




1 ALLORA Giuseppe, non potendo più farsi forza in presenza di tutti i circostanti, gridò: Facciasi uscire ognuno fuori d’appresso a me. E niuno restò con lui, quando egli si diede a conoscere a’ suoi fratelli.

2 Ed egli diede un grido con pianto, e gli Egizj lo intesero; que’ della casa di Faraone lo intesero anch’essi.

3 E Giuseppe disse a’ suoi fratelli: Io son Giuseppe; mio padre vive egli ancora? Ma i suoi fratelli non gli potevano rispondere; perciocchè erano tutti sbigottiti della sua presenza.

4 E Giuseppe disse a’ suoi fratelli: Deh! appressatevi a me. Ed essi si appressarono a lui. Ed egli disse: Io son Giuseppe, vostro fratello, il qual voi vendeste per esser menato in Egitto.

5 Ma ora non vi contristate, e non vi rincresca di avermi venduto per esser menato qua; conciossiachè Iddio mi abbia mandato davanti a voi per vostra conservazione.

6 Perciocchè quest’è l’anno secondo della fame dentro del paese; e ve ne saranno ancora cinque, ne’ quali non vi sarà nè aratura, nè mietitura.

7 Ma Iddio mi ha mandato davanti a voi, per far che abbiate alcun rimanente nella terra, e per conservarvelo in vita, per un grande scampo.

8 Ora dunque, non voi mi avete mandato qua, anzi Iddio; ed egli mi ha costituito per padre a Faraone, e per padrone sopra tutta la sua casa, e rettore in tutto il paese di Egitto.

9 Ritornatevene prestamente a mio padre, e ditegli: Così dice il tuo figliuolo Giuseppe: Iddio mi ha costituito rettor di tutto l’Egitto; scendi a me, non restare.

10 E tu dimorerai nella contrada di Gosen, e sarai presso di me, tu, e i tuoi figliuolo, e i figliuoli de’ tuoi figliuoli e le tue gregge, e i tuoi armenti, e tutto ciò ch’è tuo.

11 E io ti sostenterò quivi, perciocchè vi saranno ancora cinque anni di fame; acciocchè talora tu non sofferi necessità, tu, e la tua famiglia, e tutto ciò ch’è tuo.

12 Ed ecco, gli occhi vostri veggono, gli occhi del mio fratello Beniamino anch’essi veggono, che la mia bocca è quella che vi parla.

13 Rapportate adunque a mio padre tutta la gloria, nella quale io sono in Egitto, e tutto ciò che voi avete veduto; e fate prestamente venir qua mio padre.

14 Poi, gittatosi al collo di Beniamino, suo fratello, pianse; Beniamino altresì pianse sopra il collo di esso.

15 Baciò ancora tutti i suoi fratelli, e pianse sopra loro. E, dopo questo, i suoi fratelli parlarono con lui.

16 E il grido ne fu udito nella casa di Faraone, e fu detto: I fratelli di Giuseppe son venuti. E la cosa piacque a Faraone ed a’ suoi servitori.

17 E Faraone disse a Giuseppe: Di’ a’ tuoi fratelli: Fate questo: caricate le vostre bestie, e andatevene; e, quando sarete giunti nel paese di Canaan,

18 prendete vostro padre, e le vostre famiglie, e venite a me; ed io vi darò il meglio del paese di Egitto, e voi mangerete il grasso del paese.

19 E a te, Giuseppe, è ordinato questo: fate ciò: prendete de’ carri del paese di Egitto, per le vostre famiglie, e per le vostre mogli; e levate vostro padre, e venitevene.

20 E non vi rincresca di lasciar le vostre masserizie; perciocchè il meglio di tutto il paese di Egitto sarà vostro.

21 E i figliuoli d’Israele fecero così; e Giuseppe diede loro de’ carri secondo il comandamento di Faraone; diede loro ancora provvisione per lo viaggio.

22 Diede eziandio a ciascun d’essi tutti delle mute di vestimenti; e a Beniamino diede trecento sicli di argento, e cinque mute di vestimenti.

23 E a suo padre mandò questo: dieci asini carichi delle migliori cose di Egitto; e dieci asine cariche di grano, e di pane, e di vittuaglia, per suo padre, per lo viaggio.

24 E diede commiato a’ suoi fratelli, ed essi se ne andarono. Ed egli disse loro: Non vi crucciate per cammino.

25 Ed essi se ne ritornarono di Egitto; e vennero nel paese di Canaan, a Giacobbe, lor padre.

26 E gli rapportarono la cosa, dicendo: Giuseppe vive ancora; e anche è rettore in tutto il paese di Egitto. E il cuore gli venne meno; perciocchè non credeva loro.

27 Ma essi gli dissero tutte le parole che Giuseppe avea lor dette; ed egli vide i carri, che Giuseppe avea mandati per levarlo; allora lo spirito si ravvivò a Giacobbe, lor padre.

28 E Israele disse: Basta, il mio figliuolo Giuseppe vive ancora; io andrò, e lo vedrò, avanti che io muoia.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.



Arcana Coelestia#5886



5886. 'Whom you sold into Egypt' means the internal which they had alienated. This is clear from the representation of Joseph, the one whom they had 'sold', as the internal, dealt with in 5805, 5826, 5827; from the meaning of 'selling' as alienating, dealt with in 4752, 4758, while 'Egypt' here means the lowest parts, as it does below in 5889. For placing some subject among the facts one knows without any acknowledgement of it is casting it to the sides, thus to the last or lowest parts of the mind. This is also how it is at the present day with the subject of the internal in the human being. The subject exists, it is true, among known facts because religious teaching provides knowledge of the existence of the internal man. Yet it is cast away to the lowest parts of the mind because there is no acknowledgement of it or belief in its existence, as a result of which it is alienated, not, it is true, from the memory but from faith. In the internal sense 'selling' is alienating matters of faith and charity, consequently the things that make a person a member of the internal Church, as may be recognized from the fact that in the spiritual world no buying or selling like that on earth takes place. Instead there is the making one's own of goodness and truth, meant by 'buying', and the alienation of them, meant by 'selling'. 'Buying' also means a communication of cognitions of goodness and truth, for the reason that 'trade' means the acquisition and communication of such cognitions, 2967, 4453; but in this case selling is said to be done 'not by silver'.

[2] The meaning of 'selling' as alienating is also evident from the following places in the Word: In Isaiah,

Thus said Jehovah, Where is your mother's bill of divorce, whom I have put away? Or who of My usurers is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, because of your sins you have been sold, and because of your transgressions your mother has been put away. Isaiah 50:1.

'Mother' stands for the Church, 'selling' for alienating. In Ezekiel,

The time has come, the day has arrived. Do not let the buyer rejoice, and do not let the seller mourn, because wrath is on the whole multitude of it. For the seller will not return to the thing that has been sold, though his life may still be among the living ones. Ezekiel 7:12-13.

This refers to the land of Israel, which is the spiritual Church. 'The seller stands for one who has alienated truths and subtly introduced falsities.

[3] In Joel,

You have sold the sons of Judah and the sons of Jerusalem to the sons of the Greeks, so that you might remove them far away from their borders. Behold, I will raise them up out of the place to which you have sold them. And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hands of the sons of Judah, who will sell them to the Sabeans, 1 a people far off. Joel 3:6-8.

In this reference to Tyre and Sidon 'selling' again stands for alienating. In Moses,

Their rock sold them, and Jehovah shut them up. Deuteronomy 32:30.

'Selling' plainly stands for alienating. In the highest sense 'rock' is the Lord as regards truth, and in the representative sense faith, while 'Jehovah' is the Lord as regards good.

[4] Since 'buying' in the spiritual sense is acquiring to oneself and 'selling' is alienating, the Lord compares the kingdom of heaven to one selling and buying, in Matthew,

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man (homo) finds and hides, and in his joy he goes and sells whatever he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a trader seeking fine pearls, who, when he has found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:44-46.

'The kingdom of heaven' stands for the good and truth present with a person, and so for heaven present with him. 'Field' stands for good and 'pearl' for truth, while 'buying' stands for acquiring these and making them one's own. 'Selling all that one has' stands for alienating that which previously was properly one's own, thus alienating evil desires and false ideas, for these are properly one's own.

[5] In Luke,

Jesus said to the young ruler, You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, then you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me. Luke 18:22.

In the internal sense these words mean that everything completely a person's own, which consists of nothing but evil desires and false ideas, ought to be alienated from him, for such desires and ideas are meant by 'all that he has', and then he will receive from the Lord good desires and true ideas, which are 'treasure in heaven'.

[6] This is similar to what is said elsewhere in the same gospel,

Sell your resources and give alms; make for yourselves money bags that do not grow old, a treasure that does not fail in heaven. Luke 12:33.

Anyone can see that this verse holds a meaning other than the literal one. For at the present day 'selling one's resources' would be making oneself a beggar, and depriving oneself of any further opportunity to exercise charity, quite apart from the fact that one would inevitably regard such a course of action as being meritorious. Also it is an invariable truth that there are rich people in heaven as well as poor ones. The meaning other than the literal one contained in this verse is what was stated just above.

[7] Since 'selling' meant alienating what belonged to the Church the following law was therefore laid down,

If a man was not pleased with a wife he had taken from among women captives, she was to be set apart from him. She should certainly not however be sold for silver; no gain was to be made out of her, because he had caused her distress. Deuteronomy 21:14.

'A wife taken from among women captives' stands for truth that is foreign, not from a genuine stock, yet can be linked in some way to the good of the Church present in a person. If however that truth proves to, be in many respects incompatible it can be separated; but it cannot be alienated since it has been joined in some way to that good. This is the spiritual meaning of that law.

[8] There was also this law,

If there is found a man who has stolen a soul from his brothers, from the children of Israel, and has made profit on him, and has sold him, that thief shall be killed, so that you remove evil from the midst of you. Deuteronomy 24:7.

'Those who steal the children of Israel' stands for those who acquire the truths of the Church, not with the intention of living according to them and thus teaching them from their hearts, but with the intention of using those truths for personal profit. The damnation of such a person is meant by 'he shall be killed'.


1. literally, the Sebaites


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.