




1 有一日,那和他妻子夏娃同房,夏娃就懷孕,生了該隱(就是得的意思),便耶和華使我得了一個子。

2 又生了該隱兄弟亞伯亞伯是牧的;該隱是種地的。

3 有一日,該隱拿地裡的出產為供物獻給耶和華

4 亞伯也將他羊群中頭生的和的脂油獻上。耶和華看中了亞伯和他的供物,

5 只是看不中該隱和他的供物。該隱就大大的發怒,變了臉色。

6 耶和華該隱:你為甚麼發怒呢?你為甚麼變了臉色呢?

7 你若行得好,豈不蒙悅納?你若行得不好,就伏在前。他必戀慕你,你卻要制伏他。

8 該隱與他兄弟亞伯話;二人正在田間。該隱起來打他兄弟亞伯,把他殺了。

9 耶和華該隱:你兄弟亞伯在那裡?他:我不知道!我豈是看守我兄弟的麼?

10 耶和華:你作了甚麼事呢?你兄弟的血有聲音從地裡向我哀告。

11 開了,從你裡接受你兄弟的血。現在你必從這地受咒詛。

12 你種不再你效力;你必流離飄蕩在上。

13 該隱耶和華:我的刑罰太重,過於我所能當的。

14 你如今趕逐我離開這,以致不見你面;我必流離飄蕩在上,凡遇見我的必殺我。

15 耶和華對他:凡殺該隱的,必遭報七倍。耶和華就給該隱立一個記號,免得人遇見他就殺他。

16 於是該隱離開耶和華的面,去在伊甸東邊挪得之

17 該隱妻子同房,他妻子就懷孕,生了以諾該隱建造了一座城,就按著他兒子的名將那城以諾

18 以諾生以拿;以拿生米戶雅利;米戶雅利生瑪土撒利;瑪土撒利生拉麥。

19 拉麥娶了兩個妻:個名叫亞大,個名叫洗拉。

20 亞大生雅八;雅八就是帳棚、牧養牲畜之人的祖師。

21 雅八的兄弟名叫猶八;他是一切彈琴吹簫之人的祖師。

22 洗拉又生了土八該隱;他是打造各樣銅利器的(或作:是銅匠匠的祖師)。土八該隱的妹子是拿瑪。

23 拉麥對他兩個妻子:亞大、洗拉,我的聲音;拉麥的妻子,細我的話語:壯年傷我,我把他殺了;少年損我,我把他害了(或作我殺壯士卻傷自己,我害幼童卻損本身。)

24 若殺該隱,遭報七倍,殺拉麥,必遭報七倍

25 亞當又與妻子同房,他就生了一個兒子,起名塞特,意思另給我立了一個兒子代替亞伯,因為該隱殺了他。

26 塞特也生了一個兒子,起名以挪士。那時候,人才求告耶和華的名。




Arcana Coelestia#396



396. 'Jehovah put a sign on Cain, lest anyone should strike him' means that the Lord distinguished faith in a special way to ensure its preservation. This is clear from the meaning of 'a sign' and of 'putting a sign' on somebody, which is a way of distinguishing him, as in Ezekiel,

Jehovah said, Go through the middle of the city, through the middle of Jerusalem, and make a sign on (or designate) the foreheads of the men (vir) who groan and sigh over all the abominations. Ezekiel 9:4.

Here 'designating foreheads' does not mean putting a sign or stroke on their foreheads but a way of distinguishing from others. Something similar is said in John about men who did not have God's sign on their foreheads being subject to condemnation, Revelation 9:4. Here again 'having a sign' stands for a way of distinguishing.

[2] In the same book this sign is also called 'a mark', where reference is made to placing a mark on the hand and on the forehead, Revelation 14:9. That which was meant by signs and marks the Jewish Church represented by binding the first and great commandment on to the hand and on to the forehead, a practice mentioned in Moses,

Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah; you shall love Jehovah your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And you shall bind them as a sign on to your hand; and let them be as frontlets between your eyes. Deuteronomy 6:4-5, 8; 11:13, 18.

This represented the requirement to distinguish the commandment concerning love above all other commandments. This shows what making a sign on the hand and on the forehead means.

In Isaiah,

One is coming to gather all nations and tongues, and they will come and see My glory, and I will set a sign among them. Isaiah 66:18-19.

And in David,

Look to me and have compassion on me; give Your strength to Your servant, and save the son of Your handmaid. Make a sign in me for what is good, and let those who hate me see and be put to shame. Psalms 86:16-17.

From all these quotations it is now clear what 'a sign' means. Let nobody suppose therefore that some sign was put on a man called Cain, for the internal sense of the Word embodies matters altogether different from those of the sense of the letter.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.