




1 siger den Herre HE EN: Den indre forgårds østport skal være lukket de seks hverdage, men på Sabbatsdagen skal den åbnes, ligeledes på Nymånedagen:

2 og Fyrsten skal udefra gå ind gennem Portens Forhal og stille sig ved Portens Dørstolpe. Præsterne skal ofre hans Brændoffer og Takofre, og han skal tilbede på Portens Tærskel og så gå ud igen; og Porten skal stå åben til Affen.

3 Men Folket i Landet skal på Sabbaterne og Nymånedagene tilbede for HE ENs Åsyn ved denne Ports Indgang.

4 Det Brændoffer, Fyrsten bringer HE EN på Sabbatsdagen, skal udgøre seks lydefri Lam og en lydefri Væder,

5 dertil et Afgrødeoffer på en Efa med Væderen og et Afgrødeoffer efter Behag med Lammene, desuden en Hin Olie med hver Efa.

6 På Nymånedagen skal det udgøre en ung, lydefri Tyr, seks Lam og en Væder, lydefri Dyr;

7 med Tyren skal han ofre et Afgrødeoffer på en Efa, med Væderen ligeledes en Efa og med Lammene efter Behag desuden en Hin Olie med hver Efa.

8 Når Fyrsten går ind, skal han komme gennem Portens Forhal, og samme Vej skal han gå ud;

9 men når Folket i Landet konmmer for HE ENs Åsyn på Festerne, skal den, der kommer ind gennem Nordporten for at tilbede, gå ud gennem Sydporten, og den, der kommer ind gennem Sydporten, gå ud genmmem Nordporten; han må ikke vende tilbage gennem den Port, han kom ind ad, men skal gå ud på den modsatte Side.

10 Fyrsten skal være iblandt dem; når de går ind, skal han også gå ind, og når de går ud, skal han også gå ud.

11 På Festerne og Højtiderne skal Afgrødeofferet være en Efa med hver Tyr og ligeledes en Efa med hvem Væder, men med Lammene efter Behag; desuden en Hin Olie med hver Efa.

12 Når Fyrsten ofrer et frivilligt Offer, et Brændoffer eller Takofre som frivilligt ofer til HE EN, skal man åbne Østporten for ham, og han skal ofre sit Brændoffer eller sine Takofre, som han gør på Sabbatsdagen; og når han er gået ud, skal man lukke Porten efter ham.

13 Et årgammelt, lydefrif Lam skal han daglig ofre som Brændoffer for HE EN; hver Morgen skal han ofre det;

14 og dertil skal han hver Morgen sonm Afgrødeoffer ofre en Sjettedel Efa og til af fugte Melet desuden en Tredjedel Hin Olie; det er et Afgmødeoffer for HE EN, en evigt gældende Ordning.

15 Således skal de hver Morgen ofre Lammet, Afgrødeofferet og Olien som dagligt Brændoffer.

16 siger den Herre HE EN: Når Fyrsten giver en af sine Sønner en Gave af sin Arvelod, skal den tilhøre hans Sønner; den skal være deres arvelige grundejendom;

17 men giver han en af sine Tjenere en Gave af sin Arvelod, skal den kun tilhøre ham til Frigivningsåret; så skal den vende tilbage til Fyrsten. Kun hans Sønner skal varigt eje en sådan Arvelod.

18 Og Fyrsten må ikke tage noget af Folkets Arvelod, idet han med Vold trænger dem ud af deres Grundejendom; af sin egen Grundejendom skal han give sine Sønner Arvelod, at ingen i mit Folk skal jages bort fra sin Grundejendom.

19 Derpå førte han mig ind gennem Indgangen ved Siden af Porten til de hellige Kamre, som var indrettet til Præsterne og vendte mod Nord, og se, der var et um i den inderste krog mod Vest.

20 Han sagde til mig: "Her er det um, hvor Præsterne skal koge Syndofferet og Skyldoferet og bage Afgrødeofferet for ikke at tvinges til at bringe det ud i den ydre Forgård og således hellige Folket."

21 Så bragte han mig ud i den ydre Forgård og førte mig rundt til Forgårdens fire Hjørner, og se, i hvert Hjørne var der et Gårdsrum;

22 i Forgårdens fire Hjørner var der små Gårdsrum, fyrretyve Alen lange og tredive Alen brede, alle fire lige store;

23 der var Mure rundt om dem alle fire, og der var indrettet Køkkener rundt om langs Murene.

24 Og han sagde til mig: "Her er Køkkenerne, hvor de, der gør Tjemmesle i Templet, skal koge Folkets Slagtofre."


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Apocalypse Revealed#36



36. I became in the spirit on the Lord's day. (1:10) This symbolizes a spiritual state then owing to Divine influx.

"I became in the spirit" means, symbolically, a spiritual state, the state in which John was while he was experiencing the visions, and which we will take up in the following exposition. "On the Lord's day" symbolizes influx from the Lord then, for that day brings the Lord's presence, as it is a holy day.

Concerning the prophets we read that they were in the spirit or in vision, and that the Word came to them from Jehovah.

When they were in the spirit or in vision, they were not in the body, but in their spirit, a state in which they saw phenomena such as are found in heaven. But when the Word came to them, they were then in the body and heard Jehovah speaking.

These two states of the prophets must be properly distinguished. In the state of vision the eyes of their spirit were open and the eyes of their body closed; and they heard then what angels said, and what Jehovah said through angels, and also saw representations produced for them in heaven. Moreover, they sometimes seemed to themselves to be taken then from place to place, their body remaining where it was.

[2] This was the state in which John was when he wrote the book of Revelation, and the state sometimes experienced by Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Daniel. They also said that they were then in vision or in the spirit. For Ezekiel says,

The Spirit lifted me up... and brought me back into Chaldea, to those in captivity, in a vision (of God), in the spirit of God. (Thus) went up from me the vision that I had seen. (Ezekiel 11:1, 24)

He also says that the Spirit lifted him up, and he heard behind him an earthquake, and more (Ezekiel 3:12, 24). So, too, that the Spirit lifted him up between earth and heaven, that it brought him in visions of God to Jerusalem, and that he saw abominations (Ezekiel 8:3f.). He was likewise in a vision of God or in the spirit when he saw the four living creatures, which were cherubim (Ezekiel 1; 10), as also when he saw a new earth and a new temple, and an angel measuring them (Ezekiel 40; 41; 42; 43; 44; 45; 46; 47; 48). That he was then in the visions of God, he himself says (Ezekiel 40:2), and that the spirit lifted him up (Ezekiel 43:5).

[3] The same was the case with Zechariah, who had an angel with him at the time, when he saw a man riding a horse among the myrtle trees (Zechariah 1:8ff.); when he saw the four horns, and then a man with a measuring line in his hand (Zechariah 1:18; 2:1ff.); when he saw Joshua the high priest (Zechariah 3:1ff.); when he saw the lampstand and two olive trees (Zechariah 4:1ff.); when he saw the flying scroll and the ephah (Zechariah 5:1, 6); when he saw the four chariots coming from between two mountains, and the horses (Zechariah 6:1ff.).

Daniel was in a like state when he saw the four beasts coming up from the sea (Daniel 7:1ff.), and when he saw the combat between the ram and the male goat (Daniel 8:1ff.). He himself says that he saw these things in visions (Daniel 7:1-2, 7, 13; 8:2; 10:1, 7-8), and that the angel Gabriel appeared to him in a vision (Daniel 9:21).

[4] The same was the case with John, as when he saw the Son of Man in the midst of the seven lampstands (Revelation 1), and finally, the new heaven and the new earth, and then the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven (Revelation 21, 22. John himself says that he saw these things in the spirit and in vision (1:10; 4:2; 9:17; 21:10). This, too, is meant by the statement, "I saw," everywhere it occurs in this book.

[5] It is clearly apparent from this that to be in the spirit is to be in a state of vision, which is brought about by an opening of the sight of a person's spirit; and when this is opened, phenomena found in the spiritual world are as clearly visible as those in the natural world are to the sight of the body.

The reality of this is something I can attest to from many years' experience.

The disciples were in this state when they saw the Lord after His resurrection, which is why are told that their eyes were opened (Luke 24:30-31).

Abraham was in a like state when he saw the three angels and spoke with them. 1

So, too, Hagar, Gideon, Joshua and others, when they saw angels of Jehovah. Likewise when Elisha's lad saw the mountain full of fiery chariots and horses all around Elisha, for Elisha prayed and said,

"Jehovah, open, I pray, his eyes that he may see." And Jehovah opened the eyes of the lad, and he saw. (2 Kings 6:17)

As regards the Word, however, it was not revealed in a state of the spirit or of vision, but the Lord dictated it to the prophets in an audible voice. Consequently we are nowhere told that the prophets spoke it from the Holy Spirit, but from Jehovah. See The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Lord, no. 53.



Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.