

2 Mose第29章



1 Das ist's auch, das du ihnen tun sollst, daß sie mir zu Priestern geweihet werden: Nimm einen jungen Farren und zween Widder ohne Wandel,

2 ungesäuert Brot und ungesäuerte Kuchen, mit Öl gemenget, und ungesäuerte Fladen, mit Öl gesalbet. Von Weizenmehl sollst du solches alles machen;

3 und sollst es in einen Korb legen und in dem Korbe herzubringen samt dem Farren und den zween Widdern.

4 Und sollst Aaron und seine Söhne vor die Tür der Hütte des Stifts führen und mit Wasser waschen;

5 und die Kleider nehmen und Aaron anziehen den engen Rock und den Seidenrock und den Leibrock und das Schildlein zu dem Leibrock; und sollst ihn gürten außen auf den Leibrock

6 und den Hut auf sein Haupt setzen und die heilige Krone an den Hut.

7 Und sollst nehmen das Salböl und auf sein Haupt schütten und ihn salben.

8 Und seine Söhne sollst du auch herzu führen und den engen Rock ihnen anziehen;

9 und beide Aaron und auch sie mit Gürteln gürten und ihnen die Hauben aufbinden, daß sie das Priestertum haben zu ewiger Weise. Und sollst Aaron und seinen Söhnen die Hände füllen

10 und den Farren herzuführen vor die Hütte des Stifts; und Aaron samt seinen Söhnen sollen ihre Hände auf des Farren Haupt legen.

11 Und sollst den Farren schlachten vor dem HERRN, vor der Tür der Hütte des Stifts.

12 Und sollst seines Bluts nehmen und auf des Altars Hörner tun mit deinem Finger und alles andere Blut an des Altars Boden schütten.

13 Und sollst alles Fett nehmen am Eingeweide und das Netz über der Leber und die zwo Nieren mit dem Fett, das drüber liegt, und sollst es auf dem Altar anzünden.

14 Aber des Farren Fleisch, Fell und Mist sollst du außen vor dem Lager mit Feuer verbrennen, denn es ist ein Sündopfer.

15 Aber den einen Widder sollst du nehmen, und Aaron samt seinen Söhnen sollen ihre Hände auf sein Haupt legen.

16 Dann sollst du ihn schlachten und seines Bluts nehmen und auf den Altar sprengen ringsherum.

17 Aber den Widder sollst du zerlegen in Stücke und sein Eingeweide waschen und Schenkel; und sollst es auf seine Stücke und Haupt legen

18 und den ganzen Widder anzünden auf dem Altar; denn es ist dem HERRN ein Brandopfer, ein süßer Geruch, ein Feuer des HERRN.

19 Den andern Widder aber sollst du nehmen und Aaron samt seinen Söhnen sollen ihre Hände auf sein Haupt legen.

20 Und sollst ihn schlachten und seines Bluts nehmen und Aaron und seinen Söhnen auf den rechten Ohrknorpel tun und auf den Daumen ihrer rechten Hand und auf den großen Zehen ihres rechten Fußes; und sollst das Blut auf den Altar sprengen ringsherum.

21 Und sollst das Blut auf dem Altar nehmen und Salböl und Aaron und seine Kleider, seine Söhne und ihre Kleider besprengen, so wird er und seine Kleider, seine Söhne und ihre Kleider geweihet.

22 Danach sollst du nehmen das Fett von dem Widder, den Schwanz und das Fett am Eingeweide, das Netz über der Leber und die zwo Nieren mit dem Fett drüber und die rechte Schulter (denn es ist ein Widder der Fülle)

23 und ein Brot und einen Ölkuchen und einen Fladen aus dem Korbe des ungesäuerten Brots, der vor dem HERRN stehet.

24 Und lege es alles auf die Hände Aarons und seiner Söhne und webe es dem HERRN.

25 Danach nimm's von ihren Händen und zünde es an auf dem Altar zum Brandopfer, zum süßen Geruch vor dem HERRN; denn das ist ein Feuer des HERRN.

26 Und sollst die Brust nehmen vom Widder der Fülle Aarons und sollst es vor dem HERRN weben. Das soll dein Teil sein.

27 Und sollst also heiligen die Webebrust und die Hebeschulter, die gewebet und gehebet sind von dem Widder der Fülle Aarons und seiner Söhne.

28 Und soll Aarons und seiner Söhne sein ewiger Weise von den Kindern Israel; denn es ist ein Hebopfer. Und die Hebopfer sollen des HERRN sein von den Kindern Israel an ihren Dankopfern und Hebopfern.

29 Aber die heiligen Kleider Aarons sollen seine Söhne haben nach ihm, daß sie darinnen gesalbet und ihre Hände gefüllet werden.

30 Welcher unter seinen Söhnen an seiner Statt Priester wird, der soll sie sieben Tage anziehen, daß er gehe in die Hütte des Stifts, zu dienen im Heiligen.

31 Du sollst aber nehmen den Widder der Füllung und sein Fleisch an einem heiligen Ort kochen.

32 Und Aaron mit seinen Söhnen soll desselben Widders Fleisch essen samt dem Brot im Korbe vor der Tür der Hütte des Stifts.

33 Denn es ist Versöhnung damit geschehen, zu füllen ihre Hände, daß sie geweihet werden. Kein anderer soll es essen, denn es ist heilig.

34 Wo aber etwas überbleibet von dem Fleisch der Füllung und von dem Brot bis an den Morgen, das sollst du mit Feuer verbrennen und nicht essen lassen; denn es ist heilig.

35 Und sollst also mit Aaron und seinen Söhnen tun alles, was ich dir geboten habe. Sieben Tage sollst du ihre Hände füllen

36 und täglich einen Farren zum Sündopfer schlachten zur Versöhnung. Und sollst den Altar entsündigen, wenn du ihn versöhnest, und sollst ihn salben, daß er geweihet werde.

37 Sieben Tage sollst du den Altar versöhnen und ihn weihen, daß er sei ein Altar, das Allerheiligste. Wer den Altar anrühren will, der soll geweihet sein.

38 Und das sollst du mit dem Altar tun. Zwei jährige Lämmer sollst du allewege des Tages drauf opfern,

39 ein Lamm des Morgens, das andere zwischen Abends.

40 Und zu einem Lamm ein Zehnten Semmelmehls, gemenget mit einem Vierteil von einem Hin gestoßenen Öls und einem Vierteil vom Hin Weins zum Trankopfer.

41 Mit dem andern Lamm zwischen Abends sollst du tun wie mit dem Speisopfer und Trankopfer des Morgens, zu süßem Geruch, ein Feuer dem HERRN.

42 Das ist das tägliche Brandopfer bei euren Nachkommen vor der Tür der Hütte des Stifts, vor dem HERRN, da ich euch zeugen und mit dir reden will.

43 Daselbst will ich den Kindern Israel erkannt und geheiliget werden in meiner HERRLIchkeit.

44 Und will die Hütte des Stifts mit dem Altar heiligen und Aaron und seine Söhne mir zu Priestern weihen.

45 Und will unter den Kindern Israel wohnen und ihr Gott sein,

46 daß sie wissen sollen, ich sei der HERR, ihr Gott, der sie aus Ägyptenland führete, daß ich unter ihnen wohne, ich, der HERR, ihr Gott.




Arcana Coelestia#10076



10076. 'For it is the ram of fillings [of the hand]' means a representative sign of the Lord's Divine power in the heavens which comes through Divine Truth emanating from His Divine Good, and the transmission and the reception of that Truth there. This is clear from the meaning of 'the ram' as a person internally in respect of the good of innocence and charity within him, dealt with above in 9991, for all beasts serve to mean some human affection or inclination, 9280, which is why people possessing charity and innocence are called sheep and lambs, and 'a ram' therefore, being a male sheep, means the good of charity and innocence in the internal man, or in the highest sense that same good present internally in the Lord's Human (for that which in the internal sense means something truly human, thus something constituting the Church or heaven with a person, in the highest sense means that same virtue present in a matchless degree within the Lord when He was in the world; indeed the subject everywhere in the Word in its inmost sense is the Lord, and this is what gives it its holiness); and from the meaning of 'fillings of the hand' as a representative sign of Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good in the heavens, and as the transmission of that Truth to the angels there and their reception of it. For as has been shown previously, just as a person who is being regenerated experiences two states, the first being a time when the truths of faith are being implanted in and joined to the good of love, and the second a time when the good of charity is the source of his actions, so it was in a matchless degree within the Lord. The first state of the glorification of His Human consisted in His making it Divine Truth and joining it to the Divine Good which was within Him and was called the Father, and in His thereby becoming the Divine Good of Divine Love, which is Jehovah. The second state of His glorification was when the Divine Good of Divine Love was the source of what He did, and the Divine Truth emanating from that Good was the means by which He accomplished it.

[2] In the case of a person, in the first state he learns things that must compose his faith, and while he is learning them, under the influence of good, that is, through good from the Lord, so the power of understanding is taking shape in him. When the truths giving shape to the understanding have been implanted in and joined to good he passes into the second state, in which his actions spring from good through the use of truths. From this it is evident what the second state of a person who is being regenerated is like, namely a state in which thought and actions spring from good, or what amounts to the same thing, from love, or what also amounts to the same thing, from the will; for what a person wills he loves, and what he loves he calls good. But a person begins to be in the second state when his entire self from head to toe is the same as his love, and so is the same as his will and his understanding springing from it. Who can ever credit it that the entire person is an image of his will and of his understanding rooted in it, consequently an image of his good and so of his truth, or else an image of his evil and so of his falsity? For good or evil compose the will, and truth or falsity compose the understanding. All angels in heaven are acquainted with this arcanum; but the reason why people in the world are not acquainted with it is that they have no knowledge of their soul, nor consequently any knowledge that the body is shaped so as to be a likeness of it, and therefore that the nature of the entire person is determined by that of his soul. This fact is clearly demonstrated by spirits and angels as seen in the next life. All these are human forms, and the nature of those forms is determined by that of the affections belonging to their love and faith, so much so that anyone in whom the good of love and charity is present may be called an embodiment of love and charity, and on the other hand anyone in whom evils resulting from self-love and love of the world are present, thus in whom hatred and the like are present, may be called an embodiment of hatred.

[3] The same fact is also clearly demonstrated by the three entities present in the whole natural order which flow one from another, namely effect, cause, and end. An effect owes its whole existence to the cause, for an effect is nothing other than the outward manifestation of a cause, because when a cause becomes an effect it clothes itself in things such as exist on external levels, in order that it may manifest itself in a lower sphere, which is the sphere of effects. The situation is similar with the cause of a cause, which in a higher sphere is called the final cause or the end. The end constitutes the all within the cause, making it a cause set to achieve something. For a cause that is not set to achieve something cannot be called a cause, for what other reason is there for its existence? Setting out to achieve something is the end, which is the first thing within the cause and also its last. From this it is evident that the end is so to speak the soul of the cause and so to speak its life, and consequently is also the soul and life of the effect. For if a cause and an effect lack the ability to complete the end in view, none of these has any real existence, because it does not set out to achieve anything, and so is like some dead object devoid of soul and life; and such a thing expires, like a body when the soul departs from it.

[4] The situation is the same with the human being. His actual soul is his will; the attendant cause by means of which his will produces the effect is his understanding; and the effect which is produced resides in the body and so belongs to the body. The truth of this is plainly evident from the consideration that what a person wills, and therefore thinks, fittingly presents itself in an effect within the body, in this way when he speaks, in that way when he acts. From all this it is again evident that what a person's will is like determines what the entire person is like. Whether one speaks of the will, end, love, or good it amounts to the same thing; for everything that a person wills is seen by him to be the end, is loved by him, and is called good. Likewise whether one speaks of the understanding, the cause attending the end, faith, or truth, it again amounts to the same thing; for what a person under the influence of his will understands or thinks he takes to be the cause, believes, and calls the truth. When these things are understood by someone he may know what a person undergoing regeneration is like in his first state, and what he is like in the second.

[5] From all this people may have some idea of how to understand the teaching that when the Lord was in the world and glorified His Human He first made it Divine Truth, and step by step the Divine Good of Divine Love; and that ever after the Divine Good of Divine Love is the source of His acts in heaven and in the world, and of the life He imparts to them, which He accomplishes by means of Divine Truth emanating from the Divine Good of Divine Love of His Divine Human. For from this the heavens have come into being and are constantly coming into being, that is, being held in being; or what amounts to the same thing, from it the heavens have been created and are constantly being created, that is, preserved, for preservation is constant creation, even as being held in being is constant coming into being.

[6] Such considerations are also contained in the following words in John,

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. And the Word became flesh. John 1:1, 3, 14.

'The Word' is Divine Truth. The first state is described by the statement, 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God', and the second state by, 'All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made'. The situation was similar when the Lord came into the world, restored the heavens to order, and so to speak created them anew. The Lord is clearly meant by 'the Word' in the above words, for they say that 'the Word became flesh'. The transmission and the perception of Divine Truth emanating from the Divine Good of Divine Love of the Lord's Divine Human is what 'the filling of the hand' means and what the representative acts associated here with the second ram describe.

[7] Since the Lord in respect of Divine Good is represented by Aaron, 9806, the glorification of the Lord's Human is described in a representative manner by the process in which Aaron and his sons were consecrated. The first state of glorification is described by the things stated regarding the sacrifice of the young bull and the burnt offering of the first ram, and the second state of glorification by those stated regarding the second ram, called 'the ram of fillings [of the hand]'. The first state is called the anointing, while the second state is called the filling of the hand. So it was when Aaron and his sons were consecrated to the priesthood by anointing and filling of the hand that they were referred to as 'the anointed' and 'those whose hands he has filled', as in Moses,

The chief priest, on whose head the anointing oil has been poured, and who has filled his hand to wear the garments, shall not shave his head or rip apart the seams of his garments. Leviticus 21:10.

From these things also it is evident that 'the filling of the hand' is a representative sign of the transmission and the reception of Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good in the heavens, for it says 'who has filled his hand', not who has had his hand filled. It also says that he has filled his hand 'to wear the garments', for by Aaron and the anointing of him the Lord in respect of Divine Good is represented, and by his garments the same as is represented by 'the filling of the hand', namely Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good. For this representation of 'the garments', see 9814. The dispersion of that Truth is meant by 'ripping apart the seams of garments', and the dispersion of Divine Good in the heavens by 'shaving the head'.

[8] Since the inflowing and transmission of Divine Truth from the Lord, and the reception of it in the heavens, is meant by 'the filling of the hand', purification from evils and falsities is also meant by it. For to the extent that man or angel is purified from them he receives Divine Truth from the Lord. 'Filling the hand' is meant in this sense by the following words in Moses,

The sons of Levi struck down from the people three thousand men. And Moses said, Fill your hand today to Jehovah, so that He may bestow a blessing on you today. Exodus 32:28-29.

In the spiritual sense being blessed means being endowed with the good of love and faith, thus receiving what is Divine emanating from the Lord, 2846, 3017, 3406, 4981, 6091, 6099, 8939. The expression 'filling after Jehovah' 1 is also used in Moses, by which acting in accord with Divine Truth, and thus also the reception of it, is meant,

Another Spirit has been with Caleb, and he has filled after Jehovah. Numbers 14:24; Deuteronomy 1:36.

And in another place,

Jehovah has sworn, saying, Surely none of the men who are twenty years old and over 2 will see the land which I swore to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, because they have not filled after Me, except Caleb and Joshua, who have filled after Jehovah. Numbers 32:11-12.


1. This Hebrew phrase is thought to suggest more than the words themselves actually express, i.e. it is a pregnant phrase for to go after with full commitment

2. literally, the men, from the son of twenty years and over,


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.