




1 Mutta sinisistä, ja purpuraisista, ja tulipunaisista villoista tekivät he virkavaatteita palvelukseen pyhässä: ja he tekivät pyhiä vaatteita Aaronille, niinkuin Herra oli käskenyt Mosekselle.

2 Ja hän teki päällisvaatteen kullasta, sinisistä, ja purpuraisista, ja tulipunaisista villoista ja valkiasta kerratusta liinasta.

3 Ja he takoivat kullan kiskoksi, jonka hän leikkasi langaksi, että se taittiin taitavasti kudottaa sinisten, purpuraisten ja tulipunaisten villain ja valkian liinan seassa.

4 He tekivät hänelle olkavaatteet, yhteensidotut: kahdelta kulmalta se yhdistettiin.

5 Ja vyö sen päällä oli myös tehty sillä tavalla taitavasti kullasta, sinisistä, purpuraisista, ja tulipunaisista villoista ja valkiasta kerratusta liinasta: niinkuin Herra oli käskenyt Mosekselle.

6 Ja he tekivät onikin kivet, kiinnitetyt kultaan: kaivetut sinetin tavalla Israelin lasten nimein jälkeen.

7 Ja istuttivat ne olkapäille päällisvaatteesen, että ne kivet piti oleman Israelin lapsille muistoksi: niinkuin Herra oli käskenyt Mosekselle.

8 Ja he tekivät rintavaatteen sillä tavalla taitavasti, kuin päällisvaatekin oli tehty: kullasta, sinisistä, ja purpuraisista villoista, ja kalliista kerratusta liinasta,

9 Niin että se oli nelitahkoinen ja kaksikertainen: vaaksa pituudelta ja vaaksa leveydeltä, aina kaksikertaisesti.

10 Ja täytti sen neljällä kivirivillä: ensimäinen rivi oli sardius, topatsius ja smaragdi;

11 Toinen rivi: rubin, saphiir ja demanti;

12 Kolmas rivi: lynkurius, akat ja ametisti;

13 Ja neljäs rivi: turkos, oniks ja jaspis: kiinnitetyt ympäriltä kullalla joka riviltä.

14 Ja nämät kivet olivat Israelin lasten nimein jälkeen kaksitoistakymmentä, kaivetut sinetin tavalla, itsekukin nimeltänsä, kahdentoistakymmentä sukukunnan jälkeen.

15 He tekivät myös rintavaatteen päälle vitjat kahden pään kanssa, vääten puhtaasta kullasta.

16 Ja he tekivät kaksi kultanastaa, ja kaksi kultarengasta, ja yhdistivät ne kaksi rengasta kahteen rintavaatteen palteesen.

17 Ja pistivät ne kaksi kultavitjaa niihin kahteen renkaasen, rintavaatteen kulmiin.

18 Mutta ne kaksi päätä vitjoista panivat he ylös niihin kahteen nastaan, ja yhdistivät ne päällisvaatteen kulmilta, juuri toinen toisensa kohdalle.

19 Niin he tekivät kaksi muuta kultarengasta, ja yhdistivät ne niihin toisiin kahteen rintavaatteen kulmaan, sen palteesen joka on päällisvaatteen sivussa sisällisellä puolella.

20 Ja he tekivät kaksi muuta kultarengasta: ne panivat he kahteen kulmaan alhaallepäin päällisvaatteesen, toinen toisensa kohdalle, sitä saumaa kohden, päällisvaatteen vyön ylimmäiselle puolelle,

21 Niin että rintavaate yhdistettiin renkainensa niihin renkaisiin, kuin oli päällisvaatteessa, sinisellä nuoralla, niin että se olis liki päällisvaatetta, ja ei eriäis päällisvaatteesta: niinkuin Herra käski Mosekselle.

22 Hän teki myös hameen päällisvaatteen alle, kokonansa kudotun sinisistä villoista.

23 Ja päänläven keskelle, niinkuin pantsarin päänläven; sepaluksen päänläven ympärille pallistetun, ettei se kehkiäisi.

24 Ja he tekivät granaatin omenat alhaalle hameen liepeisiin sinisistä, ja purpuraisista ja tulipunaisista villoista, jotka kerratut olivat.

25 Ja tekivät kulkuiset puhtaasta kullasta, ja panivat ne kulkuiset granaatin omenain välille ympärille, hameen liepeisiin.

26 Niin että kulkuinen ja granaatin omena oli vuoroin ympärinsä hameen liepeitä: palvelemaan sillä, niinkuin Herra käskenyt oli Mosekselle.

27 Ja he tekivät myös ahtaat hameet, kudotut valkiasta kalliista liinasta, Aaronille ja hänen pojillensa,

28 Ja hiipan valkiasta kalliista liinasta, ja kauniit lakit valkiasta kalliista liinasta, ja alusvaatteet valkiasta kerratusta liinasta,

29 Ja taitavasti neulotun vyön valkiasta kerratusta kalliista liinasta, sinisistä, ja purpuraisista, ja tulipunaisista villoista: niinkuin Herra käskenyt oli Mosekselle:

30 He tekivät myös otsalehden, pyhän kruunun päälle, puhtaasta kullasta, ja kaivoivat kirjoituksen siihen, niinkuin sinetti kaivetaan: HERRAN PYHYYS.

31 Ja sitoivat sen päälle sinisen nuoran, että sen piti yhdistämän hiipan ylhäältä: niinkuin Herra oli käskenyt Mosekselle.

32 Ja niin kaikki seurakunnan majan rakennus päätettiin. Ja Israelin lapset tekivät kaikki sen jälkeen, kuin Herra oli käskenyt Mosekselle; niin he tekivät.

33 Ja he kantoivat majan Moseksen tykö kaluinensa: sen koukut, laudat, korennot, patsaat ja jalat.

34 Ja peitteen punalla painetuista oinaan nahoista, peitteen tekasjim-nahoista: ja peitteen esiripun,

35 Todistusarkin korentoinensa, ja myös armo-istuimen,

36 Pöydän kaikkein astiainsa kanssa, ja katsomusleivät,

37 Puhtaan kynttiläjalan valmistetun lamppuinensa, kaiken sen kanssa kuin siihen tarvittiin, ja öljyä valkeudeksi,

38 Kulta-alttarin ja voidellusöljyn, ja yrttein suitsutuksen, ja majan ovivaatteen,

39 Vaskisen alttarin ja vaskisen häkin korentoinensa, ja kaikkein kaluinsa kanssa, ja pesoastian jalkoinensa,

40 Pihan vaatteet patsainensa ja jalkoinensa, vaatteen pihan sisällekäytävän eteen, köysinensä ja vaajoinensa, ja kaikki seurakunnan majan palveluksen astiat,

41 Virkavaatteet palveltaa pyhässä, papin Aaronin pyhät vaatteet, ja hänen poikainsa vaatteet, joilla heidän piti tekemän papin viran palveluksen:

42 Kaikkein niiden jälkeen mitkä Herra oli käskenyt Mosekselle: niin tekivät Israelin lapset kaiken sen työn.

43 Ja Moses näki kaiken tämän rakennuksen, että he olivat tehneet sen, niinkuin Herra oli käskenyt; ja Moses siunasi heitä.


SWORD version by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)



Arcana Coelestia#9930



9930. 'And you shall make a plate of pure gold' means enlightenment received from the Lord's Divine Good. This is clear from the meaning of 'a plate' as enlightenment; and from the meaning of 'gold' as the good of love, at this point the Lord's Divine Good since 'Holiness to Jehovah' was inscribed on the plate. For the meaning of 'gold' as the good of love, see 113, 1551, 1552, 5658, 6914, 6917, 8932, 9490, 9510, 9874, 9881. 'A plate' means enlightenment on account of its brightness, for light shone from the gold on Aaron's forehead, and all brightness is a sign of enlightenment, as that in the heavens is which radiates from the Lord as the Sun. Enlightenment there consists in wisdom and intelligence derived from Divine Truth emanating from the Lord; for this Truth brings light to the interiors of those who are there. Their interiors answer to the understanding part of a person's mind, which is enlightened by the Lord when the person has a perception of the Church's and heaven's truth and goodness, the understanding being the subject that receives; for there is no reception without a subject. 1 The reason why 'the plate' means enlightenment from the Lord's Divine Good is that 'Holiness to Jehovah' was inscribed on it, and it was placed on the front of the turban which was on Aaron's head. Holiness which comes from Jehovah is Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Good, 6788, 8302, 8330, 9229, 9680, 9820. In order to represent the radiance or enlightenment that result in intelligence and wisdom the plate was tied to the front of the turban.

[2] Since 'the plate' meant enlightenment received from the Lord's Divine Good it was also called 'the plate of the crown of holiness' as well as 'the crown of holiness'; for a crown is a representative sign of Divine Good, and holiness is the Divine Truth emanating from that Good, as has been stated above. The fact that it was called the plate of the crown of holiness is evident further on in this Book of Exodus,

Finally they made the plate of the crown of holiness from pure gold; and they wrote an inscription on it, like the engraving of a signet, 2 Holiness to Jehovah. Exodus 39:30.

The fact that it was also called the crown of holiness is evident elsewhere in Exodus,

You shall place the turban on his head, and put the crown of holiness onto the turban. Exodus 29:6.

And in Leviticus,

He placed the turban on his head, and placed on the turban, on the front of it, 3 the plate of gold, the crown of holiness. Leviticus 8:9.

[3] The fact that the crown represented Divine Good from which Divine Truth emanates is clear from the crowns that the kings wore. For the kings represented the Lord in respect of Divine Truth, see 2015, 2069, 3009, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068, 6148, and this was why they wore a crown on their head and held a sceptre in their hand, government animated by Divine Good being meant by the crown, and government inspired by Divine Truth by the sceptre.

[4] This meaning of 'the crown' is clear from the following places: In David,

I will make the horn of David to spring forth, I will make ready a lamp for My Anointed. His enemies I will clothe with shame, but upon Himself His crown will flourish. Psalms 132:17-18.

'David' here is the Lord, 1888, as is 'the Anointed', 3008, 3009. His 'horn' is power, 2832, 9081; 'lamp' is Divine Truth, which is the source of intelligence, 9548, 9783; 'crown' is Divine Good, which is the source of wisdom and also the mainspring of His government. It says that His crown, meaning wisdom, is going 'to flourish' on account of what He acquired to Himself in the world, to His Humanity, through conflicts with and victories over the hells, 8273, 9528 (end), the hells being His enemies who will be clothed with shame.

[5] In the same author,

You are angry 4 with Your Anointed, You have condemned His crown right down to the ground. 5 Psalms 89:38-39.

Here also 'the Anointed' stands for the Lord. 'Anger' stands for a state involving temptations, which was a state when He was engaged in conflicts with the hells. An expression of grief in that state is what the anger and condemnation describe (a final phase of temptation seems like condemnation), such as with the Lord's last grievous cry on the Cross that He was forsaken. For the Cross was the last of His temptations or conflicts with the hells; and after that last temptation He took on Divine Good, and in so doing united His Divine Human to Deity itself, which was within Him.

[6] In Isaiah,

On that day Jehovah Zebaoth will be a crown of adornment and a turban of beauty for the remnant of His people. Isaiah 28:5.

'A crown of adornment' stands for wisdom, which is a discernment of good from God, and 'a turban of beauty' for intelligence, which is an understanding of truth from that good. What is stated in this verse has regard to things among the people which were Divine, 'people' meaning the Church since they were where the Church existed.

[7] In the same prophet,

For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp [that] burns. And you will be a crown of beauty in the hand of Jehovah, and a royal turban in the hand of your God. Isaiah 62:1, 3.

'Zion' and 'Jerusalem' are used to mean the Church, 'Zion' the celestial Church, and 'Jerusalem' the spiritual Church that extends from it. 'A crown of beauty' is wisdom, which is a discernment of good, and 'a royal turban' is intelligence, which is an understanding of truth. And since 'a crown' means wisdom, or discernment of good, it is said to be 'in the hand of Jehovah'; and since 'a turban' means intelligence, or an understanding of truth, it is said to be 'in the hand of God'. For when the subject is good the name 'Jehovah' is used, and when it is truth the name 'God' is used, 2586, 2769, 6905.

[8] In Jeremiah,

Say to the king and queen mother, 6 Lower yourselves, sit down, for the adornment of your head, the crown of your beauty, has come down. Jeremiah 13:18.

'The crown of beauty' stands for wisdom which is a discernment of good derived from Divine Truth; for 'beauty' is the Church's Divine Truth, 9815. In the same prophet,

The joy of our heart has ceased, our dance has been turned into mourning. The crown of our head has fallen. Lamentations 5:15-16.

'Crown of the head' stands for wisdom which those who belong to the Church derive from Divine Truth, which sets them above all other peoples and gives them a kind of authority.

[9] In Ezekiel,

I put 7 a jewel on your nose, and earrings on your ears, and a crown of adornment on your head. Ezekiel 16:12.

This refers to the establishment of the Church. 'A jewel on the nose' stands for the perception of good; 'earrings on the ears' for the perception of truth, and obedience; and 'a crown of adornment on the head' for wisdom resulting from such perception. In Job,

He has withdrawn glory from me, and has removed the crown of my head. Job 19:9.

'Glory' stands for intelligence, which is an understanding of Divine Truth, 9429, 'crown of the head' for resulting wisdom.

[10] In the Book of Revelation,

On the thrones I saw twenty-four elders seated, clad in white garments, who had on their heads crowns of gold. They fell down before the one seated on the throne, and worshipped the one who lives for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne. Revelation 4:4, 10.

'Twenty-four elders' means all those who are governed by good that is a product of truths, and in the abstract sense all forms of good that result from truths, 6524, 9404. 'Thrones' are truths from God, 5313, 6397, 8625, 9039; 'crowns of gold on their heads' are representative signs of wisdom received from God, and because it is received from Him they cast their crowns before the one seated on the throne.

[11] Since the good of wisdom is acquired through conflicts brought about by temptations, in which the truths of faith are used to fight with, those who fought against evils and falsities and were victorious were rewarded with crowns. Therefore also the crowns of martyrdom were emblems provided by the Lord which are signs of dominion over evils. The fact that crowns are the rewards of victory over evils, and that crowns consequently mean forms of the good of wisdom because these are rewards, is also clear from the Book of Revelation,

I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; to him a crown was given; he went out conquering and to conquer. Revelation 6:2.

'A white horse and he who sat on it' is the Lord in respect of the Word, 2760-2762; and 'a bow' is teachings of truth that are used to fight with, 2686, 2709. From this it is evident that since the Lord is the subject 'a crown' means Divine Good, which is the reward of victory.

[12] And in another place,

Afterwards I saw, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud one was sitting, like the Son of Man, having on His head a crown of gold, and in His hand a sharp sickle. Revelation 14:14.

'A white cloud' stands for the literal sense of the Word, 4060, 4391, 5922, 6343 (end), 6752, 8781; 'the Son of Man' stands for Divine Truth which emanates from the Lord, 9807; 'a crown of gold' for Divine Good from which Divine Truth springs; and 'a sharp sickle' for the dispersal of evil and falsity. In another place,

Be faithful right through to death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10.

And in another,

Behold, I come quickly. Hold on to what you have, that no one may take your crown. Revelation 3:11.

'Crown' stands for good that results from truths, thus for wisdom since this is the discernment of the good of love resulting from the truths of faith. From all this it may now be seen what a crown means, and from this what is meant by a crown of holiness, which was the plate of gold on which 'Holiness to Jehovah' was engraved.


1. Subject is used here to mean something which really exists yet depends for its existence on something prior to itself.

2. literally, they wrote on it with the writing of engravings of a signet

3. literally, against the face of it

4. literally, You exercise anger

5. literally, earth or land

6. The Latin domina means a female person who rules or commands. The Hebrew word is used to denote a queen or else a queen mother.

7. The Latin means He put but the Hebrew means I put, which Swedenborg Has in another place where he quotes this verse.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.