




1 Vida pak Jákob, že by potrava byla v Egyptě, řekl synům svým: Co hledíte jeden na druhého?

2 I mluvil jim: Aj, slyšel jsem, že mají potravu v Egyptě; jděte tam, a kupte nám odtud, abychom živi byli a nezemřeli.

3 Tedy šlo deset bratrů Jozefových, aby nakoupili obilí v Egyptě.

4 Ale Beniamina, bratra Jozefova, neposlal Jákob s bratřími jeho, nebo řekl: Aby se mu tam něco zlého nepřihodilo.

5 I šli synové Izraelovi spolu s jinými, aby kupovali; nebo byl hlad v zemi Kananejské.

6 Jozef pak byl nejvyšší správce v zemi té; on prodával obilí všemu lidu země. Tedy přišli bratří Jozefovi, a skláněli se před ním tváří až k zemi.

7 A uzřev Jozef bratří své, poznal je; a ukázal se k nim jako cizí, a tvrdě mluvil k nim,řka jim: Odkud jste přišli? I odpověděli: Z země Kananejské, abychom nakoupili potrav.

8 Poznal, pravím, Jozef bratří své, ale oni nepoznali ho.

9 Tedy zpomenul Jozef na sny, kteréž měl o nich, a řekl jim: Špehéři jste, a přišli jste, abyste shlédli nepevná místa země.

10 Kteřížto odpověděli jemu: Nikoli, pane můj, ale služebníci tvoji přišli, aby nakoupili pokrmů.

11 Všickni my synové jednoho muže jsme, upřímí jsme; nikdyť jsou nebyli služebníci tvoji špehéři.

12 Jimž zase řekl: Není tak, ale přišli jste, abyste shlédli nepevná místa země.

13 Odpověděli oni: Dvanácte nás bratří služebníků tvých bylo, synů muže jednoho v zemi Kananejské; a aj, nejmladší s otcem naším nyní jest doma, a jednoho není.

14 I řekl jim Jozef: Toť jest, což jsem mluvil vám, když jsem řekl: Špehéři jste.

15 Touto věcí zkušeni budete: Živť jest Farao, že nevyjdete odsud, až přijde sem bratr váš mladší.

16 Vyšlete z sebe jednoho, ať vezma, přivede bratra vašeho; vy pak u vězení zůstaňte, a zkušena budou vaše slova, pravdu-li jste mluvili. Pakli nic, živť jest Farao, že jste špehéři.

17 Tedy dal je všecky spolu do vězení za tři dni.

18 Třetího pak dne řekl jim Jozef: Toto učiňte, abyste živi byli; neboť já se bojím Boha.

19 Jste-li šlechetní muži, jeden bratr váš ať jest ukován v žaláři, v němž jste byli; vy pak jděte, a odneste obilí k zapuzení hladu domů vašich.

20 Bratra pak svého mladšího přivedete ke mně; a pravdomluvná prokázána budou vaše slova, a nezemřete. Tedy učinili tak.

21 I mluvil jeden k druhému: Jistě provinili jsme proti bratru svému. Nebo viděli jsme ssoužení duše jeho, když nás pokorně prosil, a nevyslyšeli jsme ho; protož přišlo na nás ssoužení toto.

22 Odpověděl pak jim Ruben, řka: Zdaliž jsem tehdy vám nepravil těmito slovy: Nehřešte proti pacholeti. Ale neposlechli jste; pročež také krve jeho, hle, vyhledává se.

23 A nevěděli oni, že by rozuměl Jozef; nebo skrze tlumače mluvil jim.

24 A odvrátiv se od nich, plakal. Potom navrátiv se k nim, mluvil s nimi, a vzav Simeona z nich, svázal ho před očima jejich.

25 Přikázal pak Jozef, aby naplněni byli pytlové jejich obilím, a navráceny peníze jejich jednomu každému do pytle jeho, a aby dána jim byla potrava na cestu. I stalo se tak.

26 A vloživše obilí svá na osly své, odešli odtud.

27 A rozvázav jeden z nich pytel svůj, aby dal obrok oslu svému v hospodě, uzřel peníze své, kteréž byly na vrchu v pytli jeho.

28 I řekl bratřím svým: Navráceny jsou mi peníze mé, a aj, jsou v pytli mém. Tedy užasli se, a předěšeni jsouce, mluvili jeden k druhému: Což nám to učinil Bůh?

29 Navrátivše se pak k Jákobovi otci svému do země Kananejské, vypravovali jemu všecko, co se jim přihodilo, pravíce:

30 Muž ten, pán země, mluvil k nám tvrdě, a dal nás do vězení, jako špehéře země.

31 A řekli jsme jemu: Upřímí jsme, nikdy jsme nebyli špehéři.

32 Dvanácte bylo nás bratří, synů otce našeho, z nichž jednoho není, a mladší nyní jest s otcem naším v zemi Kananejské.

33 I řekl nám muž ten, pán země té: Po tomto poznám, že upřímí jste: Bratra vašeho jednoho zanechte u mne, a obilí k zapuzení hladu od domů vašich vezmouce, odejděte.

34 A přiveďte bratra svého mladšího ke mně, abych poznal, že nejste špehéři, ale upřímí; tehdy bratra vašeho vrátím vám, a budete moci v zemi této obchod vésti.

35 I stalo se, že, když vyprazdňovali pytle své, a aj, jeden každý měl uzlík peněz svých v pytli svém. Vidouce pak oni i otec jejich uzlíky peněz svých, báli se.

36 I řekl jim Jákob otec jejich: Mne jste zbavili synů: Jozefa není, Simeona nemám, a Beniamina vezmete. Na mneť jsou se tyto všecky věci svalily.

37 Tedy řekl Ruben otci svému těmito slovy: Dva syny mé zabí, jestliže ho nepřivedu zase k tobě; poruč ho v ruce mé, a já zase přivedu ho k tobě.

38 I řekl: Nesstoupíť syn můj s vámi. Nebo bratr jeho umřel, a on sám pozůstal; a přihodilo-li by se mu co zlého na té cestě, kterouž půjdete, uvedli byste šediny mé s bolestí do hrobu.




Arcana Coelestia#5432



5432. 'You are spies' means that they existed solely for the sake of gain. This is clear from the meaning of 'spies' here as being bent on material gain; indeed it is clear from the train of thought that nothing else is meant in the internal sense by 'spies'. For the internal sense here deals with the truths known to the Church which are to be made over to the natural as its own. But such a making over is not possible unless an influx takes place from the celestial of the spiritual through the intermediary, those truths known to the Church being 'the sons of Jacob', who are 'Joseph's brothers', the celestial of the spiritual being 'Joseph', and the intermediary being 'Benjamin'. The implications of all this have been stated in 5402. There it is shown that when the truths of faith which are known to the Church and are called its teachings are learned at the earliest stage of life, they are taken in and consigned to the memory as facts in the same way as any other factual knowledge. And they remain there as factual knowledge until the person begins to use his own ability to look at those truths and see for himself whether they really are truths, and - having seen that they are such - to act in conformity with them. That ability to look at such truths and this willingness to act in conformity with them cause them to be factual knowledge no longer. Now they are commandments to be obeyed in life, till at length they are his life; for they then pass into the life he leads and are made his own.

[2] People who have reached adult years, and especially those who have arrived at old age, but have not used their own ability to look at the truths known to the Church, called its doctrinal teachings, to see for themselves whether these really are truths, or to form any subsequent wish to live in conformity with them, inevitably retain them in exactly the same way as they do all other factual knowledge. Those truths remain solely in their natural memory, and from there in their mouth. When they speak truths they do so not from their interior man or heart, only from their exterior man or mouth. When this is a person's state he cannot possibly believe that the truths known to the Church are truths, no matter how much it might seem to him that he does believe that they are. The reason why it seems to him that he does believe they are truths is that he trusts other people and their ideas and firmly embraces them. To embrace firmly other people's ideas, no matter whether they are truths or falsities, is very easy, for it involves no more than the use of one's intellect.

[3] These truths known to the Church - that is, those people with whom they exist in the way explained immediately above - are meant by spies coming to see the nakedness of the land. For their belief in the teachings of their Church does not spring from any affection for truth but from an affection for securing important positions and personal gain. For this reason they themselves have scarcely any belief, and there is denial for the most part in their hearts. They regard the Church's teachings in the way a merchant does his wares, in that they seem to themselves to be well-taught and wise when from within themselves they see those teachings as untrue and yet they are able to convince the common people that they are true. It is quite evident from those in the next life that very many leaders of Churches are like this. Wherever they go in the next life they take with them the sphere emanating from their affections and consequent thoughts, and that sphere is clearly perceptible to others. From this sphere one can recognize quite plainly what kind of affection for truth and what kind of faith they have possessed. The same is not made plain in the world because no spiritual perception of such things exists there. This being so, those leaders of Churches do not reveal what they really think, for that would deprive them of what they seek to gain.

[4] The fact that these are 'spies' becomes perfectly clear from the consideration that they are the kind of people who do nothing else than find fault with, so as to accuse and condemn, those who adhere to truths grounded in good. Whether they belong to the Papists so-called, or to the Reformed, or to the Quakers, or to the Socinians, or to the Jews, are not such people, once they have firmly embraced the teachings of their Church, nothing else than 'spies'? They deride and condemn absolute truths, if these are known anywhere; for truths are not embraced by them because they are truths, the reason for this being that they are not moved by any affection for truth for its own sake, let alone for their life's sake, only for the sake of personal gain. Also, when such people read the Word they examine it closely with the sole intention of confirming what is already known and taught, and for the sake of material gain. Many of them examine the Word closely 'to see the nakedness of the land', that is, to see there the truths known to the Church not as truths but merely as means that will serve them to convince others, for the sake of their own personal gain, that they are truths.

[5] People however who are moved by an affection for truth for its own sake and for their life's sake, consequently for the sake of the Lord's kingdom, do indeed have faith in the teachings of the Church. But even so they examine the Word closely with no other end in view than to see the truth itself, as a result of which they develop a faith and a conscience that are their own. If anyone tells them that they ought to keep to the teachings of the Church in which they were born, they then think that they would have been told exactly the same if they had been born within Judaism, within Socinianism, Quakerism, or Christian Gentilism, or even outside the Church, and that everywhere they would say, This is where the Church is, this is where the Church is; truths exist here and nowhere else! This being what they think they decide to examine the Word closely, praying sincerely to the Lord for enlightenment as they do so. People like these do not upset anyone else within the Church, nor do they ever condemn others, for they recognize that the life led by everyone who is a Church is founded on the faith that is his own.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.