




1 Então cantaram Moisés e os filhos de Israel este cântico ao Senhor, dizendo: Cantarei ao Senhor, porque gloriosamente triunfou; lançou no mar o cavalo e o seu cavaleiro.

2 O Senhor é a minha força, e o meu cântico; ele se tem tornado a minha salvação; é ele o meu Deus, portanto o louvarei; é o Deus de meu pai, por isso o exaltarei.

3 O Senhor é homem de guerra; Jeová é o seu nome.

4 Lançou no mar os carros de Faraó e o seu exército; os seus escolhidos capitães foram submersos no mar Vermelho.

5 Os abismos os cobriram; desceram às profundezas como pedra.

6 A tua destra, ó Senhor, é gloriosa em poder; a tua destra, ó Senhor, destroça o inimigo.

7 Na grandeza da tua excelência derrubas os que se levantam contra ti; envias o teu furor, que os devora como restolho.

8 Ao sopro dos teus narizes amontoaram-se as águas, as correntes pararam como montão; os abismos coalharam-se no coração do mar.

9 O inimigo dizia: Perseguirei, alcançarei, repartirei os despojos; deles se satisfará o meu desejo; arrancarei a minha espada, a minha mão os destruirá.

10 Sopraste com o teu vento, e o mar os cobriu; afundaram-se como chumbo em grandes aguas.

11 Quem entre os deuses é como tu, ó Senhor? a quem é como tu poderoso em santidade, admirável em louvores, operando maravilhas?

12 Estendeste a mão direita, e a terra os tragou.

13 Na tua beneficência guiaste o povo que remiste; na tua força o conduziste à tua santa habitação.

14 Os povos ouviram e estremeceram; dores apoderaram-se dos a habitantes da Filístia.

15 Então os príncipes de Edom se pasmaram; dos poderosos de Moabe apoderou-se um tremor; derreteram-se todos os habitantes de Canaã.

16 Sobre eles caiu medo, e pavor; pela grandeza do teu braço emudeceram como uma pedra, até que o teu povo passasse, ó Senhor, até que passasse este povo que adquiriste.

17 Tu os introduzirás, e os plantarás no monte da tua herança, no lugar que tu, ó Senhor, aparelhaste para a tua habitação, no santuário, ó Senhor, que as tuas mãos estabeleceram.

18 O Senhor reinará eterna e perpetuamente.

19 Porque os cavalos de Faraó, com os seus carros e com os seus cavaleiros, entraram no mar, e o Senhor fez tornar as águas do mar sobre eles, mas os filhos de Israel passaram em seco pelo meio do mar.

20 Então Miriã, a profetisa, irmã de Arão, tomou na mão um tamboril, e todas as mulheres saíram atrás dela com tamboris, e com danças.

21 E Miriã lhes respondia: Cantai ao Senhor, porque gloriosamente triunfou; lançou no mar o cavalo com o seu cavaleiro.

22 Depois Moisés fez partir a Israel do Mar Vermelho, e saíram para o deserto de Sur; caminharam três dias no deserto, e não acharam água.

23 E chegaram a Mara, mas não podiam beber das suas águas, porque eram amargas; por isso chamou-se o lugar Mara.

24 E o povo murmurou contra Moisés, dizendo: Que havemos de beber?

25 Então clamou Moisés ao Senhor, e o Senhor mostrou-lhe uma árvore, e Moisés lançou-a nas águas, as quais se tornaram doces. Ali Deus lhes deu um estatuto e uma ordenança, e ali os provou,

26 dizendo: Se ouvires atentamente a voz do Senhor teu Deus, e fizeres o que é reto diante de seus olhos, e inclinares os ouvidos aos seus mandamentos, e guardares todos os seus estatutos, sobre ti não enviarei nenhuma das enfermidades que enviei sobre os egípcios; porque eu sou o Senhor que te sara.

27 Então vieram a Elim, onde havia doze fontes de água e setenta palmeiras; e ali, junto das águas, acamparam.




Apocalypse Revealed#774



774. "Every kind of thyine wood, 1 every kind of ivory vessel." This symbolically means that these Roman Catholics no longer have these because they do not have any of the natural goods and truths to which such things correspond.

This statement is similar to the ones explained in nos. 772 and 773 above, the only difference being that the valuables named first mean spiritual goods and truths (as explained in no. 772 above), and that those named second mean celestial goods and truths (as explained just above in no. 773), while those named now - thyine wood and ivory vessel - mean natural goods and truths.

[2] To explain: There are three degrees of wisdom and love, and so three degrees of truth and goodness. We call the first degree celestial, the second spiritual, and the third natural. These three degrees are present from birth in every person, and they are present in general also in heaven and in the church. Because of this there are three heavens, a highest one, an intermediate one, and a lowest one, altogether distinct from each other in accordance with these degrees. The same is true of the Lord's church on earth. But this is not the place to explain the nature of the church with people in the celestial degree, with people in the spiritual degree, and with people in the natural degree. See instead what we said about them in Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine Love and Wisdom, Part Three, where we dealt with degrees. Here we will say only that in the case of people coming from Babylon, they have no spiritual goods and truths, no celestial goods and truths, and not even any natural goods and truths.

Spiritual goods and truths are mentioned first, because many of those coming from Babylon can be spiritual, provided they hold the Word holy at heart, as they do with the mouth. But they cannot become celestial, because they do not turn to the Lord, but turn to people living and dead and worship them. It is for this reason that celestial goods and truths are mentioned second.

[3] Thyine wood symbolizes natural good because wood in the Word symbolizes goodness, and stone truth, and thyine wood derives its name from a word meaning two, and the number two also symbolizes goodness.

The good symbolized is natural good, because wood is not a valuable material like gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet. The same is true of stone. The case is similar with ivory, which symbolizes natural truth. Ivory symbolizes natural truth because it is white and can be polished, and because it protrudes from the mouth of an elephant and also constitutes its might. In order for ivory to symbolize the natural truth of the goodness symbolized by thyine wood, the text specifies a vessel of ivory, as a vessel symbolizes something that contains, here truth that contains good.

[4] That wood symbolizes goodness can be seen to some extent from the following considerations: That the bitter waters at Marah were made sweet by casting in something wooden (Exodus 15:25). That the tables of stone on which the Law was written were placed in an ark made of acacia wood (Exodus 25:10-16). That the Temple in Jerusalem was roofed with wood and paneled inside with wood (1 Kings 6:9, 15). And that the altar in the wilderness was made of wood (Exodus 27:1, 6).

It can be seen to some extent also from the following:

...the stone will cry out from the wall, and the beam from the wood answers it. (Habakkuk 2:11)

They will plunder your riches and pillage your merchandise..., and they will cast your stones and your timber... into the midst of the sea. (Ezekiel 26:12)

The prophet Ezekiel was told to take a piece of wood and write on it the names of Judah and the children of Israel, and also on another piece of wood the names of Joseph and Ephraim; and that the Lord Jehovih would make them into one piece of wood (Ezekiel 37:16, 19).

We drink our water in exchange for silver, and our wood comes at a price. (Lamentations 5:4)

If someone goes with his neighbor into a forest..., and the ax head (falls) from the wooden handle...(onto) his neighbor so that he dies, he shall flee to (a city of refuge). (Deuteronomy 19:5)

The latter is said because wood symbolizes goodness, and so because the person did not kill his neighbor out of evil or with evil intention, therefore, but by accident, being impelled by good. And so on elsewhere.

[5] In an opposite sense, however, wood symbolizes something evil or cursed. So for example, they made graven images out of wood and worshiped them (Deuteronomy 4:23-28; Isaiah 37:19; 40:20; Jeremiah 10:3, 8; Ezekiel 20:32). Also, being hanged from a tree was a curse (Deuteronomy 21:22-23).

That ivory symbolizes natural truth can be seen moreover from passages which mention ivory, such as Ezekiel 27:6, 15; Amos 3:15; 6:4; Psalms 45:8.


1. Thyine wood has not been identified. It has been associated with citron wood, and also with scented wood in general.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.