




1 Følgende var Arons og Moses's Efterkommere, på den Tid HE EN talede på Sinaj Bjerg.

2 Navnene på Arons Sønner var følgende: Nadab, den førstefødte, Abihu, Eleazar og Itamar;

3 det var Navnene på Arons Sønner, de salvede Præster, som indsattes til Præstetjeneste.

4 Men Nadab og Abihu døde for HE ENs Åsyn, da de frembar fremmed Ild for HE ENs Åsyn i Sinaj Ørken, og de havde ingen Sønner. Således kom Eleazar og Itamar til at gøre Præstetjenest: for deres Fader Arons Åsyn.

5 HE EN talede til Moses og sagde:

6 Lad Levis Stamme træde frem og stil dem frem for Præsten Aron, for at de kan gå ham til Hånde.

7 De skal tage Vare på, hvad han og hele Menigheden har at varetage foran Åbenbaringsteltet, og således udføre Arbejdet ved Boligen,

8 og de skal tage Vare på alle Åbenbaringsteltets edskaber og på, hvad Israeliterne har at varetage, og således udføre Arbejdet ved Boligen.

9 Altså skal du overgive Aron og hans Sønner Leviterne; de er ham overgivet som Gave fra Israeliterne.

10 Men Aron og hans Sønner skal du sætte til at tage Vare på deres Præstetjeneste; enhver Lægmand, som trænger sig ind deri, skal lide Døden.

11 HE EN talede til Moses og sagde:

12 Se, jeg har selv udtaget Leviterne af Israelitternes Midte i Stedet for alt det førstefødte, der åbner Moders Liv hos Israeliterne, og Leviterne er blevet min Ejendom;

13 thi mig tilhører alt det førstefødte. Dengang jeg dræbte alt det førstefødte i Ægypten, helligede jeg mig alt det førstefødte i Israel, både af Mennesker og Dyr; mig HE EN skal de tilhøre.

14 HE EN talede til Moses i Sinaj Ørken og sagde:

15 Du skal mønstre Levis Sønner efter deres Fædrenehuse, efter deres Slægter; alle af Mandkøn fra en Måned og opefter skal du mønstre.

16 Da mønstrede Moses dem på HE ENs Bud, som der var ham pålagt.

17 Følgende var Levis Sønner efter deres Navne: Gerson, Kehat og Merari.

18 Følgende var Navnene på Gersons Sønner efter deres Slægter: Libni og Sjimi;

19 Hehats Sønner efter deres Slægter var: Amram, Jizhar, Hebron og Uzziel;

20 Meraris Sønner efter deres Slægter var: Mali og Musji. Det var Leviternes Slægter efter deres Fædrenehuse.

21 Fra Gerson nedstammede Libniternes og Sjimiternes Slægter; det var Gersoniternes Slægter.

22 De, som mønstredes af dem, da alle af Mandkøn fra en Måned og opefter blev optalt, de, som mønstredes af dem, udgjorde 7500.

23 Gersoniternes Slægter havde deres Lejrplads bag ved Boligen mod Vest.

24 Øverste for Gersoniternes Fædrenehus var Eljasar, Laels Søn.

25 Gersoniterne havde ved Åbenbaringsteltet at tage Vare på selve Boligen og Teltdækket, dets Dække, Forhænget for Åbenbaringsteltets Indgang,

26 Forgårdens Omhæng, Forhænget for Indgangen til Forgården, der omgav Boligen og Alteret, og dens Teltreb, alt Arbejdet dermed.

27 Fra Kehat nedstammede Amramiternes, Jizhariternes, Hebroniternes og Uzzieliternes Slægter; det var Kehatiternes Slægter.

28 De, der mønstredes af dem, da alle af Mandkøn fra en Måned og opefter blev optalt, udgjorde 8600, som tog Vare på, hvad der var at varetage ved Helligdommen.

29 Kehatiternes Slægter havde deres Lejrplads ved Boligens Sydside.

30 Øverste for Kehatiternes Slægters Fædrenehus var Elizafan, Uzziels Søn.

31 De havde at tage Vare på Arken, Bordet, Lysestagen, Altrene, Helligdommens edskaber, som brugtes ved Tjenesten, og Forhænget med dertil hørende Arbejde.

32 Øverste over Leviternes Øverster var Eleazar, Præsten Arons Søn, som havde Tilsyn med dem, der tog Vare på, hvad der var at varetage ved Helligdommen.

33 Fra Merari nedstammede Maliternes og Musjiternes Slægter; det var Meraris Slægter.

34 De, som mønstredes af dem, da alle af Mandkøn fra en Måned og opefter blev optalt, udgjorde 6200.

35 Øverste for Meraris Slægters Fædrenehus var Zuriel, Abibajils Søn. De havde deres Lejrplads ved Boligens Nordside.

36 Merariterne var sat til at tage Vare på Boligens Brædder, Tværstænger, Piller og Fodstykker, alle dens edskaber og alt det dertil hørende Arbejde,

37 Pillerne til Forgården, som var rundt om den, med Fodstykker, Pæle og eb.

38 Foran Boligen, på Åbenbaringsteltets Forside mod Øst, havde Moses, Aron og hans Sønner deres Lejrpladser, og de tog Vare på alt det, Israeliterne havde at varetage ved Boligen. Enhver Lægmand, der trængte sig ind i det, måtte lide Døden.

39 De mønstrede af Leviterne, de, som Moses og Aron mønstrede på HE ENs Bud efter deres Slægter, alle af Mandkøn fra en Måned og opefter, udgjorde i alt 22 000.

40 HE EN sagde til Moses: Du skal mønstre alle førstefødte af Mandkøn blandt Israeliterne fra en Måned og opefter og optage Tallet på deres Navne.

41 Så skal du udtage Leviterne til mig HE EN i Stedet for alle Israelitternes førstefødte og ligeledes Leviternes Kvæg i Stedet for alt det førstefødte af Israelitternes Kvæg.

42 Og Moses mønstrede, som HE EN havde pålagt ham, alle Israelitternes førstefødte;

43 og da Navnene på dem fra en Måned og opefter optaltes, udgjorde de førstefødte af Mandkøn, alle de, som mønstredes i alt 22 273.

44 Derpå talede HE EN til Moses og sagde:

45 Tag Leviterne i Stedet for alle Israelitternes førstefødte og ligeledes Leviternes Kvæg i Stedet for deres Kvæg, så at Leviterne kommer til at tilhøre mig HE EN.

46 Men til Udløsning af de 273, hvormed Antallet af Israelitternes førstefødte overstiger Leviternes Antal,

47 skal du tage fem Sekel for hvert Hoved, efter hellig Vægt skal du tage dem, tyve Gera på en Sekel;

48 og Pengene skal du give Aron og hans Sønner som Udløsning for de overskydende.

49 Da tog Moses Løsepengene af de overskydende, dem, der ikke var udløst ved Leviterne;

50 af Israelitternes førstefødte tog han Pengene, 1365 Sekel efter hellig Vægt.

51 Og Moses gav Aron og hans Sønner Løsepengene efter HE ENs Bud, som HE EN havde pålagt Moses.


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Arcana Coelestia#2959



2959. 'The land [is worth] four hundred shekels of silver' means the price of redemption by means of truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'four hundred shekels', dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'silver' as truth, dealt with in 1551, 2048, 2937. The reason 'four hundred shekels' means the price of redemption is that 'four hundred' means vastation and 'a shekel' price. What vastation is, see 2455 (end), 2682, 2694, 2699, 2702, 2704, where it is shown that there are two types of vastation. The first takes place when the Church altogether ceases to exist, that is, when there is no longer any charity or faith. At that point the Church is said to be vastated or laid waste. The second takes place when those who belong to the Church are reduced to a state of ignorance and also of temptation, for the reason that the evils and falsities residing with them are to be set apart and so to speak dissipated. Those who emerge from this vastation are those who are specifically called the redeemed, for at that point they are taught the goods and truths of faith, and are reformed and regenerated by the Lord, as shown in the paragraphs quoted. Now since the number four hundred, when used to specify a period of time - such as four hundred years - means the duration and also the state of vastation, so that same number, when used to specify the number of shekels, means the price of redemption; and when the word 'silver' is mentioned together with this number, the price of redemption by means of truth is meant.

[2] That 'four hundred years' means the duration and the state of vastation becomes clear also from what Abraham was told,

Jehovah said to Abraham, 1 Know for sure that your seed will be strangers in a land not theirs. And they will serve them, and these will afflict them for four hundred years. Genesis 15:13.

There it may be seen that 'four hundred years' is used to mean the duration of the stay of the children of Israel in Egypt. Yet it is not the duration of their stay in Egypt that is meant but something that is not evident to anyone except from the internal sense. This becomes clear from the fact that the duration of the stay of the children of Israel in Egypt was no more than half the stated period, as becomes quite clear from the descendants of Jacob down to Moses. For the facts are that Levi was descended from Jacob, Kohath from Levi, Amram from Kohath, and Aaron and Moses from Amram, Exodus 6:16-20; Levi and his son Kohath went down to Egypt together with Jacob, Genesis 46:11; and Moses came two generations later, and was eighty years old when he spoke to Pharaoh, Exodus 7:7. These facts show that the period of time from Jacob's entry into Egypt until his sons' departure from that land was approximately two hundred and fifteen years.

[3] That 'four hundred' is used in the Word to mean something other than its numerical value in the historical sense is clearer still from its being said that

The length of time that the children of Israel dwelt in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years, and at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, it happened on that same day, that all the armies of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt. Exodus 12:40-41.

The duration of the stay of the children of Israel in that land was in fact only half that number of years; but it was from Abraham's entry into Egypt that the four hundred and thirty years were measured. Consequently what is said at this point in Exodus is for the sake of the internal sense Lying within those words. In the internal sense the sojourn of the sons of Jacob in Egypt represents and means the vastation of the Church, the state and duration of which are described by the number four hundred and thirty years. Thirty describes the state of vastation of the sons of Jacob as being no vastation at all, for they were such as could not be reformed through any state of vastation (for the meaning of the number thirty, see 2276); and 'four hundred years' represents the general state of vastation of those who belonged to the Church.

[4] Those therefore who come out of that vastation are referred to as the redeemed, as is also evident from the words addressed to Moses,

Therefore say to the children of Israel, I am Jehovah, and I will bring you out from beneath the burdens of Egypt, and I will rescue you from their slavery, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm, and with great judgements. Exodus 6:6.

And elsewhere,

Jehovah has brought you out by means of a mighty hand, and redeemed you from the house of slaves, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Deuteronomy 7:8; 13:5.

And elsewhere,

You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, but Jehovah your God redeemed you. Deuteronomy 15:15; 24:18.

In Samuel,

Your people whom You redeemed for Yourself from Egypt. 2 Samuel 7:23.

Since those who emerge from the state of vastation are referred to as the redeemed, 'four hundred shekels' therefore means the price of redemption.

[5] As regards 'a shekel' meaning the price or valuation, this is clear from the following places in the Word: In Moses,

All your valuations shall be according to the shekel of holiness. Leviticus 27:25.

And elsewhere,

If a soul commits a trespass and has sinned inadvertently in the holy things of Jehovah, he shall bring his guilt offering to Jehovah, a ram without blemish out of the flock, according to your valuation in silver shekels, according to the shekel of holiness. Leviticus 5:15.

From this it is evident that 'a shekel' means the price or valuation. It is called 'the shekel of holiness' because the price or valuation has regard to truth and good from the Lord - truth and good from the Lord being, within the Church, holiness itself. Consequently it is called 'the shekel of holiness' many times elsewhere, as in Exodus 30:24; Leviticus 27:3; Numbers 3:47, 50; 7:13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 67, 73; 18:16.

[6] That 'a shekel' is the price of what is holy is quite evident in Ezekiel when the holy land and the holy city are the subject. There the shekel is referred to as follows,

The shekel there shall be twenty gerahs; twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, fifteen shekels, shall be your maneh (pound). Ezekiel 45:12.

Anyone may see that here 'shekel', 'pound', and the numbers mentioned mean holy things, that is, good and truth, for the holy land and the holy city or new Jerusalem, which are the subject there, mean nothing else than the Lord's kingdom where neither shekel, nor gerahs, nor pound, nor the numbering of them occurs. But the number itself, from the meaning it has in the internal sense, determines the valuation or price of good and truth.

[7] In Moses it is said that every man (vir) should give a ransom for his soul, so that there would be no plague. He had to give half a shekel, according to the shekel of holiness, a shekel being twenty gerahs. Half a shekel was to be the thruma (offering) to Jehovah, Exodus 30:12-13. Here ten gerahs, which make half a shekel, are remnants which are received from the Lord. Remnants are goods and truths stored away with a person - such remnants, being meant by 'ten', see 576, 1738, 1906, 2284. That remnants are goods and truths from the Lord that are stored away with a person, see 1906, 2284. Consequently they are also called 'the thruma (or offering) to Jehovah', and it is said that by means of this a soul will be redeemed. The reason it is stated several times that a shekel was twenty gerahs, as in these verses from Exodus, and also in Leviticus 27:25; Numbers 3:47; 18:16; and elsewhere, is that the shekel of twenty gerahs means the valuation of the good preserved in remnants - twenty meaning the good preserved in remnants, see 2280. Also therefore a shekel was a weight according to which the price of both gold and silver was determined, Genesis 24:22; Exodus 38:24; Ezekiel 4:10; 45:12 - the price of gold because 'gold' means good, 113, 1551, 1552, and the price of silver because 'silver' means truth, 1551, 2048. From this it is now evident that 'the land [is worth] four hundred shekels of silver' means the price of redemption by means of truth. The reason it is called 'the land' is that the spiritual Church is the subject, which is reformed and regenerated by means of truth received from the Lord, 2954. That 'the land' means the Church, see 662, 1066, 1068, 1262, 1733, 1850, 2117, 2118 (end).


1. In Genesis 15 the patriarch's name is still Abram.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.