




1 你要用皂荚做一座烧香的

2 这坛要四方的,长一肘,宽一肘,二肘;坛的四角要与坛接连一块。

3 要用精把坛的上面与坛的四围,并坛的四角,包裹;又要在坛的四围镶上牙边。

4 要做两个安在牙子边以,在坛的两旁,两根横撑上,作为穿杠的用处,以便抬坛。

5 要用皂荚做杠,用包裹。

6 要把坛放在法柜前的幔子外,对着法柜上的施恩座,就是我要与你相会的地方。

7 亚伦在坛上要烧馨料做的;每早晨他收拾的时候,要烧这

8 黄昏的时候,他要在耶和华面前烧这香,作为世世代常烧的香。

9 在这坛上不可奉上异样的香,不可献燔祭、素祭,也不可浇上奠祭。

10 亚伦一年一次要在坛的角上行赎罪之礼。他一年一次要用赎罪祭牲的血在坛上行赎罪之礼,作为世世代的定例。这坛在耶和华面前为至

11 耶和华晓谕摩西

12 你要按以色列人被数的,计算总数,你数的时候,他们各要为自己的生命把赎价奉耶和华,免得数的时候在他们中间有灾殃。

13 凡过去归那些被数之人的,每人要按所的平,拿银子半舍客勒;这半舍客勒是奉耶和华的礼物(一舍客勒二十季拉)。

14 凡过去归那些被数的人,从二十岁以外的,要将这礼物奉耶和华

15 他们为赎生命将礼物奉耶和华,富足的不可多出,贫穷的也不可少出,各人要出半舍客勒

16 你要从以色列人收这赎罪,作为会幕的使用,可以在耶和华面前为以色列人纪念,赎生命。

17 耶和华晓谕摩西

18 你要用铜做濯盆和盆座,以便濯。要将盆放在会幕的中间,在盆里盛

19 亚伦和他的儿子要在这盆里

20 他们进会幕,或是就前供职给耶和华献火祭的时候,必用濯,免得亡。

21 他们就免得亡。这要作亚伦和他後裔世世代永远的定例。

22 耶和华晓谕摩西

23 你要取上品的香料,就是流质的没药五舍客勒,肉桂一半,就是二五十舍客勒,菖蒲二五十舍客勒,

24 桂皮五舍客勒,都按着所的平,又取橄榄

25 按做香之法调和做成

26 要用这油抹会幕和法柜,

27 桌子桌子的一切器具,台和台的器具,并香

28 祭坛,和的一切器具,洗濯盆和盆座。

29 要使这些物成为,好成为至;凡挨着的都成为

30 亚伦和他的儿子,使他们成为,可以给我供祭司的职分。

31 你要对以色列人:这,我要世世代以为

32 不可倒在别人的身上,也不可按这调和之法做与此相似的。这膏油是的,你们也要以为

33 凡调和与此相似的,或将这膏膏在别身上的,这要从民中剪除。

34 耶和华吩咐摩西:你要取馨香料,就是拿他弗、施喜列、喜利比拿;这馨香料和净乳各样要一般大的分量。

35 你要用这些加上盐,按做香之法做成清净圣洁的香。

36 这香要取点捣得极细,放在会幕内、法柜前,我要在那里与你相会。你们要以这香为至

37 你们不可按这调和之法为自己做香;要以这香为,归耶和华

38 凡做和这一样,为要香味的,这要从民中剪除。




Arcana Coelestia#10181



10181. 'And two cubits shall its height be' means degrees of the good and truth, and the joining together of them. This is clear from the meaning of 'two' as a joining together, dealt with in 1686, 5194, 8423; and from the meaning of 'height' as degrees of the good and consequently of the truth, dealt with in 9489, 9773. By degrees of height degrees from inner to outer levels, or from inmost to outermost ones should be understood. Regarding the nature of these degrees, see what has been shown and made clear in 3405, 3691, 4145, 4154, 5114, 5146, 8603, 8945, 10099.

[2] There are two kinds of degrees - degrees extending along the length and breadth, and degrees of height and depth. The second kind are very different from the first. Degrees of length and breadth are such as follow in succession from the middle to outlying parts, whereas degrees of height pass from inner to outer levels. The first kind of degrees - those of length and breadth - are ones that grow continuously less and less from the middle to the outlying parts, just as light gets weaker as it flows from its source all the way to where it fades, or just as what the eye sees diminishes as it looks from things nearby to those in the far distance, or just as what the understanding sees lessens as it turns from matters which are in the light to those which depart into the shade. But degrees of height, which pass from inmost to outermost, or from highest to lowest, are not continuous but discrete. They are like the inmost parts of a seed in relation to the outer parts of it, or like the inmost levels of a human being in relation to the outermost, or like the inmost part of the angelic heaven in relation to the outermost part of it. These degrees are separate and distinct from one another like producer and product.

[3] Things in an inner degree are more perfect than those in an outer one, bearing no resemblance to them except through correspondences. This explains why those who are in the inmost heaven are more perfect than those in the middle heaven, and these are more perfect than those in the lowest. The same applies to a person in whom heaven is present. The inmost level of that person exists in a more perfect condition than the middle, and this in a more perfect condition than the lowest; and these are linked to one another solely through correspondences, the nature of which has been shown extensively in explanations given before.

[4] Without gaining an understanding of these degrees no one can possibly see how the heavens are distinct from one another, nor how the inner capabilities of a human being are distinct from outer ones, nor thus how the soul is distinct from the body. There can be no grasp at all of what the internal sense of the Word is and how it is distinct from the external sense, nor indeed how the spiritual world is distinct from the natural world. There cannot be even any understanding, either, of the nature and origin of correspondences and representations, and scarcely any of what influx is. People whose thought does not rise above the level of the senses do not grasp any of these distinctions. They see any increase or decrease in accordance with these degrees as something continuous, so that to them these degrees are like those of length and breadth, which consequently causes them to stand in a position far removed from true intelligence.

[5] These degrees are degrees of height, and therefore 'high' in the Word is used to mean that which is more internal, 2148, 4210, 4599, and being what is more internal it is also more perfect. So it is that in the Word the Lord is spoken of as the Highest, for He is perfection itself, Intelligence and Wisdom themselves, and Goodness and Truth themselves. So it is also that heaven is spoken of as being on high, for it is preserved in its state of perfection, intelligence, wisdom, goodness, and truth by the Lord; and hell is spoken of as being deep down, for no perfection, intelligence, or wisdom, nor any goodness or truth exist there.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.