




1 耶和華埃及曉諭摩西亞倫

2 你們要以本為正,為一年之首。

3 你們吩咐以色列全會眾:本初十日,各要按著父家取羊羔,一家一隻。

4 若是一家的太少,吃不了一隻羊羔,本就要和他隔壁的鄰舍共取一隻。你們預備羊羔,要按著數和飯量計算。

5 要無殘疾、一歲的公羊羔,你們或從綿羊裡取,或從山羊裡取,都可以。

6 要留到本十四日,在黃昏的時候,以色列會眾把羊羔宰了。

7 各家要取點血,塗在羊羔的房屋左右的門框上和門楣上。

8 當夜要羊羔的;用烤了,與無酵餅和苦菜同

9 不可生的,斷不可的,要帶著、五臟,用烤了

10 不可下一點留到早晨;若留到早晨,要用燒了。

11 你們羊羔當腰間束帶,上穿鞋,中拿杖,趕緊的;這是耶和華的逾越節

12 因為那夜我要巡行埃及,把埃及一切頭生的,無論是人是牲畜,都擊殺了,又要敗壞埃及一切的。我是耶和華

13 這血要在你們所住的房屋上作記號;我一見這血,就越過你們去。我擊殺埃及頭生的時候,災殃必不臨到你們身上滅你們。

14 你們要記念這日,守為耶和華的節,作為你們世世代永遠的定例。

15 你們要無酵日。頭一日要把從你們各家中除去;因為從頭一日起,到第七日為止,凡之餅的,必從以色列中剪除。

16 頭一日你們當有會,第七日也當有會。這兩日之內,除了預備各人所要的以外,無論何工都不可做。

17 你們要守無酵節,因為我正當這日把你們的軍隊埃及領出來。所以,你們要守這日,作為世世代永遠的定例。

18 從正十四晚上,直到二十晚上,你們要無酵餅。

19 在你們各家中,日之內不可有;因為凡之物的,無論是寄居的,是本的,必從以色列的會中剪除。

20 的物,你們都不可;在你們一切處要無酵餅。

21 於是,摩西召了以色列的長老來,對他們:你們要按著家口取出羔,把這逾越節羔宰了。

22 拿一把牛膝草,蘸盆裡的血,打在楣上和左右的框上。你們誰也不可出自己的房,直到早晨

23 因為耶和華要巡行擊殺埃及人,他見血在楣上和左右的框上,就必越過那,不容滅命的進你們的房屋,擊殺你們。

24 這例,你們要守著,作為你們和你們子孫永遠的定例。

25 日後,你們到了耶和華按著所應許賜你們的那,就要守這禮。

26 你們的兒女問你們:行這禮是甚麼意思?

27 你們就:這是獻給耶和華逾越節的祭。當以色列人埃及的時候,他擊殺埃及人,越過以色列人房屋,救了我們各家。於是百姓低頭下拜。

28 耶和華怎樣吩咐摩西亞倫以色列人就怎樣行。

29 到了半夜,耶和華埃及所有的長子,就是從寶座的法老,直到被擄囚在監裡之人的長子,以及一切頭生的牲畜,盡都殺了。

30 法老和一切臣僕,並埃及眾人,夜間都起來了。在埃及哀號,無一家不一個人的。

31 夜間,法老召了摩西亞倫來,起來!連你們帶以色列人,從我民中出去,依你們所的,去事奉耶和華罷!

32 也依你們所的,連羊群牛群帶著走罷!並要為我祝福

33 埃及人催促百姓,打發他們出離那,因為埃及人:我們都要死了

34 百姓就拿著沒有酵的生麵,把摶麵盆包在衣服中,扛在肩頭上。

35 以色列人照著摩西的行,向埃及人器、器,和衣裳。

36 耶和華叫百姓在埃及人眼前蒙恩,以致埃及人他們所要的。他們就把埃及人的財物奪去了。

37 以色列人從蘭塞起行,往疏割去;除了婦人孩子,步行的男人約有十萬。

38 又有許多閒雜人,並有羊群牛群,和他們一同上去。

39 他們用埃及帶出來的生麵無酵餅。這生麵原沒有發起;因為他們被催逼離開埃及,不能耽延,也沒有為自己預備甚麼食物。

40 以色列人埃及共有三十年。

41 正滿了三十年的那一天耶和華的軍隊都從埃及出來了。

42 這夜是耶和華的夜;因耶和華領他們出了埃及,所以當向耶和華謹守,是以色列眾人世世代該謹守的。

43 耶和華摩西亞倫逾越節的例是這樣:外邦人都不可這羊羔。

44 但各子買的奴僕,既受了割禮就可以

45 寄居的和雇工人都不可

46 應當在個房子裡;不可把從房子裡帶到外頭去。羊羔的骨頭根也不可折斷。

47 以色列全會眾都要守這禮。

48 若有外人寄居在你們中間,願向耶和華逾越節,他所有的男子務要受割禮,然後才容他前來遵守,他也就像本人一樣;但未受割禮的,都不可這羊羔。

49 本地人和寄居在你們中間的外人同歸例。

50 耶和華怎樣吩咐摩西亞倫以色列眾人就怎樣行了。

51 正當那日,耶和華以色列人按著他們的軍隊,從埃及領出來。




Arcana Coelestia#6914



6914. 'And I will give this people favour in the eyes of the Egyptians means fear, on account of the plagues, which those steeped in falsities had of those belonging to the spiritual Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'giving favour' as fear on account of the plagues, dealt with below; from the representation of the children of Israel, to whom 'people' refers here, as those belonging to the spiritual Church, dealt with in 6637; and from the representation of 'the Egyptians' as those who are steeped in falsities, often dealt with already. The fact that 'giving favour in the eyes of the Egyptians' means fear on account of the plagues that is present in those steeped in falsities is clear when one understands the matters described in the internal sense; for the subject is those who are steeped in falsities, meant by 'the Egyptians' - with the truths and forms of good which are to be taken away from them and passed on to those who belong to the spiritual Church. And since the subject is those who are steeped in falsities, 'favour' does not mean favour, for people who are steeped in falsities and evils do not feel in any way at all disposed to show favour towards anyone. If they treat anyone well or do not treat him badly they do so through fear of 'plagues'; these are the reason for their show of favour. This favour is the kind meant here in the internal sense. The internal sense displays things as they really are, not as they are made to stand in the letter, and makes every detail relevant to the subject. The truth of this is also evident from what follows regarding the Egyptians, where it is evident that they did not let the children of Israel go out of any disposition to show them favour, only out of fear on account of further plagues, Exodus 11:1; 12:33.

[2] These two verses, when they say that the women of Israel were to ask the Egyptian women for silver, gold, and clothes, refer to 'the plundering' of the Egyptians. And because what is meant by this cannot at all be known except from a revelation describing things that take place in the next life - for the internal sense contains the kinds of things that take place among angels and spirits - the matter must therefore be discussed. Before the Lord's Coming the lower parts of heaven had been occupied by evil genii and spirits; but afterwards they were driven out from there and that region was given to those who belonged to the spiritual Church, see above in 6858. As long as the evil genii and spirits were there they were under constant watch by angels belonging to a higher heaven and were thereby restrained from committing evil deeds openly. At the present day too some who are more devious than others because they mislead people by their pretence of innocence and charity are under watch by celestial ones, and so long as they are under it they are held back from their unspeakable tricks. They are directly overhead; but the celestial angels under whose watch they are kept are even higher. This has allowed me to know what the situation was like of the evil genii and spirits who occupied the lower region of heaven before the Lord's Coming; during that time they were held back by angels belonging to a higher heaven from committing evil deeds openly.

[3] But as for the way in which they were held back from committing evil deeds openly, this too I have been allowed to know. They were kept in check by external restraints, which were fear of the loss of position and reputation, and fear that they would be deprived of places they hold in that region of heaven and would be thrust down into hell; and at that time good yet simple spirits were attached to them. It was like what happens with people in the world. Even though inwardly they may be devils those external restraints force them to keep up a pretence of honourableness and righteousness and to do good. And to ensure that they go on behaving in these ways spirits who are governed by simple good are attached to them. The situation was similar with the evil who were in the lower region of heaven before the Lord's Coming. At that time too they could be driven by selfish kinds of love to speak what was true and do what was good. They were not unlike wicked priests, indeed even very wicked ones, who inwardly are devils, but who can proclaim the teachings of their Church with such passion and seeming zeal that they move the hearts of their hearers to godliness. Yet all the while they are ruled by self-love and love of the world, for the thought of their own position and gain reigns in every part of them and is what fires them to proclaim those teachings in such a way. There are evil spirits present with them, ruled by the same kind of love and consequently thinking in the same kind of way, who lead them; but good yet simple spirits are attached to them. From all this one may recognize what the state of heaven was like before the Lord's Coming.

[4] But after the Lord's Coming the states of heaven and hell were completely altered; for then the evil genii and spirits who occupied the lower region of heaven were cast down and were replaced by those raised up there who belonged to the spiritual Church. At that time the evil who were cast down had the external restraints taken away from them, which, as stated above, were fear of the loss of position and gain and deprivation of places they hold in that region. They were thus left to their inner selves, which were entirely devilish and hellish, and so were banished to the hells. The removal of external restraints is effected in the next life by withdrawing the good spirits who have been attached to them; and when they have been withdrawn the evil can no more maintain any pretence of goodness, righteousness, or honourableness, but can only behave in accord with what they had been like inwardly in the world, that is, in accord with what they had really thought and desired, which they had concealed from others there, their only wish being to do what is evil. The good yet simple spirits who were withdrawn from those evil spirits were assigned or attached to those who belonged to the spiritual Church, to whom that region of heaven was given as a possession. This is why they were enriched with the truths and forms of good which the evil genii and spirits had had previously. Enrichment with truths and forms of good is effected in the next life by means of the attachment of spirits with whom truth and goodness are present; for communication is effected through them.

[5] These things are what are meant by the statement that the children of Israel would not go out of Egypt empty-handed, and that a woman should ask of her female neighbour, and of the female guest in her house, vessels of silver, vessels of gold, and clothes, and in so doing would plunder the Egyptians. Anyone can see that unless the kinds of things described above had been represented the Divine would never have commanded them to use that kind of guile against the Egyptians; for all behaviour like that is very far removed from the Divine. But since those people were completely representative they were allowed by the Divine, because such a thing would be done to the evil in the next life, to act in that kind of way. It should be recognized that very many things which were commanded by Jehovah or the Lord do not in the internal sense mean things that were commanded by Him but those that were permitted.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.