




1 여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 너는 돌판 둘을 처음 것과 같이 깍아 만들라 네가 깨뜨린바 처음 것과 같이 깎아 만들라 네가 깨뜨린바 처음 판에 있던 말을 내가 그 판에 쓰리니

2 아침 전에 예비하고 아침에 시내 산에 올라와 산꼭대기에서 내게 보이되

3 아무도 너와 함께 오르지 말며 온 산에 인적을 금하고 양과 소도 산 앞에서 먹지 못하게 하라

4 모세가 돌판 둘을 처음 것과 같이 깎아 만들고 아침에 일찌기 일어나 그 두 돌판을 손에 들고 여호와의 명대로 시내산에 올라가니

5 여호와께서 구름 가운데 강림하사 그와 함께 거기 서서 여호와의 이름을 반포하실쌔

6 여호와께서 그의 앞으로 지나시며 반포하시되 여호와로라 ! 여호와로라 ! 자비롭고 은혜롭고 노하기를 더디하고 인자와 진실이 많은 하나님이로라

7 인자를 천대까지 베풀며 악과 과실과 죄를 용서하나 형벌 받을 자는 결단코 면죄하지 않고 아비의 악을 자여손 삼사대까지 보응하리라

8 모세가 급히 땅에 엎드리어 경배하며

9 가로되 `주여 ! 내가 주께 은총을 입었거든 원컨대 주는 우리 중에서 행하옵소서 이는 목이 곧은 백성이니이다 우리의 악과 죄를 사하시고 우리로 주의 기업을 삼으소서 !'

10 여호와께서 가라사대 보라 내가 언약을 세우나니 곧 내가 아직 온 땅 아무 국민에게도 행치 아니한 이적을 너희 전체 백성 앞에 행할 것이라 너의 머무는 나라 백성이 다 여호와의 소위를 보리니 내가 너를 위하여 행할 일이 두려운 것임이니라

11 너는 내가 오늘 네게 명하는 것을 삼가 지키라 보라 ! 내가 네 앞에서 아모리 사람과, 가나안 사람과, 헷 사람과, 브리스 사람과, 히위 사람과, 여부스 사람을 쫓아내리니

12 너는 스스로 삼가 네가 들어가는 땅의 거민과 언약을 세우지 말라 그들이 너희 중에 올무가 될까 하노라

13 너희는 도리어 그들의 단들을 헐고 그들의 주상을 깨뜨리고 그들의 아세라 상을 찍을지어다 !

14 너는 다른 신에게 절하지 말라 ! 여호와는 질투라 이름하는 질투의 하나님임이니라 !

15 너는 삼가 그 땅의 거민과 언약을 세우지 말지니 이는 그들이 모든 신을 음란히 섬기며 그 신들에게 희생을 드리고 너를 청하면 네가 그 희생을 먹을까 함이며

16 또 네가 그들의 딸들로 네 아들들의 아내를 삼음으로 그들의 딸들이 그 신들을 음란히 섬기며 네 아들로 그들의 신들을 음란히 섬기게 할까 함이니라

17 너는 신상들을 부어 만들지 말지니라 !

18 너는 무교절을 지키되 내가 네게 명한대로 아빕월 그 기한에 칠일 동안 무교병을 먹으라 이는 네가 아빕월에 애굽에서 나왔음이니라

19 무릇 초태생은 다 내 것이며 무릇 네 가축의 수컷 처음 난 우양도 다 그러하며

20 나귀의 첫새끼는 어린 양으로 대속할 것이요 그렇게 아니하려면 그 목을 꺾을 것이며 네 아들 중 장자는 다 대속할지며 빈손으로 내 얼굴을 보지 말지니라 !

21 너는 엿새동안 일하고 제 칠일에는 쉴지니 밭 갈 때에나 거둘 때에도 쉴지며

22 칠칠절 곧 맥추의 초실절을 지키고 가을에는 수장절을 지키라 !

23 너희 모든 남자는 매년 세번씩 주 여호와 이스라엘의 하나님 앞에 보일지라

24 내가 열방을 네 앞에서 쫓아내고 네 지경을 넓히리니 네가 매년 세번씩 여호와 너희 하나님께 보이러 올 때에 아무 사람도 네 땅을 탐내어 엿보지 못하리라 !

25 너는 내 희생의 피를 유교병과 함께 드리지 말며 유월절 희생을 아침까지 두지 말지며

26 너의 토지 소산의 처음 익은 것을 가져다가 너의 하나님 여호와의 전에 드릴지며 너는 염소 새끼를 그 어미의 젖으로 삶지 말지니라

27 여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 너는 이 말들을 기록하라 내가 이 말들의 뜻대로 너와 이스라엘과 언약을 세웠음이니라 하시니라

28 모세가 여호와와 함께 사십일 사십야를 거기 있으면서 떡도 먹지 아니하였고 물도 마시지 아니하였으며 여호와께서는 언약의 말씀 곧 십계를 그 판들에 기록하셨더라

29 모세가 그 증거의 두 판을 자기 손에 들고 시내산에서 내려오니 그 산에서 내려올 때에 모세는 자기가 여호와와 말씀하였음을 인하여 얼굴 꺼풀에 광채가 나나 깨닫지 못하였더라

30 아론과 온 이스라엘 자손이 모세를 볼 때에 모세의 얼굴 꺼풀에 광채 남을 보고 그에게 가까이 하기를 두려워하더니

31 모세가 그들을 부르니 아론과 회중의 모든 어른이 모세에게로 오고 모세가 그들과 말하니

32 그 후에야 온 이스라엘 자손이 가까이 오는지라 모세가 여호와께서 시내산에서 자기에게 이르신 말씀을 다 그들에게 명하고

33 그들에게 말하기를 마치고 수건으로 자기 얼굴을 가리웠더라

34 그러나 모세가 여호와 앞에 들어가서 함께 말씀할 때에는 나오기까지 수건을 벗고 있다가 나와서는 그 명하신 일을 이스라엘 자손에게 고하며

35 이스라엘 자손이 모세의 얼굴의 광채를 보는고로 모세가 여호와께 말씀하러 들어가기까지 다시 수건으로 자기 얼굴을 가리웠더라




Apocalypse Explained#633



633. Forty and two months.- That this signifies even to the end of the old church, and the beginning of the new, is evident from the signification of months as denoting states, in this case the states of the church; for times, whether hours, days, months, years, or ages, signify states, and such states are designated by the numbers by which those times are determined, as in this case by the number forty-two (concerning this see above, n. 571, 610); and from the signification of forty-two as denoting the end of the former and the beginning of a new church. The reason this number has such a signification is, that it means six weeks, and by six weeks is signified the same as by six days of one week, that is, a state of combat and labour, consequently the end, when the church is altogether vastated, or when evil is consummated; and by the seventh week, which then follows, is signified the beginning of a new church. For the number forty-two results from the multiplication of six into seven, six times seven being forty-two, therefore it signifies the same as six weeks, and six weeks the same as six days of one week, that is, a state of combat and labour, as stated, and also a full state, in the present case, a full consummation of good and truth, or a complete vastation of the church.

[2] In the Word mention is frequently made of forty days, months, and years, and that number there signifies either a complete vastation of the church, or also a full state of temptation. That this state is signified by the numbers forty and forty-two, is evident from the following passages.

In Ezekiel:

Egypt "shall not be inhabited forty years; I will make Egypt a solitude in the midst of the lands that are desolate, and her cities in the midst of the cities that are devastated shall be a solitude forty years; and I will disperse Egypt among the nations, and I will scatter them in the lands; at the end of forty years I will gather Egypt together from the peoples, whither they were dispersed, and I will bring back the captivity of Egypt" (29:11-14)

Egypt signifies the church as to truths scientific (vera scientifica) upon which doctrine is founded. Truths scientific at that time were the knowledges (scientiae) of correspondences and representations, upon which the doctrine of their church was founded. But because the Egyptians turned those knowledges into magic, and by that means perverted the church, therefore its vastation, meant by forty years, is described. This, then, is the signification of Egypt not being inhabited forty years, and its cities being a solitude forty years. By Egypt being dispersed among the nations, and scattered in the lands, is signified that evils and falsities would completely take possession of that church and pervert all its scientifics. It is therefore evident that by forty years is signified the state of its complete vastation, or even to its end, when there would be no longer any truth and good remaining. But the beginning of a new church, signified by the end of forty years, is meant by these words, "at the end of forty years I will gather Egypt together from the peoples whither they were dispersed, and I will bring back the captivity of Egypt."

[3] In the same prophet there is a similar signification in the command

"that he should lie on his right side forty days, and lay siege to Jerusalem," which "shall want bread and water, and shall be desolate a man and a brother and waste away for their iniquity" (4:6, 7, 17).

The complete vastation of the church is also signified by that number; by Jerusalem is signified the church; by laying siege to it is signified to bring it into distress by evils and falses; by wanting bread and water is signified to be vastated as to the good of love and as to the truth of doctrine; by a man and a brother being desolate, and wasting away for their iniquity, things of a similar kind are signified, for a man and a brother denote truth and charity, and to waste away denotes to die.

[4] The forty days of the flood have a similar signification in Genesis:

"For yet seven days I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy all substance, which I have made, from upon the faces of the earth; and there was rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights"; then "after seven days, he sent out a dove, which did not return unto him" (7:4, 12; 8:6, 13).

The flood signifies the devastation of the old, or Most Ancient church, also a last judgment upon those who were of that church. By the rain of forty days is signified its destruction by the falsities of evil; but the beginning of a new church is signified by the drying up of the earth after those forty days, and by its germinating anew. The dove which he sent out signifies the good of charity, which was the essential of that church. Concerning these things see the Arcana Coelestia, where they are explained.

[5] From this signification of the number forty originated this law in Moses, That the wicked man shall be smitten with forty stripes, and not more, "lest thy brother seem vile in thine eyes" (Deuteronomy 25:3). Full punishment as well as vastation is described by forty, for punishment is equally the consummation of evil. And because after punishment reformation succeeds, therefore it is said that he shall not be smitten with more stripes, "lest thy brother seem vile in thine eyes"; for forty signifies the end of evil and also the beginning of good, therefore if more than forty stripes were given, the beginning of good, or reformation, would not be signified.

[6] The vastation of the church with the sons of Jacob by the servitude of four hundred years in Egypt is signified by the words of Jehovah to Abraham,

"Know thou that thy seed shall be a sojourner in a land not theirs, where they shall make them serve four hundred years" (Genesis 15:13).

The signification of four hundred is similar to that of forty, also the signification of a thousand is similar to that of a hundred, of a hundred to that of ten.

[7] The vastation of the church, and also full temptation, are also signified by the sons of Israel remaining forty years in the wilderness, of which it is thus written in the following passages:

"Your sons shall be feeding in the wilderness forty years, and shall bear your whoredoms, even until your carcases are consumed in the wilderness" (Numbers 14:33, 34):

"He made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation that did evil in the eyes of Jehovah was consumed" (Numbers 32:13):

"Jehovah hath known thy walking through this great wilderness these forty years, Jehovah thy God was with thee, that thou lackedst nothing" (Deuteronomy 2:7):

"Thou shalt remember all the way which Jehovah thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to afflict thee, and to tempt thee; he fed thee with manna to afflict thee, to tempt thee, and that he might do thee good at the last" (Deuteronomy 8:2, 3, 16):

"Your fathers tempted me, they proved me; forty years I loathed in this generation, and I said, they are a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways" (Psalm 95:9, 10):

"I made you to ascend out of the land of Egypt, and I led you forty years in the wilderness to possess the land of the Amorite" (Amos 2:10).

It is evident from what has been stated that by forty years is not only signified the vastation of the church with the sons of Israel, but also a full state of temptation; also that by the end of those years the beginning of a new church is signified. The vastation of the church is described by these words, that they should feed in the wilderness forty years, and bear their whoredoms, until their bodies should be consumed; also by these, until all this generation, which hath done evil in the eyes of Jehovah, be consumed; also by these, I loathed in this generation, and I said, they are a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways. But the temptation which is also signified by forty years is described by these words: Jehovah thy God was with thee through the forty years, that thou lackedst not any thing; also by these, Jehovah hath led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to afflict thee, and to tempt thee, and he fed thee with manna; also by these, He led thee in the wilderness to tempt thee, and to do thee good at the last. The beginning of the new church, at the end of the forty years, is described by their introduction into the land of Canaan, which took place after those forty years; and is also meant by the words, to do thee good at the last; also by these, I led you in the wilderness forty years to possess the land of the Amorite.

Full temptation is also signified by Moses being upon Mount Sinai forty days and forty nights, during which he neither ate bread nor drank water (Exodus 24:18; 34:28; Deuteronomy 9:9, 11, 18, 25); similarly, also, by "Jesus being in the wilderness tempted by the devil, where He fasted forty days" (Matthew 4:1, 2; Mark 1:13; Luke 4:1).

[8] From this it is evident that the number forty in the Word signifies complete vastation and consummation, that is, when all the good of the church is vastated, and evil consummated. The same number also signifies full temptation, and at the same time the establishment of the church anew, or reformation. From this the signification of the holy city being trodden under foot by the nations forty and two months is evident. And also in the following in the Apocalypse - that to the beast coming up out of the sea "was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given to him forty and two months" (Revelation 13:15). Let no one therefore suppose that by forty and two months are meant months, or that any special time is designated by the numbers mentioned here and in the words that follow.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.