




1 Moses svarede; "Hvis de nu ikke tror mig og ikke hører mig, men siger, at HE EN ikke har åbenbaret sig for mig?"

2 Da sagde HE EN til ham: "Hvad har du der i din Hånd?" Han svarede: "En Stav!"

3 Og han sagde: "Kast den til Jorden!" Da kastede han den til Jorden, og den blev til en Slange, og Moses flyede for den.

4 Og HE EN sagde til Moses: " æk Hånden ud og grib den i Halen!" Da rakte han sin Hånd ud, og den blev til en Stav i hans Hånd.

5 "For at de nemlig kan tro, at HE EN, deres Fædres Gud, Abrahams Gud, Isaks Gud og Jakobs Gud, har åbenbaret sig for dig."

6 Og HE EN sagde fremdeles til ham: "Stik din Hånd ind på Brystet!" Da stak han sin Hånd ind på Brystet, og da han trak den ud, se, da var den hvid som Sne af Spedalskhed.

7 Derpå sagde han: "Stik atter Hånden ind på Brystet!" Så stak han atter Hånden ind på Brystet, og da han trak den ud, se, da var den igen som hans øvrige Legeme.

8 "Hvis de nu ikke tror dig og lader sig overbevise af det første Tegn, så vil de tro det sidste;

9 men hvis de end ikke tror på disse to Tegn og hører på dig, tag da Vand fra Nilen og hæld det ud på Jorden, så skal Vandet, som du tager fra Nilen, blive til Blod på Jorden."

10 Men Moses sagde til HE EN: "Ak, Herre, jeg er ingen veltalende Mand, jeg var det ikke før og er det heller ikke nu, efter at du har talet til din Tjener, thi jeg har svært ved at udtrykke mig og tale for mig."

11 Da svarede HE EN ham: "Hvem har givet Mennesket Mund, og hvem gør stum eller døv, seende eller blind? Mon ikke jeg, HE EN?

12 Gå derfor kun, jeg vil være med din Mund og lære dig, hvad du skal sige!"

13 Men han sagde: "Ak, Herre, send dog enhver anden end mig!"

14 Da blussede HE ENs Vrede op imod Moses, og han sagde: "Har du ikke din Broder Aron, Leviten? Han, ved jeg, kan tale for sig. Han er også allerede på Vej for at møde dig, og han vil glæde sig i sit Hjerte, når han ser dig;

15 du skal tale til ham og lægge ham Ordene i Munden, så vil jeg være med din og hans Mund og lære eder, hvad I skal gøre.

16 Han skal tale på dine Vegne til Folket; han skal være din Mund, og du skal være som Gud for ham.

17 Tag nu i din Hånd denne Stav, som du skal gøre Tegnene med!"

18 Derefter vendte Moses tilbage til sin Svigerfader Jetro og sagde til ham: "Lad mig vende tilbage til mine Landsmænd i Ægypten og se, om de endnu er i Live!" Og Jetro svarede Mose's: "Drag bort i Fred!"

19 Da sagde HE EN til Moses i Midjan: "Vend tilbage til Ægypten, thi alle de Mænd, der stod dig efter Livet, er døde."

20 Så tog Moses sin Hustru og sin Søn og satte dem på sit Æsel og vendte tilbage til Ægypten; og Moses tog Guds Stav i Hånden.

21 Men HE EN sagde til Moses: "Når du vender tilbage til Ægypten, så mærk dig dette: Alle de Undergerninger, jeg giver dig Magt til at udføre, skal du gøre for Farao; men jeg vil forhærde hans Hjerte, så han ikke lader Folket rejse.

22 Og da skal du sige til Farao: Så siger HE EN: Israel er min førstefødte Søn;

23 men da jeg sagde til dig: Lad min Søn rejse, for at han kan dyrke mig! da nægtede du at lade ham rejse. Se, jeg dræber din førstefødte Søn!"

24 Men undervejs, i Natteherberget, kom HE EN imod ham og vilde dræbe ham.

25 Da greb Zippora en skarp Sten og afskar sin Søns Forhud og berørte hans Blusel dermed, idet hun sagde: "Du er mig en Blodbrudgom!"

26 Så lod han ham i Fred. Ved den Lejlighed brugte hun Ordet "Blodbrudgom" med Hentydning til Omskærelsen.

27 Derpå sagde HE EN til Aron: "Gå Moses i Møde i Ørkenen!" Og han gik ud og traf ham ved Guds Bjerg og kyssede ham.

28 Og Moses fortalte Aron om alt, hvad HE EN havde pålagt ham, og om alle de Tegn, han havde befalet ham at gøre.

29 Derefter gik Moses og Aron den og kaldte alle Israeliternes Ældste sammen;

30 og Aron fortalte alt, hvad HE EN havde sagt til Moses, og denne gjorde Tegnene i Folkets Påsyn.

31 Da troede Folket, og da de hørte, at HE EN havde givet Agt på Israeliterne og set til deres Elendighed, bøjede de sig og tilbad.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Apocalypse Explained#559



559. And they had tails like unto scorpions.- That this signifies sensual scientifics, which are persuasive, is evident from the signification of tails, as denoting sensual scientifics, concerning which in what follows; and from the signification of scorpions, as denoting things persuasive, infatuating, and suffocating (see above, n. 544). Hence tails like unto scorpions signify sensual scientifics, which are persuasive. Tails signify sensual scientifics, because the tails which the animals of the earth have, are continuations of the spine of the back, which is called the spinal marrow, and this is a continuation of the brain, and the brain like the head, signifies intelligence and wisdom, because intelligence and wisdom reside there in their beginnings, and because tails are the ultimates of it, they signify sensual scientifics, for these are the ultimates of intelligence and wisdom.

[2] Sensual scientifics are those scientifics which enter from the world through the five senses of the body, and hence, viewed in themselves, are material, corporeal, and worldly, as compared with those which are more interior. All those who are in the love of self, and have confirmed themselves against Divine and spiritual things, are sensual men, and when they think in their spirit, as is the case when they are left to themselves, they think concerning things Divine and spiritual things from sensual scientifics, and therefore they reject Divine and spiritual things as not worthy of belief, because they do not see them with their eyes, or touch them with their hands, and they apply their own scientifics, which they have made sensual and material, for the purpose of destroying them.

Take for example, learned men of this kind who are skilled in natural philosophy, anatomy, botany, and the other branches of human learning; when such persons see the wonderful things that exist in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, they say in their hearts that all these things are from nature, and not from the Divine, because they believe in nothing but what they can see with their eyes, and touch with their hands. For they cannot raise their minds, and thus see those things from the light of heaven, this light being thick darkness to them, but they keep their minds fixed on earthly things, almost like the animals of the earth, with which they also compare themselves. In a word, with such persons, all knowledges (scientiae) become sensual. For as is the man himself, such are all things pertaining to his understanding and will. If the man is spiritual, all things become spiritual; if he is only natural, all things become natural and not spiritual; if he is sensual, all things become sensual, and this is the case, however learned and scholarly he may appear to be before the world. But since all men have the faculty of understanding truths and perceiving goods, they are able to speak, by virtue of this faculty, as though they were spiritual-rational, but still they are sensual as to the spirit, for when such persons speak before the world, they do so not from the spirit, but from the memory which pertains to the body. These things are stated in order that it may be known what sensual scientifics are.

[3] The reason why these are exceedingly persuasive is, that they are the ultimates of the understanding; for the understanding terminates therein, as in its ultimates, and these captivate the vulgar, because they are appearances arising from such things as they see with their eyes in the world; and as long as the thought adheres in them, the mind cannot be disposed to think interiorly or above them, until they are removed. For the interior things of the mind all terminate in ultimates, and rest upon them as a house upon its foundation, wherefore [sensual scientifics] are exceedingly persuasive, but only in the case of those whose minds cannot be elevated above sensual things. But with those who are in the light of heaven from the Lord, the mind is elevated above these things, and the light of heaven dissipates them. Spiritual men therefore rarely think from sensual things, for they think from things rational and intellectual, while sensual men, who have confirmed themselves in falsities against things divine and spiritual, think only from things sensual when they are left to themselves.

[4] That tails signify sensual scientifics, is evident from the following passages.

Thus in Isaiah:

"Jehovah will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush. The old man and honourable, he is the head; but the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail" (9:14, 15).

These words mean that all intelligence and wisdom are about to perish, and all the knowledge (scientia) of truth. By the head are signified intelligence and wisdom, therefore it is said, "the old man and honourable, he is the head," for an old man signifies the intelligence of truth, and the honourable, the wisdom of good. But by the tail is signified sensual knowledge (scientificum), which is the ultimate of intelligence and wisdom; when this is not conjoined with spiritual intelligence, it becomes false knowledge, or knowledge applied to confirm falsities, which is sensual knowledge like that of the sensual man, who sees nothing from the understanding. Hence the prophet that teacheth a lie is called the tail; for a prophet signifies the doctrine of truth, and therefore the knowledge (scientia) of truth, but in this case the doctrine and knowledge (scientia) of falsity. For a lie signifies falsity, and the teacher of a lie, him who teaches falsity by applying scientifics from the sense of the letter of the Word to confirm falsities.

[5] Again, in the same prophet:

"Neither shall there be any work for Egypt, which may make the head and tail, branch and rush" (19:15).

Here Egypt signifies the knowledge (scientia) of both spiritual and natural things. By there being no work for it which may make the head and tail, is signified, that it possesses neither spiritual things, nor natural things that confirm the spiritual, the head there denoting the cognitions of spiritual things by means of which comes intelligence, and the tail denoting natural scientifics, which are serviceable to spiritual things as means of intelligence. Similar things are signified by the branch and the rush, the branch denoting spiritual truth, and the rush, the sensual scientific, which is ultimate truth; for if the prior and the posterior, or the first and ultimate, do not make one in man, then he has not the head and the tail.

[6] So in Moses:

"Thus Jehovah shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath, if that thou hearken unto the commandments of thy God" (Deuteronomy 28:13).

"To make the head" signifies to make [a man] spiritual and intelligent, so that he may be elevated out of the light of the world into the light of heaven; and to make the tail, denotes to make [a man] sensual and foolish, so that he looks not to heaven but to the world; therefore it is said, "and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath." To be above denotes to be elevated by the Lord so as to look to heaven, and to be beneath denotes not to be elevated by the Lord, but from self, and man from self looks only to the world. For the interiors of man which pertain to thought and affection are raised to heaven by the Lord, when he is in good of life and thence in truths of doctrine, but if he is in evil of life, and consequently in falsities, then lower things look downwards, thus only to his own body and to such things as are in the world, and thus to hell, whence he puts off the nature which is truly human, and puts on the nature of a beast; for beasts look downwards, and to such things only as they meet with in the world and upon the earth. Elevation into the light of heaven by the Lord is an actual elevation of the interiors of man to the Lord, and depression or casting down to such things as are beneath and outside of the eyes, is an actual depression and casting down of the interiors, and when this is the case, then all the thought of his spirit is immersed in the ultimate Sensual.

[7] Again, in Moses:

"The sojourner who is in the midst of thee shall ascend high above thee more and more, but thou shalt descend downwards more and more. He shall lend to thee, but thou shalt not lend to him; he shall be the head, but thou shalt be the tail" (Deuteronomy 28:43, 44).

These words must be similarly understood. To be the head signifies to be spiritual and intelligent, and to be the tail signifies to be sensual and foolish; therefore it is also said, "he shall lend to thee, but thou shalt not lend to him," by which is signified, that he shall teach thee truths, but thou shalt not teach him.

[8] So in Isaiah:

"Say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted, for the two tails of smoking fire-brands, for the fierce anger of Rezin and Syria, and of the son of Remaliah" (7:4).

Rezin and Syria signify the Rational perverted, and the son of Remaliah the king of Israel, also called Ephraim, signifies the Intellectual perverted. It is the Intellectual in relation to the Word that is signified by the king of Israel and by Ephraim, while it is the Rational in relation to confirmatory knowledges (scientiae) that is signified by Rezin and Syria. For a man must have a Rational in order that he may understand the Word. When these two are perverted, they look only downwards to the earth, and outward to the world, as sensual men do who are in the falsities of evil; therefore they are called tails. A smoking fire-brand signifies the lust (concupiscentia) of falsity, and thence wrath against the truths and goods of the church.

[9] So again, in Moses:

"Jehovah said unto Moses, Put forth thy hand, and take the serpent by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand" (Exodus 4:4).

That here also by tail is meant the Sensual, which is the ultimate of the natural, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 6951-6955). Since tails signify the ultimates of intelligence and wisdom, which are sensual scientifics, and since all the details of the sacrifices signified celestial and spiritual Divine things, therefore also it was commanded that they should remove the tail near the spine of the back, and also should sacrifice it with other parts there mentioned (Leviticus 3:9; 8:25; 9:19; Exodus 29:22). That the burnt-offerings and sacrifices signified celestial and spiritual Divine things, which are the internals of the church, and from which worship is performed, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 2180, 2805, 2807, 2830, 3519, 6905, 8936). Because tails signify sensual scientifics, which, when separated from interior things which are spiritual - that is, when they do not with the interiors, look inwards and upwards, but outwards and downwards - signify falsities confirmed by scientifics, therefore also in the following parts of the Apocalypse, where falsities from that source are treated of, it is said that the tails of the horses seen in the vision were like serpents, having heads with which they do hurt (9:19); and afterwards that the dragon drew with his tail the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them upon the earth (12:3, 4). These things may be seen explained below.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.