




1 耶和華的又臨到我說:

2 人子啊,你要發預言耶和華如此:哀哉這日!你們應當哭號。

3 因為耶和華的日子臨近,就是密之日,列國受罰之期。

4 必有刀臨到埃及;在埃及被殺之人仆倒的時候,古實人就有痛苦,人民必被擄掠,基址必被拆毀。

5 古實人、弗人(或譯:呂彼亞)、路德人、雜族的人民,並古巴人,以及同盟之的人都要與埃及人一同倒在刀下。

6 耶和華如此:扶助埃及的也必傾倒。埃及因勢力而有的驕傲必降低微;其中的人民,從色弗尼塔起(見二十九章十節)必倒在刀。這是耶和華的。

7 埃及地在荒涼的國中必成為荒涼;埃及城在荒廢的城中也變為荒廢。

8 我在埃及中使著起;幫助埃及的,都被滅絕。那時,他們就知道我是耶和華

9 到那日,必有使者坐船,從我面前出去,使安逸無慮的古實人驚懼;必有痛苦臨到他們,好像埃及遭災的日子一樣。看哪,這事臨近了!

10 耶和華如此:我必藉巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒的,除滅埃及眾人。

11 他和隨從他的人,就是列國中強暴的,必進來毀滅這。他們必拔刀攻擊埃及,使遍被殺的人。

12 我必使江河乾涸,將在惡人的中;我必藉外邦人的,使這和其中所有的變為淒涼。這是我─耶和華的。

13 耶和華如此:我必毀滅偶像,從挪弗除滅像;必不再有君王出自埃及。我要使埃及的人懼怕。

14 我必使巴忒羅荒涼,在瑣安中使著起,向挪施行審判。

15 我必將我的忿怒倒在埃及的保障上,就是訓上,並要剪除挪的眾人。

16 我必在埃及中使著起;訓必大大痛苦;挪必被攻破;挪弗白日(或譯:終日)見仇敵。

17 亞文和比伯實的少年人必倒在刀下;這些城的人必被擄掠。

18 我在答比匿折斷埃及的諸軛,使他因勢力而有的驕傲在其中止息。那時,日光必退去;至於這城,必有密遮蔽,其中的女子必被擄掠。

19 我必這樣向埃及施行審判,他們就知道我是耶和華

20 十一年正日,耶和華的臨到我說:

21 人子啊,我已打折埃及法老的;沒有敷藥,也沒有用布纏好,使他有力持刀。

22 所以耶和華如此:看哪,我與埃及法老為敵,必將他有力的膀和已打折的膀全行打斷,使刀從他中墜落。

23 我必將埃及人分散在列國,四散在列邦。

24 我必使巴比倫王的膀有力,將我的刀交在他中;卻要打斷法老的,他就在巴比倫王面前唉哼,如同受傷的人一樣。

25 我必扶持巴比倫王的膀法老的卻要下垂;我將我的刀交在巴比倫王中,他必舉刀攻擊埃及,他們就知道我是耶和華

26 我必將埃及人分散在列國,四散在列邦;他們就知道我是耶和華




Scriptural Confirmations#52


52. 24. (The Lord is described as to the Word, appearing above the expanse of the cherubim (Ezekiel 1:26-28); and is called Lord Jehovih (2:4; 3:11, 27; 4:14; 5:5, 7-8, 11; 6:3, 11; 7:2, 5; 8:1 seq.; also the God of Israel (8:4).) (That they may want bread and water; and a man and his brother be desolated; and fade away on account of their iniquity (Ezekiel 4:17).

In all your habitations the cities shall be devastated, also the high places (Ezekiel 6:6).

The end is come, the end upon the four corners of the land; I will send My anger upon thee, and I will judge thee according to thy ways. The end is come, the end is come, the mourning is come upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth, the time is come, the day of tumult is near (Ezekiel 7:2-12).

(They shall eat their bread with solicitude, and drink their waters with astonishment, that her land may be devastated from the fullness thereof; the cities that are inhabited shall be devastated, and the land shall be a desolation (Ezekiel 12:19-20).)

The vision which the prophet seeth after many days, and prophesying it in times that are far off (Ezekiel 12:27).

That [he is against] the pillows under the hands, through lies, etc. (Ezekiel 13:20-23).

Let the land of Egypt be a solitude and a waste; it shall be made an utter waste and desolation; a solitude in the midst of desolate lands, and its cities shall be a solitude in the midst of cities that have been devastated (Ezekiel 29:9-10, 12, concerning Egypt).

(They shall be devastated in the midst of the lands that are devastated, and her cities in the midst of the cities that are desolate; I will lay waste the land and the fullness thereof (Ezekiel 30:7, 12).)

(When I shall extinguish thee I will cover the heavens, and will make the stars thereof black; I will cover the sun with a cloud; I will make black all the luminaries of light in the heavens above thee, and will set darkness upon the land (Ezekiel 32:7-8).)

(The violent of the nations shall devastate the pride of Egypt, so that all the multitude thereof may be destroyed. I will make the land of Egypt a waste, so that it is a land desolated of that whereof it was full (Ezekiel 32:12, 15).)


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.