




1 Judas pasitraukė nuo savo brolių ir apsigyveno pas vieną adulamietį, vardu Hyras.

2 Ten Judas pamatė kanaaniečio Šūvos dukterį ir paėmė ją, ir įėjo pas ją.

3 Ji pastojo ir pagimdė sūnų, kurį pavadino Eru.

4 Ji pastojo dar kartą ir pagimdė sūnų, kurį pavadino Onanu.

5 Ir dar kartą ji pastojo, ir pagimdė sūnų, kurį pavadino Šela. Judas tada gyveno Kezibe.

6 Judas paėmė savo pirmagimiui Erui žmoną, vardu Tamara.

7 Eras, Judo pirmagimis, buvo nedoras Viešpaties akyse, ir Viešpats jį numarino.

8 Tada Judas tarė sūnui Onanui: “Įeik pas savo brolio žmoną ir vesk ją, ir atgaivink savo brolio palikuonis”.

9 Onanas žinojo, kad palikuonys nepriklausys jam. Todėl įeidamas pas savo brolio žmoną išliejo sėklą žemėn, kad neduotų broliui palikuonių.

10 Viešpačiui nepatiko jo elgesys, todėl ir jį numarino.

11 Judas tarė savo marčiai Tamarai: “Gyvenk kaip našlė savo tėvo namuose, kol užaugs mano sūnus Šela”. Nes jis bijojo, kad ir tas nemirtų kaip jo broliai. Tamara nuėjo gyventi į savo tėvo namus.

12 Po kurio laiko mirė Judo žmona, Šūvos duktė. Gedulo laikui praėjus, Judas su savo draugu adulamiečiu Hyru ėjo į Timną pas savo avių kirpėjus.

13 Tamarai buvo pranešta: “Štai tavo uošvis eina į Timną avių kirpti”.

14 Ji nusivilko savo našlės drabužius, apsidengė šydu ir atsisėdo prie Enaimo vartų, kurie yra pakelėje į Timną. Ji žinojo, kad Šela buvo užaugęs, tačiau ji nebuvo jam duota į žmonas.

15 Judas ją palaikė paleistuve, nes ji buvo uždengusi savo veidą.

16 Jis pasuko prie jos ir tarė: “Leisk man įeiti pas tave”. Jis nežinojo, kad tai buvo jo marti, o ji klausė: “Ką man duosi?”

17 Jis atsakė: “Aš tau atsiųsiu ožiuką iš savo bandos”. Ji paklausė: “Ar duosi man užstatą, kol jį atsiųsi?”

18 Jis paklausė: “Ko nori užstatu?” Ji atsakė: “Tavo antspaudo, virvės ir lazdos, kuri yra tavo rankoje”. Jis davė jai tai, įėjo pas ją, ir ji pastojo.

19 Jam išėjus, ji nusiėmė šydą, persirengė našlės drabužiais ir grįžo namo.

20 Kai Judo draugas adulamietis nuvedė ožiuką, kad atsiimtų užstatą iš moteriškės, jos nerado.

21 Jis klausinėjo vietos žmonių: “Kur yra paleistuvė, kuri buvo Enaime prie kelio?” Jie atsakė: “Čia nebuvo jokios paleistuvės”.

22 Jis tada sugrįžo pas Judą ir pasakė: “Aš jos neradau, ir tos vietos žmonės sakėsi nieko nežiną apie jokią paleistuvę”.

23 Judas tarė: “Tegul pasilaiko mano užstatą, kad neapsijuoktume. Aš jai siunčiau ožiuką, bet tu negalėjai jos surasti”.

24 Po trijų mėnesių Judui buvo pranešta: “Tavo marti Tamara paleistuvavo ir pastojo”. Judas liepė: “Atveskite ją, kad ji būtų sudeginta”.

25 Kai ją išvedė, ji pasiuntė žinią savo uošviui: “Aš pastojau nuo vyro, kuriam priklauso šitie daiktai. Ištirk, kam priklauso šitas antspaudas, virvė ir lazda”.

26 Judas atpažinęs tarė: “Ji yra teisesnė už mane, nes aš jos nedaviau savo sūnui Šelai”. Ir daugiau jis jos nepažino.

27 Gimdymo metu paaiškėjo, kad dvyniai yra jos įsčiose.

28 Jai begimdant, vienas iškišo ranką. Pribuvėja paėmė ir užrišo ant jo rankos raudoną siūlą, sakydama: “Šitas pirmas išėjo”.

29 Bet jis įtraukė ranką atgal, ir štai išėjo jo brolis. Ji tarė: “Štai kaip tu prasiveržei”. Jį tad pavadino Perecu.

30 Paskui gimė jo brolis, ant kurio rankos buvo raudonas siūlas; jį pavadino Zerachu.




Arcana Coelestia#4835



4835. 'Come [in] to your brother's wife and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her' means that this - that representative of the Church - might be continued. This is clear from the meaning of 'coming (or going in) to a brother's wife and performing the duty of a husband's brother to her' as preserving and continuing that which constitutes the Church. The requirement laid down in the Mosaic Law, that if a man died without issue his brother was to marry his widow and raise up seed for his brother, and that the firstborn was to receive his dead brother's name, whereas all other sons were to be his own, was called the duty of a brother-in-law. The fact that this directive was nothing new in the Jewish Church but a practice already in existence is clear from the words used here; and the same goes for many other directives given to the Israelites through Moses, such as the law forbidding them to take wives from the daughters of the Canaanites and requiring them to marry within their own families, Genesis 24:3-4; 28:1-2. From these and many other examples it is evident that a Church had existed previously in which the same kind of practices were followed as those at a later time which were declared to and demanded of the sons of Jacob. Altars and sacrifices likewise had been in use since ancient times, as is evident from Genesis 8:20-21; 22:3, 7-8. From this it is plain that the Jewish Church was not a new Church but a revival of the Ancient Church which had perished.

[2] What the law regarding the duty of a brother-in-law had been is clear in Moses,

If brothers dwell together but one of them dies, and has no son, the wife of the dead one shall not marry a stranger outside [the family]; her brother-in-law shall go in to her, and take her to himself as his wife, and so perform the duty of a brother-in-law to her. Then it will happen, that the firstborn whom she bears shall succeed to the name of his dead brother, so that his name is not wiped out from Israel. But if the man is unwilling to take his sister-in-law, his sister-in-law shall go up to the gate to the elders, and she shall say, My brother-in-law refuses to raise up for his brother a name in Israel; he is unwilling to perform the duty of a brother-in-law for me. Then the elders of his city shall call him and speak to him; and if he stands and says, I do not desire to take her, his sister-in-law shall go up to him in the sight of the elders, and she shall remove his shoe from upon his foot and spit in his face; and she shall answer and say, So will it be done to the man who does not build up his brother's house. Therefore his name will be called in Israel, The house of him who has his shoe taken off. Deuteronomy 25:5-10.

[3] Anyone who does not know what the duty of a brother-in-law represents inevitably believes that the practice existed solely for the sake of preserving a name and consequently an inheritance. But the preservation of a name and an inheritance was not in itself a great enough reason why a brother should have been required to enter into a marriage with his sister-in-law. Rather, the practice was ordained so that the preservation and continuation of the Church might be represented through it. For a marriage represented the marriage of good and truth, which is the heavenly marriage. It therefore represented the Church too, for the Church is a Church by virtue of the marriage of good and truth, and when this marriage exists within it the Church makes one with heaven, which is the true heavenly marriage. And because a marriage represented these things, 'sons and daughters' were therefore representations and also meaningful signs of truths and goods. This being so, 'being without issue' meant a lack of good and truth, and so meant that no representative of the Church existed in that house any longer, and that as a consequence it was not in communion with the Church. In addition 'brother' represented a kindred good to which the truth represented by a widow might be joined. For to be the kind of truth that has life, produces fruit, and thereby continues that which constitutes the Church, truth cannot be joined to any other good but that which is its own and a kindred one. This was how those in heaven perceived the duty of a brother-in-law.

[4] The meaning of this practice - of a sister-in-law removing the shoe from upon the foot of the man who refused to do the duty of a brother-in-law, and of her spitting in his face - was this: Anyone devoid of good and truth, external and internal, would destroy those things that constitute the Church; for 'the shoe' means that which is external, 1748, and 'the face' that which is internal, 1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796. From this it is evident that 'the duty of a brother-in-law' represented the preservation and continuation of the Church. But when through the Lord's Coming representatives of internal things came to an end, that particular law was done away with. It is like a person's soul or spirit in relation to his body. A person's soul or spirit is the internal part of him and his body the external; or what amounts to the same, the soul or spirit is the true likeness of the person, whereas the body is merely a representative image of him. When a person rises again his representative image or that which is external, namely his body, is cast aside, for he is now conscious in that which is internal, namely the true likeness of him. It is also like a person who is in darkness and from there looks at things belonging to light; or what amounts to the same, like one who is in the light of the world and from there looks at things belonging to the light of heaven. For the light of the world in comparison with the light of heaven is as darkness. Within that darkness, that is, within the light of the world, things belonging to the light of heaven as they exist essentially cannot be seen, but are seen so to speak within a representative image, even as the human mind is seen in a person's face. Therefore when the light of heaven is seen in its own essential brightness, the darkness of representative images is dispelled. This was effected through the Lord's Coming.

[4835a] 'And raise up seed for your brother' means so that the Church does not perish. This is clear from the meaning of 'seed' as truth derived from good, or faith grounded in charity, dealt with in 1025, 1447, 16110, 1940, 2848, 3310, 3373, 3671. The same is also meant by the firstborn who was to succeed to the name of the dead brother, 352, 367, 2435, 3325, 3494. 'Raising up seed for a brother' means continuing that which constitutes the Church, in line with what has been stated just above in 4834, and thus means so that the Church does not perish.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.