




1 Men Jakob blev boende i sin Faders Udlændigheds Land, i Kana'ans Land

2 Dette er Jakobs Slægtebog. Da Josef var sytten År gammel, vogtede han Småkvæget sammen med sine Brødre; som Dreng var han hos sin Faders Hustruer Bilhas og Zilpas Sønner, og han bragte ondt ygte om dem til deres Fader.

3 Israel elskede Josef fremfor alle sine andre Sønner, fordi han var hans Alderdoms Søn, og han lod gøre en fodsid Kjortel med Ærmer til ham.

4 Men da hans Brødre så, at deres Fader foretrak ham for alle sine andre Sønner, fattede de Nag til ham og kunde ikke tale venligt til ham.

5 Men Josef havde en Drøm, som han fortalte sine Brødre, og som yderligere øgede deres Had til ham.

6 Han sagde til dem "Hør dog, hvad jeg har drømt!

7 Se, vi bandt Neg ude på Marken, og se, mit Neg rejste sig op og blev stående, medens eders Neg stod rundt omkring og bøjede sig for det!"

8 Da sagde hans Brødre til ham: "Vil du måske være vor Konge eller herske over os?" Og de hadede ham endnu mere for hans Drømme og hans Ord.

9 Men han havde igen en Drøm, som han fortalte sine Brødre; han sagde: "Jeg har haft en ny Drøm, og se, Sol og Måne og elleve Stjerner bøjede sig for mig!"

10 Da han fortalte sin Fader og sine Brødre det, skændte hans Fader på ham og sagde: "Hvad er det for en Drøm, du der har haft Skal virkelig jeg, din Moder og dine Brødre komme og bøje os til Jorden for dig?"

11 Og hans Brødre fattede Avind til ham, men hans Fader gemte det i sit Minde.

12 Da hans Brødre engang var gået hen for at vogte deres Faders Småkvæg ved Sikem,

13 sagde Israel til Josef: "Dine Brødre vogter jo Kvæg ved Sikem; kom, jeg vil sende dig til dem!" Han svarede: "Her er jeg!"

14 sagde Israel til ham: "Gå hen og se, hvorledes det står til med dine Brødre og Kvæget, og bring mig Bud tilbage!" Israel sendte ham så af Sted fra Hebrons Dal, og han kom til Sikem.

15 Som han nu flakkede om på Marken, var der en Mand, som traf ham og spurgte: "Hvad søger du efter?"

16 Han svarede: "Efter mine Brødre; sig mig, hvor de vogter deres Kvæg!"

17 Da sagde Manden: "De er draget bort herfra, thi jeg hørte dem sige: Lad os gå til Dotan!" Så gik Josef efter sine Brødre og fandt dem i Dotan.

18 Men da de så ham langt borte, før han endnu var kommet hen til dem, lagde de åd op om at dræbe ham

19 og sagde til hverandre: "Se, der kommer den Drømmemester!

20 Kom, lad os slå ham ihjel og kaste ham i en Cisterne og sige, at et vildt Dyr har ædt ham; så skal vi se, hvad der kommer ud af hans Drømme!"

21 Men da uben hørte det, vilde han redde ham af deres Hånd og sagde: "Lad os ikke tage hans Liv!"

22 Og uben sagde til dem: "Udgyd dog ikke Blod! Kast ham i Cisternen her på Marken, men læg ikke Hånd på ham!" Han vilde nemlig redde ham af deres Hånd og bringe ham tilbage til Faderen.

23 Da Josef nu kom hen til sine Brødre, rev de hans Kjortel af ham, Ærmekjortelen, han havde på,

24 tog ham og kastede ham i Citernen; men Cisternen var tom, der var intet Vand i den.

25 Derpå satte de sig til at holde Måltid. Og da de så op, fik de Øje på en Karavane af Ismaeliter, der kom fra Gilead, og deres Kameler var belæssede med Tragakantgummi, Mastiksbalsam og Cistusharpiks, som de var på Vej til Ægypten med.

26 sagde Juda til sine Brødre: "Hvad vinder vi ved at slå vor Broder ihjel og skjule Mordet?

27 Lad os hellere sælge ham til Ismaeliterne og ikke lægge Hånd på ham; han er jo dog vor Broder, vort Kød og Blod!" Og hans Brødre gik ind på Forslaget.

28 Da nu midjanitiske Købmænd kom der forbi, trak de Josef op af Cisternen. Og de solgte Josef til Ismaeliterne for tyve Sekel Sølv, og disse bragte ham så til Ægypten.

29 Da uben nu kom tilbage til Cisternen, se, da var Josef der ikke. Så sønderrev han sine Klæder

30 og gik tilbage til sine Brødre og sagde: "Drengen er borte! Hvad skal jeg dog gøre!"

31 Så tog de Josefs Kjortel og dyppede den i Blodet af en Gedebuk, som de slagtede;

32 og de sendte Ærmekjortelen hjem til deres Fader med det Bud: "Den har vi fundet se efter, om det ikke er din Søns Kjortel!"

33 Da så han efter og udbrød: "Det er min Søns Kjortel! Et vildt Dyr har ædt ham! Josef er visselig revet ihjel!"

34 Så sønderrev Jakob sine Klæder og bandt Sæk om sine Lænder, og han sørgede over sin Søn i mange Dage.

35 Og skønt alle hans Sønner og Døtre kom til ham for at trøste ham, vilde han ikke lade sig trøste, men sagde: "Nej, i min Sørgedragt vil jeg stige ned til min Søn i Dødsriget!" Og hans Fader begræd ham.

36 Men Midjaniterne solgte ham I Ægypten til Faraos Hofmand Potifar, Livvagtens Øverste.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Arcana Coelestia#4776



4776. 'An evil wild animal has devoured him' means that desires for evil annihilated it. This is clear from the meaning of 'an evil wild animal' as a lie invented out of a life of evil desires, dealt with in 4729, and therefore as such desires; and from the meaning of 'devouring' as annihilating, because it has reference to the truth of the Church. The one great Truth the Church possesses is that love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour are first and foremost, Mark 12:29-31, a truth that evil desires annihilate. For those who lead a life of evil desires cannot lead a life of love and charity since these two kinds of life are complete opposites. A life of evil desires is one in which a person loves only himself and not his neighbour except out of self-interest or for his own sake. People like this therefore annihilate charity among themselves, and those who annihilate charity also annihilate love to the Lord; for charity is the only means through which anyone loves the Lord, and the Lord dwells within charity. An affection that belongs to charity is a genuine heavenly affection, which comes from the Lord alone. From this it may be seen that desires for evil annihilate the one great truth the Church possesses; and once it has been annihilated some other means is invented which is called the way to salvation; and this is faith. When faith moreover is separated from charity actual truths are defiled, for in that case no knowledge exists any longer of what charity is, or even of what the neighbour is. Nor as a consequence does any knowledge exist about the inner essence of a human being, nor indeed of what heaven is. For the essence of a human being, or heaven within him, is charity, which consists in goodwill to others, to his community, to his country, to the Church, to the Lord's kingdom, and so to the Lord Himself. From this one may deduce what truth possessed by the Church must be like when there is no knowledge of the essential truths and when evil desires reign, standing opposed to these essential truths. When a life of evil desires speaks about them, are not truths defiled to such an extent that they cease to be recognizable?

[2] The truth that no one can be saved unless he has led a good charitable life, and so has acquired affections for that life, which exist in him as goodwill shown to others and as good deeds done to them which are motivated by that goodwill; also, the truth that no one can possibly accept the truths of faith - that is to say, take them in and make them his own - except him who leads a charitable life, have been made perfectly plain to me from those in heaven to whom I have been allowed to speak. Everyone there is a form of charity, the beauty and goodness of that form depending on the nature of the charity. The pleasure, bliss, and happiness of those there flow from their being able - because they are motivated by goodwill - to do good to others. Anyone who has not been leading a charitable life cannot possibly know that heaven and heavenly joy consist in goodwill and in good deeds motivated by that goodwill. To one of his kind heaven consists in goodwill shown to himself, with any good deeds done to others being motivated by this selfish goodwill. But this is in fact hell; for as has been stated, heaven is distinguished from hell in that heaven consists in doing good because one is motivated by goodwill, and hell in doing ill because one is motivated by ill will. Those governed by love towards the neighbour are motivated by goodwill to do good deeds, but those governed by self-love are motivated to do ill ones by ill will. The reason the latter are like this is that they love no one but themselves, and others only insofar as they see themselves in others, and others in themselves. They also hate these others, that hatred revealing itself the moment these go away from them and are no longer part of them. They are like robbers who love one another while they are in league with one another; but at heart they long to kill one another if any spoils can be gained by doing so.

[3] From all this one may see what heaven is, namely love towards the neighbour, and what hell is, namely self-love. Those governed by love towards the neighbour are able to accept all truths of faith, to take them in and make them their own; for love towards the neighbour holds every truth of faith within it since it has heaven within it and the Lord within it. But those governed by self-love cannot possibly accept the truths of faith since hell lies within that love. In no way can they accept the truths of faith apart from doing so for the sake of improving their own positions and for the sake of material gain; thus they cannot possibly take them in and make them their own. What they do take in and make their own are denials of the truth. For in their hearts they do not believe in the existence of hell and heaven, or in the life after death. Nor therefore do they believe anything that is said about hell and heaven, or about the life after death, and so nothing whatever from the Word and from doctrine regarding faith and charity. They seem to themselves to be believers when they take part in worship, but they do so because that state has been instilled into them since early childhood. But as soon as they leave that worship behind them they also leave that state of belief behind them. At this point, now left to think for themselves, they do not have any belief at all; and what is more, the life that their love fires them to lead causes them to think up ideas to justify it. These ideas they call truths, and also back them up from the literal sense of the Word; but they are in fact falsities. This is what all are like who in life and doctrine are adherents to faith separated from charity.

[4] In addition it should be recognized that a person's love includes everything, for his love determines the life he leads, and therefore only into a person's love does the Lord enter with His life. As is people's love therefore, so is their life because so is their reception of it. Love towards the neighbour receives the life of heaven, while self-love receives the life of hell. Thus everything of heaven lies within love towards the neighbour, and everything of hell within self-love. The fact that love includes everything may be illustrated by many observations of nature. All living creatures, not only those that walk on dry land but also those which fly in the air or swim in water, move in response to their own love. Into their love comes whatever is of use to them in the life they lead, that is, to their feeding, housing, and reproducing themselves. Therefore every genus knows its own food, dwelling-places, and mating habits such as pairing off, building nests, laying eggs, and rearing chicks.

[5] Bees likewise know how to build cells, extract honey from flowers, fill honeycombs with it, and make provision for the winter. Indeed they know how to establish a system of government under a single ruler, besides many other remarkable activities. All this is a product of what is entering their love, it being merely the different forms their affections take that lead to the different results their life produces. Their love includes all this. So what would heavenly love include if the human being was governed by heavenly love? Would not the whole of wisdom and intelligence as these exist in heaven be included? From this too it is evident that those who have led charitable lives, these and no others, are accepted into heaven, and that because they have charity they have the ability to accept and take in all truths, that is, every truth of faith. The reverse however takes place with adherents to faith separated from charity, that is, to those who know some truths but have no charity. Their love accepts ideas such as are suited to itself; that is to say, self-love and love of the world accept ideas that are the reverse of truths, the kind that exist in hell.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.