




1 エジプトで、モーセとアロンに告げて言われた、

2 「このをあなたがたの初めのとし、これを年の正としなさい。

3 あなたがたはイスラエルの全会衆に言いなさい、『この月の十日におのおの、その父のごとに小羊を取らなければならない。すなわち、一族に小羊一頭を取らなければならない。

4 もし族が少なくて一頭の小羊を食べきれないときは、のすぐ隣の人と共に、人数に従って一頭を取り、おのおの食べるところに応じて、小羊を見計らわなければならない。

5 小羊は傷のないもので、一歳の雄でなければならない。羊またはやぎのうちから、これを取らなければならない。

6 そしてこの月の十四まで、これを守って置き、イスラエルの会衆はみな、夕暮にこれをほふり、

7 そのを取り、小羊を食するの入口のつの柱と、かもいにそれを塗らなければならない。

8 そしてその、そのに焼いて食べ、種入れぬパンと苦菜を添えて食べなければならない。

9 生でも、で煮ても、食べてはならない。に焼いて、その内臓と共に食べなければならない。

10 までそれを残しておいてはならない。まで残るものはで焼きつくさなければならない。

11 あなたがたは、こうして、それを食べなければならない。すなわちを引きからげ、にくつをはき、につえを取って、急いでそれを食べなければならない。これは主の過越である。

12 そのわたしはエジプトを巡って、エジプトにおる人ととの、すべてのういごを打ち、またエジプトのすべての神々に審判を行うであろう。わたしはである。

13 そのはあなたがたのおる々で、あなたがたのために、しるしとなり、わたしはその見て、あなたがたの所を過ぎ越すであろう。わたしがエジプトを撃つ時、災が臨んで、あなたがたを滅ぼすことはないであろう。

14 このはあなたがたに記念となり、あなたがたは主の祭としてこれを守り、代々、永久の定めとしてこれを守らなければならない。

15 の間あなたがたは種入れぬパンを食べなければならない。その初めのからパン種を取り除かなければならない。第一日から第七までに、種を入れたパンを食べる人はみなイスラエルから断たれるであろう。

16 かつ、あなたがたは第一日に聖会を、また第七に聖会を開かなければならない。これらのには、なんの仕事もしてはならない。ただ、おのおのの食べものだけは作ることができる。

17 あなたがたは、種入れぬパンの祭を守らなければならない。ちょうど、この、わたしがあなたがたの勢をエジプトから導き出したからである。それゆえ、あなたがたは代々、永久の定めとして、そのを守らなければならない。

18 に、その月の十四夕方に、あなたがたは種入れぬパンを食べ、その月の二十一日夕方まで続けなければならない。

19 の間、パン種を置いてはならない。種を入れたものを食べる者は、寄留の他人であれ、に生れた者であれ、すべて、イスラエルの会衆から断たれるであろう。

20 あなたがたは種を入れたものは何も食べてはならない。すべてあなたがたのすまいにおいて種入れぬパンを食べなければならない』」。

21 そこでモーセイスラエルの長老をみな呼び寄せて言った、「あなたがたは急いで家族ごとに一つの小を取り、その過越の獣をほふらなければならない。

22 また一束のヒソプを取って鉢のに浸し、鉢のを、かもいと入口のつの柱につけなければならない。まであなたがたは、ひとりもの戸の外に出てはならない。

23 が行き巡ってエジプトびとを撃たれるとき、かもいと入口のつの柱にある見てはその入口を過ぎ越し、滅ぼす者が、あなたがたのにはいって、撃つのを許されないであろう。

24 あなたがたはこの事を、あなたと孫のための定めとして、永久に守らなければならない。

25 あなたがたは、が約束されたように、あなたがたに賜る地に至るとき、この儀式を守らなければならない。

26 もし、あなたがたの供たちが『この儀式はどんな意味ですか』と問うならば、

27 あなたがたは言いなさい、『これは主の過越の犠牲である。エジプトびとを撃たれたとき、エジプトにいたイスラエルの人々のを過ぎ越して、われわれのを救われたのである』」。民はこのとき、伏して礼拝した。

28 イスラエルの人々は行ってそのようにした。すなわちモーセとアロンに命じられたようにした。

29 中になってエジプトの、すべてのういご、すなわち位に座するパロのういごから、地下のひとやにおる捕虜のういごにいたるまで、また、すべての畜のういごを撃たれた。

30 それでパロとその来およびエジプトびとはみなのうちに起きあがり、エジプトに大いなる叫びがあった。死人のないがなかったからである。

31 そこでパロはのうちにモーセとアロンを呼び寄せて言った、「あなたがたとイスラエルの人々は立って、わたしの民の中から出て行くがよい。そしてあなたがたの言うように、行ってに仕えなさい。

32 あなたがたの言うようにと牛とを取って行きなさい。また、わたしを祝福しなさい」。

33 こうしてエジプトびとは民をせき立てて、すみやかにを去らせようとした。彼らは「われわれはみな死ぬ」と思ったからである。

34 民はまだパン種を入れない練り粉を、こばちのまま着物に包んで肩に負った。

35 そしてイスラエルの人々はモーセの言葉のようにして、エジプトびとからの飾り、金の飾り、また衣服を請い求めた。

36 は民にエジプトびとの情を得させ、彼らの請い求めたものを与えさせられた。こうして彼らはエジプトびとのものを奪い取った。

37 さて、イスラエルの人々はラメセスを出立してスコテに向かった。女と供を除いて徒歩の男は約十万人であった。

38 また多くの入り混じった群衆およびなど非常に多くの家畜も彼らと共に上った。

39 そして彼らはエジプトから携えて出た練り粉をもって、種入れぬパンの菓子を焼いた。まだパン種を入れていなかったからである。それは彼らがエジプトから追い出されて滞ることができず、また、何の食料をも整えていなかったからである。

40 イスラエルの人々がエジプト住んでいた間は、三十年であった。

41 三十年の終りとなって、ちょうどそのに、主のエジプトを出た。

42 これは彼らをエジプトから導き出すためにが寝ずの番をされたであった。ゆえにこの、すべてのイスラエルの人々は代々、主のために寝ずの番をしなければならない。

43 モーセとアロンとに言われた、「過越の祭の定めは次のとおりである。すなわち、異邦人はだれもこれを食べてはならない。

44 しかし、おのおのが金で買ったしもべは、これに割礼を行ってのち、これを食べさせることができる。

45 仮ずまいの者と、雇人とは、これを食べてはならない。

46 ひとつのでこれを食べなければならない。そのを少しもの外に持ち出してはならない。また、そのを折ってはならない。

47 イスラエルの全会衆はこれを守らなければならない。

48 寄留の外国人があなたのもとにとどまっていて、過越の祭を守ろうとするときは、その男子はみな割礼を受けてのち、近づいてこれを守ることができる。そうすれば彼はに生れた者のようになるであろう。しかし、無割礼の者はだれもこれを食べてはならない。

49 この律法は国に生れたものにも、あなたがたのうちに寄留している外国人にも同一である」。

50 イスラエルの人々は、みなこのようにし、モーセとアロンに命じられたようにした。

51 ちょうどそのに、イスラエルの人々を、その団に従ってエジプトから導き出された。




Arcana Coelestia#10132



10132. 'Lambs, the sons of a year, each day' means the good of innocence in every state. This is clear from the meaning of 'lambs' as the good of innocence, dealt with below; from the meaning of 'the sons of a year' as a form of it that is child-like but has truths implanted in it, also dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'each day' as in every state. For 'a day' means a state, and 'the morning' and 'the evening' of a day, when the burnt offerings of lambs were presented, mean every state.

'A day' means a state, see 893, 2788, 3462, 3785, 4850, 7680.

Changes of states are like the changes in a day of morning, midday, evening, night, and morning again, 5672, 5962, 6110, 8426.

[2] The fact that the good of innocence is meant by 'lambs' is clear from places in the Word where 'lambs' are mentioned, as in Isaiah,

The wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child will lead them. A suckling will play over the viper's hole, and a weaned child will put out his hand onto the basilisk's den. They will not corrupt themselves on all My holy mountain. And it will happen on that day, that the nations will seek the root of Jesse, who is standing as an ensign of the peoples; and His rest will be glory. Isaiah 11:6, 8-10.

These words describe the state of peace and innocence in the heavens and in the Church after the Lord came into the world. And because a state of peace and innocence is being described the lamb, kid, and calf are mentioned, also a little child, suckling, and weaned child, every one of which means the good of innocence. Inmost good of innocence is meant by 'the lamb', interior good of innocence by 'the kid', and exterior good of innocence by 'the calf'; and these three degrees of good are likewise meant by 'a child', 'a suckling', and 'a weaned one'. 'The holy mountain' is heaven and the Church where the good of innocence resides; 'the nations' are those who have that good within them; and 'the root of Jesse' is the Lord, who is the source of that good. For the good of love coming from Him and offered back to Him, also called celestial good, constitutes the good of innocence.

[3] 'The lamb' means the good of innocence in general, and the inmost good of innocence in particular. This is clear from the fact that it is mentioned first, and also from the fact that the Lord Himself is referred to as the Lamb, as will be seen below.

'The kid' means the interior good of innocence, see 3519, 4871.

'The calf (or young bull)' means the exterior good of innocence, 430, 9391.

'A child' means innocence, 5236, as do 'a suckling', 'a weaned child', that is, an infant, 430, 2280, 3183, 3494, 5608.

'The holy mountain' is where the good of love to the Lord resides, 6435, 8758.

'The nations' means those who have that good within them, 1416, 6005.

That the good of love to the Lord, called celestial good, constitutes the good of innocence is clear from those who are in the inmost heaven. Because they have that good within them they appear naked, as young children; they do so because nakedness depicts innocence, as does early childhood, see the places referred to in 9277, and what has been stated in 3887, 9680.

[4] It says that 'the wolf will dwell with the lamb' because 'the wolf' means those who are opposed to innocence, as also in the same prophet,

The wolf and the lamb will feed together. They will not do evil nor destroy on all My holy mountain. Isaiah 65:25.

And in Luke,

Jesus said to the disciples whom He sent out, Behold, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. Luke 10:3.

[5] Since the Lord when He was in the world was - as to His Human - Innocence itself, and since for this reason innocence emanates wholly from Him, the Lord is called the Lamb, and the Lamb of God, as in Isaiah,

Send the Lamb of the Ruler of the land from the rock towards the wilderness, to the mountain of the daughter of Zion. Isaiah 16:1.

In the same prophet,

He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. He is led like a lamb to the slaughter. Isaiah 53:7.

In John,

John the Baptist saw Jesus coming; he said, Behold, the Lamb of God who bears away the sin of the world. John 1:29, 36.

In Revelation,

The Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will feed them and will guide them to living springs of water. Revelation 7:17.

And elsewhere in the same book,

These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins; these are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were bought from men (homo), being the firstfruits to God and the Lamb. Revelation 14:4.

And many times elsewhere in Revelation besides these two places, such as Revelation 5:6, 8, 12-13; 6:1, 16; 7:9-10, 14; 12:11; 13:8; 14:1; 15:3; 17:14; 19:7, 9; 21:9, 14, 22-23, 27; 22:1, 3.

[6] It was because those who possess innocence are meant by 'lambs' that the Lord first told Peter Feed My lambs, then afterwards Feed My sheep, and again, Feed My sheep, John 21:15-17. 'Lambs' in this instance are those who are governed by the good of love to the Lord, for they possess the good of innocence more than all others, whereas 'sheep' are those governed by the good of charity towards the neighbour and those governed by the good of faith.

[7] The word 'lambs' is used with a similar meaning in Isaiah,

Behold, the Lord Jehovih comes with might, and His arm exercises dominion for Him. He will pasture His flock like a shepherd, He will gather the lambs into His arm, He will carry them in His bosom, He will gently lead the sucklings 1 . Isaiah 40:10-11.

These verses refer, it is evident, to the Lord. Since those who are governed by love to Him and who for this reason possess the good of innocence are meant by 'lambs' it is said that 'He will gather them into His arm' and 'He will carry them in His bosom'. For these people are joined to the Lord through love, and love is spiritual togetherness. And this also is why those verses go on to say, 'He will gently lead the sucklings', for sucklings and young children are those who possess the good of innocence, 430, 2280, 3183, 3494.

[8] From all this one may now see what the burnt offerings and sacrifices of lambs mean, why they were offered each day, on each sabbath, at each new moon, at each feast, and every day during the feast of Passover, and why at the feast of Passover the lamb called the Passover lamb was eaten, spoken of as follows in Moses,

This month shall be for you the head of months; the first shall it be for you in respect of months of the year. You shall take a member of the flock, a male, from the lambs or from the kids. And they shall take some of the blood and put it onto the [two] doorposts and onto the lintel, and onto the houses in which they will eat it. They shall not eat any of it raw or boiled in water, but roasted with fire. Exodus 12:1ff.

The feast of Passover was a sign of the deliverance from damnation of those who receive the Lord in love and faith, 9286-9292, thus who possess the good of innocence; for the good of innocence is inmostly present in love and faith and is their soul. This is why it says that they were to put the animal's blood onto doorposts, lintel, and houses; for where the good of innocence is, hell cannot come in. The reason why they were to eat it roasted with fire was that this was a sign of the good of celestial love, which is the good of love to the Lord received from the Lord.

[9] Because a lamb was a sign of innocence, when the days [of purification] after giving birth had been fulfilled a lamb, the son of a year 2 was offered as a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or else a turtledove was offered as a sacrifice, Leviticus 12:6. The young pigeon or the turtledove was a sign of innocence, just as the lamb was. By 'giving birth' is meant in the spiritual sense the Church's giving birth, giving birth to the good of love; for no other kind of birth is thought of in heaven. And by the burnt offering and sacrifice of those creatures is meant purification from evils by means of the good of innocence; for this good is what the Divine flows into and uses to effect such purification.

[10] The reason why someone who sinned through error had to offer a lamb or a a female kid, or two turtledoves, or two young pigeons as a guilt-offering, Leviticus 5:1-13, was that 'sin through error' is sin owing to lack of knowledge, and if the lack of knowledge has innocence within it purification takes place. Regarding a Nazirite also it says that when he had completed his Naziriteship he had to offer a lamb, the son of a year 2 , as a burnt offering, a ewe lamb, the daughter of a year 2 , as a sin-sacrifice, and one ram as a eucharistic sacrifice, and also a basket of unleavened bread, cakes mixed with oil, and wafers of unleavened bread anointed with oil, Numbers 6:13-15. All these - the lamb, ewe lamb, ram, unleavened bread, cakes, wafers, and oil - mean celestial things, that is, aspects of love to the Lord received from the Lord. The reason why they were offered as a sacrifice by a Nazirite after the days of his Naziriteship had been fulfilled was that a Nazirite represented the celestial man, or the Lord in respect of the Divine Celestial, 3301, the Divine Celestial being what is Divine and the Lord's in the inmost heaven, and what is Divine there being innocence.

[11] From all this it may be recognized that 'a lamb' means the good of innocence, for all beasts that were sacrificed meant some aspect of the Church. It may be recognized primarily from the fact that the Lord Himself is called the Lamb, as is clear from the places referred to above; also that those people are called 'lambs' who love the Lord, as in Isaiah 40:10-11, and in John 21:15; and in addition that upright people are called 'sheep', for example in Matthew 15:21-29; 25:31-41; 26:31; John 10:7-16, 26-31; 21:16-17, and elsewhere, while bad people are called 'goats', Matthew 25:32; Zechariah 10:3; Daniel 8:5-11, 25. All useful and gentle beasts mean good affections and inclinations, while useless and savage ones mean evil affections and inclinations, see the places referred to in 9280.

[12] The good of innocence is meant not only by 'a lamb' but also by 'a ram' and by 'a young bull'. But the difference is that the inmost good of innocence is meant by 'a lamb', interior or middle good of innocence by 'a ram', and external good of innocence by 'a young bull'; for a person has an external level, an internal level, and an inmost level, on each of which the good of innocence must be present if the person is to be regenerate, the good of innocence being the very essence of all good. Because those three degrees of innocence are meant by a young bull, a ram, and a lamb, these three animals were offered as a sacrifice and a burnt offering whenever purification by means of that good was represented. That is, they were offered at each new moon, at feasts, on the day of firstfruits, and when the altar was consecrated, as is evident in Numbers 7:15, 21, 27, 33ff; 28:1-end; 29:1-end. For the meaning of 'a young bull' as the external good of innocence, 29:see9391, 9990, and that of 'a ram' as the internal good of innocence, 10042. As regards what innocence is, what it is like with young children, what it is like with the simple lacking in knowledge, and what it is like with the wise, see the places referred to in 10021(end).

[13] When it says that the lamb to be offered as a burnt offering had to be 'the son of a year', the meaning was that then it was a lamb; for when it was more than a year old it was a sheep. And since a lamb was so to speak an infant sheep, the kind of good that belongs to infancy or early childhood, which is the good of innocence, was meant by it. This also was why lambs were offered as a burnt offering in the first month of the year, when the Passover was celebrated, Exodus 12:2ff, Numbers 28:16, 19; on the day of firstfruits, Numbers 28:26-27; and on the day on which the sheaf was waved, Leviticus 23:11-12. For by the first month of the year, the day of firstfruits, and the day of waving the sheaf the state of early childhood, and so the state of innocence, was also meant.


1. The Latin word here is lactentes (sucklings). When the word has occurred in previous quotations of the verse it has been assumed, in the light of the Hebrew, that lactantes (those giving suck) was intended.

2. i.e. in its first year


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.