




1 牛或,無論是宰了,是了,他就要以五牛賠一牛,賠一

2 人若遇見挖窟窿,把打了,以至於,就不能為他有流血的罪。

3 太陽已經出來,就為他有流血的罪。賊若被拿,總要賠還。若他一無所有,就要被,頂他所偷的物。

4 若他所偷的,或牛,或,或羊,仍在他下存活,他就要加倍賠還。

5 若在田間或在葡萄園裡放牲畜,任憑牲畜上別的田裡去吃,就必拿自己田間上好的和葡萄園上好的賠還。

6 若點焚燒荊棘,以致將別人堆積的禾捆,站著的禾稼,或是田園,都燒盡了,那點的必要賠還。

7 若將或家具交付鄰舍看守,這物從那的家被去,若把到了,要加倍賠還;

8 不到,那家主必就近審判官,要看看他拿了原主的物件沒有。

9 兩個人的案件,無論是為甚麼過犯,或是為牛,為,為羊,為衣裳,或是為甚麼失掉之物,有一人:這是我的,兩造就要將案件稟告審判官,審判官定誰有罪,誰就要加倍賠還。

10 若將,或牛,或羊,或別的牲畜,交付鄰舍守,牲畜,或受傷,或被趕去,無見,

11 那看守的人要憑著耶和華起誓,裡未曾拿鄰舍的物,本就要罷休,看守的人不必賠還。

12 牲畜若從看守的那裡被去,他就要賠還本主;

13 若被野獸撕碎,看守的要帶來當作證據,所撕的不必賠還。

14 若向鄰舍甚麼,所的或受傷,或,本主沒有同在一處,總要賠還;

15 若本主同在一處,他就不必賠還;若是雇的,也不必賠還,本是為雇價的。

16 若引誘沒有受聘的處女,與他行淫,他總要交出聘禮,娶他為妻。

17 若女子的父親決不肯將女子他,他就要按處女的聘禮,交出來。

18 行邪術的女人,不可容他存活。

19 凡與淫合的,總要把他治

20 祭祀別,不單單祭祀耶和華的,那人必要滅絕。

21 不可虧負寄居的,也不可欺壓他,因為你們在埃及也作過寄居的。

22 不可苦待寡婦和孤兒

23 若是苦待他們一點,他們向我一哀求,我總要他們的哀聲,

24 並要發烈怒,用刀殺你們,使你們的妻子為寡婦,兒女為孤兒

25 我民中有貧窮人與你同住,你若給他,不可如放債的向他取利。

26 你即或拿鄰舍的衣服作當頭,必在日落以先歸還他;

27 因他只有這一件當蓋頭,是他蓋身的衣服,若是沒有,他拿甚麼睡覺呢?他哀求我,我就應允,因為我是有恩惠的。

28 不可毀謗;也不可毀謗你百姓的官長。

29 你要從你莊稼中的穀和酒醡中滴出來的酒拿來獻上,不可遲延。你要將頭生的兒子歸我。

30 你牛頭生的,也要這樣;當跟著母,第八要歸我。

31 你要在我面前為聖潔的人。因此,田間被野獸撕裂牲畜的,你們不可,要丟給




Arcana Coelestia#9202



9202. 'And if he surely cries out to Me' means pleading to the Lord for help. This is clear without explanation. The reason why 'crying out' is used in the Word to express pleading intensely is that the pleas, even if they are silent, of those whose pleading springs from the heart are heard in heaven as a cry. This happens when people are only thinking, and more so when they breathe a heartfelt sigh. This reality was represented in the representative Church by a crying out, which then came to be a ritual observance among the Jews. The situation is similar with teachers. If they teach from the heart they are heard in heaven as people crying out. Not only thoughts speak in heaven, but more especially affections for what is good and true. I have been led to know from experience that affections speak there, and that if they are fervent they cry out; this however is something which in the Lord's Divine mercy will be dealt with elsewhere. But affections for what is evil and false are not heard at all in heaven, even though a person may be moved by them to plead and cry out at the top of his voice, while at the same time he presses the palms of his hands tightly together, and raises them together with his eyes towards heaven. Those affections are heard in hell, and also as cries if they are fervent.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.