




1 第七年五初十日,有以色列的几个长老求问耶和华在我面前。

2 耶和华的临到我说:

3 人子啊,你要告诉以色列的长老耶和华如此:你们是求问我麽?耶和华:我指着我的永生起誓,我必不被你们求问。

4 人子啊,你要审问审问他们麽?你当使他们知道他们列祖那些可憎的事,

5 对他们耶和华如此:当日我拣选以色列,向雅各家的後裔起誓,在埃及将自己向他们显现,:我是耶和华─你们的

6 那日我向他们起誓,必领他们出埃及,到我为他们察看的流奶与蜜之;那在万国中是有荣耀的。

7 我对他们,你们各要抛弃眼所喜爱那可憎之物,不可因埃及偶像玷污自己。我是耶和华─你们的

8 他们却悖逆我,不肯从我,不抛弃他们眼所喜爱那可憎之物,不离弃埃及偶像。我就,我要将我的忿怒倾在他们身上,在埃及向他们成就我怒中所定的。

9 我却为我名的缘故没有这样行,免得我名在他们所住的列国人眼前被亵渎;我领他们出埃及,在这列国人的眼前将自己向他们显现。

10 这样,我就使他们出埃及,领他们到旷野

11 将我的律例赐他们,将我的典章指示他们;人若遵行就必因此活着。

12 又将我的安息日赐他们,好在我与他们中间为证据,使他们知道我─耶和华是叫他们成为的。

13 以色列家却在旷野悖逆我,不顺从我的律例,厌弃我的典章(人若遵行就必因此活着),大大干犯我的安息日。我就,要在旷野将我的忿怒倾在他们身上,灭绝他们。

14 我却为我名的缘故,没有这样行,免得我的名在我领他们出埃及的列国人眼前被亵渎。

15 并且我在旷野向他们起誓,必不领他们进入我所赐他们流奶与蜜之(那在万国中是有荣耀的);

16 因为他们厌弃我的典章,不顺从我的律例,干犯我的安息日,他们的随从自己的偶像

17 虽然如此,我眼仍顾惜他们,不毁灭他们,不在旷野将他们灭绝净尽。

18 我在旷野对他们的儿女:不要遵行你们父亲的律例,不要谨守他们的恶规,也不要因他们的偶像玷污自己。

19 我是耶和华─你们的,你们要顺从我的律例,谨守遵行我的典章,

20 且以我的安息日为。这日在我与你们中间为证据,使你们知道我是耶和华─你们的

21 只是他们的儿女悖逆我,不顺从我的律例,也不谨守遵行我的典章(人若遵行就必因此活着),干犯我的安息日。我就,要将我的忿怒倾在他们身上,在旷野向他们成就我怒中所定的。

22 虽然如此,我却为我名的缘故缩没有这样行,免得我的名在我领他们出埃及的列国人眼前被亵渎。

23 并且我在旷野向他们起誓,必将他们分散在列国,四散在列邦;

24 因为他们不遵行我的典章,竟厌弃我的律例,干犯我的安息日,眼目仰望他们父亲偶像

25 我也任他们遵行不美的律例,谨守不能使人活着的恶规。

26 因他们将一切头生的经火,我就任凭他们在这供献的事上玷污自己,好叫他们凄凉,使他们知道我是耶和华

27 人子啊,你要告诉以色列耶和华如此:你们的列祖在得罪我的事上亵渎我;

28 因为我领他们到了我起誓应许赐他们的,他们见各山、各茂密,就在那里献祭,奉上惹我发怒的供物,也在那里焚烧馨的祭牲,并浇上奠祭。

29 我就对他们:你们所上的那甚麽呢?(那处的名字巴麻直到今日。)

30 所以你要对以色列耶和华如此:你们仍照你们列祖所行的玷污自己麽?仍照他们可憎的事行邪淫麽?

31 你们奉上供物使你们儿子的时候,仍将一切偶像玷污自己,直到今日麽?以色列家啊,我岂被你们求问麽?耶和华:我指着我的永生起誓,我必不被你们求问。

32 你们:我们要像外邦人和列国的宗族一样,去事奉头与石头。你们所起的这心意万不能成就。

33 耶和华:我指着我的永生起誓,我总要作王,用大能的和伸出来的膀,并倾出来的忿怒,治理你们。

34 我必用大能的和伸出来的膀,并倾出来的忿怒,将你们从万民中领出来,从分散的列国内聚集你们。

35 我必你们到外邦人的旷野,在那里当面刑罚你们。

36 我怎样在埃及旷野刑罚你们的列祖,也必照样刑罚你们。这是耶和华的。

37 我必使你们从杖经过,使你们被约拘束。

38 我必从你们中间除净叛逆和得罪我的人,将他们从所寄居的方领出,他们却不得入以色列。你们就知道我是耶和华

39 以色列家啊,至於你们,耶和华如此:从此以若不从我,就任凭你们去事奉偶像,只是不可再因你们的供物和偶像亵渎我的名。

40 耶和华:在我的,就是以色列处的,所有以色列的全家都要事奉我。我要在那里悦纳你们,向你们要供物和初熟的土产,并一切的物。

41 我从万民中领你们出来,从分散的列国内聚集你们,那时我必悦纳你们好像馨之祭,要在外邦人眼前在你们身上显为

42 我领你们进入以色列,就是我起誓应许赐你们列祖之,那时你们就知道我是耶和华

43 你们在那里要追念玷污自己的行动作为,又要因所做的一切恶事厌恶自己。

44 耶和华以色列家啊,我为我名的缘故,不照着你们的恶行和你们的坏事待你们;你们就知道我是耶和华

45 耶和华的临到我说:

46 人子啊,你要面向南方,向南滴下预言攻击方田野的树林。

47 方的,要耶和华的耶和华如此:我必使在你中间着起,烧灭你中间的一切青和枯,猛烈的焰必不熄灭。从,人的脸面都被烧焦。

48 凡有血气的都必知道是我─耶和华使火着起,这火必不熄灭。

49 於是我:哎!耶和华啊,人都指着我:他岂不是比喻的麽?




Apocalypse Revealed#546



546. Then the woman fled into the wilderness. (12:6) This symbolizes the church, namely, the New Jerusalem, being at first among few.

The woman symbolizes the New Church (no. 533), and the wilderness symbolizes a circumstance in which there are no longer any truths. The church is symbolized as being at first among few because the statement follows, "Where she has a place prepared by God, that they may feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days," which symbolizes the state of that church then, that in the meantime provision may be made for it to exist among more people until it grows to its appointed state (no. 547).

A wilderness in the Word symbolizes:

1. A church devastated, or one in which the Word's truths have all been falsified, as was the case with the Jews at the time of the Lord's advent.

2. A church without truths, because it does not have the Word, as was the case with upright gentiles at the time of the Lord's advent.

3. A state of temptation or trial, in which a person is seemingly without truths, being surrounded by evil spirits who induce the temptation or trial and appear to rob him of his truths.

[2] 1. That a wilderness symbolizes a church devastated, or one in which the Word's truths have all been falsified, as was the case with the Jews at the time of the Lord's advent: This is apparent from the following passages:

Is this the man who shook the earth, who made kingdoms tremble, who made the world as a wilderness...? (Isaiah 14:16-17)

This said in reference to Babylon.

On the land of my people will come up thorns and briers...; ...the palace will be deserted... (Isaiah 32:13-14)

I beheld, and lo, Carmel was a wilderness... "The whole land shall be a wasteland." (Jeremiah 4:26-27)

The land is the church (no. 285).

...shepherds have destroyed My vineyard..., they have made the field of My desire a desolate wilderness... The devastators are coming... in the wilderness. (Jeremiah 12:10, 12)

...(the vine) is planted in the wilderness, in a dry and thirsty land. (Ezekiel 19:13)

...fire has devoured the habitations of the wilderness. (Joel 1:19-20)

...the day of Jehovah is coming... The land is like the Garden of Eden before it, but after it a desolate wilderness. (Joel 2:1, 3)

...see the word of Jehovah! Have I been a wilderness to Israel, or a land of darkness? (Jeremiah 2:31)

The voice of one crying in the wilderness: "Prepare the way of Jehovah; make level in the desert a highway for our God." (Isaiah 40:3)

And so on elsewhere, as in Isaiah 33:9; Jeremiah 3:2; 23:10; Lamentations 5:9; Hosea 2:2-3; 13:15; Joel 3:19; Malachi 1:3; Matthew 24:26; Luke 13:35.

That such is the state of the church today may be seen in no. 566 below.

[3] 2. That a wilderness symbolizes a church without truths, because it does not have the Word, as was the case with upright gentiles at the time of the Lord's advent: This is apparent from these passages:

...the Spirit shall be poured upon us from on high, then the wilderness shall become a fertile field...; and judgment will dwell in the wilderness... (Isaiah 32:15-16)

(I will put) fountains in the midst of the valleys, [and turn] the wilderness into a pool of water... I will put in the wilderness the shittim cedar... and the oil tree. (Isaiah 41:18-19)

He will turn a wilderness into a pool of water, and dry land into springs of water. (Psalms 107:35-36)

I will make a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert... to give drink to My people, My chosen. (Isaiah 43:19-20)

...Jehovah... will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of Jehovah; gladness and joy will be found in her... (Isaiah 51:3)

The habitations of the wilderness drip... (Psalms 65:12-13)

Let the wilderness... lift up (its) voice... Let the inhabitants of the rock sing... (Isaiah 43:10-11)

[4] 3. That a wilderness symbolizes a state of temptation or trial, in which a person is seemingly without truths, being surrounded by evil spirits who induce the temptation or trial and appear to rob him of his truths: This is apparent from Matthew 4:1-3, Mark 1:12-13.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.