




1 Viešpats kalbėjo man:

2 “Žmogaus sūnau, pranašauk prieš Izraelio pranašus, kurie pranašauja tai, kas yra jų pačių širdyse: ‘Pasiklausykite Viešpaties žodžių!

3 Taip sako Viešpats: ‘Vargas kvailiems pranašams, sekantiems savo pačių dvasia ir nieko nemačiusiems.

4 Izraeli, tavo pranašai yra lyg lapės griuvėsiuose.

5 Jūs nestojote į Izraelio namų spragas ir nestatėte sienų aplinkui juos, kad atsilaikytų kovoje Viešpaties dieną.

6 Jie kalbėjo apgaulę ir pranašavo melą. Jie sakė: ‘Taip sako Viešpats’, kai Viešpats nebuvo jų siuntęs, ir suteikė viltį, kad jų žodžiai išsipildys.

7 Ar jūs ne apgaulę kalbėjote ir ne melą pranašavote, sakydami: ‘Taip sako Viešpats’, kai Aš nekalbėjau.

8 Kadangi jūs kalbėjote apgaulę ir pranašavote melą, Aš esu prieš jus.

9 Mano ranka bus prieš pranašus, reginčius apgaulę ir pranašaujančius melą. Jie nepriklausys mano tautai, nebus įrašyti į Izraelio namų sąrašą ir nesugrįš į Izraelio kraštą. Tada jūs žinosite, kad Aš esu Viešpats.

10 Jie suvedžiojo mano tautą, sakydami: ‘Taika’, kai tuo tarpu nebuvo taikos. Kai jie stato sieną iš akmenų, kiti aptepa ją kalkėmis.

11 Sakyk tiems, kurie tepa sieną kalkėmis, kad ji sugrius, užėjus smarkiam lietui, siaučiant audrai.

12 Kai ji sugrius, ar neklaus jūsų: ‘Kur tinkas, kuriuo aptepėte sieną?’

13 Aš užsirūstinęs užleisiu griaunančią audrą ir smarkų lietų. Lietus nuplaus tinką, ir mano rūstybės kruša sunaikins ją.

14 Aš nugriausiu jūsų kalkėmis apteptą sieną iki pamatų. Ji grius, ir jūs žūsite kartu su ja. Tada žinosite, kad Aš esu Viešpats.

15 Aš išliesiu savo rūstybę ant sienos ir jos aptepėjų ir sakysiu: ‘Nebėra sienos ir tų, kurie ją aptepė:

16 Izraelio pranašų, Jeruzalei pranašavusių taiką, kai taikos nebuvo,­sako Viešpats Dievas’.

17 Tu, žmogaus sūnau, atsisuk į tautos dukteris, kurios pranašauja iš savo širdžių ir pranašauk prieš jas.

18 Sakyk joms: ‘Taip sako Viešpats Dievas: ‘Vargas moterims, siuvančioms burtų raiščius rankoms ir šydus visų žmonių galvoms, kad juos sugautų. Ar, gaudydamos mano tautos žmones, pačios tikitės išlikti gyvos?

19 Jūs teršiate mane tautoje dėl saujos miežių ir dėl duonos kąsnio, pražudydamos sielas, kurios neturėtų pražūti, ir palikdamos gyvas sielas, kurios neturėtų gyventi, meluodamos mano tautai, kuri klauso jūsų melų’.

20 Todėl taip sako Viešpats Dievas: ‘Burtų raiščius, kuriais gaudote sielas, Aš nuplėšiu nuo jūsų rankų ir sugautuosius paleisiu į laisvę.

21 Taipgi nuplėšiu šydus ir savo tautą išlaisvinsiu iš jūsų rankų. Tada žinosite, kad Aš esu Viešpats.

22 Kadangi savo melais jūs nuliūdinote teisiojo širdį, kurios Aš nenorėjau liūdinti, o nedorėlio rankas sustiprinote, kad neatsiverstų nuo savo pikto kelio ir gyventų,

23 todėl jūs neberegėsite apgaulės ir liausitės žyniavę, nes Aš išgelbėsiu savo tautą iš jūsų rankų, ir jūs žinosite, kad Aš esu Viešpats’ ”.




Coronis (An Appendix to True Christian Religion)#58


58. The state of consummation of the Israelitish Church is described in both the historical parts of the Word, and its prophetic parts: in the prophetic, by the atrocious deeds of the kings, first of those of the Israelites, and afterwards of those of the Jews, by whom and under whom the land is said to have been profaned. But it is needless to recite them, because they are well known; only those passages from the prophetic parts shall be adduced in which the consummation and devastation of that Church are treated of. In these passages by "earth" and "land," "Zion," "Jerusalem," "cities," "mountains," "hills," "valleys," and "rivers," similar things are signified as above (n. 55). The following are from the prophetic parts of the Word:

[2] I saw the earth, and behold it was empty and void; and towards the heavens, and their light was not.... I saw, when, behold, Carmel 1 was a desert, and all the cities were desolated at the presence of Jehovah.... For thus hath Jehovah said, The whole land shall be wasteness, yet will I not make a consummation. For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be blackened.

Thou, therefore, that art vastated, what wilt thou do? (Jer. 4:23-31; 5:10, 18).

The lion hath come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of nations... hath gone forth from his place, to reduce the land to a waste.... In that day... the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the princes; and the priests shall be astonished (Jer. 4:7, 9).

In that day, every place where there were a thousand vines shall be... for thorns and briars,... because all the land shall be thorns and briars (Isa. 7:23-24).

A voice of the cry of the shepherds and... of the powerful ones of the flock, for Jehovah layeth waste their pastures: whence the sheepfolds of peace were devastated. Jehovah hath forsaken His tabernacle, for their land was reduced to a desolation (Jer. 25:36-38).

This house shall be like Shiloh, and Jerusalem shall be a devastation (Jer. 26:9; 27:17).

Jerusalem, and all the cities of Judah, shall be a desolation and a devastation in this day, because of the wickedness of your works; . . . your land is become a desolation, an astonishment and a curse (Jer. 44:2, 6, 22).

I will give the land to devastation, because they have committed transgression (Ezek. 15:8).

They shall be devastated in the midst of the devastated lands, and her cities in the midst of the desolated cities.... Then I will make the rivers drought,... the land into the hand of the evil, and I will vastate the land and the fulness thereof (Ezek. 30:7, 12).

When I shall extinguish thee, I will cover the heavens, and will make the stars thereof black. I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine;... and I will set darkness upon the land... when I shall bring on thy breaking up (Ezek. 32:7-9);

in like manner as the Lord foretold concerning the consummation of the present Christian Church (Matt. 24:29).

[3] I will give Mount Seir to wasteness and to devastation.... I will make thee the wastes of eternity... (Ezek. 35:3-4, 7, 9, 12, 14-15).

In that day they shall bring up a proverb against you... and say, In vastating we are vastated (Micah 2:4).

Fear and the pit have taken hold of us, devastation and breaking up (Lam. 3:47).

The mountain of Zion is vastated (Lam. 5:18).

Thine iniquity is consummated, O daughter of Zion (Lam. 4:22).

Woe to the sinful nation, heavy with iniquity;... they have provoked the Holy One of Israel.... From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness;... your land is a solitude.... The daughter of Zion is left as a tent in a vineyard, as a besieged city (Isa. 1:4-8, and following verses).

What will ye do in the day of visitation and devastation? Consummation is finished, justice is overwhelmed; for the Lord Jehovih is making a consummation and decision in the whole land (Isa. 10:3, etc., Isa. 10:22-23).

I have heard a consummation and decision from the Lord Jehovih of hosts in the whole land (Isa. 28:22).

The prophet fell upon his face, and said, Lord Jehovih! Thou art making a consummation with the remnants of Israel (Ezek. 11:13).

My sanctuary was profaned, and the land of Israel was devastated (Ezek. 25:3).

Were even Noah, Daniel and Job in the midst of it,... they only shall be delivered, but the land shall become a desolation (Ezek. 14:14, 16).

[4] The completion of the consummation of the Israelitish and Jewish Church was accomplished when the Lord our Saviour, after receiving the sponge of vinegar, cried out upon the cross,

It is consummated (John 19:29-30);

for it is said in David:

They gave gall for My meat, and in My thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink:... let their habitation be devastated (Psalm 69:21, 25).

And in another place:

Without cause have they hid for Me the pit of the net; without cause have they digged for My soul. Let devastation come upon him before he is aware;... let him fall into devastation. Rescue My soul from their devastators, and My only one,-that is, the Church-from the lions' whelps (Psalm 35:7-8, 17).

I will make Jerusalem heaps, a habitation of dragons; I will reduce the cities of Judah to a waste;... behold, I am feeding them, even this people, with wormwood, and I will give them waters of gall to drink (Jer. 9:11-15).

Full consummation, after this, is described in Hosea thus:

The sons of Israel shall sit many days: no king, no prince, no sacrifice, no image, no ephod, and no teraphim (Hosea 3:4).

Such is their state at the present day. There is no need to adduce more passages. The passages in which the vastation, desolation and consummation of this Church are further mentioned, shall be only named: as, for example, Isa. 9:13-21; 22:4-14: Jer. 7:31-34; 25:33; 47:4: Ezek. 13:14-15; 14:8, 15; 19:7; 25:12-13; 26:2; 29:9-10, 12; 32:12, 15: Joel 1:15-20; 2:3; 3:19: Nahum 1:8-9: Zeph. 1:15; 2:9: Lam. 1:16: Psalm 73:17-19; 74:3.

The devastated are also called "thrust through" 2 (Ezek. 11:6-7; 21:30, 34; 26:6; 28:8, 23; 31:17-18; 32:20-24, 28-32; 35:8: Zeph. 2:12: Lam. 4:9: Psalm 69:27: and in other places). They are said to be "thrust through" because a "sword," by which this is done, signifies falsity destroying truth.


1. See R.V. margin.

2. In most of these passages our ordinary Bibles have "slain"; but Young's Literal Translation of the Bible has "pierced," which, of course, is the same as "thrust through."


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.