь, настигну, раздјлю добычу; Насытится ими душа моя, Обнажу мечъ мой, Истребитъ ихъ рука моя.

10 Ты дунулъ духомъ Твоимъ, покрыло ихъ море. Они погрузились, какъ свинецъ, въ сильныхъ водахъ.

11 Кто какъ Ты, Іегова, между богами? Кто, какъ Ты, величественъ святостію: Досточтимъ хвалами, Творецъ чудесъ?

12 Ты простеръ десницу Твою; Земля пожрала ихъ.

13 Ты ведешь милостію Твоею народъ сей, Тобою избавленный. Провождаешь силою Твоею въ жилище святыни Твоей.

14 Народы слышатъ, трепещутъ: Ужасъ объялъ жителей Палестины,

15 Мятутся князи Эдомовы, вождей Моавитскихъ объялъ трепетъ, Уныли всј жители Ханана.

16 Страхъ и ужасъ напалъ на нихъ, Отъ величія мышцы Твоей они онјмјли, какъ камень, Тогда какъ проходитъ народъ Твой, Іегова, Тогда какъ проходитъ народъ сей, Тобою пріобрјтенный.

17 Ты введешь его и насадишь его на горј наслјдія Твоего, На мјстј, которое Ты содјлалъ Себј жилищемъ, Іегова, Во святнлищј, которое создали руки Твои, Господи.

18 Іегова будетъ царствовать во вјкъ и въ вјчность.

19 Ибо вошли кони Фараоновы съ колесницами его и съ всадниками его въ море, но Іегова обратилъ на нихъ воды морскія; а сыны Израилевы прошли по сушј среди моря.

20 И взяла Маріамъ пророчица, сестра Ааронова, въ руку свою тимпанъ, и въ слјдъ ея шли всј женщины съ тимпанами и съ ликованіемъ.

21 И воспјла Маріамъ въ соотвјтствіе сынамъ Израилевымъ: Пойте Іеговј, ибо Онъ высоко превознесся, Коня и всадника его ввергнулъ въ море.

22 Потомъ повелъ Моисей Израиля отъ Чермнаго моря, и они вступили въ пустыню Суръ; и шли три дня пустынею, и не находили воды.

23 Пришли въ Мерру; и не могли пить воды въ Меррј, ибо она была горька: отъ сего и наречено тому мјсту имя: Мерра.

24 И возропталъ народъ на Моисея, говоря: что намъ пить?

25 Моисей возопилъ ко Іеговј, и показалъ ему Іегова дерево, которое онъ бросилъ въ воду. и вода сдјлаласъ сладкою. Тамъ Богъ далъ народу уставъ и законъ, и тамъ испытывалъ его,

26 и сказалъ: если ты будешь постоянно слушать гласа Іеговы, Бога твоего, и поступать праведно предъ очами Его и внимать заповјди Его, и соблюдешь всј уставы Его; то не наведу на тебя ни одной изъ болјзней, кои навелъ Я на Египтянъ, ибо Я Іегова врачъ твой.

27 И пришли въ Елимъ; тамъ было двјнадцать источниковъ водныхъ и семьдесятъ финиковыхъ деревъ; и тамъ при водахъ расположились станомъ.




Arcana Coelestia#643



643. As for the meaning itself of these expressions - that 'planks of gopher' means lusts and 'rooms' the two parts of this man - this becomes clear from the Word. Gopher is a wood full of sulphur, as is the fir and others of that group. It is on account of the sulphur in it that it is said to mean lusts, for it catches fire easily. The most ancient people compared and likened those elements that exist with man to gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone, and wood, his inmost celestial to gold, the lower celestial to bronze, and the lowest or bodily descending from this to wood, while the inmost spiritual they compared and likened to silver, the lower spiritual to iron, and the lowest degree of it to stone. When those objects are mentioned in the Word these are the things meant by them in the internal sense, as in Isaiah,

Instead of bronze I will bring gold, and instead of iron I will bring silver, and instead of wood, bronze, and instead of stones, iron. And I will make peace your assessment and righteousness your tax-collectors. Isaiah 60:17.

This refers to the Lord's kingdom in which no such metals exist, but instead celestial and spiritual elements. It is quite clear that the latter are meant because of the reference to peace' and 'righteousness'. Here, gold, bronze, and wood correspond to one another and mean celestial elements or those belonging to the will, as has been stated. Silver, iron, and stone also correspond to one another, and mean spiritual elements or those belonging to the understanding.

[2] In Ezekiel,

They will spoil your riches, they will despoil your merchandise, your stones and your timbers. Ezekiel 26:12.

It is quite clear that 'riches' and 'merchandise' do not mean material riches and merchandise, but celestial and spiritual ones. So also 'stones' and 'timbers' - 'stones' being things of the understanding and 'timbers' those of the will. In Habakkuk,

The stone cries out from the wall, and the beam out of the woodwork answers back. Habakkuk 2:11.

'Stone' stands for the lowest degree of the understanding, and 'wood' for the lowest degree of the will, which answers back when anything is drawn from sensory knowledge. In the same prophet,

Woe to him who says to a piece of wood, Awake! or to a dumb stone, Arise, this will teach! Behold, this is bound in gold and silver, and there is no spirit 1 at all in the midst of it. But Jehovah is in His holy temple. Habakkuk 2:19-20.

Here also 'wood' stands for evil desire, 'stone' for the lowest degree of the understanding, and therefore 'being dumb' and 'teaching' are used in reference to that stone. 'No spirit in the midst of it' means that it represents nothing celestial or spiritual, like a temple in which there is stone and wood, overlaid with gold and silver, existing with people who give no thought to what those things represent.

[3] In Jeremiah,

Our waters we drink for silver, our timbers come for a price. Lamentations 5:4.

Here 'waters' and 'silver' mean things of the understanding, 'timbers' those of the will. In the same prophet,

Who say to wood, You are my father; and to a stone, You gave birth to us. Jeremiah 2:27.

Here 'wood' stands for desire which belongs to the will, from which there is conception, and 'stone' for sensory knowledge, from which there is birth. All through the Prophets therefore 'serving wood and stone' stands for images carved out of wood or stone, which means that people were slaves to evil desires and to delusions. The Prophets also speak of 'committing adultery with wood and stone', as in Jeremiah 3:9. In Hosea,

The people inquire of their piece of wood, and their staff makes declaration to them, for the spirit of whoredom has led them astray. Hosea 4:12.

This stands for their inquiring of a wooden image, or evil desires. In Isaiah,

The tophet has been prepared since yesterday. Its pyre is fire and much wood; the breath of Jehovah is like a stream of burning brimstone. Isaiah 30:33.

Here 'fire', brimstone', and 'wood' stand for filthy desires.

[4] In general 'wood' means those elements which constitute the lowest parts of the will. Precious kinds of wood, such as cedar and so on, mean elements that are good - for example, the cedar timbers in the Temple, or the cedarwood used in cleansing leprosy, Leviticus 14:4, 6-7, or the wood cast into the bitter waters at Marah, by which the waters were made sweet, Exodus 15:25. These in the Lord's Divine mercy will be dealt with in their proper places. Non-precious kinds of wood however, also those which were made into images, and those that were used for a pyre as well, and the like, mean evil desires, as do planks of gopher here on account of the brimstone or sulphur in them. As in Isaiah,

The day of Jehovah's vengeance - her streams will be turned into pitch, and her dust into brimstone, and her land will become burning pitch. Isaiah 34:8-9.

'Pitch' stands for dreadful delusions, 'brimstone' for filthy desires.


1. or breath


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.