




1 E QUESTO è quello che tu farai loro per consacrarli, acciocchè mi esercitino il sacerdozio. Prendi un giovenco, e due montoni, senza difetto;

2 e de’ pani azzimi, e delle focacce azzime, intrise con olio; e delle schiacciate azzime, unte con olio; fai quelle cose di fior di farina di frumento.

3 E mettile in un paniere, e presentale in esso paniere, col giovenco, e co’ due montoni.

4 E fa’ accostare Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli, all’entrata del Tabernacolo della convenenza; e lavali con acqua.

5 Poi prendi que’ vestimenti, e fa’ vestire ad Aaronne la Tonica, e il Manto dell’Efod, e l’Efod, e il Pettorale; e cingilo al fregio lavorato dell’Efod.

6 Poi mettigli in sul capo la Benda, e sopra la Benda metti il sacro Diadema.

7 E piglia dell’olio dell’Unzione, e spandiglielo in sul capo, e ungilo.

8 Poi fa’ accostare i suoi figliuoli, e fa’ lor vestire le toniche.

9 E cingi Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli con le cinture; e allaccia loro le mitrie; e sia loro il sacerdozio per istatuto perpetuo. Così consacra Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli.

10 Poi fa’ accostar quel giovenco davanti al Tabernacolo della convenenza, e posino Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli le mani sopra il capo del giovenco.

11 Poi scanna il giovenco davanti al Signore, all’entrata del Tabernacolo della convenenza.

12 E piglia del sangue del giovenco, e col dito mettine sopra le corna dell’Altare, poi spandi tutto il sangue appiè dell’Altare.

13 Prendi ancora tutto i grasso che copre l’interiora, e la rete ch’è sopra il fegato, e i due arnioni, col grasso ch’è sopra essi; e, bruciando quelle cose, fanne profumo sopra l’Altare.

14 Ma brucia col fuoco, fuor del campo, la carne, la pelle, e lo sterco del giovenco; egli è sacrificio per lo peccato.

15 Poi piglia uno de’ montoni; e posino Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli le mani sopra il capo del montone.

16 Poi scanna il montone, e prendine il sangue, e spargilo sopra l’Altare, attorno attorno.

17 Poi taglia il montone a pezzi, e lava le sue interiora, e i suoi piedi, e mettili sopra i pezzi, e sopra il capo di esso.

18 E, bruciando il montone tutto intiero, fanne profumo sopra l’Altare; egli è un olocausto al Signore, egli è un odor soave, un’offerta fatta col fuoco al Signore.

19 Poi prendi l’altro montone; e posino Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli le mani sopra il capo del montone.

20 Poi scanna il montone, e piglia del suo sangue, e mettilo in sul tenerume dell’orecchia destra di Aaronne e de’ suoi figliuoli, e in sul dito grosso della lor man destra, e in sul dito grosso del loro piè destro; poi spargi il sangue sopra l’Altare, attorno attorno.

21 Prendi, oltre a ciò, del sangue che sarà sopra l’Altare, e dell’olio dell’Unzione, e spruzzane Aaronne e i suoi vestimenti; e parimente i suoi figliuoli e i lor vestimenti. Così sarà consacrato egli e i suoi vestimenti; e parimente i suoi figliuoli e i lor vestimenti, con lui.

22 Poi piglia del montone il grasso, e la coda, e il grasso che copre l’interiora, e la rete del fegato, e i due arnioni, e il grasso ch’è sopra essi, e la spalla destra; perciocchè egli è il montone delle consacrazioni.

23 Prendi ancora dal paniere degli azzimi, che sarà davanti al Signore, una fetta di pane, e una focaccia intrisa nell’olio, e una schiacciata.

24 E metti tutte coteste cose sopra le palme delle mani di Aaronne, e sopra le palme delle mani de’ suoi figliuoli, e falle dimenare come offerta dimenata davanti al Signore.

25 Poi prendi quelle cose dalle lor mani; e, bruciandole sopra l’Altare, fanne profumo sopra l’olocausto, per odor soave davanti al Signore. Quest’è un’offerta fatta col fuoco al Signore.

26 Prendi ancora il petto del montone delle consacrazioni, che è per Aaronne, e fallo dimenare davanti al Signore per offerta dimenata. E quello sia per tua parte.

27 Così santifica il petto di offerta dimenata, e la spalla di offerta elevata, che sarà stata dimenata ed elevata, del montone delle consacrazioni e di ciò che è stato offerto per Aaronne, e per li suoi figliuoli.

28 E quello, per istatuto perpetuo, appartenga ad Aaronne e a’ suoi figliuoli, e prendasi da’ figliuoli d’Israele; conciossiachè sia un’offerta elevata; or le offerte elevate si prenderanno dai figliuoli d’Israele de’ lor sacrificii da render grazie; le loro offerte elevate apparterranno al Signore.

29 E i vestimenti sacri, che sono per Aaronne, saranno per li suoi figliuoli dopo lui, per essere unti, e consacrati, in essi.

30 Vestali per sette giorni il Sacerdote che sarà in luogo di esso, d’infra i suoi figliuoli; il quale entrerà nel Tabernacolo della convenenza, per fare il servigio nel luogo Santo.

31 Poi prendi il montone delle consacrazioni, e cuoci la sua carne in luogo santo.

32 E mangino Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli, all’entrata del Tabernacolo della convenenza, la carne del montone, e il pane che sarà in quel paniere.

33 Mangino, dico, quelle cose, con le quali sarà stato fatto il purgamento del peccato, per consacrarli e per santificarli; e non mangine alcuno straniere; conciossiachè sieno cosa santa.

34 E se pur vi rimarrà della carne delle consacrazioni, e di quel pane, fino alla mattina, brucia col fuoco quello che ne sarà rimasto, e non si mangi; perciocchè è cosa santa.

35 Fa’ adunque ad Aaronne e a’ suoi figliuoli, interamente com’io ti ho comandato; consacrali per lo spazio di sette giorni.

36 E sacrifica un giovenco per lo peccato, per giorno, per li purgamenti del peccato; e fa’ sacrificio per lo peccato per l’Altare, quando tu farai il purgamento per esso; e ungilo, per consacrarlo.

37 Fa’ il purgamento per l’altare, per sette giorni; e così consacralo, e sia l’altare una cosa santissima; tutto quello che toccherà l’altare sia sacro.

38 OR questo è quello che tu sacrificherai sopra l’Altare, cioè: due agnelli di un anno, per giorno, del continuo.

39 Sacrificane uno la mattina, e l’altro fra i due vespri.

40 Con la decima parte di un’efa di fior di farina, stemperata con la quarta parte di un hin d’olio vergine, e un’offerta da spandere, di una quarta parte di un hin di vino, per l’uno degli agnelli.

41 E sacrifica l’altro agnello fra i due vespri, facendo con esso la medesima offerta e spargimento, come con quel della mattina; per soave odore, per offerta fatta per fuoco al Signore.

42 Sia questo un olocausto continuo, per le vostre generazioni, e facciasi all’entrata del Tabernacolo della convenenza, davanti al Signore, dove io mi ritroverò con voi, per parlar quivi a te.

43 Io adunque mi ritroverò quivi co’ figliuoli d’Israele, e Israele sarà santificato per la mia gloria.

44 Io santificherò ancora il Tabernacolo della convenenza, e l’Altare; santificherò parimente Aaronne e i suoi figliuoli, acciocchè mi esercitino il sacerdozio.

45 E abiterò nel mezzo de’ figliuoli d’Israele, e sarò loro Dio.

46 E dessi conosceranno ch’io sono il Signore Iddio loro, che li ho tratti fuor del paese di Egitto, per abitar nel mezzo di loro. Io sono il Signore Iddio loro.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.



Arcana Coelestia#2830



2830. 'And behold, a ram' means spiritual members of the human race. This is clear from the meaning of 'a ram', dealt with below. Within the Church it is well known that the burnt offerings and sacrifices in the representative Jewish and Israelite Church meant the Lord's Divine Human. But the burnt offerings and sacrifices of the lambs meant one thing, those of sheep and she-goats another, and those of kids, rams, and he-goats, of oxen, young bulls, and calves, and of turtle doves and young pigeons meant yet other things, as also did the minchahs and drink offerings. In general these things that were sacrificed meant the Divine celestial, Divine spiritual, and Divine natural things which are the Lord's; and from meaning these they meant celestial, spiritual, and natural things which exist from Him within His kingdom, and so within every individual who is the Lord's kingdom. This may be seen also from the Holy Supper which superseded burnt offerings and sacrifices. In it the bread and the wine mean the Lord's Divine Human - the Bread His Divine celestial, the Wine His Divine spiritual - and consequently mean His love towards the whole human race, and in turn the love of the whole human race for the Lord, 2343, 2359. From this it is evident that burnt offerings and sacrifices contained within them celestial worship springing from love to the Lord, and spiritual worship springing from charity towards the neighbour, and therefore from faith in the Lord, 922, 923, 1823, 2180. What the celestial is and what the spiritual is, that is, who constitute the celestial members and who the spiritual within the Lord's kingdom or Church, has been stated rather often, see 1155, 1577, 1824, 2048, 2088, 2184, 2227, 2669, 2708, 2715.

[2] That 'a ram' then means the Lord's Divine spiritual, and so that which is spiritual with man, or what amounts to the same, spiritual members of the human race, may become clear from the burnt offerings and sacrifices that were made from rams. For example, when Aaron and his sons were consecrated to the function they performed, that is, when they were inaugurated, they were to offer one young bull for a sin offering, sprinkle its blood over the horns of the altar, and pour the remainder at the base of it. Also they were to slaughter one ram and to sprinkle its blood around the altar, and after that they were to burn the ram - the whole of it - as a burnt offering. And the blood of the second ram which had been slaughtered was to be sprinkled over the tip of Aaron's ear, and over his thumb and big toe, and after that they were to make a wave offering of it and burn it on top of the burnt offering, Exodus 29:1-35; Leviticus 8:1-end; 9:2 and following verses. Clearly all these observances were holy, but they were holy for the reason that they represented and meant holy things. Other than for this reason, none of these observances - slaughtering a young bull, sprinkling its blood over the horns of the altar and pouring the remainder at the base of it, slaying one ram and sprinkling its blood around the altar and after that burning it, and sprinkling the blood of the second ram over the tip of Aaron's ear and over his thumb and big toe and also making a wave offering of it and burning it on top of the burnt offering - would have possessed any holiness, nor thus any worship, unless they had represented holy things. But what each observance represented does not become clear to anyone except from the internal sense. That the young bull offered as a sin offering meant the Lord's Divine natural, and the ram His Divine spiritual, and at the same time spiritual members of the human race, may become clear from the meaning of a young bull and of a ram in the Word. Inaugurations into the priesthood were effected by means of spiritual things, for by means of spiritual things man is initiated into those which are celestial, or what amounts to the same, by means of the truths of faith he is initiated into good that stems from love. In a similar way when Aaron entered the Holy Place he was to offer a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering, Leviticus 16:2-3.

[3] When a Nazirite was completing the period of his Naziriteship he was to offer one male lamb a year old without a blemish as a burnt offering, and one ewe-lamb a year old without a blemish as a sin offering, and one ram without blemish as a peace offering, Numbers 6:13-14, 16-17. The reason for these observances was that a Nazirite represented the celestial man, who is the likeness of the Lord, 51, 52, 1013. The celestial man is such that he is moved by celestial love, that is, by love to the Lord, and from this by celestial truth, 202, 337, 2069, 2715, 2718. This was why the Nazirite was required to sacrifice a male lamb and a ewe-lamb, meaning that which is celestial, and also to sacrifice a ram, meaning that which is spiritual. Young bulls, rams, and lambs were sacrificed at festivals. For example, on the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, two young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs, together with their minchah, were to be offered as a burnt offering, Numbers 28:18-20. On the day of the firstfruits too, two-young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs, together with their minchah, were to be offered as a burnt offering, Numbers 28:26-28. At new moons two young bulls, one ram, and seven lambs, together with their minchah, were to be offered as a burnt offering, Numbers 28:11-12; in the seventh month, on the first of the month, one young bull, one ram, seven lambs, together with their minchah; and on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, thirteen young bulls, two rams, fourteen lambs; and so on, see Numbers 29:1-2, 12-14, 17-18, 20-24, 26-36. Young bulls and rams meant spiritual things, while lambs meant celestial. For at festivals it was required that those taking part were to be sanctified and were brought into that condition by means of spiritual things.

[4] Since 'rams' meant the Divine spiritual of the Lord's Divine Human, and also spiritual things residing with man, it is therefore said in Ezekiel, where the New Temple and the New Jerusalem, that is, the Lord's spiritual kingdom, are referred to, that when they had finished cleansing the altar they were to offer a young bull as a sin offering and a ram as a burnt offering; and for seven days they were to provide daily a he-goat for a sin offering, and a young bull and a ram, Ezekiel 43:23-25. Also 'on that day' the prince on behalf of all the people was to provide a young bull for a sin offering, and on the seven days of the feast seven young bulls and seven rams, together with the minchah, as a burnt offering, Ezekiel 45:22-24; and on the sabbath day he was to provide six lambs and a ram, Ezekiel 46:4; 6.

[5] As regards the New Temple and the New Jerusalem, these in the universal sense mean the Lord's kingdom, see 402, 940, and in particular a new Church, 2117. There neither burnt offerings nor sacrifices are offered, as may be well known to all; and from this it is evident that burnt offerings and sacrifices mean the celestial things of love and the spiritual things of faith; for these things belong to the Lord's kingdom, and so are akin to the things meant here by young bulls, rams, and lambs. As regards the young bulls and rams, these mean spiritual things, as is clear from each detail in this part of Ezekiel in the internal sense - in general from the fact that specifically the New Temple and the New Jerusalem mean the Lord's spiritual kingdom, while Zion means the celestial kingdom.

[6] That 'a ram' means that which is spiritual, or what amounts to the same, those who are spiritual, is also evident in Daniel. Daniel saw a ram with two horns which was standing before the river; and then he saw a he-goat which struck the ram, broke its horns, and trampled on it, Daniel 8:3-4, and following verses. Here 'the ram' is used to mean nothing else than the spiritual Church, and 'the he-goat' to mean those who are governed by faith separated from charity, that is, by truth separated from good, and who step by step rise up against what is good, and finally against the Lord - as is also described. In Samuel,

Samuel said to Saul, Does Jehovah delight as greatly in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in hearkening to the voice of Jehovah? Behold, to hearken is better than sacrifice, and to obey than the fat of rams. 1 Samuel 15:22.

Here, since it is obedience - and so truth, which is spiritual - that is spoken of, and since what was said was addressed to the king - who also means truth, 1672, 2015, 2069 - the words used are not therefore 'better than the fat of oxen (or of lambs)' but 'better than the fat of rams'.

[7] In David,

When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a foreign people, Judah became His sanctuary, Israel His dominions. The sea looked and fled, and Jordan turned itself backwards. The mountains skipped like rams, the hills like the young of the flock. What ails you, O sea, that you flee? O Jordan, that you turn yourself backwards? O mountains, that you skip like rams? O hills, like the young of the flock? At the presence of the Lord, you are in labour, O earth; at the presence of the God of Jacob, who turns the rock into a pool of water, and the flint into a fountain of water. Psalms 114:1-end.

This refers in the internal sense to spiritual good following regeneration and describes the nature of that good. The celestial-spiritual nature of it is described as the mountains skipping like rams, and the celestial-natural as hills doing so like the young of the flock - 'mountains' meaning the celestial things of love, see 795, 1430. Anyone may see that these words, like all the rest of David's, contain matters that are holy, but within the internal sense, and that something spiritual is meant by the mountains skipping like rams, and the hills like the young of the flock, and by the earth going into labour at the presence of the Lord. Without the internal sense they would be expressions devoid of any real meaning.

[8] Much the same applies to the following in Moses,

He will cause him to ride over the heights of the land, and will cause him to eat the produce of the land, and will cause him to suck honey out of the crag, and oil out of the flinty rock - butter from the cattle, and milk from the flock, with the fat of lambs and rams, the breed 1 of Bashan, and of goats, with the kidney-fat of wheat; and of the blood of the grape you will drink unmixed wine. Deuteronomy 32:13-15.

'Rams, the breed of Bashan' stands for celestial-spiritual things. As to what celestial-spiritual things are, see 1824. In David,

I will offer to You burnt offerings of things full of marrow, with the incense of rams; I will provide ox with he-goats. Psalms 66:15.

'Burnt offerings of things full of marrow' stands for the celestial things of love, 'incense of rams' for the spiritual things of faith.

[9] In Ezekiel,

Arabia and all the princes of Kedar, these were the merchants of your hand in lambs, in rams and he-goats. Ezekiel 27:21.

This refers to Tyre, which means those with whom cognitions of good and truth exist, 1201. 'Arabia' stands for their wisdom, 'princes of Kedar' for their intelligence, 'lambs' for celestial things, 'rams' for spiritual things, 'he-goats' for natural things, which come in order one after another. In Isaiah,

The whole flock of Kedar will be gathered to You, the rams of Nebaioth will minister to You; they will come up with acceptance on My altar, and I will beautify My beautiful house. Isaiah 60:7.

This refers to the Lord's Divine Human. 'The flock of Kedar' stands for Divine celestial things, 'the rams of Nebaioth' for Divine spiritual things. From all these references it may now become clear that 'a ram' in the internal sense means the Lord's Divine spiritual; and from this it means that which is spiritual with man, or what amounts to the same, it means spiritual members of the human race.


1. literally, sons


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.