

1 Mose第21章



1 Und der HERR suchte heim Sara, wie er geredet hatte, und tat mit ihr, wie er geredet hatte.

2 Und Sara ward schwanger und gebar Abraham einen Sohn in seinem Alter um die Zeit, von der ihm Gott geredet hatte.

3 Und Abraham hieß seinen Sohn, der ihm geboren war, Isaak, den ihm Sara gebar,

4 und beschnitt ihn am achten Tage, wie ihm Gott geboten hatte.

5 Hundert Jahre war Abraham alt, da ihm sein Sohn Isaak geboren ward.

6 Und Sara sprach: Gott hat mir ein Lachen zugerichtet; denn wer es hören wird, der wird über mich lachen,

7 und sprach: Wer durfte von Abraham sagen, daß Sara Kinder säuge? Denn ich habe ihm einen Sohn geboren in seinem Alter.

8 Und das Kind wuchs und ward entwöhnt; und Abraham machte ein großes Mahl am Tage, da Isaak entwöhnt ward.

9 Und Sara sah den Sohn Hagars, der Ägyptischen, den sie Abraham geboren hatte, daß er ein Spötter war,

10 und sprach zu Abraham: Treibe diese Magd aus mit ihrem Sohn; denn dieser Magd Sohn soll nicht erben mit meinem Sohn Isaak.

11 Das Wort gefiel Abraham sehr übel um seines Sohnes willen.

12 Aber Gott sprach zu ihm: Laß dir's nicht übel gefallen des Knaben und der Magd halben. Alles, was Sara dir gesagt hat, dem gehorche; denn in Isaak soll dir der Same genannt werden.

13 Auch will ich der Magd Sohn zum Volk machen, darum daß er deines Samens ist.

14 Da stand Abraham des Morgens früh auf und nahm Brot und einen Schlauch mit Wasser und legte es Hagar auf ihre Schulter und den Knaben mit und ließ sie von sich. Da zog sie hin und ging in der Wüste irre bei Beer-Seba.

15 Da nun das Wasser in dem Schlauch aus war, warf sie den Knaben unter einen Strauch

16 und ging hin und setzte sich gegenüber von fern, einen Bogenschuß weit; denn sie sprach: Ich kann nicht ansehen des Knaben Sterben. Und sie setzte sich gegenüber und hob ihre Stimme auf und weinte.

17 Da erhörte Gott die Stimme des Knaben. Und der Engel Gottes rief vom Himmel der Hagar und sprach zu ihr: Was ist dir Hagar? Fürchte dich nicht; denn Gott hat erhört die Stimme des Knaben, da er liegt.

18 Steh auf, nimm den Knaben und führe ihn an deiner Hand; denn ich will ihn zum großen Volk machen.

19 Und Gott tat ihr die Augen auf, daß sie einen Wasserbrunnen sah. Da ging sie hin und füllte den Schlauch mit Wasser und tränkte den Knaben.

20 Und Gott war mit dem Knaben; der wuchs und wohnte in der Wüste und ward ein guter Schütze.

21 Und er wohnte in der Wüste Pharan, und seine Mutter nahm ihm ein Weib aus Ägyptenland.

22 Zu der Zeit redete Abimelech und Phichol, sein Feldhauptmann, mit Abraham und sprach: Gott ist mit dir in allem, das du tust.

23 So schwöre mir nun bei Gott, daß du mir und meinen Kindern und meinen Enkeln keine Untreue erzeigen wollest, sondern die Barmherzigkeit, die ich an dir getan habe, an mir auch tust und an dem Lande, darin du ein Fremdling bist.

24 Da sprach Abraham: Ich will schwören.

25 Und Abraham setzte Abimelech zur Rede um des Wasserbrunnens willen, den Abimelechs Knechte hatten mit Gewalt genommen.

26 Da antwortete Abimelech: Ich habe es nicht gewußt, wer das getan hat; auch hast du mir's nicht angesagt; dazu habe ich's nicht gehört bis heute.

27 Da nahm Abraham Schafe und Rinder und gab sie Abimelech; und sie machten beide einen Bund miteinander.

28 Und Abraham stellt sieben Lämmer besonders.

29 Da sprach Abimelech zu Abraham: Was sollen die sieben Lämmer, die du besonders gestellt hast?

30 Er antwortete: Sieben Lämmer sollst du von meiner Hand nehmen, daß sie mir zum Zeugnis seien, daß ich diesen Brunnen gegraben habe.

31 Daher heißt die Stätte Beer-Seba, weil sie beide miteinander da geschworen haben.

32 Und also machten sie den Bund zu Beer-Seba. Da machten sich auf Abimelech und Phichol, sein Feldhauptmann, und zogen wieder in der Philister Land.

33 Abraham aber pflanzte Bäume zu Beer-Seba und predigte daselbst von dem Namen des HERRN, des ewigen Gottes.

34 Und er war ein Fremdling in der Philister Lande eine lange Zeit.




Arcana Coelestia#2715



2715. Two arcana exist here, the first being that, compared with the good of the celestial man, that of the spiritual man is obscure, the second that this obscurity is brightened by light from the Lord's Divine Human. As regards the first of these - that the good residing with the spiritual man is obscure compared with the celestial man's - this may be seen from what has been stated above in 2708 about the state of the spiritual man in comparison with that of the celestial man. From a comparison of the two states the fact of that obscurity is quite evident. With those who are celestial good itself exists implanted in the will part of their mind, and from there light enters the understanding part. But with those who are spiritual the whole of the will part is corrupted, so that they have no good at all from there, and therefore the Lord implants good in the understanding part of their mind, see 863, 875, 895, 927, 928, 1023, 1043, 1044, 2124, 2256. The will part is, in the main, the part of man's mind that possesses life, whereas the understanding part receives life from the will. Since therefore the will part in the case of the spiritual man is so corrupted as to be nothing but evil, and yet evil is flowing in from there unceasingly and constantly into the understanding part, that is, into his thought, it is clear that the good there is obscure compared with the celestial man's good.

[2] As a consequence those who are spiritual do not have love to the Lord, as those who are celestial do; nor therefore does that humility exist with them which is essential in all worship and by means of which good can flow in from the Lord; for a heart that is haughty is not at all receptive, only one that is humble. Nor do those who are spiritual have love towards the neighbour, as those who are celestial do, because self-love and love of the world are constantly flowing in from the will part of their mind, bringing obscurity into the good that goes with that love towards the neighbour. This may also become clear to one who reflects from the fact that when he helps another he does so for worldly reasons; thus though he may not consciously have it in mind he is nevertheless thinking about what he will get in return either from those he helps or in the next life from the Lord, which being so his good is still defiled with merit-seeking. It may also become clear to him from the fact that when he has done anything good and is able to speak about it to others and so set himself up above others, he is in his element. But those who are celestial love the neighbour more than they love themselves, and do not ever think about repayment or in any way set themselves up above others.

[3] The good residing with those who are spiritual is in addition made obscure by persuasive beliefs that are the product of various assumptions, which likewise have their origin in self-love and love of the world. For the nature of their persuasive beliefs even in matters of faith, see 2682, 2689 (end). This too is a product of the influx of evil from the will part of their mind.

[4] It may in addition become clear that the good residing with the spiritual man is obscure compared with the celestial man's, from the fact that he does not know what truth is, as those who are celestial do, from any perception. Instead he knows what truth is from what he has learned from parents and teachers, and also from the doctrine into which he was born. And when he adds to this anything from himself and from his own thinking, it is for the most part the senses and the illusions of the senses, also the rational and the appearances present within the rational, that predominate, and these make it barely possible for him to acknowledge any pure truth like that acknowledged by those who are celestial. But in spite of this, within things that are seemingly true the Lord implants good, even though these truths are mere illusions or else appearances of truth. But this good is made obscure by such truths, for it derives its specific nature from the truths to which it is joined. It is like the light of the sun falling upon objects. The nature of the objects receiving the light causes the light to be seen within those objects in the form of colours, which are beautiful if the nature of the recipient form and the manner of its receiving are fitting and correspondent, hideous if the nature of the recipient form and the manner of its receiving are not fitting and so not correspondent. In the same way good itself acquires a specific nature from the truth [to which it is joined].

[5] The same arcanum is also evident from the fact that the spiritual man does not know what evil is. He scarcely believes that any other evils exist than actions contrary to the Ten Commandments. Of evils present in affection and thought, which are countless, he has no knowledge nor does he reflect on them or call them evils. All delights whatever that go with evil desires and pleasures he does not regard as other than good; and the actual delights that are part of self-love he both pursues, approves of, and excuses, without knowing that such things have an effect on his spirit and that he becomes altogether such in the next life.

[6] From this it is in a similar way clear that although the whole of the Word deals with scarcely any other matter than the good which goes with love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour, the spiritual man does not know that that good is the sum and substance of faith, nor even what the essential nature of love and charity is. It is also clear that though something which is a matter of faith may be known to him - faith being considered by him to be essential in itself - he nevertheless discusses whether it is true, unless he has been confirmed by much experience of life. Those who are celestial do not discuss the same because they know and have a perception that it is true hence the Lord's statement in Matthew,

Let your words be, Yes, yes; No, no; anything beyond this is from evil. 1 Matthew 5:37.

For those who are celestial are immersed in the truth itself about which those who are spiritual dispute. Consequently because those who are celestial are immersed in the truth itself, they are able to see from it numberless facets of that truth, and so from light to see so to speak heaven in its entirety. But those who are spiritual, because they dispute whether it is true, cannot - so long as they do so - arrive at the remotest boundary of the light existing with those who are celestial, let alone behold anything from their light.


1. or from the evil one


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.