




1 雅各迦南,就是他父親寄居的

2 雅各的記略如下。約瑟十七歲與他哥哥們一同牧。他是個童子,與他父親的妾辟拉、悉帕的兒子們常在一處。約瑟將他哥哥們的惡行報給他們的父親

3 以色列原來約瑟過於他的眾子,因為約瑟是他年老生的;他給約瑟做了一件彩衣。

4 約瑟的哥哥們見父親約瑟過於他們,就恨約瑟,不與他和睦的話。

5 約瑟做了一夢,告訴他哥哥們,他們就越發恨他。

6 約瑟對他們:請我所做的夢:

7 我們在田裡捆禾稼,我的捆起來站著,你們的捆來圍著我的捆下拜。

8 他的哥哥們回答:難道你真要作我們的王麼?難道你真要管轄我們麼?他們就因為他的夢和他的越發恨他。

9 後來他又做了一夢,也告訴他的哥哥:看哪,我又做了一夢,夢見太陽月亮,與十一個向我下拜。

10 約瑟將這夢告訴他父親和他哥哥們,他父親就責備他:你做的這是甚麼夢!難道我和你母親、你弟兄果然要俯伏在,向你下拜麼?

11 哥哥們都嫉妒他,他父親卻把這存在心裡。

12 約瑟的哥哥們往示劍去放他們父親

13 以色列對約瑟:你哥哥們不是在示劍放羊麼?你來,我要打發你往他們那裡去。約瑟:我在這裡。

14 以色列:你去哥哥們平安不平安,平安不平安,就回來報信給我;於是打發他出希伯崙,他就往示劍去了。

15 遇見他在田野走迷了路,就問他:你甚麼?

16 :我找我的哥哥們,求你告訴我,他們在何處放羊。

17 :他們已經走了,我見他們要往多坍去。約瑟就去追趕他哥哥們,遇見他們在多坍。

18 他們遠遠地見他,趁他還沒有走到跟前,大家就同謀要害死他,

19 彼此:你看!那做夢的來了

20 來罷!我們將他殺了,丟在裡,就有惡獸把他吃了我們他的夢將來怎麼樣。

21 流便見了,要救他脫離他們的我們不可害他的性命;

22 :不可流他的血,可以把他丟在這野地的裡,不可下害他。流便的意思是要救他脫離他們的,把他歸還他的父親

23 約瑟到了他哥哥們那裡,他們就剝了他的外衣,就是他穿的那件彩衣,

24 把他丟在裡;那是空的,裡頭沒有

25 他們飯,舉目觀,見有一夥米甸的以實瑪利人從基列,用駱駝馱著香料、乳香、沒藥,要埃及去。

26 猶大對眾弟兄我們我們兄弟,藏了他的血有甚麼益處呢?

27 我們不如將他以實瑪利人,不可下害他;因為他是我們兄弟我們的骨。眾弟兄就從了他。

28 有些米甸的商人從那裡經過,哥哥們就把約瑟從裡拉上來,講定二十舍客勒子,把約瑟以實瑪利人。他們就把約瑟埃及去了。

29 流便回到邊,見約瑟不在裡,就撕裂衣服

30 回到兄弟們那裡,:童子沒有了。我往那裡去才好呢?

31 他們宰了一隻公山羊,把約瑟的那件彩衣染了血,

32 打發人送到他們的父親那裡,:我們撿了這個;請認一認是你兒子的外衣不是?

33 他認得,就:這是我兒子的外衣。有惡獸把他吃了,約瑟被撕碎了!撕碎了!

34 雅各便撕裂衣服,腰間圍上麻布,為他兒子悲哀了多日。

35 他的兒女都起來安慰他,他卻不肯受安慰:我必悲哀著陰間,到我兒子那裡。約瑟的父親就為他哀哭。

36 米甸人帶約瑟到埃及,把他法老的內臣─護衛長波提乏。




Arcana Coelestia#4730



4730. 'And we shall see what his dreams are going to be' means that declarations concerning Him were by their reckoning false ones and were seen by them as such. This is clear from the meaning of 'dreams' as declarations, dealt with in 4682. Because these declarations seemed in their eyes to be falsities, 4726, 4729, 'dreams' here means declarations concerning Divine Truth - in particular the declaration that the Lord's Human is Divine - which in their view were false ones. The fact that they were also seen by them as falsities is meant by their saying, 'We shall see what they are going to be'. The fact that declarations concerning the Lord's Human seemed and still seem to be falsities to the adherents to faith alone may be seen from what has been stated immediately above at the end of 4729; for confirmations arising from a life of evil desires do not present themselves as anything else.

[2] A further reason why the life of evil desires leads to the confirmation of falsities is that those people do not know what heaven is or what hell is, nor also what love towards the neighbour is, and what self-love and love of the world are. If they did know what these were, indeed if they had merely the wish to know, their thoughts would be completely different. Who at the present day knows of love towards the neighbour as anything other than giving what he possesses to the poor, using his own wealth to help anyone else, and doing good to him in every possible way, irrespective of whether he is good or wicked? And because by doing this he would deprive himself of his own resources and would make himself poor and wretched, he therefore casts aside teaching concerning charity and embraces that concerning faith. Then he uses many ideas to confirm himself against charity, that is to say, the idea that he is born in sins and as a consequence cannot by himself do anything good at all; and that if he does do the works of charity or genuine piety he inevitably places merit in them. And when on the one hand he has thoughts like these, and on the other he is motivated by a life of evil desires, he associates himself with those who say that faith alone saves. In doing this he confirms himself all the more in that idea, until he is convinced that the works of charity are not necessary for salvation. Once these ideas have crystallized, he then easily accepts a new one - that because this is what a person is like the Lord has provided the means of salvation which is called faith. At length he accepts the idea that he is saved even in his final hour when he dies, provided that in confidence or trust he asks that God may be merciful to him by looking upon the Son as having suffered for his sake - giving no weight at all to what the Lord said in John 1:12-13, and in a thousand places elsewhere. So it is that faith alone has been acknowledged within Churches as the essential thing. But the reason it is not acknowledged everywhere in this way is that parish priests can gain nothing from faith alone, only from preaching about works.

[3] But if those same people had known what charity towards the neighbour really was they would never have fallen for this falsity that is taught. The fundamental requirement of charity is to act in an upright and just way in everything connected with one's duty or function. For example, if a judge punishes a wrong-doer in accordance with the laws, and does so out of zeal, he is moved by charity towards the neighbour, for he desires the reform, and so the good, of that person, as well as desiring what is good for the community and his country. He punishes him to prevent him doing further harm to the community, and so is able to love him if he is reformed - as a father loves a son whom he chastises - and in so doing loves the community and his country, which in general is his neighbour. The same applies to all other people in the duties or functions they perform. But in the Lord's Divine mercy these matters will be discussed more fully elsewhere.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.