




1 以後,他带我到一座,就是朝东的

2 以色列的荣光从东而。他的声音如同多水的声音就因他的荣耀发光。

3 其状如从前他灭城的时候我所见的异象,那异象如我在迦巴鲁边所见的异象,我就俯伏在地。

4 耶和华的荣光从朝东的照入殿中。

5 灵将我举起入内院,不料,耶和华的荣光充满了殿。

6 见有一位从殿中对我说话。有一站在我旁边。

7 他对我:人子啊,这是我宝座之地,是我掌所踏之地。我要在这里住,在以色列人中直到永远以色列家和他们的君必不再玷污我的名,就是行邪淫、在锡安的处葬埋他们君的尸首,

8 使他们的门槛挨近我的门槛,他们的门框挨近我的门框;他们与我中间仅隔一,并且行可憎的事,玷污了我的名,所以我发怒灭绝他们。

9 现在他们当从我面前远除邪淫和他们君的尸首,我就住在他们中间直到永远

10 人子啊,你要将这殿指示以色列家,使他们因自己的罪孽惭愧,也要他们量殿的尺寸。

11 他们若因自己所行的一切事惭愧,你就将殿的规模、样式、出入之处,和一切形状、典章、礼仪、则指示他们,在他们眼前上,使他们遵照殿的一切规模典章去做。

12 殿的法则乃是如此:殿在顶上,四围的全界要称为至。这就是殿的法则。

13 以下量祭坛,是以肘为度(这肘是肘零掌)。底座肘,边宽肘,四围起边掌,这是的座。

14 从底座到下层磴台,肘,边宽肘。从小磴台到磴台,肘,边宽肘。

15 坛上的供台,肘。供台的拐角上都有角。

16 供台长十二肘,宽十二肘,面见方;

17 磴台长十四肘,宽十四肘,面见方。围起边高半肘,底座围的边,宽一肘。

18 祂对我:“人子啊,耶和华如此:建造祭坛,为要在其上献燔祭洒血,造成的时候典章如下。

19 耶和华,你要将一只公牛犊作为赎祭,祭司利未人撒督的後裔,就是那亲近我、事奉我的。

20 你要取些公牛的血,抹在坛的角和磴台的拐角,并围所起的边上。你这样洁净坛,坛就洁净了。

21 你又要将那作赎祭的公牛犊烧在殿外、圣地之外预定之处。

22 次日,要将无残疾的公山羊献为赎祭;要洁净,像用公牛犊洁净的一样。

23 洁净了坛,就要将一只无残疾的公牛犊和羊群中一只无残疾的公绵

24 奉到耶和华前。祭司要撒在其上,献与耶和华为燔祭。

25 日内,每日要预备一只公山羊为赎祭,也要预备一只公牛犊和羊群中的一只公绵,都要没有残疾的。

26 日祭司洁净就洁净了;要这样把分别为圣。

27 满了七日,自八日以後,祭司要在上献你们的燔祭和平安祭;我必悦纳你们。这是耶和华的。




Apocalypse Revealed#861



861. 20:9 And they went up over the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. This symbolically means that, being roused up by followers of the dragon, these people scorned every truth in the church and attempted to destroy everything connected with the New Church and its fundamental doctrine regarding the Lord and life.

To go up over the breadth of the earth means, symbolically, to scorn every truth in the church, because going up over symbolically means to transcend and bypass, thus to scorn. And the breadth of the earth symbolizes the truth in the church, as will be seen below. To surround the camp of the saints means, symbolically, to besiege and try to destroy everything connected with the New Church, as will be seen in the number following next. And the beloved city symbolizes the doctrine of the New Church. That a city symbolizes a church's doctrine may be seen in nos. 194, 501, 502, 712 above. The city is called beloved because its doctrine teaches about the Lord and how to live, as it is the doctrine of the New Jerusalem that is meant here.

That this is the symbolic meaning of these words, no one can see except as a consequence of the Word's spiritual sense. For it cannot possibly enter a person's thought that the breadth of the earth symbolizes the truth in a church, that the camp of the saints symbolizes everything connected with the New Church, both its truths and its goods, and that the city symbolizes its doctrine. Lest the mind remain in a state of doubt, therefore, we must demonstrate what breadth and the camp of the saints symbolize in the spiritual sense, which will make it possible for one to see afterward that the meaning of these words is as we have said.

[2] The breadth of the earth symbolizes the truth in a church because the spiritual world has in it four zones - eastern, western, southern and northern - and the eastern and western zones form its longitude or length, while the southern and northern zones form its latitude or breadth. Moreover, because the inhabitants in the eastern and western zones are ones impelled by the goodness of love, and therefore the east and west symbolize goodness, so likewise does longitude or length. And because the inhabitants in the southern and northern zones are ones impelled by truths of wisdom, and therefore the south and north symbolize truth, so likewise does latitude or breadth. But for more on this subject, see the book Heaven and Hell (London, 1758), nos. 141-153.

That breadth symbolizes truth can be seen from the following passages in the Word:

You (Jehovah) have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in the broad place. (Psalms 31:8)

Out of distress I called on Yah; He answered me in the broad place. (Psalms 118:5)

(Jehovah) led me out into the broad place; He delivered me... (Psalms 18:19)

...I am raising up the Chaldeans, a bitter and impetuous nation which marches into the breadths of the earth... (Habakkuk 1:6)

(The Assyrian) will pass through Judah, He will overflow and pass over..., and the spreading of his wings will fill the breadth... (Isaiah 8:8)

...Jehovah will pasture them like a lamb in broad pasture. (Hosea 4:16)

And so on elsewhere, as in Psalms 4:1; 66:12, Deuteronomy 33:20.

[3] Nothing else is meant by the breadth of the city New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:16). For since the New Jerusalem means the New Church, its breadth and length cannot symbolically mean its breadth and length, but its truth and goodness. These, indeed, are the measures of a church.

So also in Zechariah:

I said (to the angel), "Where are you going?" He said..., "To measure Jerusalem, to see how great its width is and how great its length." (Zechariah 2:2)

So likewise the breadth and length of the new temple and new earth in Ezekiel, chapters 40-47.

So, too, the length and breadth of the altar of burnt offering, of the Tabernacle, of the table of showbread, of the altar of incense, and of the ark within. So also the length and breadth of the temple in Jerusalem, and of many other things whose dimensions are given.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.