




1 Derpå velsignede Gud Noa og hans Sønner og sagde til dem: Bliv frugtbare og mangfoldige og opfyld Jorden!

2 Frygt for eder og ædsel for eder skal være over alle Jordens vildtlevende Dyr og alle Himmelens Fugle og i alt, hvad Jorden vrimler med, og i alle Havets Fisk; i eders Hånd er de givet!

3 Alt, hvad der rører sig og lever, skal tjene eder til Føde; ligesom de grønne Urter giver jeg eder det alt sammen.

4 Dog Kød med Sjælen, det er Blodet, må I ikke spise!

5 Men for eders eget Blod kræver jeg Hævn; af ethvert Dyr kræver jeg Hævn for det, og af Menneskene indbyrdes kræver jeg Hævn for Menneskenes Liv.

6 Om nogen udøser Menneskers Blod, ved Mennesker skal hans Blod udøses, thi i sit Billede gjorde Gud Menneskene.

7 Men I skal blive frugtbare og mangfoldige! Opfyld Jorden og gør eder til Herre over den!"

8 Derpå sagde Gud til Noa og hans Sønner:

9 "Se, jeg opretter min Pagt med eder og eders Efterkommere efter eder

10 og med hvert levende Væsen, som er hos eder, Fuglene, Kvæget og alle Jordens vildtlevende Dyr, alt, hvad der gik ud af Arken, alle Jordens Dyr;

11 jeg opretter min Pagt med eder og lover, at aldrig mere skal alt Kød udryddes af Flodens Vande, og aldrig mere skal der komme en Vandflod for at ødelægge Jorden!"

12 Fremdeles sagde Gud: "Dette er Tegnet på den Pagt, jeg til evige Tider opretter mellem mig og eder og hvert levende Væsen, som er hos eder:

13 Min Bue sætter jeg i Skyen, og den skal være Pagtstegn mellem mig og Jorden!

14 Når jeg trækker Skyer sammen over Jorden, og Buen da viser sig i Skyerne,

15 vil jeg komme den Pagt i Hu, som består mellem mig og eder og hvert levende Væsen, det er alt Kød, og Vandet skal ikke mere blive til en Vandflod, som ødelægger alt Kød.

16 Når Buen da står i Skyerne, vil jeg se hen til den og ihukomme den evige Pagt mellem Gud og hvert levende Væsen, det er alt KødJorden."

17 Og Gud sagde til Noa: "Det er Tegnet på den Pagt, jeg opretter imellem mig og alt KødJorden!"

18 Noas Sønner, der gik ud af Arken, var Sem, Kam og Jafet; Kam var Fader til Kana'an;

19 det var Noas tre Sønner, og fra dem stammer hele Jordens Befolkning.

20 Noa var Agerdyrker og den første, der plantede en Vingård.

21 Da han nu drak af Vinen, blev han beruset og blottede sig inde i, sit Telt.

22 Da så Kana'ans Fader Kam sin Faders Blusel og gik ud og fortalte sine Brødre det;

23 men Sem og Jafet tog Kappen, lagde den på deres Skuldre og gik baglæns ind og tildækkede deres Faders Blusel med bortvendte Ansigter, så de ikke så deres Faders Blusel.

24 Da Noa vågnede af sin us og fik at vide, hvad hans yngste Søn havde gjort ved ham,

25 sagde han: "Forbandet være Kana'an, Trælles Træl blive han for sine Brødre!"

26 Fremdeles sagde han: "Lovet være HE EN, Sems Gud, og Kana'an blive hans Træl!

27 Gud skaffe Jafet Plads, at han må bo i Sems Telte; og Kana'an blive hans Træl!"

28 Noa levede 350 År efter Vandfloden;

29 således blev Noas fulde Levetid 950 År, og derpå døde han.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Arcana Coelestia#737



737. 'Noah was a son of six hundred years' means his initial state of temptation. This is clear from the fact from here down to Eber in Chapter 11 nothing else is meant by numbers, years of age, or names than real things, as was the case also with the ages and names of all those mentioned in Chapter 5. Here 'six hundred years' means the initial state of temptation. This becomes clear from its prime factors which are ten and six multiplied again by ten. When the same factors are involved it makes no difference whether the number arrived at is large or small. As for ten, this has been shown already at 6:3 to mean remnants, while the meaning of six here as labour and conflict is clear from places throughout the Word. For the situation is this: What has gone before dealt with man's preparation for temptation, that is to say, he was supplied by the Lord with truths of the understanding and with goods of the will. These truths and goods are remnants, but they are not brought forth so as to be acknowledged until man is being regenerated. In the case of those who are being regenerated by means of temptations the remnants existing with any man are for the angels present with him. From these remnants they draw out those things with which they protect him against the evil spirits who activate falsities with him and in this way attack him. It is because remnants are meant by 'ten' and conflict by 'six' that six hundred years are spoken of, a number in which ten and six are the prime factors and which means a state of temptation.

[2] As regards conflict being the particular meaning of 'six', this is clear from Genesis 1, which describes the six days of man's regeneration prior to his becoming celestial. During those six days there was constant conflict, but on the seventh day came rest. Consequently there are six days of labour, and the seventh is the sabbath, a word which means rest. This also is why a Hebrew slave was to serve for six years and in the seventh was to go free, Exodus 21:2; Deuteronomy 15:12; Jeremiah 34:14, and why for six years they were to sow the land and gather in the produce, but in the seventh they were to leave it alone, Exodus 23:10-12. The same applied to a vineyard. It is also the reason why in the seventh year the land was to have a sabbath of rest, a sabbath to Jehovah, Leviticus 25:3-4. Because 'six' means labour and conflict it also means the dispersion of falsity, as in Ezekiel,

Behold, six men coming from the direction of the upper gate, which looks towards the north, every man with a weapon of dispersion in his hand. Ezekiel 9:2.

And in the same prophet, against Gog,

I will cause you to turn about, and I will split you into six, and cause you to come up from the uttermost parts of the north. Ezekiel 39:2.

Here 'six' and 'splitting into six' stand for dispersion, 'the north' for falsities, and 'Gog' for people who seize on doctrinal matters based on things of an external nature with which they destroy internal worship. From Job,

He will deliver you in six troubles, and in a seventh no evil will touch you. Job 5:19.

This stands for the conflict that constitutes temptations.

[3] 'Six' occurs in other parts of the Word where it does not mean labour, conflict, or the dispersion of falsity, but the holiness of faith. In these instances it is related to twelve, which means faith and all things of faith in their entirety, and to three which means that which is holy. Consequently there is also a genuine derivative meaning to the number six, as in Ezekiel 40:5, where the man's measuring rod with which he measured the holy city of Israel was six cubits long; and in other places. The reason for this derivative is that in the conflict of temptation the holiness of faith is present, and also that six days of labour and conflict look forward to the holy seventh day.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.