




1 I den tredje Måned efter Israeliternes Udvandring af Ægypten, på denne Dag nåede de Sinaj Ørken.

2 De brød op fra efdim og kom til Sinaj Ørken og slog Lejr i Ørkenen. Der slog . Israel Lejr lige over for Bjerget,

3 men Moses steg op til Gud. Da råbte HE EN til ham fra Bjerget: "Dette skal du sige til Jakobs Hus og kundgøre for Israels Børn:

4 I har set, hvad jeg gjorde ved Ægypterne, og hvorledes jeg bar eder på Ørnevinger og bragte eder hid til mig.

5 Hvis I nu vil lyde min øst og holde min Pagt, så skal I være min Ejendom blandt alle Folkene, thi mig hører hele Jorden til,

6 og I skal blive mig et Kongerige af Præster og et helligt Folk! Det er de Ord, du skal tale til Israels Børn !"

7 Da gik Moses hen og kaldte Folkets Ældste sammen og forelagde dem alle disse Ord, som HE EN havde pålagt ham.

8 Og hele Folket svarede, alle som een: "Alt, hvad HE EN har sagt, vil vi gøre!" Da bragte Moses HE EN Folkets Svar.

9 Derpå sagde HE EN til Moses: "Se, jeg vil komme til dig i en tæt Sky, for at Folket kan høre, at jeg taler med dig, og for stedse tro også på dig!" Og Moses kundgjorde HE EN Folkets Svar.

10 Da sagde HE EN til Moses: "Gå til Folket og lad dem hellige sig i Dag og i Morgen og tvætte deres Klæder

11 og holde sig rede til i Overmorgen, thi i Overmorgen vil HE EN stige ned for alt Folkets Øjne på Sinaj Bjerg.

12 Og du skal rundt om spærre af for Folket og sige til dem: Vog eder for at gå op på Bjerget, ja for blot at røre ved Yderkanten deraf; enhver, der rører ved Bjerget, er dødsens!

13 Ingen Håndrøre ved ham, han skal stenes eller skydes ned; hvad enten det er et Dyr eller et Menneske, skal det miste Livet. Når Væderhornet lyder, skal de stige op på Bjerget."

14 Så steg Moses ned fra Bjerget til Folket og lod Folket hellige sig, og de tvættede deres Klæder;

15 og han sagde til Folket: Hold eder rede til i Overmorgen, ingen må komme en Kvinde nær!"

16 Da Morgenen gryede den tredje Dag, begyndte det at tordne og lyne, og en tung Sky lagde sig over Bjerget, og der hørtes vældige Stød i Horn. Da skælvede alt Folket i Lejren.

17 Så førte Moses Folket fra Lejren hen for Gud, og de stillede sig neden for Bjerget.

18 Men hele Sinaj Bjerg hylledes i øg, fordi HE EN steg ned derpå i Ild, og øgen stod i Vejret som øg fra en Smelteovn; og hele Folket skælvede så1e.

19 Og Stødene i Hornene blev stærkere og stærkere; Moses talte, og Gud svarede ham med høj øst.

20 Og da HE EN var steget ned på Sinaj Bjerg, på Toppen af Bjerget, kaldte han Moses op på Toppen af Bjerget, og Moses steg derop.

21 Da sagde HE EN til Moses: "Stig ned og indskærp Folket, at de ikke må trænge sig frem til HE EN for at se ham, at der ikke skal ske et stort Mandefald iblandt dem.

22 Selv Præsterne, som ellers træder frem for HE EN, skal hellige sig, for at ikke HE EN skal tynde ud i deres ækker."

23 Da sagde Moses til HE EN: "Folket kan jo ikke stige op på Sinaj Bjerg, thi du har selv indskærpet os at afspærre Bjerget og hellige det."

24 Men HE EN sagde til ham: "Stig nu ned og kom atter herop sammen med Aron; men Præsterne og Folket må ikke trænge sig frem for at komme op til HE EN, at han ikke skal tynde ud i deres ækker."

25 Da steg Moses ned til Folket og sagde det til dem.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University



Apocalypse Revealed#336



336. And every mountain and island was moved out of its place. This symbolically means that all goodness of love and truth of faith vanished.

No one can see that this is the symbolic meaning except by recourse to the spiritual sense. It is the symbolic meaning because mountains mean people who possess the goodness of love, inasmuch as angels dwell upon mountains - those motivated by love toward the Lord on loftier mountains, and those motivated by love for the neighbor on less lofty ones. Consequently "every mountain" symbolizes all goodness of love. Islands mean people relatively removed from the worship of God, as may be seen in no. 34 above - here people who are impelled by faith, and not so much by the goodness of love. Therefore in an abstract sense "every island" means, symbolically, all truth of faith. To be moved out of their places means, symbolically, to go away.

It derives from the abodes of angels on mountains and hills, therefore, that mountains and hills in the Word symbolize heaven and the church where love toward the Lord and love for the neighbor are found, and in an opposite sense, hell where self-love and love of the world are found.

[2] It is apparent from the following passages that mountains and hills symbolize heaven and the church where love toward the Lord and love for the neighbor are found, thus where the Lord is present:

Lift up your eyes to the mountains, whence comes your help. (Psalms 121:1)

Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who proclaims... peace! (Nahum 1:15, cf. Isaiah 52:7)

Praise Jehovah..., you mountains and... hills...! (Psalms 148:7, 9)

A mountain of God is the mountain of Bashan; a mountain of hills is the mountain of Bashan. Why do you leap, you mountains, you hills of the mountain? Jehovah has desired to inhabit them; (Jehovah) also will inhabit them forever. (Psalms 68:15-16)

The mountains skipped like rams, the hills like the young of the flock... You travail, O earth, at the presence of the Lord... (Psalms 114:4-7)

I will bring forth a seed from Jacob, and from Judah an heir of My mountains, that My elect may inherit them, and My servants dwell there. (Isaiah 65:9)

(In the consummation of the age:) then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. (Matthew 24:16)

(O Jehovah,) Your righteousness is as the mountains of God. (Psalms 36:6)

Jehovah will go forth and fight... In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, opposite Jerusalem on the east. (Zechariah 14:3-4)

[3] Since the Mount of Olives symbolized Divine love, therefore during the days the Lord preached in the Temple, but during the nights He went out and spent the night on the Mount of Olives (Luke 21:37; 22:39, John 8:1). And therefore the Lord spoke upon that mountain with His disciples regarding His coming and the end of the age (Matthew 24:3, Mark 13:3-4).

Since a mountain symbolized heaven and love, therefore Jehovah came down upon the top of Mount Sinai and proclaimed the Law (Exodus 19:20; 24:17). And therefore the Lord was transfigured before Peter, James and John on a high mountain (Matthew 17:1). Therefore Zion also was located on a mountain, and so, too, Jerusalem, and the two were called the mountain of Jehovah and the mountain of holiness in many places in the Word.

Mountains and hills have similar symbolic meanings elsewhere, as in Isaiah 7:25; 30:25; 40:9; 44:23; 49:11, 13; 55:12; Jeremiah 16:15-16; Psalms 65:6; 80:10; 104:5-10, 13.

[4] That mountains and hills symbolize these loves can be seen still more clearly from their opposite meaning, in which they symbolize hellish loves, namely, self-love and a love of the world, as is apparent from the following passages:

...the day of Jehovah... shall come... upon all the high mountains, and upon all the hills that are lifted up... (Isaiah 2:12, 14)

Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low. (Isaiah 40:4)

The mountains shall be overthrown, and its ascents shall fall... (Ezekiel 38:20-21)

Behold, I am against you, O... mountain, that destroys all the earth... ...I will make you a burnt mountain. (Jeremiah 51:25)

I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they are shaken, and all the hills are overthrown. (Jeremiah 4:23-25)

...a fire is kindled in my anger..., and it will set on fire the foundations of the mountains. (Deuteronomy 32:22)

I will lay waste the mountains and hills... (Isaiah 42:15)

Behold, (O Jacob,) I will make you like a threshing sledge... that you may thresh the mountains and crush them, and make the hills like chaff..., that the wind may carry them away. (Isaiah 41:15-16)

Give glory to Jehovah... before your feet stumble on the dark mountains... (Jeremiah 13:16)

Nor is anything else meant by the seven mountains on which the woman - namely Babylon - sat (Revelation 17:9). And so also elsewhere, as in Isaiah 14:13; Jeremiah 50:6; 9:10; Ezekiel 6:2-3; 34:6.

It can now be seen from this what is meant by the statement that "every mountain and island was moved out of its place," and later by the statement that "every island fled away, and the mountains were not found" (Revelation 16:20, no. 714).


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.