



1 Вотъ имена сыновъ Израилевыхъ, которые вошли въ Египетъ съ Іаковомъ, вошли каждый съ семействомъ своимъ:

2 Рувимъ, Симеонъ, Левій и Іуда,

3 Иссахаръ, Завулонъ и Веніаминъ,

4 Данъ и Нефѕалимъ, Гадъ и Асиръ.

5 Всјхъ же душъ, произшедшихъ отъ чреслъ Іакова, было семьдесятъ, а Іосифъ былъ уже въ Египтј.

6 Іосифъ умеръ и всј братья его и весь оный родъ;

7 а сыны Израилевы расплодились, размножились, возрасли и усилились чрезвычайно, и наполнилась ими страна та.

8 Между тјмъ возсталъ въ Египтј новый царь, который не зналъ Іосифа.

9 И сказалъ народу своему: вотъ, народъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ многочисленъ и сильнје насъ.

10 Ухитримся противъ него, чтобъ онъ не размножался, иначе, когда случится война, соединится и онъ съ нашими непріятелями, и вооружится противу насъ, и выйдетъ изъ сей земли.

11 Итакъ поставили надъ нимъ приставниковъ, чтобъ изнурять его тяжкими работами ихъ; и онъ построилъ Фараону Пиѕомъ и Раамсесъ, города для запасовъ.

12 Но чјмъ болје изнуряли его, тјмъ болје онъ умножался и тјмъ болје возрасталъ; такъ что опасалисъ сыновъ Израилевыхъ.

13 И потому Египтяне съ жестокостію принуждали сыновъ Израилевыхъ къ работамъ.

14 И дјлали жизнь ихъ горькою отъ тяжкой работы надъ глиною и кирпичами и отъ всякой работы полевой, отъ всякой работы, къ которой принуждали ихъ съ жестокостію.

15 Сверхъ того царь Египетскій повелјлъ повивальнымъ бабкамъ Евреянокъ, изъ коихъ одной имя Шифра, а другой фуа,

16 и сказалъ: когда вы будете повивать у Евреянокъ, то наблюдайте при родахъ: если будетъ сынъ, то умерщвляйте его; а если дочь, то пусть живетъ.

17 Но повивальныя бабки боялись Бога, и не дјлали такъ, какъ говорилъ имъ царь Египетскій: и оставляли дјтей въ живыхъ.

18 Царь Египетскій призвалъ повивальныхъ бабокъ, и сказалъ имъ: для чего вы дјлаете такое дјло, что оставляете дјтей въ живыхъ?

19 Повивальныя бабки сказали Фараону: Еврейскія женщины не такъ, какъ Египетскія; онј здоровы, - прежде нежели придетъ къ нимъ повивальная бабка, онј уже рождаютъ.

20 За сіе Богъ дјлалъ добро повивальнымъ бабкамъ; а народъ умножадся и весьма усиливался.

21 Такимъ образомъ, поелику повивальныя бабки боялись Бога, Богъ устроялъ семейства Евреямъ.

22 Наконецъ Фараонъ всему народу своему повелјлъ, говоря: всякаго у Евреевъ новорожденнаго сына бросайте въ рјку, а всякую дочь оставляйте въ живыхъ.



Arcana Coelestia#8805



8805. 'And Moses went down from the mountain to the people' means application and preparation by the truth from God, in order that truths may be received within good. This is clear from the meaning of 'going down' - when said of 'Moses', who represents the truth from God - as application and also preparation by that truth; from the representation of 'Moses' as the truth from God, dealt with in 8760, 8787, which also acts as an intermediary, 8787, thus which also prepares and applies; from the meaning of 'the mountain' as the Divine within heaven, thus heaven itself; and from the representation of 'the children of Israel' as those belonging to the spiritual Church, thus those guided by truth through which good comes, and governed by good from which truth springs, at this point good in which truths are to be received. It is important to know what is meant specifically by 'Mount Sinai' in this and subsequent chapters of the Book of Exodus, also what is represented by 'the people Israel', and what by 'Moses' as well.

[2] Specifically Mount Sinai means heaven, out of which truths flow in from the Lord. Consequently 'Jehovah came down onto that mountain' means His presence in heaven. And since heaven - in which Jehovah, that is, the Lord, is present - is meant by 'Mount Sinai', Divine Good united to Divine Truth there is also meant by it; for these are what make it heaven.

[3] But The People Israel beside this mountain represent the spiritual Church in respect of good in which the truths of faith are to be implanted. It has been shown already that those belonging to the spiritual Church pass through two states. The first is when they are led by means of truths to good, and the second state is when they are governed by good and consequently by truths. At this point the state is one when they are governed by good in which truths are to be implanted, which state is an intermediate state that comes between those first and second ones. The truths that are implanted within good are contained in those which were declared by the Lord from Mount Sinai and conveyed by Moses to the people.

[4] Moses in this and subsequent chapters represents the truth from God below heaven joined to God's truth in heaven. He therefore represents the intermediary between the Divine in heaven and the good in which truths are to be implanted, the spiritual Church's good, and so represents the intermediary between the Lord and the people.

It is important to know these things for the understanding of what follows below in the Book of Exodus. All this also shows that 'Moses went down from the mountain to the people' means application and preparation through the truth from God for truths to be received within good.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.