




1 И говорилъ Іегова Моисею, и сказалъ:

2 скажи сынамъ Израилевымъ, чтобъ они обратились и расположились станомъ предъ Пигахироѕомъ, между Мигдоломъ и между моремъ, предъ Ваал-Цефономъ, насупротивъ его поставьте станъ у моря.

3 И скажетъ Фараонъ о сынахъ Израилевыхъ: они заблудились въ землј сей, заперла ихъ пустыня.

4 А Я ожесточу сердце Фараона, и онъ погонится за ними; и покажу славу Мою надъ Фараономъ и надъ всею силою его: и узнаютъ Египтяне, что Я Іегова. Такъ и сдјлали.

5 Царю Египетскому донесено было, что народъ бјжалъ; и обратилось сердце Фараона и рабовъ его противъ народа сего, и они сказали: что это мы сдјлали, зачјмъ отпустили Израилътянъ изъ рабства нашего?

6 Фараонъ впрягъ колесницу свою, и народъ свой взялъ съ собою.

7 И взялъ шестьсотъ колесницъ отборныхъ и всј колесницы Египетскія, и начальниковъ надъ всјми ими.

8 И ожесточилъ Іегова сердце Фараона, царя Египетскаго, и онъ погнался за сынами Израилевыми, сыны же Израилевы шли подъ рукою высокою.

9 И погнались за ними Египтяне, всј кони конницы Фараоновой, и всадники его, и вся сила его, и настигли ихъ расположившихся у моря, при Пигахироѕј предъ Ваал-Цефономъ.

10 Фараонъ приближался, и сыны Израилевы возвели очи свои, и вотъ, Египтяне идутъ въ слјдъ ихъ: и весьма устрашились, и возопили сыны Израилевы къ Іеговј;

11 и говорили Моисею: развј нјтъ гробовъ въ Египтј, что ты привелъ насъ умирать въ пустынј? что это ты сдјлалъ съ нами, выведши насъ изъ Египта?

12 Не сіе ли самое говорили мы тебј въ Египтј: оставь насъ, пусть мы работаемъ Египтянамъ? Ибо лучше намъ быть въ рабствј у Египтянъ, нежели умереть въ пустынј.

13 Но Моисей сказалъ народу: не бойтесь, стойте, и вы увидите спасеніе Іеговы, которое Онъ явитъ вамъ нынј; ибо Египтянъ, которыхъ видите вы нынј, уже не увидите вјчно.

14 Іегова будетъ сражаться, за васъ, а вы молчите.

15 И сказалъ Іегова Моисею: что ты вопіешь ко Мнј? скажи сынамъ Израилевымъ, чтобъ они шли.

16 А ты подними посохъ твой и простри руку твою на море, и разсјки его, и пройдутъ сыны Израилевы среди моря по сушј.

17 Я же ожесточу сердце Египтянъ, и они пойдутъ въ слјдъ за ними. И покажу славу Мою надъ Фараономъ и надъ всею силою его, надъ колесницами его и надъ всадниками его.

18 И узнаютъ Египтяне, что Я Іегова, когда покажу славу Мою надъ Фараономъ, надъ колесницами его, и надъ всадниками его.

19 И двигнулся Ангелъ Божій, шедшій предъ станомъ Израиля, и пошелъ позади ихъ, двигнулся и столпъ облачный, который былъ предъ ними, и сталъ позади ихъ.

20 И пошелъ между станомъ Египтянъ и между станомъ Израиля, и былъ облакомъ и мракомъ для однихъ, и освјщалъ ночь для, другихъ, и не сблизились одни съ другими во всю ночь.

21 И простеръ Моисей руку свою на море; и сильнымъ восточнымъ вјтромъ гналъ Іегова море во всю сію ночь, и сдјлалъ море сушею, и разступились воды.

22 И пошли сыны Израилевы среди моря по сушј: воды же были имъ стјною по правую и по лјвую сторону.

23 Египтяне погнались, и вошли за ними въ средину моря, всј кони Фараоновы, колесницы его и всадники его.

24 И было въ утреннюю стражу, воззрјлъ Іегова изъ столпа огнеенаго и облачнаго на станъ Египтянъ, и привелъ въ замјшательство станъ Египетскій,

25 и отнялъ колеса у колесницъ ихъ, такъ что они влекли ихъ съ трудомъ. И сказали Египтяне: побјжимъ отъ Израильтянъ, потому что Іегова сражается за нихъ противъ Египтянъ.

26 И сказалъ Іегова Моисею: простри руку твою на море, и обратятся воды на Египтянъ, на колесницы ихъ и всадниковъ ихъ.

27 И простеръ Моисей руку свою на море, и море возвратилось въ свое мјсто при наступленіи утра, а Египтяне бјжали на встрјчу водј. Такимъ образомъ Іегова погрузилъ Египтянъ среди моря.

28 Воды возвратились, и покрыли колесницы и всадниковъ всей силы Фараоновой, шедшихъ за ними по морю; не осталось ни одного изъ нихъ.

29 А сыны Израилевы прошли по сушј среди моря; воды имъ были стјною по правую и по лјвую сторону.

30 Такъ избавилъ Іегова въ день тотъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ изъ рукъ Египтянъ; и увидјлъ Израиль Египтянъ мертвыхъ на берегу моря.

31 И увидјлъ Израиль руку великую, которую явилъ Іегова надъ Египтянами, и убоялся народъ Іеговы, и ввјрились Іеговј и Моисею рабу Его. [ (Exodus 14:32) Тогда Моисей и сыны Израилевы воспјли Іеговј пјснь сію, говоря: ]




Arcana Coelestia#8215



8215. 'And He took off the wheels of his chariots' means that the power to advance falsities was taken away. This is clear from the meaning of 'taking off' as taking away; from the meaning of 'wheel' as the power to go forward, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'Pharaoh's chariots' as doctrinal teachings that uphold falsity, dealt with in 8146, 8148, thus as falsities. What 'wheel' means in the genuine sense may be recognized from the meaning of 'chariot'. There were two kinds of chariots 1 - those used to carry merchandise, and those used in battle. Chariots used for carrying merchandise served to mean doctrinal teachings that conveyed the truth, or in the contrary sense to mean those that conveyed falsity. Chariots used in battle likewise served to mean doctrinal teachings in either of those senses, but teachings involved in conflict. That is, they were used to mean actual truths or actual falsities lined up for conflict. From this one may see what 'a chariot wheel' is used to mean, namely the power to move forward, here to advance falsities and fight against truths. Since this power belongs to the understanding part of a person's mind, 'wheel' also means the understanding so far as matters of doctrine are concerned.

[2] In the next life chariots are frequently seen, laden with various kinds of merchandise; and these chariots differ from one another in outward appearance and size. When they are seen they serve to mean truths in their entirety, or doctrinal teachings, which are so to speak receptacles of truth, while their 'merchandise' serves to mean knowledge or cognitions that have different kinds of use. These things are seen in heaven when religious teachings are the object of conversation among angels. For since angels' conversation is incomprehensible to people who are below them, representatives are used to present it. To some it is presented, as has been stated, by means of chariots, which represent visually to them every single detail of the conversation; from that representation the contents of the conversation can be understood and seen in an instant. Some details are seen in the outward appearance of the chariot, some in its structure, some in its colour, some in its wheels, some in the horses pulling it, and others in the merchandise that the chariot is carrying. From these representatives springs the use of 'chariots' in the Word to mean doctrinal teachings.

[3] From all this one may in some measure be able to see that 'chariot wheels' means power that the understanding possesses; for just as a chariot is moved and sent forward by means of its wheels, so are the truths contained in doctrinal teachings sent into action by the power of understanding. This is also the meaning of 'wheels' in Isaiah,

Whose arrows are sharp, and all bows bent. His horses' hoofs are considered as flint, His wheels as the whirlwind. Isaiah 5:28.

This refers to one who lays truth waste, 'arrows' being falsities, and 'bows' false doctrine, 2686, 2709, while 'the hoofs' of the horses are the sensory knowledge belonging to perverted powers of understanding, 7729, 'wheels' powers to pervert and destroy truths, like a whirlwind.

[4] In Ezekiel,

I saw the living creatures, and behold, one wheel was on the earth with [each of] the living creatures, beside its four faces. The appearance of the wheels and their works were like a kind of tarshish, 2 and the four had the same likeness. In addition the appearance of them, and their works, was like a wheel in the middle of a wheel. They went along on four sides in the direction they went; they did not turn aside as they went. Their rims were so high that they were awesome; 3 in addition their rims were full of eyes round about all four of them. Thus when the living creatures went, the wheels went along with them. The spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. Ezekiel 1:15-21; 10:9-14.

The Lord's providence is meant by 'the four living creatures', which were cherubs, 308, and Divine intelligence, or foresight, by 'the wheels'. This is why it says that the wheels went along together with the living creatures, that their rims were full of eyes, and also that the spirit of the living creatures, which was the truth of wisdom, was in them.

[5] In Daniel,

I saw, until thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days was seated His clothing was white as snow, the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was flames of fire; His wheels were burning fire. Daniel 7:9.

'The Ancient of Days' here is the Lord in respect of Divine Goodness; 'the thrones' that were placed are falsities; 'His clothing' is God's truth in its outward appearance; 'the hair of His head' is God's goodness in its outward appearance; 'His throne' is heaven and the Church; 'His wheels' are forms of wisdom and intelligence, that is, God's truths, and 'burning fire' the flames of love and charity. Under the ten lavers around Solomon's temple there were also

Wheels of bronze. The workmanship of the wheels was like the workmanship of a chariot wheel; their axles, 4 and their rims 5 , and their tires, and their spokes were all of cast [bronze]. 1 Kings 7:30-33.

Those 'lavers' or stands served to mean the receptacles of truth by means of which a person is purified and regenerated. 'The wheels' served to mean the powers of understanding by means of which advances are made.


1. chariot is used here in the original sense of a wheeled vehicle, which served as a cart, or as a carriage, or as a car in ancient warfare.

2. Possibly beryl

3. literally, and they had height, and they had fear

4. literally, hands

5. literally, backs


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.