




1 온 땅의 구음이 하나이요 언어가 하나이었더라

2 이에 그들이 동방으로 옮기다가 시날 평지를 만나 거기 거하고

3 서로 말하되 `자, 벽돌을 만들어 견고히 굽자' 하고 이에 벽돌로 돌을 대신하며 역청으로 진흙을 대신하고

4 또 말하되 `자, 성과 대를 쌓아 대 꼭대기를 하늘에 닿게 하여 우리 이름을 내고 온 지면에 흩어짐을 면하자' 하였더니

5 여호와께서 인생들의 쌓는 성과 대를 보시려고 강림하셨더라

6 여호와께서 가라사대 이 무리가 한 족속이요, 언어도 하나이므로 이같이 시작하였으니 이후로는 그 경영하는 일을 금지할 수 없으리로다

7 자, 우리가 내려가서 거기서 그들의 언어를 혼잡케 하여 그들로 서로 알아듣지 못하게 하자 하시고

8 여호와께서 거기서 그들을 온 지면에 흩으신 고로 그들이 성 쌓기를 그쳤더라

9 그러므로 그 이름을 바벨이라 하니 이는 여호와께서 거기서 온 땅의 언어를 혼잡케 하셨음이라 여호와께서 거기서 그들을 온 지면에 흩으셨더라

10 셈의 후예는 이러하니라 셈은 일백세 곧 홍수 후 이년에 아르박삿을 낳았고

11 아르박삿을 낳은 후에 오백년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며

12 아르박삿은 삼십 오세에 셀라를 낳았고

13 셀라를 낳은 후에 사백 삼년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며

14 셀라는 삼십세에 에벨을 낳았고

15 에벨을 낳은 후에 사백 삼년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며

16 에벨은 삼십 사세에 벨렉을 낳았고

17 벨렉을 낳은 후에 사백 삼십년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며

18 벨렉은 삼십세에 르우를 낳았고

19 르우를 낳은 후에 이백 구년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며

20 르우는 삼십 이세에 스룩을 낳았고

21 스룩을 낳은 후에 이백 칠년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며

22 스룩은 삼십세에 나홀을 낳았고

23 나홀을 낳은 후에 이백년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며

24 나홀은 이십 구세에 데라를 낳았고

25 데라를 낳은 후에 일백 십 구년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며

26 데라는 칠십세에 아브람과, 나홀과, 하란을 낳았더라

27 데라의 후예는 이러하니라 데라는 아브람과, 나홀과, 하란을 낳았고 하란은 롯을 낳았으며

28 하란은 그 아비 데라보다 먼저 본토 갈대아 우르에서 죽었더라

29 아브람과 나홀이 장가 들었으니 아브람의 아내 이름은 사래며 나홀의 아내 이름은 밀가니 하란의 딸이요 하란은 밀가의 아비며 또 이스가의 아비더라

30 사래는 잉태하지 못하므로 자식이 없었더라

31 데라가 그 아들 아브람과 하란의 아들 그 손자 롯과 그 자부 아브람의 아내 사래를 데리고 갈대아 우르에서 떠나 가나안 땅으로 가고자 하더니 하란에 이르러 거기 거하였으며

32 데라는 이백 오세를 향수하고 하란에서 죽었더라




Arcana Coelestia#1285



1285. That 'the whole earth was one lip' means that people everywhere held to the same doctrine in its general aspects is clear from the meaning in the Word of 'a lip', dealt with in the next paragraph. This verse, in these few words, describes the state of the Ancient Church as it had been, that is to say, it held to the same general doctrine. The next verse however describes how it began to be falsified and adulterated, and after that down to verse 9 how it became so utterly perverted that no internal worship existed any longer. Immediately after that the subject is the second Ancient Church begun by Eber, and at last the third Church which was the start of the Jewish Church. For after the Flood there were three consecutive Churches.

[2] In regard to what has been said of the first Ancient Church - that though so wide-spread throughout the world, its lip was nevertheless one and its words one, that is, it shared one doctrine in its general aspects and in its particular details; but for all that, the forms of worship, internal as well as external, were everywhere divergent, as shown in the previous chapter where each nation that is mentioned meant a divergent form of doctrine and of ritual - the situation is as follows: Heaven consists of countless communities. They all vary, and yet all are one, for all are led as one by the Lord; see what has appeared already in 457, 551, 684, 685, 690. A parallel exists in man, in that although internally his body has so many parts, which, like his other organs and limbs, have so many inner parts, each functioning differently from any other, yet all of them, every single one, are nevertheless controlled as one by one soul. A parallel also exists with the human body, which has different ways of exerting its strength and of moving. Nevertheless all are controlled by one motion of the heart and one of the lungs, and together make one. The reason they are able to function as one in this way is that in heaven there is one single influx which is received by everyone according to his own disposition. This influx is an influx of affections from the Lord, from His mercy and life. And although there is one influx only, everything nevertheless conforms and follows as one. And this comes about through the mutual love shared by those in heaven.

[3] Such was the situation with the first Ancient Church that although there were so many forms of internal and external worship, at the general level as many as there were nations, at the specific level as many as there were families making up nations, and at the particular level as many as there were people in the Church, they all nevertheless had 'one lip' and 'their words were one'; that is, they all shared one doctrine in general and in particular. Doctrine is one when all possess mutual love, or charity. Mutual love or charity causes things, though varied, to be one, for it makes one out of varied things. If all, no matter how many - even ten thousand times ten thousand - are governed by charity or mutual love, they have but one end in view, namely the common good, the Lord's kingdom, and the Lord Himself. Variations in matters of doctrine and in forms of worship are like the variations that exist with the physical senses and with the inner parts of man's body, which, as stated, all contribute to the perfection of the whole. Indeed the Lord flows in and works by way of charity though in different ways according to the disposition of each individual. And in so doing He arranges every single person into a proper order, on earth as in heaven. In this way the Lord's will is done, as He Himself teaches, 'on earth as it is in heaven'.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.