




1 L’Eterno disse a Mosè: "Va’ sali di qui, tu col popolo che hai tratto dal paese d’Egitto, verso il paese che promisi con giuramento ad Abrahamo ad Isacco e a Giacobbe, dicendo: Io lo darò alla tua progenie.

2 Io manderò un angelo dinanzi a te, e caccerò i Cananei, gli Amorei, gli Hittei, i Ferezei, gli Hivvei e i Gebusei.

3 Esso vi condurrà in un paese ove scorre il latte e il miele; poiché io non salirò in mezzo a te, perché sei un popolo di collo duro, ond’io non abbia a sterminarti per via".

4 Quando il popolo udì queste sinistre parole, fece cordoglio, e nessuno si mise i propri ornamenti.

5 Infatti l’Eterno avea detto a Mosè: "Di’ ai figliuoli d’Israele: Voi siete un popolo di collo duro; s’io salissi per un momento solo in mezzo a te, ti consumerei! Or dunque, togliti i tuoi ornamenti, e vedrò com’io ti debba trattare".

6 E i figliuoli d’Israele si spogliarono de’ loro ornamenti, dalla partenza dal monte Horeb in poi.

7 E Mosè prese la tenda, e la piantò per sé fuori del campo, a una certa distanza dal campo, e la chiamò la tenda di convegno; e chiunque cercava l’Eterno, usciva verso la tenda di convegno, ch’era fuori del campo.

8 Quando Mosè usciva per recarsi alla tenda, tutto il popolo si alzava, e ognuno se ne stava ritto all’ingresso della propria tenda, e seguiva con lo sguardo Mosè, finché egli fosse entrato nella tenda.

9 E come Mosè era entrato nella tenda, la colonna di nuvola scendeva, si fermava all’ingresso della tenda, e l’Eterno parlava con Mosè.

10 Tutto il popolo vedeva la colonna di nuvola ferma all’ingresso della tenda; e tutto il popolo si alzava, e ciascuno si prostrava all’ingresso della propria tenda.

11 Or l’Eterno parlava con Mosè faccia a faccia, come un uomo parla col proprio amico; poi Mosè tornava al campo; ma Giosuè, figliuolo di Nun, suo giovane ministro, non si dipartiva dalla tenda.

12 E Mosè disse all’Eterno: "Vedi, tu mi dici: Fa’ salire questo popolo! e non mi fai conoscere chi manderai meco. Eppure hai detto: Io ti conosco personalmente ed anche hai trovato grazia agli occhi miei.

13 Or dunque, se ho trovato grazia agli occhi tuoi, deh, fammi conoscere le tue vie, ond’io ti conosca e possa trovar grazia agli occhi tuoi. E considera che questa nazione è popolo tuo".

14 E l’Eterno rispose: "La mia presenza andrà teco, e io ti darò riposo".

15 E Mosè gli disse: "Se la tua presenza non vien meco, non ci far partire di qui.

16 Poiché, come si farà ora a conoscere che io e il tuo popolo abbiam trovato grazia agli occhi tuoi? Non sarà egli dal fatto che tu vieni con noi? Questo distinguerà me e il tuo popolo da tutti i popoli che sono sulla faccia della terra".

17 E l’Eterno disse a Mosè: "Farò anche questo che tu chiedi, poiché tu hai trovato grazia agli occhi miei, e ti conosco personalmente".

18 Mosè disse: "Deh, fammi vedere la tua gloria!"

19 E l’Eterno gli rispose: "Io farò passare davanti a te tutta la mia bontà, e proclamerò il nome dell’Eterno davanti a te; e farò grazia a chi vorrò far grazia, e avrò pietà di chi vorrò aver pietà".

20 Disse ancora: "Tu non puoi veder la mia faccia, perché l’uomo non mi può vedere e vivere".

21 E l’Eterno disse: "Ecco qui un luogo presso a me; tu starai su quel masso;

22 e mentre passerà la mia gloria, io ti metterò in una buca del masso, e ti coprirò con la mia mano, finché io sia passato;

23 poi ritirerò la mano, e mi vedrai per di dietro; ma la mia faccia non si può vedere".




Arcana Coelestia#10551



10551. 'And so it was, when Moses entered the tent, that the pillar of cloud came down, and stood at the door of the tent, and talked to Moses' means that when the Word had gone beyond what they were capable of understanding, extremely poor visibility descended on them as they stood outside, and yet there was clear perception from within. This is clear from the meaning of 'when Moses entered the tent' as when the Word had gone beyond what they were capable of understanding, dealt with immediately above in 10550; from the meaning of 'the pillar of cloud' as extremely poor visibility so far as that nation was concerned, for by 'cloud' the outward sense of the Word is meant, see Preface to Genesis 18, and 4060, 4391, 5922, 6343(end), 6752, 8443, 8781, and also the poor visibility of the Word so far as those who have no enlightenment are concerned, and its extremely poor visibility so far as those with whom the outward sense of the Word is separated from the inward are concerned, 6832, 8106, 8814, 8819, 9430; from the meaning of 'standing at the door' as being outside, dealt with above in 10549; and from the meaning of 'talking to Moses' as clear perception from within. For the Word - as it is essentially - is meant by 'Moses', see 9372, while perceiving is meant by 'talking', see in the places referred to in 10290. The reason why 'from within' is meant is that Moses, to whom 'the pillar of cloud' talked, was within the tent.

[2] What it is to see from without and to perceive from within must be stated. Those who have enlightenment when they read the Word see it from within; for their internal has been opened, and when the internal has been opened it dwells in the light of heaven. This light flows in and brings enlightenment, though the person is not conscious of its doing so. He is not conscious of this because that light flows into the cognitions or knowledge present in the human memory, which however dwell in natural light. And since the person feels, when he uses them to think with, that he does so all by himself he cannot be aware of the influx; yet there are various indications enabling him to know that he has been given enlightenment. But anyone at all who supposes that he has enlightenment is mistaken if he does not love to know truth for its own sake and for the sake of leading a good life, thus if he does not love Divine Truth for life's sake. For leading a life in keeping with Divine Truths derived from the Word constitutes loving the Lord; and from the Lord, when He is loved, springs all enlightenment.

[3] Those however who do not see a life in keeping with Divine Truths derived from the Word as the end in view, but position, gain, and reputation as the end in view and the Divine Truths of the Word therefore as the means, cannot possibly possess any enlightenment. This end is worldly and bodily, and not spiritual and heavenly. Consequently it closes off their internal man, and once this is closed no light from heaven can flow in and bring enlightenment. If these people suppose that they are enlightened when they read the Word they are completely mistaken; for their thought is inspired not by heaven but by the world, and so springs not from the Lord but from self. And to the extent that it springs from self and the world it is the product of natural light separated from heavenly light; and natural light separated from heavenly light constitutes thickest darkness in spiritual matters. If these people are convinced that they have seen something as a result of having been enlightened they are mistaken. For the only way that they perceive whether anything is true is with the aid of proofs supplied by others, which is to see truth from without and not from within, or else with the aid of faith that is no more than persuasion, the nature of which may be seen in 9363-9369. Such people are able to see falsity as truth and truth as falsity, and also to see evil as good and good as evil.

[4] From all this it is clear what seeing the Word from without is and perceiving it from within is. Seeing it from without is what is meant when it says that the people stood, [each] at the door of [his] tent, and looked after Moses, and also that they saw the pillar of cloud standing at the door of the tent, and they bowed down, [each] at the door of [his] tent. But perceiving the Word from within is what is meant when it says that Moses entered the tent, and that the pillar of cloud at the door of the tent talked to Moses.

[5] A brief statement must also be made about the way in which the influx bringing enlightenment operates. Angels equally with men perceive the Word when it is read; but angels do so on a spiritual level, men on a natural level. A person whose internal has been opened also perceives it on a spiritual level, though he is not conscious of doing so while he lives in the world because his spiritual thought flows into his natural thought in the external man and manifests itself within this. Nevertheless that interior thought is what enlightens and is the channel through which influx from the Lord operates. Some learned people by looking into their own thoughts and reflecting on what they see have also noticed that the human being possesses interior thought which is not overt. They have therefore called the ideas composing it immaterial and intellectual 1 , distinguishing them from the overt ideas composing exterior thought, which they have called natural and material. But they have not known that the ideas composing interior thought are spiritual, nor that when these flow down from their own level they are converted into natural ones and then take on a different shape and appearance. These considerations show to some extent the way in which the influx bringing enlightenment operates.


1. i.e. 'Apprehensible or apprehended only by the intellect; non-material, spiritual; ideal.' (Shorter Oxford English Dictionary)


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.