




1 你在百姓面前所要立的典章是這樣:

2 你若買希伯來人作奴僕,他必服事你年;第七年他可以自由,白白的出去。

3 他若孤身就可以孤身去;他若有妻,他的妻就可以同他出去。

4 人若妻子妻子他生了兒子女兒妻子和兒女要歸人,他要獨自出去。

5 倘或奴僕明:我我的人和我的妻子兒女,不願意自由出去。

6 他的人就要帶他到審判官(審判官或作:;下同)那裡,又要帶他到前,靠框,用錐子穿他的耳朵,他就永遠服事人。

7 女兒作婢女,婢女不可像僕那樣出去。

8 人選定他歸自己,若不喜歡他,就要許他贖身;人既然用詭詐待他,就沒有權柄給外邦人。

9 主人若選定他給自己的兒子,就當待他如同女兒

10 若另娶一個,那女子的吃食、衣服,並好合的事,仍不可減少。

11 若不向他行這樣,他就可以不用贖,白白的出去。

12 以致打的,必要把他治

13 人若不是埋伏著殺人,乃是交在他中,我就設下一個地方,他可以往那裡逃跑

14 若任意用詭計殺了他的鄰舍,就是逃到我的那裡,也當捉去把他治

15 打父母的,必要把他治

16 拐帶口,或是把了,或是留在他下,必要把他治

17 咒罵父母的,必要把他治

18 若彼此相爭,這個用石頭或是拳頭打那個,尚且不至於,不過躺臥在

19 若再能起來扶杖而出,那打他的可算無罪;但要將他耽誤的工夫用錢賠補,並要將他全然醫好。

20 若用棍子打奴僕或婢女,立時在他的,他必要受刑。

21 若過一兩才死,就可以不受刑,因為是用買的。

22 人若彼此爭鬥,傷害有孕的婦人,甚至墜胎,隨後卻無別害,那傷害他的,總要按婦人的丈夫所要的,照審判官所斷的,受罰。

23 若有別害,就要以命償命,

24 以眼還眼,以,以,以

25 以烙還烙,以傷還傷,以打還打。

26 若打壞了他奴僕或是婢女的一隻眼,就要因他的眼放他去得以自由。

27 若打掉了他奴僕或是婢女的一個,就要因他的放他去得以自由。

28 牛若觸男人或是女人,總要用石頭打那牛,卻不可他的;牛的主可算無罪。

29 倘若那牛素來是觸的,有報告了牛主,他竟不把牛拴著,以致把男人或是女人,就要用石頭打那牛,牛主也必治

30 若罰他贖命的價銀,他必照所罰的贖他的命。

31 牛無論觸了人的兒子或是女兒,必照這例辦理。

32 牛若觸了奴僕或是婢女,必將三十舍客勒他們的人,也要用石頭把牛打死。

33 若敞著井口,或井不遮蓋,有牛或掉在裡頭,

34 井主要拿賠還本主人,牲畜要歸自己。

35 的牛若傷了那的牛,以至於,他們要了活牛,平分價值,也要平分牛。

36 人若知道這牛素來是觸人的,主人竟不把牛拴著,他必要以牛還牛,牛要歸自己。




Arcana Coelestia#9031



9031. 'And thoroughly cure him' means restoration, that is to say, through explanation; for if statements in the literal sense of the Word are looked at on a more internal level, all are in agreement. The situation here is as it is with statements in the Word which speak of the sun's rising or setting, though in reality it neither rises nor sets. However, it presents the appearance of doing so to inhabitants on earth, because of the earth's daily rotation on its axis. This natural truth lies hidden within the former, which accords with the appearance presented to the eyes. If the truth had been stated in the Word contrary to that appearance, the common people would not have understood it; and what the common people do not understand they do not believe either. It is similar with the Sun of heaven, which is the Lord; this too is said to rise. But it is said to rise in the heart when a person is being regenerated, and also when he is governed by the good of love and faith; and it is said to set when a person is immersed in evil and in falsity arising from it. But in reality the Lord is always where the sun is rising, for which reason also He is called the Sunrise or the East, and never where it is setting. Nor does He turn away from anyone; rather a person turns away from Him, which is the reason for the appearance that the Lord turns His face away, and even brings about what is ill. Therefore also such a thing is said of Him in the Word; and that too is a truth, though it is an apparent truth, and so does not conflict with the former. From all this one may now see what 'thoroughly curing' means in the internal sense, namely the restoration of spiritual truth, which is brought about by correct explanation of factual truth, or truth belonging to the literal sense of the Word.

[2] The situation is just the same with every truth that belongs to the literal sense. In natural light, which a person who perceives things on a sensory level possesses, that truth is seen as it is actually stated in the Word. For the literal sense is natural and is for those who perceive things on a sensory level. But when the same truth is presented in the light of heaven it is seen according to the internal sense; for this sense is spiritual and is for those whose perception lies on a heavenly level, because the things that belong to natural light vanish in the light of heaven. Natural light is like gloom or like a cloud, but heavenly light is like the glory and brightness after the cloud has been removed. Therefore also the literal sense of the Word is called 'a cloud' and the internal sense 'the glory', see Preface to Genesis 18, and 4391, 5922, 6343, 8106, 8443, 8781.

[3] The reason why 'thoroughly curing' means restoring in the spiritual sense is that 'sickness' and 'illness' mean poor health of the internal man. The internal man is in poor health when its life, which is spiritual life, is sick, that is, when the person turns aside from truth to falsity and from good to evil. When this happens that life is sick; and when the person turns away completely from truth and good that life dies. But its death is called spiritual death, which is damnation. This being the situation with the life of the internal man, such things as constitute sicknesses and death in the natural world refer, when spoken of in the Word, to sicknesses of spiritual life and to the death of that life. So too with curings or healings from sickness, as in Isaiah,

Jehovah strikes Egypt striking and curing, as a consequence of which they turn themselves towards Jehovah; and He will be entreated by them, and He will cure them. Isaiah 19:22.

In the same prophet,

But He was pierced because of our transgressions, bruised because of our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are cured. 1 Isaiah 53:5.

These words refer to the Lord.

[4] In Jeremiah,

Return, O perverse children, I will cure you of backsliding. 2 Jeremiah 3:22.

In the same prophet,

Behold, I will bring curing and remedy to it; 3 and I will cure them and reveal to them the abundance of peace, and truth. Jeremiah 33:6.

In the same prophet,

Go up to Gilead, and take balm, O virgin daughter of Egypt! In vain you have multiplied medicaments; there is no curing for you. Jeremiah 46:11.

And in Ezekiel,

Beside the river there is rising up upon its bank, on this side and on that, [every] tree for food, whose leaf does not fall, and whose fruit does not fail it is reborn monthly, for its waters flow out from the sanctuary, wherefore its fruit is for food, and its leaf for medicaments. Ezekiel 47:12.

'Fruit for food' stands for the good of love and charity, which serves to nourish spiritual life, and 'leaf for medicaments' for the truths of faith which serve to refresh and restore that life. For the meaning of 'fruit' as the good of love and charity, see 3146, 7690; and for the meaning of 'leaf' as the truth of faith, 885.

[5] Since sicknesses and illnesses, also curings and medicaments, mentioned in the Word do not refer to natural life but to another kind of life distinct and separate from natural life, it is evident to anyone who ponders on the matter for a while that a person possesses another kind of life, which belongs to his internal man. Those who think materialistically of the life a person has do not believe that he has any life other than that of the body which is the life of the external or natural man. They wonder what the life of the internal man may be, indeed what the internal man may be. If they are told that this life is the life of faith and charity, and that the internal man is the person's spirit which lives after death, and which in essence is the real person, they wonder all the more. And those of them who live solely for the body and not for the soul, thus who are altogether natural people, understand nothing of what they are told about the life of faith and charity or about the internal man. For when they think, they see things altogether in natural light and not at all in spiritual light, on account of which also after death their thought remains materialistic. They live then 'in the shadow of death', that is, steeped in falsities arising from evil; they are in utter darkness and are blind to the light of heaven.


1. literally, and in His wound curing has been given to us

2. literally, cure your turnings away

3. literally, I will cause curing and remedy to go up to it


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.