




1 Alors Dieu prononça toutes ces paroles, disant :

2 Je suis l'Eternel ton Dieu, qui t'ai retiré du pays d'Egypte, de la maison de servitude.

3 Tu n'auras point d'autres dieux devant ma face.

4 Tu ne te feras point d'image taillée, ni aucune ressemblance des choses qui sont là-haut aux cieux, ni ici-bas sur la terre, ni dans les eaux sous la terre.

5 Tu ne te prosterneras point devant elles, et ne les serviras point; car je suis l'Eternel ton Dieu, le [Dieu] Fort, qui est jaloux, punissant l'iniquité des pères sur les enfants, jusqu'à la troisième et à la quatrième génération de ceux qui me haïssent;

6 Et faisant miséricorde en mille [générations] à ceux qui m'aiment, et qui gardent mes commandements.

7 Tu ne prendras point le Nom de l'Eternel ton Dieu en vain; car l'Eternel ne tiendra point pour innocent, celui qui aura pris son Nom en vain.

8 Souviens-toi du jour du repos, pour le sanctifier.

9 Tu travailleras six jours, et tu feras toute ton œuvre;

10 Mais le septième jour est le repos de l'Eternel ton Dieu. Tu ne feras aucune œuvre en ce [jour-là], ni toi, ni ton fils, ni ta fille, ni ton serviteur, ni ta servante, ni ton bétail, ni ton étranger qui est dans tes portes.

11 Car l'Eternel a fait en six jours les cieux, la terre, la mer, et tout ce qui est en eux, et s'est reposé le septième jour; c'est pourquoi l'Eternel a béni le jour du repos, et l'a sanctifié.

12 Honore ton père et ta mère, afin que tes jours soient prolongés sur la terre que l'Eternel ton Dieu te donne.

13 Tu ne tueras point.

14 Tu ne paillarderas point.

15 Tu ne déroberas point.

16 Tu ne diras point faux Témoignage contre ton prochain.

17 Tu ne convoiteras point la maison de ton prochain; tu ne convoiteras point la femme de ton prochain, ni son serviteur, ni sa servante, ni son bœuf, ni son âne, ni aucune chose qui soit à ton prochain.

18 Or tout le peuple apercevait les tonnerres, les éclairs, le son du cor, et la montagne fumante; et le peuple voyant cela tremblait, et se tenait loin.

19 Et ils dirent à Moïse : parle, toi, avec nous, et nous écouterons; mais que Dieu ne parle point avec nous, de peur que nous ne mourions.

20 Et Moïse dit au peuple : ne craignez point; car Dieu est venu pour vous éprouver, et afin que sa crainte soit devant vous, et que vous ne péchiez point.

21 Le peuple donc se tint loin, mais Moïse s'approcha de l'obscurité dans laquelle Dieu était.

22 Et l'Eternel dit à Moïse : tu diras ainsi aux enfants d'Israël : vous avez vu que je vous ai parlé des cieux :

23 Vous ne vous ferez point avec moi de Dieux d'argent, ni de Dieux d'or.

24 Tu me feras un autel de terre, sur lequel tu sacrifieras tes holocaustes, et tes oblations de prospérités, ton menu et ton gros bétail; en quelque lieu que ce soit que je mettrai la mémoire de mon Nom, je viendrai là à toi, et je te bénirai.

25 Que si tu me fais un autel de pierres, ne les taille point; car si tu fais passer le fer dessus, tu le souilleras.

26 Et tu ne monteras point à mon autel par des degrés, de peur que ta nudité ne soit découverte en y [montant].




Apocalypse Explained#981



981. (Verse 8) And the fourth angel poured out his vial into the sun. That this signifies the state of the church manifested as to love to God, thus to the Lord, is evident from the signification of the angel pouring out his vial, as denoting the state of the church manifested, as above (n. 969). And from the signification of the sun, as denoting love to God, thus to the Lord (concerning which see above, n. 401, 412, 422, 525, 527, 708). The reason why the sun signifies love to God, thus to the Lord is, that the Lord appears before the angels in the heavens as a Sun, and His appearance as a Sun is from Divine love. For all love in the spiritual world corresponds to fire and flame, and because it corresponds it is also representatively shown by fire and flame, therefore the Lord's Divine love appears as a Sun. Hence it is that the sun, in the Word, signifies the Lord, as to love towards all who are in heaven and in the world, and, in a reciprocal sense, love to the Lord.

By love to the Lord is signified the love or affection of doing His commandments, thus, the love of keeping the precepts of the Decalogue. For in proportion as a man from love, or from affection, keeps and does them, in the same proportion he loves the Lord. The reason is, that they are the Lord with man.

[2] Thus far five precepts of the Decalogue have been explained. The Sixth Precept, which is, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," must now be explained.

Who is there at this day capable of believing that the delight of adultery is hell with man, and that the delight of marriage is heaven with him; consequently, that so far as a man is in the one delight, so far he is not in the other; because so far as a man is in hell, so far he is not in heaven? Who is there at this day who is capable of believing that the love of adultery is the fundamental love of all hellish and devilish loves, and that the chaste love of marriage is the fundamental love of all loves, heavenly and Divine; consequently, that so far as a man is in the love of adultery, so far he is in every evil love, if not in act, yet in endeavour? On the other hand, so far as a man is in the chaste love of marriage, so far he is in every good love, if not in act, yet in endeavour? Who is there at this day who is capable of believing that he who is in the love of adultery has no belief at all in the Word, consequently, none in the church, indeed, that in his heart he denies God? And, on the other hand, that he who is in the chaste love of marriage is in charity and faith and in love to God? Or who is capable of believing that the chastity of marriage makes one with religion, and the lasciviousness of adultery makes one with naturalism?

[3] The reason why these things are at this day unknown is, because the church is at its end, and devastated as to truth and good; and when the church is in such a condition, then the man of the church, by influx from hell, comes into the persuasion that adulteries are neither detestable nor abominations. And hence also he comes into the belief that marriages and adulteries do not differ in their essence, but only as to order, when, nevertheless, the difference between them is such as that between heaven and hell. That there is this difference between them will be seen in what follows. Hence it is that in the Word, in the spiritual sense, heaven and the church are meant by nuptials and marriages; and that hell and the rejection of all things of the church are meant in the Word, in the spiritual sense, by adulteries and whoredoms.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.