




1 Viešpats kalbėjo Mozei: “Eik ir keliauk iš šitos vietos su tauta, kurią išvedei iš Egipto, į šalį, apie kurią prisiekiau Abraomui, Izaokui ir Jokūbui, sakydamas: ‘Aš ją duosiu tavo palikuonims’.

2 Aš siųsiu pirma tavęs angelą ir išstumsiu kanaaniečius, amoritus, hetitus, perizus, hivus ir jebusiečius.

3 Eik į žemę, plūstančią pienu ir medumi; tačiau Aš pats neisiu su jumis, kadangi esate kietasprandė tauta, kad kartais nesunaikinčiau jūsų kelyje”.

4 Tauta, išgirdusi tokią blogą žinią, nuliūdo, nė vienas nesipuošė papuošalais.

5 Nes Viešpats sakė Mozei: “Kalbėk Izraelio tautai: ‘Jūs esate kietasprandė tauta: jei įeičiau pas jus nors trumpam, sunaikinčiau jus. Todėl nusiimkite savo papuošalus, kad žinočiau, ką su jumis daryti’ ”.

6 Izraelitai nusiėmė nuo savęs papuošalus prie Horebo kalno.

7 Mozė ištiesė palapinę toli už stovyklos ir pavadino ją Susitikimo palapine. Visi žmonės, kurie ieškojo Viešpaties, eidavo iš stovyklos prie Susitikimo palapinės.

8 Kai Mozė eidavo į palapinę, visi žmonės pakildavo ir stovėdavo savo palapinių angose, sekdami jį akimis, kol jis įeidavo palapinėn.

9 Mozei įėjus į Susitikimo palapinę, debesies stulpas nusileisdavo ir stovėdavo prie palapinės įėjimo ir Viešpats kalbėdavosi su Moze.

10 Visa tauta matė debesies stulpą prie palapinės įėjimo, ir visi žmonės pakildavo ir pagarbindavo savo palapinių angose.

11 Viešpats kalbėdavo su Moze veidas į veidą, kaip žmogus kalbasi su savo draugu. Jam grįžtant į stovyklą, jo tarnas Jozuė, Nūno sūnus, jaunas vyras, nepasitraukdavo nuo palapinės.

12 Mozė tarė Viešpačiui: “Liepei išvesti šitą tautą ir nepasakei, ką siųsi su manimi, tačiau sakei: ‘Aš tave pažįstu ir žinau tavo vardą, tu radai malonę mano akyse’.

13 Jei tad radau malonę Tavo akyse, apreikšk man savo kelius, kad Tave pažinčiau ir galėčiau atrasti malonę Tavo akyse, nes tie žmonės yra Tavo tauta”.

14 Viešpats atsakė: “Mano artumas eis su tavimi, ir Aš įvesiu tave į poilsį”.

15 Mozė atsakė: “Jei Tavo artumas neis, nevesk mūsų niekur iš šitos vietos.

16 Nes kaip man sužinoti, kad aš ir Tavo tauta atradome malonę Tavo akyse? Ar ne iš to, kad Tu eisi su mumis? Taip aš ir Tavo tauta būsime išskirti iš visų žemės tautų”.

17 Viešpats atsakė Mozei: “Ir šį prašymą patenkinsiu, nes radai malonę mano akyse ir Aš žinau tavo vardą”.

18 Mozė prašė: “Parodyk man savo šlovę”.

19 Viešpats atsakė: “Aš leisiu visai savo šlovei praeiti pro tave ir paskelbsiu tau Viešpaties vardą, ir būsiu maloningas tam, kam būsiu maloningas, ir pasigailėsiu to, ko pasigailėsiu.

20 Mano veido negalėsi matyti, nes žmogus, mane pamatęs, negali išlikti gyvas.

21 Štai vieta šalia manęs! Atsistok ant šios uolos.

22 Kai mano šlovė eis pro šalį, tave pastatysiu uolos plyšyje ir pridengsiu savo ranka, kol praeisiu.

23 Po to atitrauksiu ranką ir matysi mane iš užpakalio, mano gi veido nematysi”.




True Christianity#370



370. (b) It is impossible for us to have a partnership with God the Father. What is possible is a partnership with the Lord, and through the Lord, with God the Father. Scripture teaches this and reason sees it. Scripture teaches that God the Father never has been seen or heard, and never could be. As a result, nothing from him such as he is in his own essential underlying reality could have an effect on us. The Lord says,

No one has seen God except the One who is with the Father. He has seen the Father. (John 6:46)

No one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son is willing to reveal him. (Matthew 11:27)

You have never heard the voice of the Father or seen what he looks like. (John 5:37)

The reason for this is that God the Father is in the first principles and beginnings of all things. Therefore he transcends the entire reach of the human mind. He is in the first principles and beginnings of all things related to wisdom and all things related to love. No partnership is possible between those first principles and us. Therefore if he were to come near us or we were to go near him, we would be consumed and liquefied like a piece of wood at the focus of a huge burning mirror; or better yet like a carved statue thrown into the sun itself. This is why Moses, who longed to see God, was told that we cannot see God and live (Exodus 33:20).

[2] The passages that I just quoted make it clear that we form a partnership with God the Father through the Lord. It was not the Father, it was the only begotten Son who is close to the Father's heart and has seen the Father, who disclosed and revealed the things that are of God and from God. The following passages also show that we form a partnership with God the Father through the Lord: "On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me and I am in you" (John 14:20). "The glory that you gave me, I have given them so that they may be one as we are one - I in them and you in me" (John 17:22-23, 26). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. " Then Philip wanted to see the Father, but the Lord replied, "Those who see me also see the Father, and those who know me also know the Father" (John 14:6-7, and following). Elsewhere we read, "Those who see me see the One who sent me" (John 12:45).

In addition, the Lord says that he is the door, and that those who enter through him are saved, but those who climb up some other way are thieves and robbers (John 10:1, 9). He also says, "Those who do not live in me will be thrown out and put in the fire like a withered branch" (John 15:6).

[3] The reason is that the Lord our Savior is Jehovah the Father himself in human form. Jehovah came down and became human so that he could come close to us and we could come close to him, and a partnership could be forged, through which we could have salvation and eternal life. When God became human and then a human became God, he became able to draw near us in this adapted form and, as a human God and a divine Human, forge a partnership with us.

There are three stages to this that follow in sequence: adjusting to one another, coming closer together, and then forging a partnership. The adjustment has to happen before the two parties can come closer together, and both the adjustment and the coming closer have to happen before a partnership can be forged. The adjustment on God's part was to become human. God is perpetually coming closer to the extent that we are coming closer to him. And as this takes place, a partnership is forged. For each and every set of things that become one and share their existence, these three stages happen in this sequence and proceed in this order.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.