




1 Und des HERRN Wort geschah zu mir und sprach:

2 Du Menschenkind, lege dem Hause Israel ein Rätsel vor und ein Gleichnis

3 und sprich: So spricht der HERR HERR: Ein großer Adler mit großen Flügeln und langen Fittichen und voll Federn, die bunt waren, kam auf Libanon und nahm den Wipfel von der Zeder

4 und brach das oberste Reis ab und führete es ins Krämerland und setzte es in die Kaufmannsstadt.

5 Er nahm auch Samen aus demselbigen Lande und säete ihn in dasselbige gute Land, da viel Wassers ist, und setzte es lose hin.

6 Und es wuchs und ward ein ausgebreiteter Weinstock und niedriges Stammes; denn seine Reben bogen sich zu ihm, und seine Wurzeln waren unter ihm; und war also ein Weinstock, der Reben kriegte und Zweige.

7 Und da war ein anderer großer Adler mit großen Flügeln und vielen Federn; und siehe, der Weinstock hatte Verlangen an seinen Wurzeln zu diesem Adler und streckte seine Reben aus gegen ihn, daß er gewässert würde vom Platz seiner Pflanzen.

8 Und war doch auf einem guten Boden an viel Wasser gepflanzet, daß er wohl hätte können Zweige bringen, Frucht tragen und ein herrlicher Weinstock werden.

9 So sprich nun: Also sagt der HERR HERR: Sollte der geraten? Ja, man wird seine Wurzel ausrotten und seine Frucht abreißen, und wird verdorren, daß all seines Gewächses Blätter verdorren werden, und wird nicht geschehen durch großen Arm noch viel Volks, auf daß man ihn von seinen Wurzeln wegführe.

10 Siehe, er ist zwar gepflanzet, aber sollt er geraten? Ja, sobald ihn der Ostwind rühren wird, wird er verdorren auf dem Platz seines Gewächses.

11 Und des HERRN Wort geschah zu mir und sprach:

12 Lieber, sprich zu dem ungehorsamen Hause: Wisset ihr nicht, was das ist? Und sprich: Siehe, es kam der König zu Babel gen Jerusalem und nahm ihren König und ihre Fürsten und führete sie weg zu sich gen Babel

13 und nahm von dem königlichen Samen und machte einen Bund mit ihm und nahm einen Eid von ihm; aber die Gewaltigen im Lande nahm er weg,

14 damit das Königreich demütig bliebe und sich nicht erhübe, auf daß sein Bund gehalten würde und bestünde.

15 Aber derselbe (Same) fiel von ihm ab und sandte seine Botschaft nach Ägypten, daß man ihm Rosse und viel Volks schicken sollte. Sollt es dem geraten? Sollt er davonkommen, der solches tut? Und sollte der, so den Bund bricht, davonkommen?

16 So wahr ich lebe, spricht der HERR HERR, an dem Ort des Königs, der ihn zum Könige gesetzt hat, welches Eid er verachtet, und welches Bund er gebrochen hat, da soll er sterben, nämlich zu Babel.

17 Auch wird ihm Pharao nicht beistehen im Kriege mit großem Heer und viel Volks, wenn man die Schütte aufwerfen wird und die Bollwerke bauen, daß viel Leute umgebracht werden.

18 Denn weil er den Eid verachtet und den Bund gebrochen hat, darauf er seine Hand gegeben hat, und solches alles tut, wird er nicht davonkommen.

19 Darum spricht der HERR HERR also: So wahr als ich lebe, so will ich meinen Eid, den er verachtet hat, und meinen Bund, den er gebrochen hat, auf seinen Kopf bringen.

20 Denn ich will mein Netz über ihn werfen, und muß in meiner Jagd gefangen werden; und will ihn gen Babel bringen und will daselbst mit ihm rechten über dem, daß er sich also an mir vergriffen hat.

21 Und alle seine Flüchtigen, die ihm anhingen, sollen durchs Schwert fallen, und ihre Übrigen sollen in alle Winde zerstreuet werden, und sollt es erfahren, daß ich's, der HERR, geredet habe.

22 So spricht der HERR HERR: Ich will auch von dem Wipfel des hohen Zedernbaums nehmen und oben von seinen Zweigen ein zartes Reis brechen und will's auf einen hohen gehäuften Berg pflanzen,

23 nämlich auf den hohen Berg Israel will ich's pflanzen, daß es Zweige gewinne und Früchte bringe und ein herrlicher Zedernbaum werde, also daß allerlei Vögel unter ihm wohnen und allerlei Fliegendes unter dem Schatten seiner Zweige bleiben möge.

24 Und sollen alle Feldbäume erfahren, daß ich, der HERR, den hohen Baum geniedriget und den niedrigen Baum erhöhet habe und den grünen Baum ausgedorret und den dürren Baum grünend gemacht habe. Ich, der HERR, rede es und tue es auch.




The White Horse - Appendix#1



Since today it must inevitably appear strange that a horse means the understanding of truth, and in a contrary sense, reasonings coming as it were from the understanding which confirm falsehood, I should like to quote more passages still from the Word where the horse is mentioned. Let these suffice:

Is Thine indignation against the sea, O Jehovah, when Thou dost ride upon Thy horses! Thy chariots are salvation. Thou didst trample the sea with Thy horses, the surging of the waters, Habakkuk 3:8, 15.

The hoofs of Jehovah's horses are reckoned as flint, Isaiah 5:28.

At Thy rebuke both chariot and horse lay stunned, Psalm 76:5-6.

I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will overthrow the chariot and those that ride in it, and the horses and their horsemen shall go down, Haggai 2:22.

I will cut off the horse from Jerusalem: he shall speak peace to the nations, Zechariah 9:10.

In these places the Church's understanding of truth is meant by the horse, and doctrine derived from it by the chariot; and those who are able to understand and learn from the Word are meant by riders and horsemen. The matter is plainer still from these places:

Gather yourselves from all around to My sacrifice; you shall be satisfied at My table with horse and chariot. So I will set My glory among the nations, Ezekiel 39:17, 20-21.

Gather yourselves to the great supper of God, and you shall eat the flesh of horses and of those seated on them, Revelation 19:17-18.

The subject here is the New Church that is to be established by the Lord. At that time the understanding of the Word will be opened and from it men will be taught the doctrine of truth. What else would the statements that they were to be filled at the Lord's table with horse and chariot, and that they were to eat the flesh of horses and of those seated on them, be but utter absurdities! In addition to the examples already brought forward, the meaning of horse and chariot is obvious from these places:

Gird on Thy sword, O Mighty One! Mount, and ride on the Word of truth, Psalm 45:3-4.

Sing, lift up a song to Him Who rides upon the clouds, Psalm 68:4.

Jehovah comes riding upon a cloud, Isaiah 19:1.

Sing to the Lord Who is riding on the highest heaven of old, Psalm 68:33-34.

God rode on a cherub, Psalm 18:10.

Then you shall take delight in Jehovah, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth, Isaiah 58:14; Deuteronomy 32:13.

I will make Ephraim ride, Hosea 10:11.

By riding in these passages is meant teaching and being taught the truths of doctrine, and thus being wise. By the heights of the earth are meant the summits of the Church, and by Ephraim also the understanding of the Word. Like matters are meant by horses and chariots, by the four chariots coming out between the mountains of bronze, and by the four horses harnessed to them, which were red, black, white, and dappled grey, and which are also called spirits and are said to have gone forth from standing in the presence of the Lord of the whole earth, Zechariah 6:1-8, 15.

Things of a similar nature are meant by these words as well:

When the Lamb opened the seals of the book horses went out in order, first a white horse, second a red horse, third a black horse, and fourth a pale horse, Revelation 6:1-8.

It is obvious that by the book whose seals the Lamb opened the Word is meant, out of which nothing else could come except the understanding of it. What other meaning could horses coming out of an opened book have!

It is clear that a horse means the understanding of truth and a chariot doctrine from the same words when they are used in a contrary sense. A horse then means the understanding falsifying truths by means of mere reasonings, and a chariot consequent doctrine, that is, heresy, as in the following places:

Woe to those who go down into Egypt for help and rely on horses and do not look to the Holy One of Israel! For Egypt is man and not God, and his horses are flesh and not spirit, Isaiah 31:1, 3.

You shall set over Israel a king whom Jehovah shall choose, only let him not multiply horses for himself nor lead the people back into Egypt to multiply horses, Deuteronomy 17:14-16.

These matters have been stated because by Egypt is meant the natural man, who corrupts the truths of the Word by mere reasonings from the physical senses. What else could the horses of Egypt being flesh and not spirit, and the king not having to multiply horses, that is, falsehoods that have to do with religion, mean?

Assyria will not save us, we will not ride upon a horse, Hosea 14:3.

Some boast of the chariot and others of horses but we will boast of the name of our God, Psalm 20:7-8.

A horse is a vain thing for safety, Psalm 33:17.

The Holy One of Israel said, In trust shall be your strength. But you said, No. We will flee on a horse, we will ride on a swift one, Isaiah 30:15-16.

Jehovah will set Judah like a glorious horse; they shall put to shame those riding on horses, Zechariah 10:3-5.

I will bring against Tyre the king of Babylon, with horse and with chariot, and with horsemen. Their horses shall be so many that their dust will cover you, and the noise of horse and chariot so much that your walls will be shaken. With the hoofs of his horses he will trample all your streets, Ezekiel 26:7-11.

By Tyre in the Word is meant the Church as regards its cognitions of good and truth, and by the king of Babylon the falsification and profanation of them. Hence it says here that he will come with horse and chariot and horsemen, and that the horses will be so many that their dust will cover him. Woe to the bloody city, all full of lies, with whinnying horse and bounding chariot, Nahum 3:1-4.

By the bloody city is meant doctrine derived from truths of the Word that have been falsified. And in other places as well, such as Isaiah 5:26, 28; Jeremiah 6:23, 8:16, 46:4, 9, 50:37-38, 42; Ezekiel 17:15, 23:6, 20; Habakkuk 1:6, 8-10; Psalms 66:11-12, 147:10. A falsified and ruined understanding of truth that is in the Word is also meant by the red, black, and pale horses of Revelation 6:4-5, 8. Since therefore a horse means an understanding of truth, and in a contrary sense, an understanding of falsehood, it is clear what the Word is like in its spiritual sense.

It is well known that hieroglyphics existed in Egypt and that these were inscribed on columns and temple walls, etc., and that nobody knows nowadays what they meant. They were nothing else but correspondences of natural and spiritual things, to which the Egyptians applied themselves more than any other peoples of their own times in Asia, and it was according to these correspondences that the ancient Greeks composed their fables. The most ancient style was nothing else but this. To all these matters let me add one that is new: All things that manifest themselves in the spiritual world to angels and spirits are without exception correspondences, and for that very reason the whole of the Sacred Scripture has been written by means of correspondences [in the margin: in order that by means of it, as this is the nature of it, men of the Church would be conjoined with angels of heaven]. But because the Egyptians, and others with them in the kingdoms of Asia, began to turn those correspondences into forms of idolatry which the children of Israel tended to favour, the latter were forbidden to call them back into any use at all, as is quite plain from the first of the Ten Commandments where these words appear:

You shall not make for yourself any carved image which is in the heavens above or which is on the earth beneath or which is in the waters under the earth. You shall not bow down to them nor serve them, for I am Jehovah your God, Deuteronomy 5:8-9.

And there are many more examples elsewhere. From that time on the knowledge of correspondences was blotted out. This happened by stages, in so much that nowadays its existence in the past is almost unknown, or that there is such a thing. Now however because a New Church is to be established by the Lord, one that is to be based on the Word, and which is understood by the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation, the Lord has been pleased to reveal that knowledge, and so to open up the Word to show what it is like inside in its inmost parts, that is, to show what it is in the spiritual sense. This has been done by means of myself in ARCANA COELESTIA, published in London, and afterwards in APOCALYPSE REVEALED, published in Amsterdam. Since for men of early times that knowledge was the greatest knowledge of all, and from it came their wisdom, it is important that some member of your academy should devote his labours to that knowledge, which can be done chiefly from the correspondences disclosed in APOCALYPSE REVEALED and proved from the Word. If there is a demand for it I am willing to unravel the Egyptian hieroglyphics, which are nothing else but correspondences, and have the matter published. Nobody else can do it.

Em. Swedenborg


1. [NCBSP Editor's note: This very brief work of Swedenborg's, which may have been a draft of a letter, was not published by him. It is an appendix to "The White Horse", which Swedenborg had published in 1758. Here's a link to that work: The White Horse 1.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.