




1 十二年十二初一日,耶和華的臨到我說:

2 人子啊,你要為埃及法老哀歌:從前你在列國中,如同少壯獅子;現在你卻像中的大魚。你衝出江,用爪攪動諸,使江渾濁。

3 耶和華如此:我必用多國的人民,將我的撒在你身上,把你拉上來。

4 我必將你丟在上,拋在田野,使空中的飛都落在你身上,使遍的野獸吃你得飽。

5 我必將你的丟在間,用你高大的屍首滿谷。

6 我又必用你的血澆灌你所游泳之,漫過頂;河道都必充滿。

7 我將你撲滅的時候,要把遮蔽,使眾昏暗,以密遮掩太陽月亮也不放

8 我必使上的亮都在你以上變為昏,使你的黑暗。這是耶和華的。

9 我使你敗亡的風聲傳到你所不認識的各國。那時,我必使多民的因你愁煩。

10 我在許多國民和君面前向你掄我的刀,國民就必因你驚奇,君也必因你極其恐慌。在你仆倒的日子,他們各為自己的性命時刻戰兢。

11 耶和華如此:巴比倫王的刀必臨到你。

12 我必藉勇士的刀使你的眾民仆倒;這勇士都是列國中強暴的。他們必使埃及的驕傲歸於無有;埃及的眾民必被滅絕。

13 我必從埃及多水旁除滅所有的走;人必不再攪渾這水。

14 那時,我必使埃及澄清,江緩流。這是耶和華的。

15 我使埃及變為荒廢淒涼;這缺少從前所充滿的,又擊殺其中一切的居民。那時,他們就知道我是耶和華

16 人必用這哀歌去哀哭,列國的女子為埃及和他的群眾也必以此悲哀。這是耶和華的。

17 十二年十二十五日,耶和華的臨到我說:

18 人子啊,你要為埃及群眾哀號,又要將埃及和有名之國的女子,並的人,一同扔到陰府去。

19 你埃及的美麗勝過誰呢?你去與未受割禮的人一同躺臥罷!

20 他們必在被殺的人中仆到。他被交,要把他和他的群眾拉去。

21 強盛的勇士要在陰間對埃及王和幫助他的說話;他們是未受割禮被殺的人,已經去,躺臥不動。

22 亞述和他的眾民都在那裡,他民的墳墓在他四圍;他們都是被殺倒在刀下的。

23 他們的墳墓中極深之處。他的眾民在他墳墓的四圍,都是被殺倒在刀下的;他們曾在活人之使人驚恐。

24 以攔也在那裡,他的群眾在他墳墓的四圍,都是被殺倒在刀、未受割禮而陰府的;他們曾在活人之使人驚恐,並且與的人一同擔當羞辱

25 他和他的群眾在被殺的人中設立榻。他民的墳墓在他四圍,他們都是未受割禮被刀殺的;他們曾在活人之使人驚恐,並且與的人一同擔當羞辱。以攔已經放在被殺的人中。

26 米設、土巴,和他們的群眾都在那裡。他民的墳墓在他四圍,他們都是未受割禮被刀殺的;他們曾在活人之使人驚恐。

27 他們不得與那未受割禮仆倒的勇士一同躺臥;這些勇士帶著兵器陰間,枕刀骨頭上有本身的罪孽;他們曾在活人之使勇士驚恐。

28 法老啊,你必在未受割禮的人中敗壞,與那些被殺的人一同躺臥。

29 以東也在那裡。他君和一切首領雖然仗著勢力,還是放在被殺的人中;他們必與未受割禮的和的人一同躺臥。

30 在那裡有北方的眾王子和一切西頓人,都與被殺的人去。他們雖然仗著勢力使人驚恐,還是蒙羞。他們未受割禮,和被刀殺的一同躺臥,與的人一同擔當羞辱

31 法老見他們,便為他被殺軍隊安慰。這是耶和華的。

32 我任憑法老在活人之使人驚恐,法老和他的群眾必放在未受割禮和被殺的人中。這是耶和華的。




Apocalypse Revealed#51



51. Having in His right hand seven stars. (1:16) This symbolizes all concepts of goodness and truth in the Word, which exist therefore in angels in heaven and in people in the church.

When angels are below the heavens, a great number of what look like little stars appear around them, and likewise around spirits who, when they lived in the world, acquired concepts of goodness and truth for themselves from the Word, or truths of life and doctrine. These little stars appear fixed, however, in the case of those who possess genuine truths from the Word, but wandering in the case of those who possess falsified truths.

(Regarding these little stars, and the stars appearing in the sky there, I could relate marvelous things, but that is not the subject of this work.)

It is apparent from this that stars symbolize concepts of goodness and truth from the Word.

The Son of Man's having them in His right hand means, symbolically, that they come from the Lord alone through the Word. Seven symbolically means all, as may be seen in no. 10 above.

[2] That stars symbolize concepts of goodness and truth from the Word may be seen also from the following passages:

(I will) turn the earth into a wasteland... ...the stars of heaven and their constellations will not give their light. (Isaiah 13:9-10)

The earth that will be turned into a wasteland is the church, in which, having been laid waste, concepts of goodness and truth in the Word are not seen.

When I put out your light, I will cover the heavens... All the bright lights of the heavens I will make dark over you, and bring darkness upon your land. (Ezekiel 32:7-8)

Darkness upon the land is the darkness of falsities in the church.

The sun and moon grow dark, and the stars diminish their brightness. (Joel 2:10; 3:15)

...after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven... (Matthew 24:29, cf. Mark 13:24)

The stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs... (Revelation 6:13)

...a star (fell) from heaven to the earth. (Revelation 9:1)

Stars falling from heaven do not mean stars, but concepts of goodness and truth perishing.

[3] This is still more apparent from the statement that a dragon swept down a third of the stars from heaven, in Revelation 12:4, and the statement that a he-goat cast down some of the stars and trampled them, in Daniel 8:8-11. That is why the next verse in Daniel goes on to say that it cast truth to the ground (Daniel 8:12).

Stars also symbolize concepts of goodness and truth in the following passages:

(Jehovah) counts... the stars; He gives all of them names. (Psalms 147:4)

Praise (Jehovah), all you stars of light! (Psalms 148:3)

The stars from their courses fought... (Judges 5:20)

From this it is apparent what is meant by the following statement in Daniel:

The intelligent shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, ...those turning many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. (Daniel 12:3)

The intelligent are people concerned with truths, and those turning many to righteousness are those concerned with goodness.


Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.