




1 Voici ce que tu feras pour les sanctifier, afin qu'ils soient à mon service dans le sacerdoce. Prends un jeune taureau et deux béliers sans défaut.

2 Fais, avec de la fleur de farine de froment, des pains sans levain, des gâteaux sans levain pétris à l'huile, et des galettes sans levain arrosées d'huile.

3 Tu les mettras dans une corbeille, en offrant le jeune taureau et les deux béliers.

4 Tu feras avancer Aaron et ses fils vers l'entrée de la tente d'assignation, et tu les laveras avec de l'eau.

5 Tu prendras les vêtements; tu revêtiras Aaron de la tunique, de la robe de l'éphod, de l'éphod et du pectoral, et tu mettras sur lui la ceinture de l'éphod.

6 Tu poseras la tiare sur sa tête, et tu placeras le diadème de sainteté sur la tiare.

7 Tu prendras l'huile d'onction, tu en répandras sur sa tête, et tu l'oindras.

8 Tu feras approcher ses fils, et tu les revêtiras des tuniques.

9 Tu mettras une ceinture à Aaron et à ses fils, et tu attacheras des bonnets aux fils d'Aaron. Le sacerdoce leur appartiendra par une loi perpétuelle. Tu consacreras donc Aaron et ses fils.

10 Tu amèneras le taureau devant la tente d'assignation, et Aaron et ses fils poseront leurs mains sur la tête du taureau.

11 Tu égorgeras le taureau devant l'Eternel, à l'entrée de la tente d'assignation.

12 Tu prendras du sang du taureau, tu en mettras avec ton doigt sur les cornes de l'autel, et tu répandras tout le sang au pied de l'autel.

13 Tu prendras toute la graisse qui couvre les entrailles, le grand lobe du foie, les deux rognons et la graisse qui les entoure, et tu brûleras cela sur l'autel.

14 Mais tu brûleras au feu hors du camp la chair du taureau, sa peau et ses excréments: c'est un sacrifice pour le péché.

15 Tu prendras l'un des béliers, et Aaron et ses fils poseront leurs mains sur la tête du bélier.

16 Tu égorgeras le bélier; tu en prendras le sang, et tu le répandras sur l'autel tout autour.

17 Tu couperas le bélier par morceaux, et tu laveras les entrailles et les jambes, que tu mettras sur les morceaux et sur sa tête.

18 Tu brûleras tout le bélier sur l'autel; c'est un holocauste à l'Eternel, c'est un sacrifice consumé par le feu, d'une agréable odeur à l'Eternel.

19 Tu prendras l'autre bélier, et Aaron et ses fils poseront leurs mains sur la tête du bélier.

20 Tu égorgeras le bélier; tu prendras de son sang, tu en mettras sur le lobe de l'oreille droite d'Aaron et sur le lobe de l'oreille droite de ses fils, sur le pouce de leur main droite et sur le gros orteil de leur pied droit, et tu répandras le sang sur l'autel tout autour.

21 Tu prendras du sang qui sera sur l'autel et de l'huile d'onction, et tu en feras l'aspersion sur Aaron et sur ses vêtements, sur ses fils et sur leurs vêtements. Ainsi seront consacrés Aaron et ses vêtements, ses fils et leurs vêtements.

22 Tu prendras la graisse du bélier, la queue, la graisse qui couvre les entrailles, le grand lobe du foie, les deux rognons et la graisse qui les entoure, et l'épaule droite, car c'est un bélier de consécration;

23 tu prendras aussi dans la corbeille de pains sans levain, placée devant l'Eternel, un gâteau de pain, un gâteau à l'huile et une galette.

24 Tu mettras toutes ces choses sur les mains d'Aaron et sur les mains de ses fils, et tu les agiteras de côté et d'autre devant l'Eternel.

25 Tu les ôteras ensuite de leurs mains, et tu les brûleras sur l'autel, par-dessus l'holocauste; c'est un sacrifice consumé par le feu devant l'Eternel, d'une agréable odeur à l'Eternel.

26 Tu prendras la poitrine du bélier qui aura servi à la consécration d'Aaron, et tu l'agiteras de côté et d'autre devant l'Eternel: ce sera ta portion.

27 Tu sanctifieras la poitrine et l'épaule du bélier qui aura servi à la consécration d'Aaron et de ses fils, la poitrine en l'agitant de côté et d'autre, l'épaule en la présentant par élévation.

28 Elles appartiendront à Aaron et à ses fils, par une loi perpétuelle qu'observeront les enfants d'Israël, car c'est une offrande par élévation; et, dans les sacrifices d'actions de grâces des enfants d'Israël, l'offrande par élévation sera pour l'Eternel.

29 Les vêtements sacrés d'Aaron seront après lui pour ses fils, qui les mettront lorsqu'on les oindra et qu'on les consacrera.

30 Ils seront portés pendant sept jours par celui de ses fils qui lui succédera dans le sacerdoce, et qui entrera dans la tente d'assignation, pour faire le service dans le sanctuaire.

31 Tu prendras le bélier de consécration, et tu en feras cuire la chair dans un lieu saint.

32 Aaron et ses fils mangeront, à l'entrée de la tente d'assignation, la chair du bélier et le pain qui sera dans la corbeille.

33 Ils mangeront ainsi ce qui aura servi d'expiation afin qu'ils fussent consacrés et sanctifiés; nul étranger n'en mangera, car ce sont des choses saintes.

34 S'il reste de la chair de consécration et du pain jusqu'au matin, tu brûleras dans le feu ce qui restera; on ne le mangera point, car c'est une chose sainte.

35 Tu suivras à l'égard d'Aaron et de ses fils tous les ordres que je t'ai donnés. Tu emploieras sept jours à les consacrer.

36 Tu offriras chaque jour un taureau en sacrifice pour le péché, pour l'expiation; tu purifieras l'autel par cette expiation, et tu l'oindras pour le sanctifier.

37 Pendant sept jours, tu feras des expiations sur l'autel, et tu le sanctifieras; et l'autel sera très saint, et tout ce qui touchera l'autel sera sanctifié.

38 Voici ce que tu offriras sur l'autel: deux agneaux d'un an, chaque jour, à perpétuité.

39 Tu offriras l'un des agneaux le matin, et l'autre agneau entre les deux soirs.

40 Tu offriras, avec le premier agneau, un dixième d'épha de fleur de farine pétrie dans un quart de hin d'huile d'olives concassées, et une libation d'un quart de hin de vin.

41 Tu offriras le second agneau entre les deux soirs, avec une offrande et une libation semblables à celles du matin; c'est un sacrifice consumé par le feu, d'une agréable odeur à l'Eternel.

42 Voilà l'holocauste perpétuel qui sera offert par vos descendants, à l'entrée de la tente d'assignation, devant l'Eternel: c'est là que je me rencontrerai avec vous, et que je te parlerai.

43 Je me rencontrerai là avec les enfants d'Israël, et ce lieu sera sanctifié par ma gloire.

44 Je sanctifierai la tente d'assignation et l'autel; je sanctifierai Aaron et ses fils, pour qu'ils soient à mon service dans le sacerdoce.

45 J'habiterai au milieu des enfants d'Israël, et je serai leur Dieu.

46 Ils connaîtront que je suis l'Eternel, leur Dieu, qui les ai fait sortir du pays d'Egypte, pour habiter au milieu d'eux. Je suis l'Eternel, leur Dieu.




Apocalypse Revealed#379



379. "And made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb." This symbolically means, and by truths have purified those religious beliefs from the falsities accompanying evil, and so have been reformed by the Lord.

Some evils are evils that accompany falsity, and some falsities are falsities that accompany evil. Evils that accompany falsity are found among people who, in accord with their religion, believe that evils do not condemn, provided they orally confess that they are sinners. And falsities that accompany evil are found among people who justify the evils they harbor.

As in no. 378 above, robes here symbolize general truths drawn from the Word, which constitute the people's religious beliefs. They are said to have made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb because the color white is predicated of truths (nos. 167, 231, 232), meaning therefore that they used truths to purify their falsities.

This symbolically means also that thus they were reformed by the Lord, because all who have fought against evils in the world and have believed in the Lord are, after their departure from the world, taught by the Lord and led by truths away from the falsities of their religion. And so they are reformed. That is because people who refrain from evils as being sins possess goodness of life, and goodness of life desires truths, and acknowledges and accepts them. But this is never the case with evil of life.

People believe that the blood of the Lamb here and elsewhere in the Word symbolizes the Lord's suffering of the cross. But the suffering of the cross was the final temptation or trial by which the Lord completely overcame the hells and fully glorified His humanity. By these two means He saved mankind (see The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Lord, nos. 12-14, 15-17, and also no. 67 above). Moreover, because by His suffering of the cross the Lord fully glorified His humanity, which is to say, made it Divine, therefore nothing else can be meant by His flesh and blood but the Divinity in Him and emanating from Him - His flesh meaning the Divine goodness of His Divine love, and His blood meaning the Divine truth emanating from that goodness.

[2] Blood is mentioned many times in the Word, and everywhere it symbolizes, in the spiritual sense, either the Lord's Divine truth, which is the same as the Divine truth of the Word, or in an opposite sense, the Divine truth of the Word falsified or profaned, as can be seen from the following passages.

First, that blood symbolizes the Lord's Divine truth or the Divine truth of the Word can be seen from these passages:

Blood was called the blood of the covenant, and a covenant conjoins, a conjunction that the Lord accomplishes by His Divine truth. So, for example, in Zechariah:

By the blood of your covenant, I will set your prisoners free from the pit... (Zechariah 9:11)

After Moses read the Book of the Law in the hearing of the people, he sprinkled half the blood on the people and said,

This is the blood of the covenant which Jehovah has made with you in accordance with all these words. (Exodus 24:3-8)


(Jesus) took the cup..., and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. ...this is My blood, the blood of the new covenant... (Matthew 26:27-28, cf. Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20)

The blood of the new covenant or testament symbolizes nothing else than the Word, which is called a covenant or testament - the Old Covenant or Testament, and the New Covenant or Testament - thus symbolizing the Divine truth in it.

[3] Since blood has this symbolic meaning, the Lord therefore gave His disciples wine, saying, "This is My blood" - wine symbolizing Divine truth (no. 316). Wine is also on that account called "the blood of grapes" (Genesis 49:11, Deuteronomy 32:14).

This is still further apparent from these words of the Lord:

Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will have no life in you... For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is drink indeed. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. (John 6:53-56).

It is clearly apparent that blood here means Divine truth, because the text says that he who drinks has life, and abides in the Lord, and the Lord in him. This is the effect of Divine truth and a life in accordance with it, and an effect confirmed by the Holy Supper, as everyone in the church may know.

[4] Since blood symbolizes the Lord's Divine truth, which is the same as the Divine truth of the Word, and this is the essence of the Old and New Covenants or Testaments, therefore blood was the holiest representative symbol in the Israelite Church, in which every single thing corresponded to something spiritual. So, for example, the people were to take some of the blood of the paschal lamb and put it on the doorposts and lintel of their houses to keep the plague from coming upon them (Exodus 12:7, 13, 22). The blood of the burnt offering was to be sprinkled on the altar, at the base of the altar, on Aaron and his sons, and on their vestments (Exodus 29:12, 16, 20-21).

[5] The blood of the Lamb has a like symbolism in the following verses in the book of Revelation:

...war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon... And they overcame it by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony... (Revelation 12:7, 11)

For no one can think that Michael and his angels overcame the dragon with anything other than the Lord's Divine truth in the Word. Angels in heaven, indeed, cannot think of any blood, nor do they think of the Lord's suffering, but of His Divine truth and resurrection. Consequently, when a person thinks about the Lord's blood, angels perceive His Divine truth, and when a person thinks about the Lord's suffering, they perceive His glorification, and then only His resurrection. I have been granted to know the reality of this by much experience.

[6] That blood symbolizes Divine truth is apparent also from these verses in the book of Psalms:

(God) will save the souls of the needy... Precious shall be their blood in His sight. And they shall live, and He will give them the gold of Sheba. (Psalms 72:13-15)

The blood, precious in the sight of God, stands for Divine truth among those people. The gold of Sheba is the resulting wisdom.

In Ezekiel:

Gather together... to My great sacrifice... on the mountains of Israel, that you may eat flesh and drink blood. You shall... drink the blood of the princes of the earth... You shall... drink blood till you are drunk at My sacrifice which I am sacrificing for you... (Thus) I will set My glory among the nations. (Ezekiel 39:17-21)

Blood here does not mean blood, because the statement is that they will drink the blood of the princes of the earth and that they will drink blood till they are drunk. But the true meaning of the word emerges when blood is understood to mean Divine truth. The subject there, too, is the Lord's church, which He would establish among gentiles.

[7] Second, that blood symbolizes Divine truth can be clearly seen from its opposite meaning, in which it symbolizes the Divine truth of the Word falsified or profaned, as is apparent from these passages:

He who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil... (Isaiah 33:15)

You shall destroy those who speak falsehood; Jehovah abhors the bloody and deceitful man. (Psalms 5:6)

...everyone recorded for life in Jerusalem, when the Lord has... rinsed away (her) blood... from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of purification. (Isaiah 4:3-4)

...on the day you were born... I saw you trampled in your blood, and I said to you in your blood, "Live!" ...I washed you and rinsed away the blood upon you... (Ezekiel 16:5-6, 9, 22, 36, 38)

They wandered blind in the streets; they have defiled themselves with blood, and what they cannot touch, they touch with their garments. (Lamentations 4:13-14)

The garment is polluted with blood. (Isaiah 9:5)

Also on your skirts is found the blood of the souls of the innocent... (Jeremiah 2:34)

Your hands are full of blood. Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings... (Isaiah 1:15-16)

...your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken a lie... They make haste to shed innocent blood. (Isaiah 59:3, 7)

...Jehovah is coming out... to visit the iniquity... of the earth; then the earth will disclose her blood... (Isaiah 26:21)

...as many as received Him, to them He gave the ability to be children of God..., who were born, not of blood... (John 1:12-13)

In (Babylon) was found the blood of prophets and saints... (Revelation 18:24)

...the sea... became as the blood of a dead man... ...the springs of water... became blood. (Revelation 16:3-4. Cf. Isaiah 15:9, Psalms 105:29)

The like is symbolized by the rivers, ponds, and pools of water in Egypt being turned into blood (Exodus 7:15-25).

...the moon (shall be turned) into blood, before the coming of the great... day of Jehovah. (Joel 2:31)

...the moon became... blood. (Revelation 6:12)

In these places and many others, blood symbolizes the truth of the Word falsified, and also profaned. But this can be seen more clearly when these passages in the Word are read in context.

So, then, since blood in an opposite sense symbolizes the truth of the Word falsified or profaned, it is apparent that blood in a true sense symbolizes the truth of the Word not falsified.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.