




1 以撒年老,眼睛昏花,不能見,就了他大兒子以掃來,:我兒。以掃:我在這裡。

2 :我如今老了,不知道一天死。

3 現在拿你的器械,就是箭囊和,往田野去為我打獵,

4 照我所的做成美味,拿給我,使我在未之先給你祝福

5 以撒對他兒子以掃說話,利百加也見了。以掃往田野去打獵,要得野味帶來

6 利百加就對他兒子雅各:我見你父親對你哥哥以掃

7 你去把野獸帶來,做成美味給我,我好在未死之先,在耶和華面前給你祝福

8 現在,我兒,你要照著我所吩咐你的,從我的話。

9 你到羊群裡去,給我拿兩隻肥山羊羔來,我便照你父親的給他做成美味。

10 你拿到你父親那裡給他,使他在未之先給你祝福

11 雅各對他母親利百加:我哥哥以掃渾身是有毛的,我身上是光滑的;

12 倘若我父親摸著我,必以我為欺哄人的,我就招咒詛,不得祝福。

13 母親對他:我兒,你招的咒詛歸到我身上;你只管我的話,去把羊羔給我拿來。

14 他便去拿來,交給他母親;他母親就照他父親的做成美味。

15 利百加又把家裡所存大兒子以掃上好的衣服給他小兒子雅各穿上,

16 又用山羊包在雅各的上和頸項的光滑處,

17 就把所做的美味和餅交在他兒子雅各裡。

18 雅各到他父親那裡:我父親!他:我在這裡。我兒,你是誰?

19 雅各對他父親:我是你的長子以掃;我已照你所吩咐我的行了。請起來坐著我的野味,好給我祝福

20 以撒對他兒子:我兒,你如何得這麼呢?他:因為耶和華─你的使我遇見好機會得著的。

21 以撒雅各:我兒,你前來,我摸摸你,知道你真是我的兒子以掃不是?

22 雅各就挨父親以撒以撒摸著他,:聲音是雅各的聲音,卻是以掃

23 以撒就辨不出他來;因為他上有毛,像他哥哥以掃一樣,就給他祝福

24 :你真是我兒子以掃麼?他:我是。

25 以撒:你遞給我,我好兒子的野味,給你祝福。雅各就遞給他,他便吃了,又拿酒給他,他也了。

26 父親以撒對他:我兒,你上前來與我親嘴。

27 他就上前與父親親嘴。他父親一衣服上的香氣,就給他祝福:我兒的香氣如同耶和華賜福之田地的香氣一樣。

28 賜你上的甘上的肥土,並許多五穀新酒

29 願多民事奉你,多國跪拜你。願你作你弟兄的主;你母親的兒子向你跪拜。凡咒詛你的,願他受咒詛;為你祝福的,願他蒙福。

30 以撒雅各祝福已畢,雅各從他父親那裡才出,他哥哥以掃正打獵回

31 也做了美味,拿來給他父親:請父親起來,兒子的野味,好給我祝福

32 父親以撒對他:你是誰?他:我是你的長子以掃

33 以撒地戰兢,:你未之先,是誰得了野味拿給我呢?我已經吃了,為他祝福;他將也必蒙福。

34 以掃了他父親,就放聲痛哭,:我父阿,求你也為我祝福

35 以撒:你兄弟已經用詭計將你的福分奪去了。

36 以掃:他名雅各,豈不是正對麼?因為他欺騙了我兩次:他從前奪了我長子的名分,你看,他現在又奪了我的福分。以掃又:你沒有留下為我可祝的福麼?

37 以撒回答以掃:我已立他為你的主,使他的弟兄都他作僕人,並賜他五穀新酒可以養生。我兒,現在我還能為你做甚麼呢?

38 以掃對他父親:父阿,你只有樣可祝的福麼?我父阿,求你也為我祝福以掃就放聲而哭。

39 父親以撒上的肥土必為你所上的甘必為你所得。

40 你必倚靠刀度日,又必事奉你的兄弟;到你強盛的時候,必從你頸項上掙開他的軛。

41 以掃因他父親雅各祝的福,就怨恨雅各:為我父親居喪的日子近了,到那時候,我要殺我的兄弟雅各

42 有人把利百加大兒子以掃告訴利百加,他就打發人去,了他小兒子雅各來,對他:你哥哥以掃想要殺你,報仇雪恨。

43 現在,我兒,你要我的話:起來,逃往哈蘭、我哥哥拉班那裡去,

44 同他些日子,直等你哥哥的怒氣消了。

45 哥哥向你消了怒氣,忘了你向他所做的事,我便打發人去把你從那裡帶回來。為甚麼日喪你們人呢?

46 利百加對以撒:我因這赫人的女子連性命都厭煩了;倘若雅各也娶赫人的女子為妻,像這些一樣,我活著還有甚麼益處呢?




Apocalypse Explained#1159



1159. And all things fat and splendid have departed from thee.- That this signifies that all goods and truths, and things auspicious and magnificent, which they have persuaded themselves, they would be able to acquire by means of that religion, are changed into the contrary, is evident from the signification of fat things, which denote goods and auspicious things therefrom, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of things splendid, which denote truths and things magnificent therefrom. The reason why this is the signification of things splendid, is, that splendour is the result of light, and the light of heaven is Divine Truth or Divine Wisdom, which is the cause of all things in the heavens shining with a splendour unknown in the world. It may be compared with the brilliancy of a diamond turned to the sun, but the splendour seen in heaven far exceeds this, just as the light of heaven exceeds the light of the world, the difference between which is so great, that while it may be illustrated by comparisons, yet it cannot be described. All the magnificent things of heaven, exist from that light, and these chiefly consist of forms corresponding to wisdom, which are such that in the world they can neither be pictured nor described. For in them art itself is in its art, and science is in its wisdom, consequently they are of ineffable beauty. It is evident from these facts why things splendid signify truths and thence things magnificent.

[2] The reason why fat things signify goods and auspicious things therefrom, is, that the fat is the best part of flesh, and that it is like oil, which signifies the good of love. That fatness signifies good and those things that belong to it, thus happiness and joys, is clear from the following passages in the Word.

In Isaiah:

"Attending attend unto me, eat ye good, that your soul may be delighted in fatness" (55:2).

To eat good signifies to appropriate good to themselves; thence by delighting in fatness is signified to be in a state of happiness and blessedness.

In Jeremiah:

"I will fill the soul of the priests with fatness, and my people shall be satisfied with good" (31:14).

Here also fatness signifies happiness and blessing from the good of love.

In David:

"My soul shall be satisfied with fat and fatness, and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips" (Psalm 63:5).

The soul being satisfied with fat and fatness, signifies to be filled with the good of love and with joy therefrom. To praise with joyful lips signifies to worship by means of truths which gladden the mind.


"Thy houses shall be filled with fatness, and thou shalt cause them to drink of the stream of delights" (Psalm 36:8).

The fatness with which the houses shall be filled, signifies the good of love, and happiness therefrom, houses denoting things pertaining to the mind. The river of the delights, of which they shall drink, signifies intelligence and happiness therefrom.

[3] In Isaiah:

"In this mountain shall Jehovah Zebaoth make to all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wine on the lees, of fat things full of marrow and of wine on the lees well refined" (25:6).

These things are said concerning the state of those who would acknowledge and adore the Lord. By that mountain is signified a new church from them; by the feast of fat things, of fat things full of marrow, is signified good both natural and spiritual with joy of heart; and by the lees, lees well refined, are signified truths from that good with the happiness therefrom.

In the same prophet:

"Jehovah shall give the rain of thy seed, with which thou shalt sow the earth, and bread of the produce of the earth, and it shall be fat and plenteous" (30:23).

The rain of seed signifies the multiplication of truth; and bread of produce the fructification of good. By fat and plenteous is signified good and truth with all its satisfaction and happiness.

In David:

"As yet they shall have increase in old age, they shall be fat and green, to show that Jehovah is right" (Psalm 92:14, 15).

To be fat and green signifies to be in goods and truths of doctrine.


"Jehovah shall remember all thy offerings and shall make fat thy burnt offering" (Psalm 20:3).

By offerings and burnt offering is signified worship, and by making it fat is signified that it is from the good of love.

The signification of fatness in Ezekiel 34:3; Genesis 27:39, and elsewhere is similar. Because fat and fatness signify the good of love, and because all worship, which is truly worship, must be from the good of love, therefore it was a law that all the fat in the sacrifices should be burnt upon the altar (Exodus 29:13, 22; Leviticus 1:8; 3:3-16; 4:8-35; 7:3, 4, 30, 31; 17:6; Numbers 18:17, 18); for the sacrifices and burnt offerings signified worship.

[4] Since the Jews and Israelites were only in external worship, and not at the same time in internal worship, and not therefore in any good of love, or in any good of charity and faith, they were therefore prohibited from eating fat and blood, and it was a law that if they ate these, they should be cut off (Leviticus 3:17; 7:23, 25). But to those who are in internal worship, and thence in external worship - as those will be who shall belong to the Lord's New Church - it is said, that they shall eat fat to fulness, and drink blood to drunkenness (ebrietas) (Ezekiel 39:19). Fat there signifies all the good of heaven and of the church, and blood all the truth of these. In the opposite sense the fat ones signify those who loathe good and who utterly despise and reject it (Deuteronomy 32:15; Jeremiah 5:28; 50:11; Psalm 17:10; 20:4; 68:31; 119:70; and elsewhere).

[5] Continuation.- Such, however, is not the lot of those who are continually evil, for these are in hell according to the loves of their life. There they think, and from their thought, speak, although they utter falsities; they also will, and, from their will they act, although their actions are evil. They appear, moreover to one another as men, although in the light of heaven they are of a monstrous form. It is therefore evident, why it is in accordance with a law of order relating to reformation, and called a law of Divine Providence, that a man is admitted into the truths of faith and the goods of love, only so far as he can be withheld from evils and kept in goods to the end of his life and that it is better that he should be always evil, than that he should be good and afterwards evil; for in this case he becomes profane. The Lord, who both provides and foresees all things, for this reason conceals the operations of His Providence, and to such a degree that man scarcely knows whether there is any providence at all. He permits him rather to attribute ordinary events to prudence, and contingencies to fortune, and even to ascribe many things to nature, rather than that, through any striking and manifest signs of the Divine Providence and Presence, he should plunge unreasonably into the midst of holy things in which he would not remain. The Lord also permits similar things in accordance with other laws of His Providence, namely, that man should enjoy freedom, and that in all that he does he should act according to reason, thus entirely as if from himself. For it is better that he should ascribe the operations of the Divine Providence to prudence and fortune, than that he should acknowledge them, and still live as a devil. From these facts it is evident that the laws of permission, which are numerous, proceed from the laws of Providence.


Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.