

1 Mose第3章



1 Und die Schlange war listiger denn alle Tiere auf dem Felde, die Gott der HERR gemacht hatte, und sprach zu dem Weibe: Ja, sollte Gott gesagt haben: Ihr sollt nicht essen von allerlei Bäumen im Garten.

2 Da sprach das Weib zu der Schlange: Wir essen von den Früchten der Bäume im Garten;

3 aber von den Früchten des Baumes mitten im Garten hat Gott gesagt: Esset nicht davon, rühret es auch nicht an, daß ihr nicht sterbet!

4 Da sprach die Schlange zum Weibe: Ihr werdet mitnichten des Todes sterben;

5 sondern Gott weiß, daß, welches Tages ihr davon esset, so werden eure Augen aufgetan, und werdet sein wie Gott und wissen, was gut und böse ist.

6 Und das Weib schauete an, daß von dem Baum gut zu essen wäre und lieblich anzusehen, daß es ein lustiger Baum wäre, weil er klug machte, und nahm von der Frucht und und gab ihrem Mann auch davon, und er .

7 Da wurden ihrer beiden Augen aufgetan und wurden gewahr, daß sie nackend waren, und flochten Feigenblätter zusammen und machten ihnen Schürze.

8 Und sie höreten die Stimme Gottes des HERRN, der im Garten ging, da der Tag kühl worden war. Und Adam versteckte sich mit seinem Weibe vor dem Angesicht Gottes des HERRN unter die Bäume im Garten.

9 Und Gott der HERR rief Adam und sprach zu ihm: Wo bist du?

10 Und er sprach: Ich hörete deine Stimme im Garten und fürchtete mich, denn ich bin nackend; darum versteckte ich mich.

11 Und er sprach: Wer hat dir's gesagt, daß du nackend bist? Hast du nicht gegessen von dem Baum, davon ich dir gebot, du solltest nicht davon essen?

12 Da sprach Adam: Das Weib, das du mir zugesellet hast, gab mir von dem Baum, und ich .

13 Da sprach Gott der HERR zum Weibe: Warum hast du das getan? Das Weib sprach: Die Schlange betrog mich also, daß ich .

14 Da sprach Gott der HERR zu der Schlange: Weil du solches getan hast, seiest du verflucht vor allem Vieh und vor allen Tieren auf dem Felde. Auf deinem Bauch sollst du gehen und Erde essen dein Leben lang.

15 Und ich will Feindschaft setzen zwischen dir und dem Weibe und zwischen deinem Samen und ihrem Samen. Der selbe soll dir den Kopf zertreten, und du wirst ihn in die Ferse stechen.

16 Und zum Weibe sprach er: Ich will dir viel Schmerzen schaffen, wenn du schwanger wirst; du sollst mit Schmerzen Kinder gebären; und dein Wille soll deinem Mann unterworfen sein, und er soll dein HERR sein.

17 Und zu Adam sprach er: Dieweil du hast gehorchet der Stimme deines Weibes und gegessen von dem Bäume, davon ich dir gebot und sprach: Du sollst nicht davon essen; verflucht sei der Acker um deinetwillen; mit Kummer sollst du dich drauf nähren dein Leben lang.

18 Dornen und Disteln soll er dir tragen, und sollst das Kraut auf dem Felde essen.

19 Im Schweiß deines Angesichts sollst du dein Brot essen, bis daß du wieder zu Erde werdest, davon du genommen bist. Denn du bist Erde und sollst zu Erde werden.

20 Und Adam hieß sein Weib Heva, darum daß sie eine Mutter ist aller Lebendigen.

21 Und Gott der HERR machte Adam und seinem Weibe Röcke von Fellen und zog sie ihnen an,

22 Und Gott der HERR sprach: Siehe, Adam ist worden als unsereiner und weiß, was gut und böse ist. Nun aber, daß er nicht ausstrecke seine Hand und breche auch von dem Baum des Lebens und esse und lebe ewiglich:

23 da ließ ihn Gott der HERR aus dem Garten Eden, daß er das Feld bauete, davon er genommen ist,

24 und trieb Adam aus und lagerte vor den Garten Eden den Cherub mit einem bloßen hauenden Schwert, zu bewahren den Weg zu dem Baum des Lebens.




Apocalypse Revealed#565



565. And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and it went off to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (12:17) This symbolizes the hatred ignited in those people who believe themselves wise because of their arguments in support of the mystical union of the Divine and the human in the Lord and in support of justification by faith alone, against those who acknowledge the Lord alone as God of heaven and earth and the Ten Commandments as law to be lived, and their attacking new converts with the intention of leading them astray.

All of this is contained in these few words, because they follow in sequence from those of the preceding verse, where we are told that the earth helped the woman, and opened its mouth and swallowed up the river which the dragon had spewed out of its mouth, which means, symbolically, that their reasonings flowing from falsities came to nothing (no. 564), and accordingly that they tried in vain to destroy the New Church. The dragon's being enraged with the woman symbolizes, therefore, hatred ignited and a longing for vengeance seething against the Church. The rage or wrath of the dragon symbolizes hatred (no. 558). To make war means, symbolically, to attack and assail with reasonings flowing from falsities (no. 500).

The rest of her offspring or seed who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ means newcomers who accept the doctrine regarding the Lord and the Ten Commandments. What the testimony of Jesus Christ is may be seen in nos. 6 and 490 above.

[2] The dragon here means people who believe themselves wise because of their arguments in support of the mystical union of the Divine and the human in the Lord and in support of justification by faith alone, because they pride themselves on their wisdom and know how to reason. From that pride or conceit then springs hatred, and from that hatred rage and a longing for vengeance against people who do not believe as they do. By the mystical union, also called a hypostatic union, we mean their fictions regarding the influx and operation of the Lord's Divinity into His humanity as though into another entity, their not knowing that God and man, or the Divine and the human in the Lord, are not two persons, but one, united like soul and body, in accordance with the doctrine accepted throughout the Christian world which has its name from Athanasius. But this is not the place to cite their fictions regarding the mystical union, as they are absurd.

[3] That the offspring or seed of the woman here means people of the New Church, who possess its doctrinal truths, can be seen from the symbolic meaning of offspring in the following passages:

Their offspring shall be known among the nations, and their descendants among peoples. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the offspring whom Jehovah has blessed. (Isaiah 61:9)

...they are the offspring of the blessed of Jehovah... (Isaiah 65:23)

...as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before Me..., so shall your offspring... remain. (Isaiah 66:22)

Offspring that will serve Him shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation... (Psalms 22:30)

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and the offspring (of the woman). (Genesis 3:15)

Does the one seek the offspring of God? (Malachi 2:15)

Behold, the days are coming..., (when) I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man... (Jeremiah 31:27)

If he makes His soul a guilt offering, he shall see his offspring... (Isaiah 53:10)

Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east... (Isaiah 43:5-6)

...you shall break out to the right and to the left, and your offspring will inherit the nations... (Isaiah 54:3)

I had planted you a noble vine, the offspring of truth. How then have you turned before Me into the offshoots of an alien vine? (Jeremiah 2:21)

Their fruit You shall destroy from the earth, and their offspring from among the children of men. (Psalms 21:10)

...the... seeds are the children of the kingdom... (Matthew 13:38)

The offspring or seed of Israel has the same symbolic meaning, because "Israel" is the church (Isaiah 41:8-9; 44:3). So likewise the seed of the field, in many places, because a field symbolizes the church.

On the other hand, the offspring or seed of evil people has an opposite meaning (Isaiah 1:4; 14:20; 57:3-4).

565. [repeated]. Then I stood on the sand of the sea. 1 (12:18) This symbolizes John's spiritual state now natural, like that of people in the first or lowest heaven.

The sand of the sea symbolizes that state, because the sea symbolizes the external component of the church. We call this state spiritually natural, like the state of people in the first or lowest heaven.

John had previously been up above in heaven when he saw the dragon, its battle with Michael, its being cast down, and its pursuing the woman. But now that the dragon has been cast down, and it continues to be dealt with in the following chapter, John was conveyed down in spirit in order to see the further events involving the dragon beneath the heavens and describe them. In that state he saw the two beasts, one rising up out of the sea and the other coming up out of the earth, which he could not have seen from heaven, since it is not granted to any angel to look down from heaven into lower regions, though if he wishes, he may descend.

It should be known that a place in the spiritual world corresponds to the inhabitants' state, for no one can be anywhere else than where his state of life is found. And because John now stood on the sand of the sea, it follows that his state was now a spiritually natural one.


1. In most manuscripts, the Textus Receptus, the received text of the Greek New Testament, makes this verse part of the first verse of the next chapter (13:1), as do numerous translations into other languages. The Alexandrian text, however, and the text of Westcott and Hort, together with some translations, including those Latin versions consulted by the writer, make it verse 18 of the present chapter.



Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.