




1 Voorts, gij mensenkind! profeteer tegen Gog, en zeg: Zo zegt de Heere Heere: Zie, Ik wil aan u, o Gog, hoofdvorst van Mesech en Tubal!

2 En Ik zal u omwenden, en een zeshaak in u slaan, en u optrekken uit de zijden van het noorden, en Ik zal u brengen op de bergen Israels.

3 Maar Ik zal uw boog uit uw linkerhand slaan, en Ik zal uw pijlen uit uw rechterhand doen vallen.

4 Op de bergen Israels zult gij vallen, gij en al uw benden, en de volken, die met u zijn; Ik heb u aan de roofvogelen, aan het gevogelte van allen vleugel, en aan het gedierte des velds ter spijze gegeven.

5 Op het open veld zult gij vallen; want Ik heb het gesproken, spreekt de Heere Heere.

6 En Ik zal een vuur zenden in Magog, en onder degenen, die in de eilanden zeker wonen; en zij zullen weten, dat Ik de HEERE ben.

7 En Ik zal Mijn heiligen Naam in het midden van Mijn volk Israel bekend maken, en zal Mijn heiligen Naam niet meer laten ontheiligen; en de heidenen zullen weten, dat Ik de HEERE ben, de Heilige in Israel.

8 Ziet, het komt en zal geschieden, spreekt de Heere Heere; dit is de dag, van welken Ik gesproken heb.

9 En de inwoners der steden Israels zullen uitgaan, en vuur stoken en branden van de wapenen, zo van schilden als rondassen, van bogen en van pijlen, zo van handstokken als van spiesen; en zij zullen daarvan vuur stoken zeven jaren;

10 Zodat zij geen hout uit het veld zullen dragen, noch uit de wouden houwen, maar van de wapenen vuur stoken; en zij zullen beroven degenen, die hen beroofd hadden, en plunderen, die hen geplunderd hadden, spreekt de Heere Heere.

11 En het zal te dien dage geschieden, dat Ik aan Gog aldaar een grafstede in Israel zal geven, het dal der doorgangers naar het oosten der zee; en datzelve zal den doorgangers den neus stoppen; en aldaar zullen zij begraven Gog en zijn ganse menigte, en zullen het noemen: Het dal van Gogs menigte.

12 Het huis Israels nu zal hen begraven, om het land te reinigen, zeven maanden lang.

13 Ja, al het volk des lands zal begraven, en het zal hun tot een naam zijn, ten dage als Ik zal verheerlijkt zijn, spreekt de Heere Heere.

14 Ook zullen zij mannen uitscheiden, die gestadig door het land doorgaan, en doodgravers met de doorgangers, om te begraven degenen, die op den aardbodem zijn overgelaten, om dien te reinigen; ten einde van zeven maanden zullen zij onderzoek doen.

15 En deze doorgangers zullen door het land doorgaan, en als iemand een mensenbeen ziet, zo zal hij een merkteken daarbij oprichten; totdat de doodgravers hetzelve zullen hebben begraven in het dal van Gogs menigte.

16 Ook zo zal de naam der stad Hamona zijn. Alzo zullen zij het land reinigen.

17 Gij dan, mensenkind! zo zegt de Heere Heere: Zeg tot het gevogelte van allen vleugel, en tot al het gedierte des velds: Vergadert u, en komt aan, verzamelt u van rondom, tot Mijn slachtoffer, dat Ik voor u geslacht heb, een groot slachtoffer, op de bergen Israels, en eet vlees, en drink bloed.

18 Het vlees der helden zult gij eten, en het bloed van de vorsten der aarde drinken; der rammen, der lammeren, en bokken, en varren, die altemaal gemesten van Basan zijn.

19 En gij zult het vette eten tot verzadiging toe, en bloed drinken tot dronkenschap toe; van Mijn slachtoffer, dat Ik voor u geslacht heb.

20 En gij zult verzadigd worden aan Mijn tafel van rij paarden en wagen paarden, van helden en alle krijgslieden, spreekt de Heere Heere.

21 En Ik zal Mijn eer zetten onder de heidenen; en alle heidenen zullen Mijn oordeel zien, dat Ik gedaan heb, en Mijn hand, die Ik aan hen gelegd heb.

22 En die van het huis Israels zullen weten, dat Ik, de HEERE, hunlieder God ben, van dien dag af en voortaan.

23 En de heidenen zullen weten, dat die van het huis Israels gevankelijk zijn weggevoerd om hun ongerechtigheid, omdat zij tegen Mij hadden overtreden, en dat Ik Mijn aangezicht voor hen verborgen heb, en heb ze overgegeven in de hand hunner wederpartijders, zodat zij altemaal door het zwaard gevallen zijn;

24 Naar hun onreinigheid en naar hun overtredingen heb Ik met hen gehandeld, en Ik heb Mijn aangezicht voor hen verborgen.

25 Daarom zo zegt de Heere Heere: Nu zal Ik Jakobs gevangenen wederbrengen, en zal Mij ontfermen over het ganse huis Israels, en Ik zal ijveren over Mijn heiligen Naam;

26 Als zij hun schande zullen gedragen hebben, en al hun overtreding, met dewelke zij tegen Mij hebben overtreden, toen zij in hun land zeker woonden, en er niemand was, die hen verschrikte.

27 Als Ik hen zal hebben wedergebracht uit de volken, en hen vergaderd zal hebben uit de landen hunner vijanden, en Ik aan hen geheiligd zal zijn voor de ogen van vele heidenen;

28 Dan zullen zij weten, dat Ik, de HEERE, hunlieder God ben, dewijl Ik ze gevankelijk heb doen wegvoeren onder de heidenen, maar heb ze weder verzameld in hun land, en heb aldaar niemand van hen meer overgelaten.

29 En Ik zal Mijn aangezicht voor hen niet meer verbergen, wanneer Ik Mijn Geest over het huis Israels zal hebben uitgegoten, spreekt de Heere Heere.




Arcana Coelestia#9229



9229. 'And men of holiness shall you be to Me' means a state of life then composed of good. This is clear from the meaning of 'men of holiness' as those who are led by the Lord, for the Divine which emanates from the Lord is holiness itself, 6788, 7499, 8127 (end), 8302, 8806. Consequently those who receive that emanation in faith and also in love are called holy ones. Anyone who imagines that a person is holy from any other source, or that anything present with a person is holy apart from that which comes and is received from the Lord is very much mistaken; for that which is the person's own, and is called his proprium, is evil.

The human proprium is nothing but evil, see 210, 215, 694, 874-876, 987, 1047, 4328, 5660, 5786, 8480, 8944.

To the extent that a person can be withheld from his proprium, the Lord can be present with him, and therefore to the same extent holiness resides with him, 1023, 1044, 1581, 2256, 2388, 2406, 2411, 8206, 8393, 8988 (end), 9014.

[2] The truth that the Lord is the Only Holy One, and that nothing is holy except that which emanates from the Lord, and so that which a person receives from the Lord, is evident from everywhere in the Word, as in John,

I make Myself holy, that they also may be made holy in the truth. John 17:19.

'Making Himself holy' means making Himself Divine by His own power. Consequently those who receive Divine Truth emanating from the Lord in faith and life are said to be 'made holy in the truth'.

[3] This also explains why after the Resurrection, when the Lord spoke to the disciples, He breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit, John 20:22. 'Breathing on (or into)' was a sign that represented the imparting of life through faith and love, as also in Genesis,

Jehovah breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man (homo) became a living soul. Genesis 2:7.

Other examples like this may be seen elsewhere, such as Psalms 33:6; 104:29-30; Job 32:8; 33:4; John 3:8. Therefore also the Word is said to be inspired because it comes from the Lord, and those who wrote the Word have been called 'inspired'. Breathing, and so breathing on or inspiring, corresponds to the life of faith, see 97, 1119, 1120, 3883-3896. This explains why the term spirit in the Word is derived from the word for wind, and holiness from the Lord is called Jehovah's wind, 8286, and why the Holy Spirit is the holiness emanating from the Lord, 3704, 4673 (end), 5307, 6788, 6982, 6993, 8127 (end), 8302, 9199.

[4] So also it says in John 1:33 that the Lord baptizes with the Holy Spirit, and in Luke 3:16 that He baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire. 'Baptizing' in the internal sense means regenerating, 4255, 5120 (end), 9088; 'baptizing with the Holy Spirit' means regenerating by means of the good of faith; and 'baptizing with fire' means regenerating by means of the good of love, 'fire' being the good of love, see 934, 4906, 5215, 6314, 6832, 6834, 6849, 7324. In John,

Who is not going to fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. Revelation 15:4.

In Luke the angel telling Mary about the Lord said,

That which is holy will be born from you. Luke 1:35.

And in Daniel,

I saw in the visions of my head while on my bed, and behold, a vigilant and holy one came down from heaven. Daniel 4:13.

In these places 'that which is holy' and 'a holy one' stand for the Lord.

[5] Because the Lord alone is holy He is called in the Old Testament the Holy One of Israel, the Redeemer, the Saviour, and the Regenerator, as in Isaiah 1:4; 5:19, 24; 10:20; 12:6; 17:7; 29:19; 30:11-12, 15; 31:1; 37:23; 41:14, 16, 20; 43:3, 14; 45:11; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5; 55:5; 60:9, 14; Jeremiah 50:29; 51:5; Ezekiel 39:7; Psalms 71:22; 78:41; 89:18. This is why the Lord in heaven, and consequently heaven itself, is called the dwelling-place of holiness, Jeremiah 25:30; 31:23; 1 Isaiah 63:15; the sanctuary, 2 Ezekiel 11:16; 24:21; and also the mountain of holiness, Psalms 3:4. It is also why the middle of the tent [of meeting], where the ark containing the law was, was called The Holy of Holies, Exodus 26:33-34; for the law in the ark in the middle of the tent [of meeting], represented the Lord in respect of the Word. For the law is the Word, 6752, 7463.

[6] All this shows why it is that the angels are called holy in Matthew 25:31; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26; Psalms 149:1; Daniel 8:13; also the prophets, Luke 1:70; and the apostles too, Revelation 18:20. Not that they are holy by their own virtue but that the Lord, who alone is holy and the only source of holiness, makes them so. For truths are meant by 'the angels', because they are those who receive truth from the Lord, 1925, 4085, 4295, 4402, 7268, 7873, 8192, 8301; teachings which present the truth that comes through the Word from the Lord are meant by 'the prophets', 2534, 7269; and all the truths and forms of the good of faith in their entirety which come from the Lord are meant by 'the apostles', 3488, 3858 (end), 6397.

[7] Consecrations 3 among the Israelite and Jewish people took place in order that the Lord who alone was holy might be represented, and in order that holiness, which He alone is the source of, might be represented. This is the reason for the consecration of Aaron and his sons, Exodus 29:1ff; Leviticus 8:10-11, 13, 30; the consecration of their garments, Exodus 29:21ff; the consecration of the altar in order that it might be most holy, 4 Exodus 29:37ff; the consecration of the tent of meeting, the ark of the Testimony, the table, all the vessels, the altar of incense, the altar of burnt offering and its vessels, and the laver and its base, Exodus 30:26ff.

[8] The truth that the Lord is the real Holiness that was represented is evident also from the Lord's words in Matthew when they are seen in the internal sense,

Fools and blind! Which of the two is greater, the gold or the temple that makes the gold holy? And which of the two is greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift holy? Matthew 23:17-19.

'The temple' represented the Lord Himself, and so did 'the altar', while 'the gold' was a sign of the good that comes from the Lord, and 'the gift' or a sacrifice was a sign of things constituting faith and charity that come from the Lord.

The Lord was represented by 'the temple', see 2777, 3720, and by 'the altar', 2777, 2811, 4489, 8935, 8940. 'Gold' was a sign of good that comes from the Lord, 1551, 1552, 5658, and 'a sacrifice' a sign of worship springing from faith and charity that come from the Lord, 922, 923, 2805, 2807, 2830, 6905, 8680, 8682, 8936.

[9] From all this it is now evident why it is that the children of Israel were called a holy people in Deuteronomy 26:19 and elsewhere, or as in the present verse men of holiness. That is to say, they were so called because every single aspect of their worship represented Divine realities that are the Lord's, and celestial and spiritual things of His kingdom and Church. On this account they were called holy in a representative sense; they themselves were not holy on that account, because representatives had regard to the holy things that were represented, not to the person who represented them, see 665, 1097 (end), 1361, 3147, 3881 (end), 4208, 4281, 4288, 4293, 4307, 4444, 4500, 6304, 7048, 7439, 8588, 8788, 8806.

[10] On that account also was Jerusalem called holy, and Zion the mountain of holiness in Zechariah 8:3 and elsewhere, as well as in Matthew,

And the tombs were opened, and many bodies of dead holy ones were raised; and coming out of their tombs after the Lord's resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. Matthew 27:52-53.

Here Jerusalem is called 'the holy city', when in fact, quite to the contrary, it was unholy because the Lord was crucified there at that time, for which reason it is called 'Sodom and Egypt' in John,

Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. Revelation 11:8.

Yet it is called holy, because it means the Lord's kingdom and the Church, 402, 2117, 3654. The appearance of 'dead holy ones' there, an event witnessed by some in vision, was a sign of the salvation of people who belonged to the spiritual Church, and of the raising of those people to the Holy Jerusalem, which is heaven - the people who had been kept up to that time on the lower earth, spoken of in 6854, 6914, 7091, 7828, 7932, 8049, 8054, 8159, 8321.


1Jeremiah 31:23 refers to a dwelling-place of righteousness [and] mountain of holiness, to be exact

2. i.e. an especially holy place

3. i.e. dedicating persons or things to holy functions or purposes

4. literally, the holiness of holinesses


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.