




1 E QUESTO è quello che tu farai loro per consacrarli, acciocchè mi esercitino il sacerdozio. Prendi un giovenco, e due montoni, senza difetto;

2 e de’ pani azzimi, e delle focacce azzime, intrise con olio; e delle schiacciate azzime, unte con olio; fai quelle cose di fior di farina di frumento.

3 E mettile in un paniere, e presentale in esso paniere, col giovenco, e co’ due montoni.

4 E fa’ accostare Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli, all’entrata del Tabernacolo della convenenza; e lavali con acqua.

5 Poi prendi que’ vestimenti, e fa’ vestire ad Aaronne la Tonica, e il Manto dell’Efod, e l’Efod, e il Pettorale; e cingilo al fregio lavorato dell’Efod.

6 Poi mettigli in sul capo la Benda, e sopra la Benda metti il sacro Diadema.

7 E piglia dell’olio dell’Unzione, e spandiglielo in sul capo, e ungilo.

8 Poi fa’ accostare i suoi figliuoli, e fa’ lor vestire le toniche.

9 E cingi Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli con le cinture; e allaccia loro le mitrie; e sia loro il sacerdozio per istatuto perpetuo. Così consacra Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli.

10 Poi fa’ accostar quel giovenco davanti al Tabernacolo della convenenza, e posino Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli le mani sopra il capo del giovenco.

11 Poi scanna il giovenco davanti al Signore, all’entrata del Tabernacolo della convenenza.

12 E piglia del sangue del giovenco, e col dito mettine sopra le corna dell’Altare, poi spandi tutto il sangue appiè dell’Altare.

13 Prendi ancora tutto i grasso che copre l’interiora, e la rete ch’è sopra il fegato, e i due arnioni, col grasso ch’è sopra essi; e, bruciando quelle cose, fanne profumo sopra l’Altare.

14 Ma brucia col fuoco, fuor del campo, la carne, la pelle, e lo sterco del giovenco; egli è sacrificio per lo peccato.

15 Poi piglia uno de’ montoni; e posino Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli le mani sopra il capo del montone.

16 Poi scanna il montone, e prendine il sangue, e spargilo sopra l’Altare, attorno attorno.

17 Poi taglia il montone a pezzi, e lava le sue interiora, e i suoi piedi, e mettili sopra i pezzi, e sopra il capo di esso.

18 E, bruciando il montone tutto intiero, fanne profumo sopra l’Altare; egli è un olocausto al Signore, egli è un odor soave, un’offerta fatta col fuoco al Signore.

19 Poi prendi l’altro montone; e posino Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli le mani sopra il capo del montone.

20 Poi scanna il montone, e piglia del suo sangue, e mettilo in sul tenerume dell’orecchia destra di Aaronne e de’ suoi figliuoli, e in sul dito grosso della lor man destra, e in sul dito grosso del loro piè destro; poi spargi il sangue sopra l’Altare, attorno attorno.

21 Prendi, oltre a ciò, del sangue che sarà sopra l’Altare, e dell’olio dell’Unzione, e spruzzane Aaronne e i suoi vestimenti; e parimente i suoi figliuoli e i lor vestimenti. Così sarà consacrato egli e i suoi vestimenti; e parimente i suoi figliuoli e i lor vestimenti, con lui.

22 Poi piglia del montone il grasso, e la coda, e il grasso che copre l’interiora, e la rete del fegato, e i due arnioni, e il grasso ch’è sopra essi, e la spalla destra; perciocchè egli è il montone delle consacrazioni.

23 Prendi ancora dal paniere degli azzimi, che sarà davanti al Signore, una fetta di pane, e una focaccia intrisa nell’olio, e una schiacciata.

24 E metti tutte coteste cose sopra le palme delle mani di Aaronne, e sopra le palme delle mani de’ suoi figliuoli, e falle dimenare come offerta dimenata davanti al Signore.

25 Poi prendi quelle cose dalle lor mani; e, bruciandole sopra l’Altare, fanne profumo sopra l’olocausto, per odor soave davanti al Signore. Quest’è un’offerta fatta col fuoco al Signore.

26 Prendi ancora il petto del montone delle consacrazioni, che è per Aaronne, e fallo dimenare davanti al Signore per offerta dimenata. E quello sia per tua parte.

27 Così santifica il petto di offerta dimenata, e la spalla di offerta elevata, che sarà stata dimenata ed elevata, del montone delle consacrazioni e di ciò che è stato offerto per Aaronne, e per li suoi figliuoli.

28 E quello, per istatuto perpetuo, appartenga ad Aaronne e a’ suoi figliuoli, e prendasi da’ figliuoli d’Israele; conciossiachè sia un’offerta elevata; or le offerte elevate si prenderanno dai figliuoli d’Israele de’ lor sacrificii da render grazie; le loro offerte elevate apparterranno al Signore.

29 E i vestimenti sacri, che sono per Aaronne, saranno per li suoi figliuoli dopo lui, per essere unti, e consacrati, in essi.

30 Vestali per sette giorni il Sacerdote che sarà in luogo di esso, d’infra i suoi figliuoli; il quale entrerà nel Tabernacolo della convenenza, per fare il servigio nel luogo Santo.

31 Poi prendi il montone delle consacrazioni, e cuoci la sua carne in luogo santo.

32 E mangino Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli, all’entrata del Tabernacolo della convenenza, la carne del montone, e il pane che sarà in quel paniere.

33 Mangino, dico, quelle cose, con le quali sarà stato fatto il purgamento del peccato, per consacrarli e per santificarli; e non mangine alcuno straniere; conciossiachè sieno cosa santa.

34 E se pur vi rimarrà della carne delle consacrazioni, e di quel pane, fino alla mattina, brucia col fuoco quello che ne sarà rimasto, e non si mangi; perciocchè è cosa santa.

35 Fa’ adunque ad Aaronne e a’ suoi figliuoli, interamente com’io ti ho comandato; consacrali per lo spazio di sette giorni.

36 E sacrifica un giovenco per lo peccato, per giorno, per li purgamenti del peccato; e fa’ sacrificio per lo peccato per l’Altare, quando tu farai il purgamento per esso; e ungilo, per consacrarlo.

37 Fa’ il purgamento per l’altare, per sette giorni; e così consacralo, e sia l’altare una cosa santissima; tutto quello che toccherà l’altare sia sacro.

38 OR questo è quello che tu sacrificherai sopra l’Altare, cioè: due agnelli di un anno, per giorno, del continuo.

39 Sacrificane uno la mattina, e l’altro fra i due vespri.

40 Con la decima parte di un’efa di fior di farina, stemperata con la quarta parte di un hin d’olio vergine, e un’offerta da spandere, di una quarta parte di un hin di vino, per l’uno degli agnelli.

41 E sacrifica l’altro agnello fra i due vespri, facendo con esso la medesima offerta e spargimento, come con quel della mattina; per soave odore, per offerta fatta per fuoco al Signore.

42 Sia questo un olocausto continuo, per le vostre generazioni, e facciasi all’entrata del Tabernacolo della convenenza, davanti al Signore, dove io mi ritroverò con voi, per parlar quivi a te.

43 Io adunque mi ritroverò quivi co’ figliuoli d’Israele, e Israele sarà santificato per la mia gloria.

44 Io santificherò ancora il Tabernacolo della convenenza, e l’Altare; santificherò parimente Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli, acciocchè mi esercitino il sacerdozio.

45 E abiterò nel mezzo de’ figliuoli d’Israele, e sarò loro Dio.

46 E dessi conosceranno ch’io sono il Signore Iddio loro, che li ho tratti fuor del paese di Egitto, per abitar nel mezzo di loro. Io sono il Signore Iddio loro.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.



Arcana Coelestia#5943



5943. 'And you will eat the fat of the land' means making the good there their own. This is clear from the meaning of 'eating' as being communicated, joined together, and made one's own, dealt with in 2187, 2343, 3168, 3517 (end), 3832, 4745; and from the meaning of 'the fat of the land' - of Egypt - as the good within the natural. The meaning of 'fat' as that which is celestial or good is clear from many places in the Word, not only the fat found in an animal's body but also fat obtained from other sources, such as butter and oil; and other products with any fat in them - such as milk, honeys, or resins - also mean good in the measure that they have it in them.

[2] 'Fat' was representative of celestial good, thus of love received from the Lord, as is clear from the burnt offerings and sacrifices in these all the fat had to be burned on the altar, thereby providing 'an odour of rest to Jehovah'; and the children of Israel were forbidden because of this to eat fat. From these regulations, as from all the rest, it may be plain to see that the observances established among the Israelites were representative of celestial and spiritual realities and thus held what was holy within them. If this had not been so there would have been no Divine purpose at all behind the requirements to sacrifice all the fat of an animal, making this 'an odour of rest to Jehovah', or behind the Prohibition that forbade the eating of fat, and also of blood. It would surely be a stupid way of thinking about the Divine if one were to believe that He could take pleasure in fat or that Jehovah should make a requirement that did not conceal something deeper. Furthermore a person would be far too earthly - and bodily-minded if he had no interest at all in knowing the real meaning of such requirements; it would be a sign that he had no desire to know anything about the Word and eternal life.

[3] Regarding 'the fat' the following is stated in Moses,

You shall take all the fat covering the entrails, and the omentum over the liver, and the fat on the kidneys; and you shall burn them on the altar. Exodus 29:13, 22.

See also Leviticus 3:4-5, 9-10, 14-15; 4:8-9, 19, 26, 31, 35; 7:3-4. They were also required to sacrifice the fat on the breast, Leviticus 7:30-31. The phrase 'an odour of rest to Jehovah' occurs in the following places,

This is the bread of Jehovah's fire-offering for an odour of rest. Leviticus 3:16. The priest shall sprinkle the blood on the altar of Jehovah, and shall offer the fat for an odour of rest to Jehovah. Leviticus 17:6.

And elsewhere,

The fat of the firstborn of an ox and of a sheep must be burned on the altar as an odour of rest to Jehovah. Numbers 18:17.

'An odour of rest' means the pleasure gained from the good of love.

[4] As regards the non-eating of fat by the children of Israel, Let all the fat be for Jehovah. Therefore this is a perpetual statute throughout your generations, in all your dwelling-places: You shall not eat any fat or any blood. Leviticus 3:16-17.

And elsewhere,

Speak to the children of Israel, saying, You shall not eat any fat, neither of ox, nor sheep, nor she-goat. Everyone who eats the fat from a beast, from one offered as a fire-offering to Jehovah, that soul eating it will be cut off from his peoples. Nor shall you eat any blood Leviticus 7:23-26.

[5] Burnt offerings and sacrifices were the main form taken by Divine worship among those people, 923, 2180. For this reason worship is meant by 'burnt offerings and sacrifices' in general, while the essential nature of worship is meant by what was offered in sacrifice and by the whole procedure followed then. 'The fat and the burning of it' meant the very Divine celestial itself, namely the good of love received from the Lord, as may also be seen in the following places:

In Isaiah,

Jacob, you have not bought Me [sweet] cane with silver, and you have not satisfied Me with the fat of your sacrifices; you have wearied Me so much with your sins. 1 Isaiah 43:24.

'You have not bought [sweet] cane with silver' stands for, You have not acquired the truths of faith for yourself; and 'you have not satisfied Me with the fat of sacrifices' stands for, Nor [have you offered] the good of love.

[6] In David,

I will offer You burnt offerings of fat ones, with the incense of rams. Psalms 66:15.

'Burnt offerings of fat ones' stands for worship fired by love. In Moses,

When it will be said, Where are their gods, the rock in which they trusted, who ate the fat of their sacrifices, [who] drank the wine of their drink-offering? Deuteronomy 32:37-38.

This would have been said by gentiles who imagined that the gods were fed especially by such offerings. They were totally unaware of the fact that 'the fat of sacrifices' was what was celestial, or the good of love, within worship, and that 'the wine of a drink-offering' was the truth of faith derived from that good. These offerings, when they were made, stirred the affections of the angels and were therefore prescribed so that through representatives and correspondences heaven might be near to man.

[7] In David,

Jehovah will remember all your offerings, and will make your burnt offering fat. Psalms 20:3.

'Making a burnt offering fat' stands for making worship good. In Isaiah,

Jehovah Zebaoth will make for all peoples on this mountain a feast of fat things, a feast of lees, 2 of fat things full of marrow, of sedimentary lees. 3 He will swallow up death for ever, and the Lord Jehovah will wipe away tears from upon all faces. Isaiah 25:6, 8.

'A feast' stands for heaven and being joined to angels there through love and charity, 3596, 3832, 5161, 'fat things' being forms of the good of love and charity. In the same prophet,

Why do you spend money on that which is not bread, and your labour on that which does not satisfy? Attend diligently to Me and eat what is good, that your soul may delight itself in fatness. Isaiah 55:2.

[8] In Jeremiah,

I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and will give them gladness instead of their sorrow. And I will fill the soul of the priests with fat, and My people will be satisfied with My goodness. Jeremiah 31:13-14.

'Fat' plainly stands for what is good, for it is said that 'the soul will be satisfied' with it and it is referred to as 'Jehovah's goodness', meaning nothing else than what is celestial, which is received from Him. In David,

My soul will be satisfied as with fatness and fat, and my mouth will praise You with joyful lips. 4 Psalms 63:5.

Here the meaning is similar. In the same author,

You have crowned the year of Your goodness, and Your tracks drip with fatness. Psalms 65:11

In the same author,

The sons of man put their trust in the shadow of Your wings. They will be filled with the fat of Your house, and You give them drink from the river of Your delights. Psalms 36:7-8.

In Isaiah,

Then Jehovah will give rain for your seed with which you will sow the land, and bread of the produce of the earth; and there will be fatness and wealthiness. Isaiah 30:23.

[9] In John,

All things fat and splendid have gone away, and you will find them no more. Revelation 18:14.

This refers to Babylon. 'All things fat and splendid have gone away' stands for the departure of all forms of the good of love and truth of faith. In Moses,

He caused him to suck honey out of the crag and oil out of the stony rock - butter from the herd, and milk from the flock, with the fat of lambs and of rams, the breed 5 of Bashan, and of goats, with the kidney-fat of wheat; and of the blood of the grape you drink unmixed wine. Deuteronomy 32:13-14.

This refers to the spiritual Ancient Church, whose various kinds of good - meant by 'honey', 'oil', 'butter', 'milk', and 'fat' - are enumerated.

[10] Because 'fat' meant good, the word was also applied to the kinds of things that had no fat in them but nevertheless had good as their meaning, so that 'fat' and 'good' were so to speak one and the same. An example of this is the fat of wheat in the verses quoted immediately above, and similarly in David,

I would feed them with the fat of wheat. Psalms 81:16.

And elsewhere,

He is the one who makes peace your border, and with the fat of wheat He satisfies you. Psalms 147:14.

Also in Moses,

Because all the fat of the pure oil, and all the fat of the new wine and of the grain, which were the first fruits, were Jehovah's, they were given to Aaron. Numbers 18:12.


1. literally, so much have you made Me serve through your sins

2. i.e. sweet wines

3. i.e. well-refined, very mature wines

4. literally, lips of songs

5. literally, sons


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.