




1 以色列帶著一切所有的,起身到別是巴,就獻祭給他父親以撒的

2 夜間,在異象中對以色列雅各雅各!他:我在這裡。

3 :我是,就是你父親。你埃及去不要害怕,因為我必使你在那裡成為族。

4 我要和你同埃及去,也必定帶你上來;約瑟必給你送終(原文作將按在你的眼睛上)。

5 雅各就從別是巴起行。以色列的兒子們使他們的父親雅各和他們的妻子、兒女都坐在法老雅各送來的車上。

6 他們又帶著迦南所得的牲畜、貨財埃及雅各和他的一切子孫都一同來了

7 雅各把他的兒子、孫子、女兒、孫女,並他的子子孫孫,一同帶到埃及

8 埃及以色列人名字記在下面。雅各和他的兒孫:雅各長子是流便。

9 流便的兒子是哈諾、法路、希斯倫、迦米。

10 西緬兒子是耶母利、雅憫、阿轄、雅斤、瑣轄,還有迦南女子所生的掃羅

11 利未的兒子是革順、哥轄、米拉利。

12 猶大的兒子是珥、俄南、示拉、法勒斯、謝拉;惟有珥與俄南迦南。法勒斯的兒子是希斯倫、哈母勒。

13 以薩迦的兒子是陀拉、普瓦、約伯、伸崙。

14 西布倫的兒子是西烈、以倫、雅利。

15 這是利亞在巴旦亞蘭給雅各所生的兒子,還在女兒底拿。兒孫共三十三人。

16 迦得的兒子是洗非芸、哈基、書尼、以斯本、以利、亞羅底、亞列利。

17 亞設的兒子是音拿、亦施瓦、亦施韋、比利亞,還有他們的妹子西拉。比利亞的兒子是希別、瑪結。

18 這是拉班給他女兒利亞的婢女悉帕從雅各所生的兒孫,共有十六人。

19 雅各之妻拉結的兒子是約瑟和便雅憫。

20 約瑟在埃及生了瑪拿西以法蓮,就是安城的祭司波提非拉的女兒亞西納給約瑟生的。

21 便雅憫的兒子是比拉、比結、亞實別、基拉、乃幔、以希、羅實、母平、戶平、亞勒。

22 這是拉結給雅各所生的兒孫,共有十四人。

23 但的兒子是戶伸。

24 拿弗他利的兒子是雅薛、沽尼、耶色、示冷。

25 這是拉班給他女兒拉結的婢女辟拉從雅各所生的兒孫,共有人。

26 那與雅各同到埃及的,除了他兒婦之外,凡從他所生的,共有六十六人。

27 還有約瑟在埃及所生的兩個兒子。雅各埃及的共有七十人。

28 雅各打發猶大先去見約瑟,請派人引歌珊去;於是他們歌珊

29 約瑟套車往歌珊去,迎接他父親以色列,及至見了面,就伏在父親的頸項,哭了許久。

30 以色列對約瑟:我既得見你的面,知道你還在,就是我也甘心。

31 約瑟對他的弟兄和他父的全家:我要上去告訴法老,對他:我的弟兄和我父的全家從前在迦南,現今都到我這裡來了

32 他們本是牧的人,以養牲畜為業;他們把羊群牛群和一切所有的都帶來了。

33 法老召你們的時候,問你們:你們以何事為業?

34 你們要:你的僕人,從幼年直到如今,都以養牲畜為業,連我們的祖宗也都以此為業。這樣,你們可以歌珊,因為凡牧的都被埃及人所厭惡。




Arcana Coelestia#4316



4316. In the internal historical sense 'even to this day' means that their nature was perpetually so. This is clear from the meaning of 'even to this day', when used in the Word, as that which is perpetual, dealt with in 2838. The fact that the nature of those descendants was such from earliest times becomes clear from Jacob's sons themselves - from Reuben, in that he lay with Bilhah, his father's concubine, Genesis 35:22; from Simeon and Levi, in that they killed Hamor and Shechem and all the men of their city [Genesis 34:25-26]; and from the remaining sons, in that these came on the slain and destroyed the city, Genesis 34:27-29. Because of all this Jacob, who by then was Israel, spoke of them in the following manner before he died: Of Reuben he said,

You shall not be a superior one, for you went up to your father's bed; then you made yourself unworthy. He went up to my couch. Genesis 49:3-4.

And of Simeon and Levi he said,

Into their secret place let my soul not come; with their congregation let not my glory be united; for in their anger they killed a man, and deliberately hamstrung an ox. Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce, and their fury, for it is severe. I will divide them within Jacob, and will scatter them within Israel. Genesis 49:5-7.

[2] What Judah was like becomes additionally clear from his marriage to a Canaanite, Genesis 38:1-2, which was nevertheless contrary to what had been commanded, as may be seen from Abraham's words addressed to the servant who was sent to betroth Rebekah to Isaac his son, Genesis 24:3, 6, and from many places in the Word. A third of that nation belonged to this lineage, that is to say, a third descended from his son Shelah who was born from a Canaanite mother, Genesis 38:11; 46:12. See Numbers 26:20; and 1 Chronicles 4:21-22. Further evidence of what these and the rest of Jacob's sons were like lies in the unspeakable crime which they committed against Joseph, Genesis 37:18-end. What their descendants in Egypt were like is evident from the details which are recorded about them when they were in the desert, where they were rebellious on so many occasions, and after that in the land of Canaan where they became idolaters on so many occasions; and lastly what they were like in the Lord's time is shown just above, in 4314. And what they are like today is well known - they are opposed to the Lord, opposed to the things that constitute the Church, and opposed to charity towards the neighbour, being opposed even to one another. These considerations show that the nature of that nation has been such perpetually. Let no one therefore assume any longer that any Church has existed among them, only that which is a representative of the Church. Still less should anyone assume that they have been chosen in preference to others.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.