




1 利亞給雅各所生的女兒底拿出去,要見那的女子們。

2 的主─希未人、哈抹的兒子示劍見他,就拉住他,與他行淫,玷辱他。

3 示劍的繫戀雅各的女兒底拿,喜這女子,甜言蜜語地安慰他。

4 示劍對他父親哈抹:求你為我聘這女子為妻。

5 雅各見示劍玷污了他的女兒底拿。那時他的兒子們正和群畜在田野,雅各就閉口不言,等他們回

6 示劍的父親哈抹出來見雅各,要和他商議。

7 雅各的兒子們見這事,就從田野回,人人忿恨,十分惱怒;因示劍在以色列家作了醜事,與雅各的女兒行淫,這本是不該做的事。

8 哈抹和他們商議:我兒子示劍的心戀慕這女子,求你們將他我的兒子為妻。

9 你們與我們彼此結親;你們可以把女兒我們,也可以娶我們女兒

10 你們與我們罷!這都在你們面前,只管在此居住,做買賣,置產業。

11 示劍對女兒的父親弟兄們:但願我在你們眼前蒙恩,你們向我要甚麼,我必你們。

12 任憑向我要多重的聘金和禮物,我必照你們所你們;只要把女子我為妻。

13 雅各的兒子們因為示劍玷污了他們的妹子底拿,就用詭詐的話回答示劍和他父親哈抹,

14 對他們我們不能把我們的妹子沒有受割禮的人為妻,因為那是我們的羞辱。

15 惟有一件才可以應允:若你們所有的男丁都受割禮,和我們一樣,

16 我們就把女兒你們,也娶你們的女兒我們便與你們同,兩下成為樣的人民。

17 倘若你們不我們割禮我們就帶著妹子走了。

18 哈抹和他的兒子示劍喜歡這

19 那少年人做這事並不遲延,因為他喜愛雅各的女兒;他在他父親家中也是人最尊重的。

20 哈抹和他兒子示劍到本城的門口,對本城的人

21 這些人與我們和睦,不如許他們在這居住,做買賣;這也寬闊,足可容下他們。我們可以娶他們的女兒為妻,也可以把我們女兒他們。

22 惟有件事我們必須做,他們才肯應允和我們,成為樣的人民:就是我們中間所有的男丁都要受割禮,和他們樣。

23 他們的群畜、貨財,和一切的牲口豈不都歸我們麼?只要依從他們,他們就與我們

24 凡從城出入的人就都從哈抹和他兒子示劍的話;於是凡從城出入的男丁都受了割禮

25 第三,眾正在疼痛的時候,雅各的兩個兒子,就是底拿的哥哥西緬和利未,各拿刀,趁著眾想不到的時候到城中,把一切殺了,

26 又用刀殺了哈抹和他兒子示劍,把底拿從示劍家裡帶出來就走了。

27 雅各的兒子們因為他們的妹子受了玷污,就被殺的人那裡,擄掠那城,

28 奪了他們的羊群牛群,和,並城裡田間所有的;

29 又把他們一切貨財、孩子、婦女,並各房中所有的,都擄掠去了。

30 雅各西緬和利未:你們連累我,使我在這居民中,就是在迦南人和比利洗人中,有了名。我的人丁既然稀少,他們必聚集來擊殺我,我和全家的人都必滅絕。

31 他們:他豈可待我們的妹子如同妓女麼?




Arcana Coelestia#4449



4449. 'His soul longs for your daughter; give her, I beg you, to him for a wife' means a longing to be joined to this new Church which in outward appearance was similar to the Ancient Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'the soul's longing' as a longing; from the representation of Dinah, to whom 'daughter' refers here, as the affection for truth, and therefore as the Church, for a Church is a Church by virtue of its affection for truth - such a Church being meant here by a new Church; and from the meaning of 'giving her for a wife' as a joining together, dealt with in 4434.

[2] As regards that new Church which was established among the descendants of Jacob being in outward appearance similar to the Ancient Church, it should be realized that the statutes, judgements, and laws which were prescribed through Moses for the Israelite and Jewish nation were no different from the statutes, judgements, and laws which existed in the Ancient Church, such as those concerning betrothals and marriages, concerning slaves, concerning the living creatures which were suitable for food and those which were not suitable, concerning cleansings, festivals, tabernacles, the perpetual fire, and many other things; also concerning altars, burnt offerings, sacrifices, libations, that had been received in the second Ancient Church which began with Eber. The fact that all of these were known before they were prescribed for that nation is quite evident from the historical descriptions of the Word.

[3] Take merely altars, burnt offerings, and sacrifices. Of Balaam it is recorded that he ordered them to build seven altars and to offer on them burnt offerings and sacrifices of young bulls and rams, Numbers 23:1-2, 14-15, 29. Besides this, it is said of the nations in many places, that their altars were to be destroyed; and of the prophets of Baal whom Elijah slew, that they offered sacrifices. These facts make it clear that sacrifices which were prescribed for the descendants of Jacob were not new; nor were the rest of the statutes, judgements, and laws. But because these things became idolatrous among the nations - in particular through their use of those things to worship some profane god, which resulted in them turning representatives of Divine things to what is of hell, in addition to the many: practices which they added to these - those same things were reinstated so that the representative worship of the Ancient Church might be restored. From this it becomes clear that this new Church which was established among Jacob's descendants was in outward appearance similar to the Ancient Church.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.