




1 赐福给挪亚和他的儿子,对他们:你们要生养众多,遍满了

2 上的走兽和空中的飞都必惊恐,惧怕你们,连上一切的昆虫并里一切的鱼都交付你们的

3 凡活着的动物都可以作你们的食物。这一切我都赐你们,如同菜蔬一样。

4 惟独带着血,那就是他的生命,你们不可

5 流你们血、害你们命的,无论是兽是,我必讨他的罪,就是向各的弟兄也是如此。

6 凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因为造人是照自己的形像造的。

7 你们要生养众多,在上昌盛繁茂。

8 晓谕挪亚和他的儿子

9 我与你们和你们的裔立约,

10 并与你们这里的一切活物─就是飞牲畜、走,凡从方舟里出来的活物─立约。

11 我与你们立约,凡有血的,不再被洪水灭绝,也不再有洪水毁坏了。

12 :我与你们并你们这里的各样活物所立的永约是有记号的。

13 我把虹放在彩中,这就可作我与立约的记号了。

14 我使彩盖的时候,必有虹现在彩中,

15 我便记念我与你们和各样有血的活物所立的约,水就再不泛滥、毁坏一切有血的物了。

16 虹必现在彩中,我见,就要记念我与上各样有血的活物所立的永约。

17 对挪亚:这就是我与上一切有血之物立约的记号了。

18 出方舟挪亚的儿子就是、含、雅弗。含是迦南父亲

19 这是挪亚的个儿子,他们的後裔分散在全

20 挪亚作起农夫来,栽了一个葡萄园

21 了园中的酒便了,在帐棚里赤着身子。

22 迦南父亲见他父亲赤身,就到外边告诉他两个弟兄。

23 於是和雅弗拿件衣服搭在肩上,倒退着进去,给他父亲盖上;他们背着脸就不见父亲的赤身。

24 挪亚醒了酒,知道儿子向他所作的事,

25 迦南当受咒诅,必给他弟兄作奴仆的奴仆;

26 耶和华是应当称颂的!愿迦南的奴仆。

27 使雅弗扩张,使他住在的帐棚里;又愿迦南作他的奴仆。

28 洪水以,挪亚又活了五十年。

29 挪亚共活了五十岁就死了




Arcana Coelestia#1059



1059. 'This is the sign of the covenant that I am establishing between Me and all flesh that is on the earth' means that it was a token of the Lord's presence in charity not only with the member of the Church but also with him who is outside the Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'all flesh' as all people, and therefore the whole human race. That the whole human race is meant, both those inside the Church and those outside the Church, is clear not only from the fact that the expression 'all flesh' is used but also that the expression 'living soul in all flesh', which appeared previously, is not used. And the point is made plainer still by the addition of the phrase 'which is on the earth'.

[2]That the Lord is as much present in charity with those outside the Church who are called gentiles as with those inside the Church may be seen above in 932, 1032. Indeed He is more present with them, for the reason that there is less cloud in the understanding part of their minds than is normally the case with so-called Christians. Indeed gentiles have no knowledge of the Word and do not know what the Lord is, and as a consequence do not know what the truth of faith is. This being so, they are incapable of opposition to the Lord and to the truth of faith. Consequently their cloud does not stand in opposition to the Lord or to the truth of faith, such cloud being dispersed easily when they are enlightened.

[3] But the cloud existing with Christians does stand in opposition to the Lord and to the truths of faith, and this cloud is so obscure as to be darkness. And when hatred is there instead of charity it is thick darkness. This applies even more to people who profane the truths of faith, something gentiles are incapable of doing because they live in ignorance of the truth of faith. Nobody can profane that of which he does not know the nature or the existence. This explains why more of the gentiles are saved than of Christians, as also the Lord said, in Luke 13:23, 28-30, in addition to saying that their children all belong to the Lord's kingdom, Matthew 18:10, 14; 19:14; Luke 18:16.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.