




1 吩咐这一切的

2 我是耶和华─你的,曾将你从埃及为奴之家领出来。

3 除了我以外,你不可有别的

4 不可为自己雕刻偶像,也不可做甚麽形像彷佛上,和中的百物。

5 不可跪拜那些像,也不可事奉他,因为我耶和华─你的是忌邪的。恨我的,我必追讨他的罪,自父及子,直到四代;

6 我、守我诫命的,我必向他们发慈爱,直到代。

7 不可妄称耶和华─你的名;因为妄称耶和华名的,耶和华必不以他为无罪。

8 当记念安息日,守为日。

9 日要劳碌做你一切的工,

10 但第七日是向耶和华─你当守的安息日。这一日你和你的儿女、仆婢、牲畜,并你城里寄居的客旅,无论何工都不可做;

11 因为日之内,耶和华,和其中的万物,第七日便安息,所以耶和华赐福与安息日,定为日。

12 当孝敬父母,使你的日子在耶和华─你所赐你的地上得以长久。

13 不可杀人。

14 不可奸淫。

15 不可盗。

16 不可作假见证陷害人。

17 不可贪恋人的房屋;也不可贪恋人的妻子、仆婢、牛,并他一切所有的。

18 众百姓见轰、闪电、角声、上冒烟,就都发颤,远远的站立

19 摩西:求你和我们说话我们;不要我们说话,恐怕我们亡。

20 摩西对百姓:不要惧;因为降临是要试验你们,叫你们时常敬畏他,不致犯罪。

21 於是百姓远远地站立摩西就挨所在的幽暗之中。

22 耶和华摩西:你要向以色列人这样:你们自己见我从上和你们话了。

23 你们不可做甚麽像与我相配,不可为自己做像。

24 你要为我筑土,在上面以牛献为燔祭和平安祭。凡记下我名的地方,我必到那里赐福给你。

25 你若为我筑一座,不可用凿成的石头,因你在上头一动家具,就把污秽了。

26 你上我的,不可用台阶,免得露出你的下体来。




Arcana Coelestia#8899



8899. 'Which Jehovah your God gives you' means where the Divine is, and influx from Him. This is clear from the consideration that these words are spoken in regard to heaven, meant here by 'the land', 8898, so that 'Jehovah God' is the Divine there, and 'giving' is influx; for heaven with all people in general and with each person in particular consists in the reception of influx from the Divine. It may seem strange that such things are meant by the commandment about honouring parents, for they are remote from the literal meaning. But it should be recognized that the Ten Commandments are rules both for those in the world and for those in heaven. The literal or external sense is for those in the world, the spiritual or internal sense for those in heaven; and this being so, both senses - the external and the internal - are for those who while in the world are also in heaven, that is, those leading a good life in conformity with the truths of religious teachings. The fact that the Ten Commandments are also for those in heaven is evident from the internal sense of all that is in the Word, and especially from the consideration that things spoken by Jehovah God, that is, the Lord Himself, are not only for men or the world but also for angels, indeed for the whole of heaven. For Divine Truth which goes forth from the Lord flows through heaven; it passes right through to man. This is so with these Ten Commandments which the Lord Himself spoke from Mount Sinai.

[2] Since these commandments were declared not only for those in the world but also for those in heaven they could not be understood in the same way in both places. That was so with this commandment that they should honour father and mother, in order that their days might be prolonged on the land that Jehovah God would give them. For in heaven parents and children do not come together as on earth; therefore the Lord is in place of 'father' there, and His kingdom in place of 'mother'. Nor can it be said of those in heaven that their days would be prolonged, since they live there forever. Neither can 'land' there be taken to mean the land of Canaan, as it is in this commandment, but the heavenly Canaan instead which is heaven. Since 'father and mother' means the Lord and His kingdom this commandment is fourth in order, surpassing in holiness those that come after it. The commandment regarding the worship of Jehovah, that is, the Lord, is the first and second, because it is the holiest. After it comes the commandment regarding the sabbath, because in the highest sense the union within the Lord of the Divine Itself and the Divine Human is meant by it. Then follows the commandment about honouring parents, because love of the Lord is meant by it, and consequently the love of goodness and truth that come from the Lord. Since these things are meant by this commandment, treating parents with contempt is listed among the crimes meant by 'shedding blood', Ezekiel 22:6-7; and disobedient and stubborn sons were to be stoned, Deuteronomy 21:18-21.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.