




1 Mosè convocò tutta la raunanza de’ figliuoli d’Israele, e disse loro: "Queste son le cose che l’Eterno ha ordinato di fare.

2 Sei giorni si dovrà lavorare, ma il settimo giorno sarà per voi un giorno santo, un sabato di solenne riposo, consacrato all’Eterno. Chiunque farà qualche lavoro in esso sarà messo a morte.

3 Non accenderete fuoco in alcuna delle vostre abitazioni il giorno del sabato".

4 Poi Mosè parlò a tutta la raunanza de’ figliuoli d’Israele, e disse: "Questo è quello che l’Eterno ha ordinato:

5 Prelevate da quello che avete, un’offerta all’Eterno; chiunque è di cuor volenteroso recherà un’offerta all’Eterno: oro, argento, rame;

6 stoffe di color violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, lino fino, pel di capra,

7 pelli di montone tinte in rosso, pelli di delfino, legno d’acacia,

8 olio per il candelabro, aromi per l’olio dell’unzione e per il profumo fragrante,

9 pietre d’onice, pietre da incastonare per l’efod e per il pettorale.

10 Chiunque tra voi ha dell’abilità venga ed eseguisca tutto quello che l’Eterno ha ordinato:

11 il tabernacolo, la sua tenda e la sua coperta, i suoi fermagli, le sue assi, le sue traverse, le sue colonne e le sue basi,

12 l’arca, le sue stanghe, il propiziatorio e il velo da stender davanti all’arca, la tavola e le sue stanghe,

13 tutti i suoi utensili, e il pane della presentazione;

14 il candelabro per la luce e i suoi utensili, le sue lampade e l’olio per il candelabro;

15 l’altare dei profumi e le sue stanghe, l’olio dell’unzione e il profumo fragrante, la portiera dell’ingresso per l’entrata del tabernacolo,

16 l’altare degli olocausti con la sua gratella di rame, le sue stanghe e tutti i suoi utensili, la conca e la sua base,

17 le cortine del cortile, le sue colonne e le loro basi e la portiera all’ingresso del cortile;

18 i piuoli del tabernacolo e i piuoli del cortile e le loro funi;

19 i paramenti per le cerimonie per fare il servizio nel luogo santo, i paramenti sacri per il sacerdote Aaronne, e i paramenti de’ suoi figliuoli per esercitare il sacerdozio".

20 Allora tutta la raunanza de’ figliuoli d’Israele si partì dalla presenza di Mosè.

21 E tutti quelli che il loro cuore spingeva e tutti quelli che il loro spirito rendea volenterosi, vennero a portare l’offerta all’Eterno per l’opera della tenda di convegno, per tutto il suo servizio e per i paramenti sacri.

22 Vennero uomini e donne; quanti erano di cuor volenteroso portarono fermagli, orecchini, anelli da sigillare e braccialetti, ogni sorta di gioielli d’oro; ognuno portò qualche offerta d’oro all’Eterno.

23 E chiunque aveva delle stoffe tinte in violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, o lino fino, o pel di capra, o pelli di montone tinte in rosso, o pelli di delfino, portava ogni cosa.

24 Chiunque prelevò un’offerta d’argento e di rame, portò l’offerta consacrata all’Eterno; e chiunque aveva del legno d’acacia per qualunque lavoro destinato al servizio, lo portò.

25 E tutte le donne abili filarono con le proprie mani e portarono i loro filati in color violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, e del lino fino.

26 E tutte le donne che il cuore spinse ad usare la loro abilità, filarono del pel di capra.

27 E i capi dei popolo portarono pietre d’onice e pietre da incastonare per l’efod e per il pettorale,

28 aromi e olio per il candelabro, per l’olio dell’unzione e per il profumo fragrante.

29 Tutti i figliuoli d’Israele, uomini e donne, che il cuore mosse a portare volenterosamente il necessario per tutta l’opera che l’Eterno aveva ordinata per mezzo di Mosè, recarono all’Eterno delle offerte volontarie.

30 Mosè disse ai figliuoli d’Israele: "Vedete, l’Eterno ha chiamato per nome Betsaleel, figliuolo di Uri, figliuolo di Hur, della tribù di Giuda;

31 e lo ha ripieno dello spirito di Dio, di abilità, d’intelligenza e di sapere per ogni sorta di lavori,

32 per concepire opere d’arte, per lavorar l’oro, l’argento e il rame,

33 per incidere pietre da incastonare, per scolpire il legno, per eseguire ogni sorta di lavori d’arte.

34 E gli ha comunicato il dono d’insegnare: a lui ed a Oholiab, figliuolo di Ahisamac, della tribù di Dan.

35 Li ha ripieni d’intelligenza per eseguire ogni sorta di lavori d’artigiano e di disegnatore, di ricamatore e di tessitore in colori svariati: violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, e di lino fino, per eseguire qualunque lavoro e per concepire lavori d’arte.




Arcana Coelestia#10083



10083. 'And you shall wave them as a wave offering before Jehovah' means the life from God which comes as a result of this. This is clear from the meaning of 'waving a wave offering' as endowing with life, thus the life [present in something]; and since it says from 'before Jehovah' the life from God is meant. The fact that 'waving a wave offering' means endowing with life, that is, imparting the life from God, is clear from places in the Word where 'waving a wave offering' is spoken of, as in Moses,

When you bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest, he shall wave the sheaf before Jehovah, so that you may be acceptable; on the day after the sabbath the priest shall wave it. Leviticus 23:10-11.

'Harvest' means a state when the truth of faith springing from good exists, thus a state when good is present, 9295; 'a sheaf of the firstfruits' means all collectively constituting that state. 'Being waved by the priest' therefore means being endowed with life to receive a blessing; for every blessing, to be a blessing, must have life from God within it.

[2] In the same author,

Aaron shall wave the Levites before Jehovah as a wave offering 1 from among the children of Israel, that they may be used in the service of Jehovah. You shall stand the Levites before Aaron and before his sons, and you shall wave them as a wave offering to Jehovah. After that the Levites shall go in to serve in the tent of meeting; and you shall purify them, and wave them as a wave offering. And when the Levites had been purified, Aaron waved them before Jehovah as a wave offering, and Aaron expiated them to purify them. Numbers 8:11, 13, 15, 21.

These verses show what 'waving a wave offering' means, namely endowing with life through acknowledgement, which is the first phase of faith, and so the first phase of life from God with a person. Knowledge, it is true, comes before acknowledgement, but knowledge has none of God's life within it until it becomes acknowledgement and then faith. The Levites represented truths serving good, while Aaron represented the good they served; that is why they were 'waved', that is, were endowed with life. This also accounts for its being said that they were to be purified. For truths must have life from God within them if they are to serve good, and that life first flows in through acknowledgement.

[3] Much the same is meant by 'a wave offering of gold' in Moses,

They came, the men with the women ... they brought brooches, nose-jewels, rings, girdles 2 , all vessels of gold; and every man who waved a wave offering of gold to Jehovah. Exodus 35:22.

'Waving a wave offering of gold to Jehovah' means endowing with life through the acknowledgement that it was Jehovah's, that is, the Lord's. 'Waving a wave offering' means such things by virtue of what that action corresponds to; for every motion corresponds to a state of thought. In the Word therefore advancing, travelling on, and like movements mean states of life, see 3335, 4882, 5493, 5605, 8103, 8417, 8420, 8557.

[4] In John,

At the pool of Bethesda lay a large multitude of sick people; and an angel went down at a certain time to the pool and stirred up the water. Then whoever stepped in first after the movement of the water was cured of whatever disease he had. John 5:2-7.

'Stirring up the water' here was in like manner a sign of the endowment of life through acknowledgement and faith, and therefore also a sign of purification by means of truths.

'Movement' means states of life, see 2837, 3356, 3387, 4321, 4882, 5605, 7381, 9440, 9967.

'Water' means the truths of faith, 2702, 3058, 3424, 4976, 8568, 9323.

All purification is accomplished by means of the truths of faith, 2799, 5954 (end), 7044, 7918, 9088.

Healings represented the restoration of spiritual life, 8365, 9031 (end).

[5] Since 'the waving on Aaron's palms' means the endowment of life through acknowledgement of the Lord and the acknowledgement that all things come from Him, something brief must be stated with regard to that acknowledgement and resulting faith. The Lord often said, when sick people were being healed, that they should have faith, and, 'Let it be to you according to your faith', as in Matthew 8:10-13; 9:2, 22, 27-29; 13:57-58; 15:28; 21:21-22, 31-32; Mark 5:34, 36; 10:49, 52; 16:16; Luke 7:9, 48-50; 8:48; 17:19; 18:42-43. The reason why He said it was that the very first thing a person needs to do is to acknowledge that the Lord is the Saviour of the world; for unless he acknowledges this no one can receive any truth or good at all from heaven, or therefore receive faith from there. And since it was the very first and most essential thing, therefore in order that He might be acknowledged when He came into the world the Lord questioned the sick, when He healed them, about their faith; and those who had faith were healed. This faith was that He was the Son of God who was to come into the world, and that He had power to heal and save. Furthermore every healing of sickness by the Lord when He was in the world served to mean a healing of spiritual life, thus served to mean the things that belong to salvation, 8364, 9031(end), 9086.

[6] Since acknowledgement of the Lord is the first thing of all belonging to spiritual life and is the most essential feature of the Church, and since no one, unless he acknowledges Him, can receive any truth of faith or good of love at all from heaven, the Lord also often says that whoever believes in Him has eternal life, and whoever does not believe in Him does not have it, as in John 1:1, 4, 12-13; 3:14-16, 36; 5:39-40; 6:28-30, 33-35, 40, 47-48; 7:37-38; 8:24; 11:25-26; 20:30-31. But at the same time He also teaches that they have faith in Him who live according to His commandments, so that the life which results from doing so goes to compose their faith. These things have been stated to cast light on and corroborate the truth that acknowledging the Lord and acknowledging that all salvation comes from Him constitute the beginning of the life from God with a person. That beginning of it is meant by the offering waved on Aaron's palms.


1. i.e. the Levites were to be offered to Jehovah as though they were a wave offering

2. i.e. bracelets, necklaces, etc


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.