




1 E IL Signore parlò a Mosè, dicendo: Consacrami ogni primogenito,

2 tutto quello che apre la matrice fra i figliuoli d’Israele, così degli uomini come degli animali; esso è mio.

3 E Mosè disse al popolo: Ricordatevi di questo giorno, nel quale siete usciti di Egitto, della casa di servitù; conciossiachè il Signore ve ne abbia tratti fuori con potente mano; perciò non mangisi alcuna cosa lievitata.

4 Oggi voi uscite fuori nel mese di Abib.

5 Quando adunque il Signore ti avrà introdotto, nel paese de’ Cananei, degl’Hittei, degli Amorrei, degl’Hivvei, e de’ Gebusei, ch’egli giurò a’ tuoi padri di darti, ch’è un paese stillante latte e miele, osserva questo servigio in questo mese.

6 Mangia per sette giorni pani azzimi; e nel settimo giorno siavi festa solenne al Signore.

7 Manginsi pani azzimi per sette giorni, e non veggasi appo te cosa lievitata, nè lievito, in tutti i tuoi confini.

8 E in quel giorno dichiara questa cosa a’ tuoi figliuoli, dicendo: Questo si fa per cagion di quello che mi fece il Signore, quando io uscii di Egitto.

9 E ciò ti sia per segnale sopra la tua mano, e per ricordanza fra’ tuoi occhi; acciocchè la Legge del Signore sia nella tua bocca; conciossiachè egli ti abbia tratto fuori di Egitto con potente mano.

10 E osserva questo statuto d’anno in anno, nella sua stagione.

11 E quando il Signore ti avrà introdotto nel paese de’ Cananei, come egli ha giurato a te e a’ tuoi padri, e te l’avrà dato;

12 rassegna al Signore tutto ciò che apre la matrice: parimente, d’ogni primo portato del tuo bestiame, i maschi apparterranno al Signore.

13 Ma riscatta ogni primo portato dell’asino, con un agnello, o con un capretto; e se tu non lo riscatti, fiaccagli il collo: riscatta eziandio ogni primogenito dell’uomo d’infra i tuoi figliuoli.

14 E quando per innanzi il tuo figliuolo ti domanderà: Che vuol dir questo? digli: Il Signore ci trasse fuori di Egitto, della casa di servitù, con potenza di mano.

15 E avvenne che, mostrandosi Faraone duro a lasciarci andare, il Signore uccise tutti i primogeniti nel paese di Egitto, da’ primogeniti degli uomini, fino a’ primogeniti delle bestie; perciò io sacrifico al Signore i maschi d’ogni primo portato, e riscatto ogni primogenito de’ miei figliuoli.

16 Ciò adunque ti sarà per segnale sopra la tua mano, e per frontali fra’ tuoi occhi, che il Signore ci ha tratti fuori di Egitto con potenza di mano.

17 OR, quando Faraone ebbe lasciato andare il popolo, Iddio, non condusse quello per la via del paese de’ Filistei; benchè quella fosse la più corta; perciocchè Iddio disse: Che talora il popolo non si penta, quando vedrà la guerra, e non se ne ritorni in Egitto.

18 Ma Iddio fece fare un giro al popolo, traendo al deserto, verso il mar rosso. E i figliuoli d’Israele salirono del paese di Egitto in ordinanza.

19 E Mosè prese seco l’ossa di Giuseppe; perciocchè egli avea espressamente fatto giurare i figliuoli d’Israele, dicendo: Iddio per certo vi visiterà; allora trasportate di qui le mie ossa con voi.

20 E gl’Israeliti, partitisi di Succot, si accamparono in Etam all’estremità del deserto.

21 E il Signore camminava davanti a loro; di giorno, in una colonna di nuvola, per guidarli per lo cammino; e di notte, in una colonna di fuoco, per illuminarli; acciocchè camminassero giorno e notte.

22 Egli non rimosse dal cospetto del popolo la colonna della nuvola di giorno, nè la colonna del fuoco di notte.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.



Arcana Coelestia#2342



2342. 'And he baked unleavened bread' means purification. This is clear from the meaning of 'unleavened' or without yeast. In the Word 'bread' means in general every celestial and spiritual food, and so in general everything celestial and spiritual, see 276, 680, 1798, 2165, 2177. The need for the latter to be free of all impurities or unholiness was represented by 'unleavened bread'; for 'yeast' means the evil and falsity by means of which celestial and spiritual things are rendered impure and profane. On account of this representation those who belonged to the representative Church were forbidden in sacrifices to offer any bread or minchah other than bread without yeast, that is, unleavened, as is clear in Moses,

Every minchah which you bring to Jehovah shall be made without yeast. Leviticus 2:11. In the same author,

You shall not sacrifice the blood of My sacrifice with that made with yeast. Exodus 23:18; 34:25.

[2] They were also forbidden therefore to eat any other bread during the seven days of the Passover than bread without yeast, that is, which was unleavened. This prohibition occurs in the following verses in Moses,

For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread; even on the first day you shall remove yeast from your houses, for anyone eating that made with yeast, that soul shall be cut off from Israel, from the first day until the seventh. In the first [month], on the fourteenth day of the month, in the evening, you shall eat unleavened bread until the twenty-first day of the month, in the evening. For seven days no yeast shall be found in your houses, for anyone eating that made with yeast, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether a settler or one born in the land. Exodus 12:15, 19-20.

The same prohibition appears in other places as well, such as Exodus 13:6-7; 23:15; 34:18; Deuteronomy 16:3-4. Consequently the Passover is called the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Leviticus 23:6; Numbers 28:16-17; Matthew 26:17; Luke 22:1, 7.

[3] That the Passover represented the glorification of the Lord and so the conjunction of the Divine with the human race will in the Lord's Divine mercy be shown elsewhere. And because the conjunction of the Lord with the human race is effected by means of love and charity, and by means of the faith deriving from these, celestial and spiritual things were represented by the unleavened bread which they were to eat each day during the Passover. Consequently to prevent the defilement of those things by anything unholy they were strictly forbidden to eat anything made with yeast, so strictly that any who did so were to be cut off; for those who profane celestial and spiritual things inevitably perish. Anyone may see that but for this arcanum within it that observance, together with so harsh a penalty, would never have been introduced.

[4] Everything that was commanded in that Church represented some arcanum, even the actual cooking, as with every instruction which the children of Israel carried out when they were leaving Egypt, namely that they were to eat that night flesh roasted by fire, and unleavened bread on bitter herbs; they were not to eat it raw or cooked in water; the head had to be on its legs; they were to let none of it remain until the morning; they were to burn what was left over with fire, Exodus 12:8-10. Every detail of these instructions was representative - eating it at night; flesh roasted by fire; unleavened bread on bitter herbs; the head on the legs; not raw; not cooked in water; not leaving any until the morning; and burning what was left with fire. But the arcana represented are in no way apparent unless they are disclosed by means of the internal sense. That sense alone shows that all these details are Divine.

[5] Something similar was done in the ritual for the taking of a Nazirite vow. The priest was to take the cooked shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened cake from the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and he was to place them on the palms of the Nazirite after he had shaved his consecrated head, Numbers 6:19. Anyone who does not know that a Nazirite represented the celestial man himself does not know either that every detail of these instructions embodies celestial things, and so arcana, which are not apparent in the letter, namely the instructions to take the cooked shoulder of a ram, an unleavened cake, an unleavened wafer, and to shave off his hair. This also shows what kind of opinion regarding the Word can be gained by people who do not believe in the existence of an internal sense, for without the internal sense such details are of no consequence at all. But when the ceremonial or ritualistic element has been stripped away everything becomes Divine and holy. Everything else has a deeper meaning, as does 'unleavened bread' which means the holiness of love, or what is most holy, as it is also called in Moses,

The unleavened bread that was left over was to be eaten by Aaron and his sons in a holy place, for it was most holy. Leviticus 6:16-17.

'Unleavened bread' therefore means pure love, and 'the baking of that which is unleavened' purification.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.