

1 Mosebok第13章



1 Så drog Abram fra Egypten op til sydlandet med sin hustru og alt det han eide, og Lot var med ham.

2 Og Abram var meget rik på buskap og på sølv og gull.

3 Og han drog i dagsreiser fra sydlandet, til han kom til Betel, til det sted hvor hans telt før hadde vært, mellem Betel og Ai,

4 der hvor det alter var som han hadde bygget første gang han var der; og der påkalte Abram Herrens navn.

5 Men også Lot, som drog med Abram, hadde småfe og storfe og telt.

6 Og landet kunde ikke rumme dem, så de kunde bo sammen; for deres eiendom var for stor til at de kunde bo sammen.

7 Så blev det trette mellem Abrams hyrder og Lots hyrder; og kana'anittene og ferisittene bodde dengang i landet.

8 Da sa Abram til Lot: Kjære, la det ikke være trette mellem mig og dig og mellem mine hyrder og dine hyrder! Vi er jo brødre.

9 Ligger ikke hele landet åpent for dig? Skill dig heller fra mig! Drar du til venstre, vil jeg dra til høire, og drar du til høire, vil jeg dra til venstre.

10 Da så Lot ut over landet, og han så at hele Jordan-sletten like til Soar overalt var rik på vann, som Herrens have, som Egyptens land - det var før Herren hadde ødelagt Sodoma og Gomorra.

11 Og Lot valgte for sig hele Jordan-sletten. Så drog Lot østover, og de skiltes fra hverandre.

12 Abram blev boende i Kana'ans land, og Lot bodde i byene på sletten og drog med sine telt like bort til Sodoma.

13 Men mennene i Sodoma var onde og syndet storlig mot Herren.

14 Og Herren sa til Abram efterat Lot hadde skilt sig fra ham: Løft dine øine og se fra det sted hvor du står, mot nord og mot syd og mot øst og mot vest!

15 For hele det land du ser, vil jeg gi dig og din ætt til evig tid.

16 Og jeg vil la din ætt bli som støvet på jorden; kan nogen telle støvet på jorden, så skal også din ætt kunne telles.

17 Stå op, og dra gjennem landet så langt og så bredt som det er! For dig vil jeg gi det.

18 Og Abram flyttet sine telt og kom til Mamres terebinte-lund i Hebron; der bosatte han sig, og han bygget der et alter for Herren.




Arcana Coelestia#1555



1555. 'From the south and even to Bethel' means from the light of intelligence into the light of wisdom. This is clear from the meaning of 'the south' as the light of intelligence, or what amounts to the same, a state of light as regards interiors, dealt with already in 1458, and from the meaning of 'Bethel' as celestial light having its origin in cognitions, dealt with already in 1453. The expression 'light of intelligence' describes that light which is acquired through cognitions of the truths and goods of faith, whereas the light of wisdom is the light of life which is acquired from the light of intelligence. The light of intelligence has regard to the intellectual part of the mind, or to the understanding, whereas the light of wisdom has regard to the will part, or to life.

[2] Few if any people know how a person is led to true wisdom. Intelligence is not wisdom but it leads to wisdom, for having an understanding of what truth and good are is not the same as being a true and good person; but being wise is. Wisdom can be used only in reference to a person's life, to what kind of person he is. To wisdom, or life, he is introduced through coming to know and being aware, that is, through knowledge and cognitions. With every person there are two parts of the mind - the will and the understanding - the will being the primary part and the understanding the secondary; and the nature of his life after death is as the nature of the will part, not the understanding part, of his mind. A person's will is being formed by the Lord from infancy on into childhood, and this is achieved through the innocence that has been instilled into him, and through the exercise of charity towards parents, nursemaids, and other young children of his own age, and through further things that he is quite unaware of and which are celestial. Unless those celestial things were first instilled in a person while an infant and child he could not possibly become truly human. In this way the first degree is formed.

[3] But because a person is not human unless he is provided with understanding as well, will alone does not make a human being but understanding and will together. And understanding cannot be acquired except by means of knowledge and cognitions, and therefore he has to be endowed with these step by step from childhood onwards. In this way the second degree is formed. Once the understanding part of the mind has been furnished with knowledge and cognitions, especially cognitions of truth and good, he is for the first time able to undergo regeneration. And when he is being regenerated, truths and goods are implanted by the Lord by means of cognitions within the celestial things he has been granted by the Lord since infancy. The result is that the ideas now in his understanding make one with those celestial things. And once the Lord has joined them together so, he is endowed with charity from which he starts to act and which constitutes conscience. This is how he comes to receive new life for the first time, something that is achieved step by step. The light of this life is called wisdom, which then plays the leading role and is set above intelligence. In this way the third degree is formed. If this has happened to a person during his lifetime he goes on being perfected in the next life. These considerations show what the light of intelligence is, and what the light of wisdom.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.