




1 Derpå kaldte Jakob sine Sønner til sig og sagde: "Saml eder, så vil jeg forkynde eder, hvad der skal hændes eder i de sidste Dage:

2 Kom hid og hør, Jakobs Sønner, lyt til eders Fader Israel!

3 uben, du er min førstefødte, min Styrke og min Mandskrafts første, ypperst i Højhed, ypperst i Kraft!

4 Du skummer over som Vandet, men du mister din Forret; thi du besteg din Faders Leje.Skændigt handled du da han besteg mit Leje!

5 Simeon og Levi, det Broder Par, Voldsredskaber er deres Våben.

6 I deres åd giver min Sjæl ej Møde, i deres Forsamling tager min Ære ej Del; thi i Vrede dræbte de Mænd, egenrådigt lamslog de Okser.

7 Forbandet være deres Vrede, så vild den er, deres Hidsighed, så voldsom den er! Jeg spreder dem i Jakob, splitter dem ad i Israel!

8 Juda, dig skal dine Brødre prise, din Hånd skal gribe dine Fjender i Nakken, din Faders Sønner skal bøje sig for dig.

9 En Løveunge er Juda. Fra ov stiger du op, min Søn! Han ligger og strækker sig som en Løve, ja, som en Løvinde, hvo tør vække ham!

10 Ikke viger Kongespir fra Juda, ej Herskerstav fra hans Fødder, til han, hvem den tilhører; kommer, ham skal Folkene lyde.

11 Han binder sit Æsel ved Vinstokken, ved anken Asenindens Fole, tvætter i Vin sin Kjortel, sin Kappe i Drueblod,

12 med Øjnene dunkle af Vin og Tænderne hvide af Mælk!

13 Zebulon har hjemme ved Havets Byst, han bor ved Skibenes Kyst, hans Side er vendt mod Zidon.

14 Issakar, det knoglede Æsel, der strækker sig mellem Foldene,

15 fandt Hvilen sød og Landet lifligt; derfor bøjed han yg under Byrden og blev en ufri Træl.

16 Dan dømmer sit Folk så godt som nogen Israels Stamme.

17 Dan blive en Slange ved Vejen, en Giftsnog ved Stien, som bider Hesten i Hælen,så ytteren styrter bagover!

18 På din Frelse bier jeg, HE E!

19 Gad, på ham gør Krigerskarer Indhug, men han gør Indhug i Hælene på dem.

20 Aser, hans Føde er fed, Lækkerier for Konger har han at give.

21 Naftali er en løssluppen Hind, han fremfører yndig Tale.

22 Et yppigt Vintræ er Josef, et yppigt Vintræ ved Kilden, anker slynger sig over Muren.

23 Bueskytter fejder imod ham, strides med ham, gør Angreb på ham,

24 men hans Bue er stærk, hans Hænders Arme rappe; det kommer fra Jakobs Vældige, fra Hyrden, Israels Klippe,

25 fra din Faders Gud han hjælpe dig!Og Gud den Almægtige, han velsigne dig med Himmelens Velsignelser oventil og Dybets Velsignelser nedentil, med Brysters og Moderlivs Velsignelser!

26 Din Faders Velsignelser overgår de ældgamle Bjerges Velsignelser, de evige Højes Herlighed. Måtte de komme over Josefs Hoved, over Issen på Fyrsten blandt Brødre!

27 Benjamin, den rovlystne Ulv, om Morgenen æder han ov, om Aftenen deler han Bytte!"

28 Alle disse er Israels Stammer, tolv i Tal, og det var, hvad deres Fader talte til dem, og han velsignede dem, hver især af dem gav han sin særlige Velsignelse.

29 Og han sagde til dem som sin sidste Vilje: "Nu samles jeg til mit Folk; jord mig da hos mine Fædre i Hulen på Hetiten Efrons Mark.

30 i Hulen på Makpelas Mark over for Mamre i Kana'ans Land. den Mark, som Abraham købte af Hetiten Efron til Gravsted,

31 hvor de jordede Abraham og hans Hustru Sara, hvor de jordede Isak og hans Hustru ebekka, og hvor jeg jordede Lea.

32 Marken og Hulen derpå blev købt af Hetiterne."

33 Dermed havde Jakob givet sine Sønner sin Vilje til Kende, og han strakte sine Fødder ud på Lejet. udåndede og samledes til sin Slægt.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Arcana Coelestia#2709



2709. 'And was an archer' means the member of the spiritual Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'darts, arrows, or shafts' as truth, and from the meaning of 'a bow' as doctrine, dealt with above in 2686. The member of the spiritual Church was in former times called 'an archer' because such a member uses truths to defend himself, and discusses truths, unlike the member of the celestial Church who is protected by good and does not discuss truths, see above in 2708. The truths which the member of the spiritual Church uses to defend himself and which he discusses are derived from the doctrine he acknowledges.

[2] The fact that the spiritual man was in former times called 'an archer' and 'a bowman', and that doctrine was called a bow and a quiver, and the truths of doctrine, or rather matters of doctrine, were called arrows, darts, and shafts, is further clear in David,

The children of Ephraim who were armed (they were archers) turned back on the day of battle. Psalms 78:9.

'Ephraim' stands for the intellectual side of the Church. In the Book of Judges,

You who ride white she-asses, you who sit on Middin, 1 and you who walk along the way, may you ponder. From the voice of the bowmen among those drawing water, there they will discuss the righteous acts of Jehovah, the righteous acts of His village in Israel. Judges 5:10-11.

In Isaiah.

Jehovah called me from the womb, from my mother's body 2 He made mention of my name and set my mouth like a sharp sword. In the shadow of His hand He hid me and turned me into a polished arrow; in His quiver He hid me, and He said to me, You are My servant Israel, for I will be glorified in you. Isaiah 49:1-3.

'Israel' stands for the spiritual Church.

[3] In David,

Like arrows in the hand of a powerful man so are the children of the days of one's youth. Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them. Psalms 127:4-5.

'A quiver' stands for the doctrine of good and truth. In Habakkuk,

The sun, the moon, stood still in their place. At the light of Your arrows they will go, at the flash of Your glittering spear. Habakkuk 3:11.

In the reference to Joash king of Israel who at Elisha's command shot the arrow from the bow through the window, with Elisha saying as he shot it, Jehovah's arrow of salvation, Jehovah's arrow of salvation against the Syrian, 2 Kings 13:16-18, arcana to do with the doctrine of good and truth are meant.

[4] Since most things in the Word also possess a contrary sense, darts, arrows, shafts, bows, and archers accordingly possess such. In that contrary sense they mean falsities, doctrine that teaches what is false, and those who are under the influence of falsity, as in Moses,

The son of a fruitful one is Joseph, the son of a fruitful one beside a spring, O daughters, 3 he trails over the wall; and they bitterly grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him did the archers. Genesis 49:22-23.

In Jeremiah,

They shot with their tongue, their bow is a bow of lies and not used for truth. Their tongue is a shaft extended; it speaks deceit. Jeremiah 9:3, 8.

In David,

They sharpened their tongue like a sword, they aimed their shaft, a bitter word, to shoot in secret places at the upright; they will shoot suddenly and will not fear him. They will make strong for themselves an evil matter; they will tell of laying snares secretly. Psalms 64:3-5.

In the same author,

Behold, the evil bend the bow, they make ready their shaft upon the string, to shoot in thick darkness itself at the upright in heart. Psalms 11:2.

In the same author,

His truth is a shield and buckler; you will not be afraid of the terror of the night, of the shaft that flies by day. Psalms 91:4-5.


1. A Hebrew word, the meaning of which is uncertain.

2. literally, viscera

3. The Latin means beside the daughters' spring, but the Hebrew appears to mean beside a spring, O daughters, which Swedenborg has in the chapter explaining Genesis 49.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.