




1 Or Giacobbe dimorò nel paese dove suo padre avea soggiornato, nel paese di Canaan.

2 E questa è la posterità di Giacobbe. Giuseppe, all’età di diciassette anni, pasceva il gregge coi suoi fratelli; e, giovinetto com’era, stava coi figliuoli di Bilha e coi figliuoli di Zilpa, mogli di suo padre. E Giuseppe riferì al loro padre la mala fama che circolava sul loro conto.

3 Or Israele amava Giuseppe più di tutti gli altri suoi figliuoli, perché era il figlio della sua vecchiaia; e gli fece una veste lunga con le maniche.

4 E i suoi fratelli, vedendo che il loro padre l’amava più di tutti gli altri fratelli, l’odiavano, e non gli potevan parlare amichevolmente.

5 Or Giuseppe ebbe un sogno, e lo raccontò ai suoi fratelli; e questi l’odiaron più che mai.

6 Egli disse loro: "Udite, vi prego, il sogno che ho fatto.

7 Noi stavamo legando de’ covoni in mezzo ai campi, quand’ecco che il mio covone si levò su e si tenne ritto; ed ecco i covoni vostri farsi d’intorno al mio covone, e inchinarglisi dinanzi".

8 Allora i suoi fratelli gli dissero: "Dovrai tu dunque regnare su noi? o dominarci?" E l’odiarono più che mai a motivo de’ suoi sogni e delle sue parole.

9 Egli ebbe ancora un altro sogno, e lo raccontò ai suoi fratelli, dicendo: "Ho avuto un altro sogno! Ed ecco che il sole, la luna e undici stelle mi s’inchinavano dinanzi".

10 Ei lo raccontò a suo padre e ai suoi fratelli; e suo padre lo sgridò, e gli disse: "Che significa questo sogno che hai avuto? Dovremo dunque io e tua madre e i tuoi fratelli venir proprio a inchinarci davanti a te fino a terra?"

11 E i suoi fratelli gli portavano invidia, ma suo padre serbava dentro di sé queste parole.

12 Or i fratelli di Giuseppe erano andati a pascere il gregge del padre a Sichem.

13 E Israele disse a Giuseppe: "I tuoi fratelli non sono forse alla pastura a Sichem? Vieni, che ti manderò da loro". Ed egli rispose: "Eccomi".

14 Israele gli disse: "Va’ a vedere se i tuoi fratelli stanno bene, e se tutto va bene col gregge; e torna a dirmelo". Così lo mandò dalla valle di Hebron, e Giuseppe arrivò a Sichem.

15 E un uomo lo trovò che andava errando per i campi e quest’uomo lo interrogò dicendo: "Che cerchi?"

16 Egli rispose: "Cerco i miei fratelli; deh, dimmi dove siano a pascere il gregge".

17 E quell’uomo gli disse: "Son partiti di qui, perché li ho uditi che dicevano: Andiamocene a Dotan". Giuseppe andò quindi in traccia de’ suoi fratelli, e li trovò a Dotan.

18 Essi lo scorsero da lontano; e prima ch’egli fosse loro vicino, macchinarono d’ucciderlo.

19 E dissero l’uno all’altro: "Ecco cotesto sognatore che viene!

20 Ora dunque venite, uccidiamolo, e gettiamolo in una di queste cisterne; diremo poi che una mala bestia l’ha divorato, e vedremo che ne sarà de’ suoi sogni".

21 Ruben udì questo, e lo liberò dalle loro mani. Disse: "Non gli togliamo la vita".

22 Poi Ruben aggiunse: "Non spargete sangue; gettatelo in quella cisterna ch’è nel deserto, ma non lo colpisca la vostra mano". Diceva così, per liberarlo dalle loro mani e restituirlo a suo padre.

23 Quando Giuseppe fu giunto presso i suoi fratelli, lo spogliarono della sua veste, della veste lunga con le maniche che aveva addosso;

24 lo presero e lo gettarono nella cisterna. Or la cisterna era vuota; non c’era punt’acqua.

25 Poi si misero a sedere per prender cibo; e avendo alzati gli occhi, ecco che videro una carovana d’Ismaeliti, che veniva da Galaad, coi suoi cammelli carichi di aromi, di balsamo e di mirra, che portava in Egitto.

26 E Giuda disse ai suoi fratelli: "Che guadagneremo a uccidere il nostro fratello e a nascondere il suo sangue?

27 Venite, vendiamolo agl’Ismaeliti, e non lo colpisca la nostra mano, poiché è nostro fratello, nostra carne". E i suoi fratelli gli diedero ascolto.

28 E come que’ mercanti Madianiti passavano, essi trassero e fecero salire Giuseppe su dalla cisterna, e lo vendettero per venti sicli d’argento a quegl’Ismaeliti. E questi menarono Giuseppe in Egitto.

29 Or Ruben tornò alla cisterna; ed ecco, Giuseppe non era più nella cisterna. Allora egli si stracciò le vesti,

30 tornò dai suoi fratelli, e disse: "Il fanciullo non c’è più; e io, dove andrò io?"

31 Essi presero la veste di Giuseppe, scannarono un becco, e intrisero del sangue la veste.

32 Poi mandarono uno a portare al padre loro la veste lunga con le maniche, e gli fecero dire: "Abbiam trovato questa veste; vedi tu se sia quella del tuo figliuolo, o no".

33 Ed egli la riconobbe e disse: "E’ la veste del mio figliuolo; una mala bestia l’ha divorato; per certo, Giuseppe è stato sbranato".

34 E Giacobbe si stracciò le vesti, si mise un cilicio sui fianchi, e fece cordoglio del suo figliuolo per molti giorni.

35 E tutti i suoi figliuoli e tutte le sue figliuole vennero a consolarlo; ma egli rifiutò d’esser consolato, e disse: "Io scenderò, facendo cordoglio, dal mio figliuolo, nel soggiorno de’ morti". E suo padre lo pianse.

36 E que’ Madianiti lo vendettero in Egitto a Potifar, ufficiale di Faraone, capitano delle guardie.




Apocalypse Explained#637



637. Clothed in sackcloth.- That this signifies in mourning because of the non-reception of Divine Good and Divine Truth, is evident from the signification of being clothed with sackcloth, as denoting mourning because of the vastation and desolation of Divine Good and Divine Truth, in this case, because they are not received. For the witnesses were seen clothed in sackcloth, and by the witnesses are signified the Divine Good, which is the source of all the good of love and of charity, and the Divine Truth, which is the source of all the truth of doctrine and of faith, and these appear in mourning when not received, but in joy when received.

[2] Similar expressions are used concerning the sun and the moon, which also signify the good of love and the truth of faith, as that

"The sun became black as a sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood" (Apoc. 6:12).

By this it is meant that all the good of love was separated, and all the truth of faith falsified, as may be seen above (n. 401). Not that the Sun in the angelic heaven, which is the Lord, ever becomes black, but that it appears to do so to those who do not receive any light from it.

[3] In ancient times, when the externals of the church consisted of pure correspondences, and thence representatives of spiritual things, mourning was represented by various significative actions; as sitting and lying on the ground, rolling themselves in the dust, putting ashes on the head, rending the garments, and putting on sackcloth. Rending the garments and putting on sackcloth signified mourning on account of the desolation of truth and good in the church, and on account of their non-reception. For garments in general signified the truths of the church, as may be seen above (n. 64, 65, 195, 271, 395, 475:1, 476), and therefore the rending of the garments signified grief on account of injury to the truths of the church, and because they were rent asunder, as it were, by falsities. The putting on of sackcloth signified mourning on account of the deprivation of good and truth, and the consequent vastation of the church;

[4] therefore when Hezekiah the king heard the words of Tartan, the captain of the king of Assyria,

"He rent his garments, and covered himself with sackcloth, and came to the house of Jehovah; and he sent Eliakim who was over the house, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah" (2 Kings 19:1, 2; Isaiah 37:1, 2).

This was done because the king of Assyria signifies there the perverted Rational, or the Rational which perverts the truths and goods of the church and destroys them by falsities, all the words of Tartan, the captain of the king of Assyria, involving such things. And because the desolation and vastation of the church was seen to be so imminent, therefore, in order to testify mourning and grief on account of it, they rent their garments and covered themselves with sackcloth.

[5] Similarly when Benhadad the king of Assyria besieged Samaria, and there came a great famine, "the king rent his garments, and as he passed by upon the wall, the people saw, that behold sackcloth was upon his flesh within" (2 Kings 6:30). The signification is the same here as above, namely, imminent desolation and devastation of the church, therefore the king rent his garments, and had sackcloth upon his flesh, these being representative signs of mourning and grief.

[6] Mourning, for similar reasons, is also signified by what is written in other places. As for example, Jacob, when he believed that Joseph was torn to pieces, rent his garments, put sackcloth upon his loins, and, mourned over his son many days (Genesis 37:34). Ahab, after he had taken away the vineyard of Naboth, by the advice of Jezebel his wife, and heard the severe words of the prophet concerning that matter, rent his garments, placed sackcloth upon his flesh, and fasted, and lay in sackcloth, and went softly (1 Kings 21:27). Again, the king of Nineveh, after he had heard the words of Jonah, rose up from his throne, laid aside his robe from him, covered himself with sackcloth, sat upon ashes, and proclaimed a fast, and that man and beast should be covered with sackcloth (Jonah 3:5, 6, 8). Also, Daniel set his face to the Lord God, to seek by supplication and prayer, in fasting, in sackcloth and ashes (Dan. 9:3). And after Abner was slain, David said to Joab and to all the people who were with him, that they should rend their garments and cover themselves with sackcloth, and lament before Abner; and David himself walked behind the bier (2 Sam. 3:31). From these passages it is evident that in the Jewish and Israelitish church mourning was represented by the rending of the garments and the putting on of sackcloth; and for the reason that grief of mind and mourning of heart, being interior, were at that time represented by external things, which were significative on account of their correspondence with spiritual things.

[7] That the representation of mourning by sackcloth especially signified mourning on account of the desolation of truth and the vastation of good in the church, and also, in particular, repentance, and then mourning of heart on account of evils, is further evident from the following passages.

In Isaiah:

"The Lord Jehovih Zebaoth shall call in that day to weeping and to wailing and to baldness, and to the putting on of sackcloth" (22:12).

The subject treated of in that chapter is the vastation of the church as to Divine Truth, and mourning on account of it is described by baldness and the putting on of sackcloth.

[8] In Jeremiah:

"The lion is gone up out of the thicket, and the destroyer of the nations is on his way, he hath gone forth out of his place to reduce the land to wasteness; thy cities shall be destroyed, that there shall be no inhabitant, for this gird ye with sackcloth, wail, howl" (4:7, 8).

The lion out of the thicket signifies the falsity of evil destroying the truths of the church, and the destroyer of the nations signifies the evil of falsity destroying the good of the church; the land which they shall reduce to wasteness signifies the church, and by the cities which shall be destroyed are signified the truths of doctrine. By girding with sackcloth is signified mourning on account thereof, and therefore it is also added, wail and howl.

[9] In the same:

"O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth, and roll thee in ashes; make to thee the mourning of an only son, a wailing of bitterness, for the vastator will come suddenly upon us" (6:26).

By the daughter of my people is meant the church; by girding herself with sackcloth and rolling herself in ashes is signified mourning on account of the destruction of the good and truth of the church; the destruction of these, or the vastation of the church, is meant by the vastator coming suddenly. That great mourning and grief on account of the destruction of the good and truth of the church is signified by girding with sackcloth and rolling in ashes, is evident, for it is added, "make to thee the mourning of an only son, a wailing of bitterness."

[10] Again:

"Howl, O Heshbon, because Ai is devastated; cry out, O daughters of Rabbah; gird ye with sackcloth, wail, and wander among the fences; because their king is gone into exile, his priests and princes together" (Jeremiah 49:3).

These things are said concerning the sons of Ammon, who signify those who are in natural good and falsify the truths of the church. Those in the church who are of such a character are described by "the daughters of Rabbah." Gird ye with sackcloth, wail, wander amongst the fences, signifies mourning on account of the destruction of truth by falsifications, fences denoting truths falsified. Because their king is gone into exile, signifies that the truth of the church consequently perished, king denoting the truth of the church, and to go into exile signifying to be destroyed; that also the goods of the church, and thence all truths perished, is signified by the priests and the princes together, priests denoting the goods of the church, and princes truths thence.

[11] In Lamentations:

"They sit upon the earth, the elders of the daughter of Zion keep silence, they have cast up dust upon their head, they have girded themselves with sackcloth; the virgins of Jerusalem have hung down their heads to the earth" (2:10).

To sit upon the earth, to keep silence, to cast up dust upon the head, and to hang down the head to the earth, were all signs representative of mourning and grief on account of the vastation of the church by evils and falsities. The elders of the daughter of Zion signify the wise and intelligent in the church, and, in the abstract, wisdom and intelligence. The daughters of Zion and the virgins of Jerusalem signify those in the church who are in the affection for good and truth, and, in the abstract, those affections themselves.

[12] In Ezekiel:

The shipmasters "shall make themselves bald for thee, and shall gird themselves with sackcloth, and they shall weep over thee with bitterness of soul, with a bitter wailing" (Ezekiel 27:3 1).

These words refer to Tyre, which signifies the church as to the knowledges of truth and good, consequently also the knowledges of truth and good that pertain to the church. Here mourning is described because those knowledges are lost. The shipmasters signify all those who bring and communicate those knowledges. To make bald signifies mourning because every thing pertaining to intelligence is destroyed; to gird with sackcloth signifies mourning because the cognition of truth also is destroyed. Because mourning is that which is described, it is therefore added, "they shall weep over thee with bitterness of soul, with bitter wailing."

[13] In the Evangelists:

Wo to thee, Chorazin, wo to thee, Bethsaida, for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes (Matthew 11:21; Luke 10:13).

To repent in sackcloth and ashes means to grieve and mourn on account of the non-reception of Divine Truth, and on account of the falsities and evils which oppose.

[14] In Joel:

"Howl as a virgin girded with sackcloth over the bridegroom of her youth; gird yourselves about and wail, ye priests, howl ye ministers of the altar; come, pass the night in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God, because the meat-offering and the drink-offering are withholden from the house of your God" (1:8, 13).

Here also to be girded with sackcloth, and to pass the night in sackcloth, signifies mourning because the good and truth of the church are destroyed, for the meat-offering signifies the good of the church, and the drink-offering its truth.

[15] In Amos:

"I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head, and I will make it as the mourning for an only son, and its end as a bitter day" (8:10).

Sackcloth upon the loins signifies mourning because the good of love is destroyed, for this is signified by the loins; and baldness upon the head signifies mourning because the understanding of truth is destroyed.

[16] In Isaiah:

“Upon all the heads" of Moab "baldness, every beard shaven; in the streets thereof they have girded themselves with sackcloth; upon the roofs thereof, and in the streets thereof, he shall howl, going down into weeping" (15:2, 3).

In Jeremiah:

"Every head baldness, and every beard shaven; upon all hands ashes, and upon the loins sackcloth; upon all the roofs of Moab, and in the streets thereof, mourning everywhere" (48:37, 38).

By Moab are signified those who are in natural good and adulterate the goods of the church. That they have no understanding of truth, nor knowledge of truth, is signified by baldness upon all the heads of Moab, and by every beard shaven, also by howling and mourning upon the roofs and in the streets. Ashes upon all hands signify things falsified; mourning on account of this is signified by girding on sackcloth, also by howling and going down into weeping.

[17] In Isaiah:

"It shall come to pass, instead of spices, shall be corruption, and instead of a girdle, a rent, and instead of braided work, baldness, and instead of a robe, a girding of sackcloth, burning instead of beauty; thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy strength in the war" (3:24, 25).

These things are said of the daughters of Zion, who signify the church as to the affections for celestial good, consequently by the daughters of Zion are signified the affections for good pertaining to the celestial church. The loss and dissipation of these through the pride of [man's] own intelligence is there described by the various things with which those daughters adorn themselves. Instead of spices shall be corruption, instead of a girdle, a rent, instead of braided work, baldness, instead of a robe, a girding of sackcloth, and instead of beauty, burning, signifies the changing of their affections into those of a contrary and unbeautiful kind. By corruption is signified the perishing of what is vital. By a rent instead of a girdle is signified the dissipation of the perceptions of truth, instead of the union of them; by baldness instead of braided work is signified foolishness instead of knowledge; by burning instead of beauty is signified folly instead of intelligence, burning denoting the insanity that arises from pride in [one's] own intelligence, which is folly, while beauty denotes intelligence. Thy men shall fall by the sword and thy strength in the war signifies that the truths of the understanding would perish by means of falsities, until there would be no resistance against evils, the sword denoting falsity destroying the truth.

[18] Sackcloth signifies the same in the following passages; as in Ezekiel:

"All hands are let down, all knees go into waters, whence they shall gird themselves with sackcloth, and terror shall cover them, and upon all faces shall be shame, and upon all heads baldness" (7:17, 18).

In David:

"I, when they were sick, made my garment sackcloth, I afflicted my soul with hunger" (Psalm 35:13).


"When I wept in the fast of my soul, it became to me a reproach; when I made sackcloth my garment, I became a byword to them" (Psalm 69:10, 11).

In Job:

"I sewed sackcloth upon my skin, and put tiny horn in the dust; my face was troubled through weeping" (16:15, 16).

In Isaiah:

"I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering" (50:3).

And in David:

"Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing, thou hast opened my sackcloth, and hast girded me with joy" (Psalm 30:11).

In these passages also sackcloth signifies mourning and to gird sackcloth upon the body instead of a garment signifies mourning because the truth of the church is destroyed; and to gird sackcloth upon the loins and upon the flesh signifies mourning because the good of the church is destroyed. For a garment signifies the truth of the church, and the loins and flesh signify the good of the church.

[19] That to gird on sackcloth was merely representative and thence significative of mourning and repentance, but was not itself either mourning or repentance, is evident in Isaiah:

"Is it such a fast as this that I shall choose, a day for a man to afflict his soul, to bow down his head as a rush, and to lie down in sackcloth and ashes; wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to Jehovah? Is not this the fast that I choose, to loose the bonds of wickedness, to break thy bread to the hungry, and to bring the afflicted exiles to thy house, and when thou seest the naked that thou cover him?" (58:5-7).

In Joel:

"Turn ye unto me with your whole heart, and in fasting, and in weeping, and in wailing; and rend your heart, and not your garments" (2:12, 13).


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.